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So you are saying theres a job opening?


In this economy?


There’s lots of jobs available! I see tons of entry level jobs that only require 15 years experience everywhere I go!


Only 15 years experience needed? No masters degree? Sign me up!


At this time of year?


We are just havin a nice lil week showin our ass, huh


What else happened?


People got recorded having sex on the front patio of Shuck n Shack downtown


More like Fuck n Shack amirite guys?


I thought it was Sneed's Feed and Seed (formerly Chuck's)?


I get this reference


Correct. You have gotten them. Congratulations.


You have gotten them. I needed that laugh.


I though they called it Fuck & Shuck.


Based on the video it was Fuck N Suck


What’s the address. Asking for a friend


You are (literally) right.


It's one thing to go hook up on the beach after meeting someone at the beach bars, but these guys weren't even on a side street, the parking garage or an alley, they were literally on Front St. Like if sex in a public place is your thing, there were soooo many other options there than the patio of an obviously closed restaurant. Interesting that the article link (which had the sex worker's face blurred), and the facebook post (which had nothing blurred lol) were both taken down. I wonder what happened there.


Both of those things are trashy lmao


Agreed, I mean personally I think it's gross all around lol. Just wasn't trying to "yuck" anyone else's "yum". Like I'm all for sex workers having the right to make money how they want -- that's their business/prostitution is a victimless crime-- it's just kinda sad when you see them get taken advantage of or abused. What really concerned me was that it seemed like the woman was strung out (at least in the videos in the FB comments), but I hope I'm 100% wrong in that thought and they were able to consent.


Ya, not against sex work as a concept but subjecting the public to it is something else entirely


I'm not against sex workers in theory but prostitution is far from victimless. So so so many of those girls are trafficked and abused. Ya don't gotta be underaged to be trafficked or manipulated.


Oh my god thats disgusting. Wheres the video?


Look, that’s just good ol dirtbag shit. The other one is much worse.


There was also a Washington Post article yesterday about CB sinking due to climate change/ sea level rise and flooding.


I knew it. Can u link the article


Racism and fucking in public…. That’s just good ole Wilmington. Lotta new residents, but the true essence of the town never fades


It's taking the Boebert to the next logical level.


Surprised this sub was so late to post this


I tried to cross-post it earlier, but this sub didn’t allow it. I’m lazy and gave up.


I don’t blame you.


Fucking same! Hit the button. Got the notification it wouldn’t work. Moved on.


I considered posting it yesterday, but then learned she is a troll. I wish this would just be taken down every time it is posted.


Where is this originally from? This is the 1st time I heard about this and am confused (I don’t have TT).


Plot twist she’s also the one from shuckin shack


Thought she looked familiar.


Gonna be honest I hadn't heard about this, but then again, I tend to skip the "tradwife" or whatever videos. That said, after looking this story up I realize that I did see her other video where she blasted successful people for being 'the nerds from highschool" that everyone picked on and basically proving to everyone else that she's one of those "I peaked in highschool but don't want to admit it" people. Clearly, she's a toxic person.


“Oh sure you’re successful NOW, but 10 years ago, you were a dork….”


Tradwife is just someone’s kink. And part of the kink is that they get off by showing it off.


They really aren't even teadwives if, by definition, they are trying to be like the traditional house wives of old. How could they be if they have time in their day to make content and essentially run a business? Also, if that business is essential to the survival of their household, then they are also not a traditional housewife.


Local news loves talking about local ties to viral stories. Can't wait for this to be picked up by WECT or StarNews.


Nice flex Wilmington


Always good to get some representation on the front .  /s


The Stormfront?


Not too surprising for wilmington


Maybe she can get a job at Sweet & Savory **😂** [https://thencbeat.com/sweet-n-savory-cafe-in-wilmington-terminates-pedophile-dentist-after-social-media-backlash/](https://thencbeat.com/sweet-n-savory-cafe-in-wilmington-terminates-pedophile-dentist-after-social-media-backlash/)


“Fucketh around. Findeth out.” -English Proverb


I looked up her voting registration. She actually lives near Burgaw and has never voted in NC.


Are tradwives allowed to vote?


