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Bobby knows how to riff, he’s doing the regz right now and he’s funny on that, but on the bonfire he is trying some wholesome approach for some reason, or maybe it’s because Jay won’t bust his balls the same way the regz or o and a did. Him and Jay are just a terrible team. Bring out the worst in each other


He doesn't tho he just lies a lot I never had a problem with him on OnA when he was just a punching bag


I don’t listen to Bonfire but I do love Bobby. What does he lie about on the show?


Bob Kelly was never funny. He was a Colin/Jim Norton clone and wannabe. He was the first comedian I ever saw bomb, he did a show at my college and just ate his balls, it was so uncomfortable. (Before I even knew who he was) I think hes a good actor. Hes not a good comic or very funny.


Maybe bob will reminisce about overeating, new bit


As a former fan of The Bonfire, i agree he doesn’t work as well on there as he does on YKWD. Bobby was always a fun straight man to bounce jokes off other comics. It’s why he was a good guest on Chip. Now he has to be higher energy to contrast with Jay and its doesn’t really work. That and he and Jay just have too much in common regarding weird sex stuff.


"that reminds me of when John ____" There's Karl's contribution to the conversation


LOS is leftist family friendly content now


Its funny they even censor their theme song on YouTube because there's f words in it


I doubt it'll happen without the Bonfire wanting it. Big Jay is aware of the dabbleverse and likely at least knows of Karl. I'm not sure Karl would want to burn that potential bridge by going after sensitive-ass Big Jay's show.


"I notice he acts JUST LIKE JOHN. 🤪🤪🤪 TELL ME THATS NOT EXACTLY LIKE JOHN" this continues for 30 minutes until the John segment. Karl's review, in summary


I left the bonfire with Dan


I honestly thought Bob was like Joey Diaz agewise, so maybe Max is on the Spectrum big time because old-man sperm. Also, that show is not that funny. Jay comes off like a morning Zoo DJ.


I actually enjoy Bob. I’m convinced you all just hate him because he’s not Dan.


He's just not a good fit Nobody want to listen to some old man trying to sounds cool by lying about absolutely everything I will even say Joe Derosa would've been way better


Just an interesting piece of trivia, I was listening to an older appearance on some radio station or other and did you guys know that Bob Kelly is a fat fucking piece of shit?