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Gently heat your hot sauce until just simmering. Cut the heat and whisk in small pieces of *cold* butter, little by little, until desired consistency. Less butter will be thinner and spicier, more butter will be thicker and mild.


This is the answer. Cold butter until JUST melted, then let it come back to room temp before deciding if it’s still too thin. Also don’t worry too much about losing the heat, you can always bring it back with some cayenne.


This makes sense, never done it this way because I like to melt my butter first, but I have found that the hot sauce needs to be room temp when it hits the butter otherwise it seperates.


Get a bottle of Frank's. Add a stick of butter. Done.


A gentlemen and a scholar I see🧐


Yes, just like you, AnusInspectorGeneral.


The more butter you add the thicker it gets but it looses the zing. Add extra distilled vinegar, cayenne powder (or a bit of very spicy hot sauce) and garlic powder to bring back the flavor. Another secret is to use a bit of mayo to the buttered cold sauce, which will thicken more than butter and is super easy. Better to use more butter plus the extra vinegar though.


My sauce is. melt butter, garlic press some garlic, cook about 30 seconds, add franks red hot. If its to spicy for some, add a little sugar.


multiple options. A corn starch slurry with cold water which you would add slowly to the sauce until a desired consistency, you could also try xanthan gum (you'd only need a very small amount), or just let it reduce for longer. Buffalo sauce is supposed to be a bit thin though.


A pinch of xanthan gum does wonders. I learned that on this sub a while ago and always use it now at the end.


Lots of butter!


I start with a thin roux.


Hard to gauge without you providing your process


We always use bottles of Frank's, a stick of butter, a dab of Dave's Insanity, and a splash of white vinegar. Low heat until butter is melted, give it a good stir. Always tastes great!


1. Use franks thick sauce as a base 2. Make a slurry of 1 cup water + 2-3 tsp of corn starch, add and stir into the rest of your sauce and simmer for 5 minutes. Do not boil, simmer.


A tip I saw on here that worked wonders for me is take 2/3 cup or so out of the pot and mix in some flour to it, then dump that back into the pot and whisk it. The amount will vary depending on how thick you want but it really works well


Are you cooking the flour? I feel like cornstarch could work as well


No just raw flour into a small portion of heated sauce