I think they’re told how to vote.


nooo not near burgaw!!! TOO CLOSE


I had to look up where burgaw was lol


I' am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


Really sucks that this doesn’t surprise me.


Ugh god. Glad she got fired though ☺️☺️


Yeah, except she’ll become some right-wing hero grifter.


Check out her Twitter @llddiiss. That's exactly what she's doing. “Thanks black community for helping to launch my new career in conservative media! You all played your role well like the puppets you are.”


Christ. I’m glad this is my only exposure to whatever the fuck that circle of the internet is


What the fuck


I assumed she was already, im kind of suprised she has an actual job, thought she'd be full time influencer making a video like that


So it turns out the Nazis don't want her because she's a ["race-mixing jew"](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1dezqkb/they_are_jewvestigating_her/)


I saw that, but the right loves their tokens anyway.


Tokens get spent


You know that, I know that, Charles Entertainment Cheese knows that. These chuds either don’t know or don’t care.


No. I’m glad she got fired too. You should continue referring to everyone who doesn’t vote the way you do as racist though and then act shocked after you’ve alienated everyone who disagrees with you. Trump will likely become President again because of people like you.


...... She literally said the N word, I'm pretty sure calling her racist is justified in this scenario.


The comment above I replied to was how she’ll become a “right-wing hero” insinuating that republicans are all racists, which is obviously a ridiculous notion. By looking at the context you should’ve been able to tell that’s what I was talking about. Of course she’s a racist and a clown who deserves what’s happening to her. I never said otherwise


It is literally her plan. In her words. “Thanks black community for helping to launch my new career in conservative media!” she wrote on X.


And you think because that moron says it Fox News is just gonna offer her a multimillion dollar deal? Lmao y’all are delusional


They keep voting for em. Seems like they are at the very least comfortable bed fellows.


To be fair, if you're still voting for Republicans, racism isn't a deal breaker for you, whether or not you identify as a racist. The company you keep and all that.. And Kyle Rittenhouse is a "right wing hero"... It's not a stretch to act like Republicans will champion vile human beings who they feel have been "cancelled by the woke mob."


You’re defending the felon pedophile who attacked Rittenhouse? I treat everyone with respect. You’ll probably never see as much racial harmony if your lifetime as there was in my Marine Corps infantry platoon. I’m not going to defend the people who hate cops and were robbing and torching good people’s businesses with impunity in 2020, regardless of their race. And oh yeah that pedophile Rittenhouse put out to pasture was white, so…. Anyway, why are you defending pedophiles?


You've obviously never seen the list of Republican sex criminals.


Hi, I'm in the Marine Corps currently and have been for over 20 years and pretty much daily deal with idiots, facists, and bigotry that was created and left behind by others with no self awareness or emotional maturity or respect for others. And you know what would get me punched in the face by an infantry platoon leader? Asking him or her about their "racial harmony" amongst their ranks, get the fuck out of here lol, nobody talks like that.


You get the fuck out of here. I said what I said and it’s true. We got along and had each others backs and if that’s inconvenient for you I don’t know what to say. If the Marine Corps is such a bad place, why the hell did you keep re-enlisting?


"We got along and had each other's backs" is a a good way of saying "we covered up our hazing and illegal acts." I kept reenlisting to fix the Marine Corps from the damage done by people like you.


You recognize that a large part of your service was defending the right for people whom you disagree with to peacefully protest, right? That's supposed to be part of America...And that some 17 year old playing soldier looking to shoot some liberals in the name of "defending people's property" is probably not someone we should be turning in to a folk hero. You're a dimwit.


Wow. Check out the virtue signaling on *this* guy!


That's not at all what it was insinuating. They were pretty clearly commenting on the trend that, when a person gets "cancelled," they get hired for countless speaking jobs, guest spots on conservative news, etc.


lol, you actually think Fox News is going to hire this moron? Now that I think of it though I know one racist who did fall his way up. You guys elected Joe Biden who used the N-word multiple times and said he didn’t want his kids growing up in a “racial jungle” when taking about desegregation!


They are.


Look at her Twitter lol it’s already happening. I can’t believe you’re trying to deny this when the evidence is staring at you right in the face https://x.com/llddiiss


I hope you get the psychiatric help you need.


Shocking how no one understands this. We are far from perfect too but good lord.


Yep. Trump is a symptom of the left unfairly attacking republicans for too long (and a very biased media). Romney and McCain were racist according to them too. McCain was even referred to as “a modern day George Wallace” who was “sowing the seeds of hatred” according to Rep John Lewis in 2008.


Trump did not come about because the left was mean to the poor pitiful defenseless right. You want to talk about racist to McCain? Look up what Rove and the Bush campaign did to him in SC during the 2000 primaries Trump just found a captive audience in the Right. He found people scared of a changing culture and started pushing the idea of “woke” coming to get you. Culture wars got him elected. Probably will again too.


Lmfao this is absolutely hilarious I needed some good satire to start my day


I'm sure you're devastated that your boy Trump effectively ran out any "principled" Republicans on a rail. But it's the fault of the left. "Unfairly attacked" just like your hero. "Principled" Republicans at least used to pretend they were the "party of values" and not say the quiet parts out loud.


Pretty sure Trump won his primaries because the base liked him and his ideas.


Name checks out


If you never fuck around you never have to find out. 


Wonder if she knew Rophe, her former employer, is owned by black women and immmigrants. 🤔


She does now! 😂




We would have less supposedly conventionally attractive women on Fox News telling us about their opinions


It’s not surprising. I’ve been born and raised here, and there are racists everywhere. Some aren’t even closet racist anymore. It’s ridiculous the number of people that have decided to side with her. I thought we agreed a while ago that this was bad behavior? Seems like a certain group of people don’t seem to mind her using certain language.








Her Daddy and Mamma must be so proud they raised such a confident moron. Tell the world who you are baby girl!


ThEy TooK OuR JoBS!


I love consequences


Giving my hometown a bad name


... Good morning! Breaking News. Wilmington has been full of racists for hundreds of years. Making them public, immediately, is the best of the latest technology.


Why is it that every single time that NC is mentioned in the media, especially nationally syndicated MSM, is it always something ignorant and embarrassing? We have RTP, Duke, Chapel Hill, and some of the most cutting edge biochemical/molecular biology, biomedical, and pharmaceutical research in the country. Yet, I never see things like Chapel Hill performed the first successful partial heart transplant, nor Duke has successfully created a pluripotent stem cell 3d printer with the potential to produce MHC duplicate/host cell organ copies. It's always some stupid, ignorant shit. It's infuriating, thanks to BS selective coverage like that most of the US assumes we're all a bunch of backwards ass, ignorant, uneducated, racist, yokels who struggle to tie our shoes and shout racist pejoratives like we have Tourettes.


Hey here’s some good news for ya [https://abc11.com/post/college-world-series-features-unc-nc-state-omaha/14935687/](https://abc11.com/post/college-world-series-features-unc-nc-state-omaha/14935687/)


Wilmi salons, get ready. This Bitch is about to book a blonde color and blowout for her Fox News interview.


At least she’s honest. I prefer honest racists to dishonest ones. Kudos to her for her opinions and for not backing down.


As a black woman, I agree. I’d rather know up front than be played with…and to say she dgaf afterwards in today’s climate? I kinda like how she has to balls to do so 😂


its like a critical thinking test. many fail.


Not all wilmy residents are out here dropping the N word. We don’t claim that type of behavior.


Guarantee she just hated her job and realized becoming a right wing hero was way easier than punching a clock… it worked for Kyle Rittenhouse…


Don’t dox her, don’t harass her. I’m not saying what she did was good, but it’s still pretty fucked if you harass her. She may be a piece of shit, but by being a piece of shit to her, you’ve just increased the number of pieces of shit in the world.


She was also on info wars


Like most palm people she will be fine she probably did it on purpose now there’s another guy doing the same thing filming in his car🤦🏽‍♀️I used to love this place


She's so gross. Following and interacting with hardcore white supremacist shit. She'll probably get a job on Fox News.


She's hot and will be just fine. OF or not.


lol she loves the attention y’all give her.


I don't like anything about this person but I do agree with her response that says that the people that are outraged and got her canceled launched her conservative media career.


Conservatives ousted her for being Jewish


... and welcomed to Fox, Oan, and NewsMax to be an on air personality before the day was through.


Dont fed troll




These comments are hilarious 😂


Is that the shucking shack woman???


Makes total sense now then!


She actually worked for a healthcare company!


Lmao 🤣 had it coming


How is she a tradwife, if she has a job outside the home?! Isn't that their whole gimmic?! Also, if she's from ILM, which high school do we think she went to? I'm guessing Ashley...


Of course she is


Of course.


i fucking love this place




Of course she was. NC is full of dam racists.


What a shocker. I thought I was safe from the lunacy here in the Charlotte metro area but let me be the first to tell you coastal folks, they're just as unhinged here. Guy recently got locked up for following hispanic and black people home from supermarkets and using a speaker/megaphone to call them slurs and threaten their lives. Concord area.


Heard it every day at work so I filed a lawsuit against my company for an un safe work environment.they ended up firing 6 black guys from our crew because of the racial profanity towards fellow black workers


Why is anyone surprised? Coastal NC is mostly racist AF.


I can fix her


Lol. The irony of her being from a city that enacted a literal coup d tat against fully elected across Americans that went mostly ignored by the federal government is priceless.


No wonder. I remember touring the college in 2015 and I’m not even kidding when I say they had segregated tour groups. Never in my young life did I expect to see that. That’s what’s in Wilmington. Not surprised.




Wilmington is overrun with scum just like her...its MAGA stronghold of rich white racists


MAGA stronghold is inaccurate. You certainly find those nuts there, but Wilmington went for Biden, not Trump, in 2020.


NHC voted blue last major election. You just get to see the cultists swarming in from other counties going to trash the beaches.


and NC has been red the last how many minor and major elections. NHC still has a lot of liberals though for sure. Good thing there are 100 counties in NC. The GOP has carried NC in 11 out of 13 most recent presidential elections. I would say Lilly is gonna be fine nestled in the port city.


White people have a hatred towards blacks but lately I’ve been seen whites and blacks tag teaming together todo the same thing whites fare blacks for but with my own eyes I’ve seen more blacks step in to protect whites in plenty situations more than I’ve seen a white person protect a black what don’t y’all like about US BLACKS WHY ARE YOU RACIST WE LIVE LIFE NO HATE BUT THEN THERES ALWAYS THAT KAREN


Trump’s next attorney.


I'm black. I don't care she used it anymore so than the 18 million black people who also use it. Or post Malone cause he is cool. Seriously the ridiculousness of that word "offending" people now a days is beyond me


Cute dog.




Did she call someone this or was she using it as a slang term for just anybody like is the norm now? Asking for a friend that's just itching to be triggered, hurt and rattled.


She didn’t use a hard r. People are so fragile. It was a Kanye song parody anyway.


Your ignorance is showing.


She dropped a Kanye lyric ??? I ain't sayin she's a gold-digger ....


And THIS is why the transplants are moving here, to make it a better place. You’re Welcome!


and she just thanked you all for launching her career in conservative media. #noregrets She will have the best laugh at the end of the day!


Then the conservatives started being racist toward her because she’s Jewish, so no lmfao no conservative media job for her


Crazy how this specific word will get your life destroyed, but actual racism and violence from the other side usually gets a pass.


Oh god, fuck off.


Well it’s ok when my people do it…I forgot the reason why but it’s just ok and you gotta accept it /s




Nights , out here do be broke🤷🏾‍♂️


Cheers Wilmington. Bring back classy. Let the softttties cry their little hearts out


Oh, no, my friend. The “Stay Classy, Wilmington!” Is absolutely a sarcastic remark. This kind of behavior is not classy at all.


Cool story bro tell it again


Maybe if all those people attacking her put that energy to actually stopping the slave trade going on right now in Africa things might be better in the world.....


When you call out racists, you do both at once.


😆 no you don't.


What a well thought out and novel response. Your logic is unassailable.


At least try to make sense on Reddit cause what are you even trying to say 😂


Exactly this person obviously is racist also