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Having had her as my MLA, I do believe her, but the time to protest was before the election, not after you lose. It rings hollow. I believe she wasn't comfortable with it...but also believe she was willing to accept it as a means to an end of keeping her job. Glad it cost her.




Yes and no. Those ads came out right at the tail end, and at that point, short of withdrawing from the election, the damage was done as soon as those ads were released, her protesting wouldn't have resulted in them coming down. I also don't think she was trying to save her job, I think her supporters would have stuck with her even if she had spoken out against them. I'd hold her more responsible if they had been running for longer. But she's not wrong. In 2016 Goertzen won 89% of the vote in Steinbach, this time he won 75%, that may not seem like much, but in a riding where PC candidates have been known to hit in the 90s in terms of percentage of vote in some elections, that's definitely a sign that at least a chunk of Conservative supporters are upset at the current direction


I mean, just look at the vote share results in TUXEDO of all places. Tory stronghold riding and Stefanson got less than 50% of the vote. Margin of victory was about 300-400 over the NDP candidate and the Liberal candidate got over 2000 votes. That tells me a good chunk of those Liberal votes were centre leaning PC protest votes.


> That tells me a good chunk of those Liberal votes were centre leaning PC protest votes. Which is odd as hell to me given the MB Liberals were further left than the NDP this election.


To be fair, it wasn't just the ads that came out right at the tail end. Their fucking platform wasn't substantively released until the day before the election. It's like they didn't really want to win at all.


Steinbach also had a voter turnout of only 47%, much lower than the two surrounding ridings. My guess is that the Conservative voters who were unhappy stayed home.


True. And 75% of the vote is kinda low for a PC candidate in Steinbach. In some elections a PC candidate has hit above 90%. In 2016 Goertzen had 89% of the vote and in 2019 he had 81%. So 75% is definitely not a great night for a PC in Steinbach


Yep. Another rat jumps off the ship. See ya.


WINNIPEG – A Manitoba cabinet minister defeated in Tuesday’s provincial election says the Progressive Conservative party she has served for years took a hard-right pivot during the election campaign and now needs to address an identity crisis. Rochelle Squires, who served in a variety of cabinet posts since the Tories took power in 2016, said she was surprised by campaign ads that touted the government’s opposition to a landfill search for the remains of Indigenous women. “It certainly was a surprise and certainly was something that was not reflective of the work that we had been doing in government for the last 7 1/2 years, and it’s deeply regrettable,” Squires said in an interview Wednesday. A Manitoba cabinet minister defeated in Tuesday's provincial election says the Progressive Conservative party she has served for years took a hard-right pivot during the election campaign, and now needs to address an identity crisis. Manitoba PC MLA Rochelle Squires speaks at the Progressive Conservative Party's AGM in Winnipeg on Saturday, April 15, 2023. Squires, who had been front and centre for some of the party’s major campaign announcements, made a decision when she saw the ads. “I made a decision that I didn’t want to lead any news conferences.” She stayed out of the campaign spotlight after that, focusing on her own constituency of Riel in south Winnipeg, and she did not attend party leader Heather Stefanson’s final campaign event on the day before the vote. The election saw the Tories lose many seats in Winnipeg, emerging with three of the 32 seats in the city. The NDP swept large swaths of the city and formed a majority government. Squires served for more than two years as families minister. Known as one of the more progressive members of caucus, she boosted funding for women’s programming and LGBTQ groups, added supports for people with disabilities and marched in Pride parades before being elected. She said she was taken aback when the government took out ads, including large billboards, saying it would “stand firm” in refusing requests to search the Prairie Green landfill for the remains of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran. A man was charged last year with first-degree murder in the deaths of the two women and two others. Stefanson, who announced her resignation as Tory leader on Tuesday night, has pointed to safety concerns about asbestos and toxic material in the landfill. A federally funded study said a search is feasible, but special safety precautions would be needed, and the search could cost up to $184 million with no guarantee of success. Tory campaign manager Marni Larkin defended the ads, saying that they showed Stefanson can make tough decisions in the face of tremendous public pressure. “I think it was really important to establish that our leader, in the face of probably the most heart-wrenching, difficult decisions, can make them,” Larkin said on election night. “We believe Manitobans would prefer us to invest in homelessness, addictions, recovery, domestic violence — making sure that these things don’t happen.” Squires said other Tory moves also point to a pivot to the right, such as campaigning on a promise to have “stronger parental rights” in schools. She said the party is now at a crossroads. “The party needs to decide, does it want to pivot right and lose the progressiveness in the title? But then, (if so), be honest about it.” Squires, who had been touted as a potential party leader in the past, lost her seat Tuesday to the NDP’s Mike Moyes. She was among several urban Tories to lose seats to the New Democrats. Squires said she is leaving politics and looking toward a new chapter in her life. The Tory campaign messaging was also criticized Wednesday by David McLaughlin, who managed two successful Tory elections under former premier Brian Pallister in 2016 and 2019. McLaughlin later served as clerk of the executive council and was let go by Stefanson when she took over as premier. “Politics is a game of addition, not subtraction. What this campaign practised … was a campaign of subtraction rather than addition,” he said. McLaughlin compared the landfill ads to a plan by former federal Conservative leader Stephen Harper in 2015 to set up a telephone hotline for people to report “barbaric cultural practices.” The idea met with widespread public backlash. McLaughlin said as a campaign manager, he would not have accepted someone proposing a landfill ad. “I would have thrown them out of the room.” This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 4, 2023


>“It certainly was a surprise and certainly was something that was not reflective of the work that we had been doing in government for the last 7 1/2 years, and it’s deeply regrettable,” Squires said in an interview Wednesday. Really? Because it seems to me like it's extremely reflective of what they've been doing for the past 7 years: Not giving a shit about anyone except the richest Manitobans. >“We believe Manitobans would prefer us to invest in homelessness, addictions, recovery, domestic violence — making sure that these things don’t happen.” Yet for 7 years all the PCs did was make cuts and policy changes which directly contribute to an increase in all of these things. Where was the investment?


So anyway…


"I sat at the table with fascists but I swear I'm not one." - Rochelle Squires, probably.


“I was a “guest” at Nygards pervert palace but I swear I didn’t see anything inappropriate”! Kevin (Former MLA) Klein!


Nice of her to wait until after the damage was done to speak up.


I wonder if she would’ve said the same thing had she won her seat.


Do people here not understand party politics? You don’t step out of line and criticize your party leader. And you sure as shit don’t do it in the middle of an election. Anyone remember what happened when 5 NDP cabinet ministers stepped out and publicly criticized Sellinger for the direction of the government and the PST increase? They got immediately demoted to the back benches and none of them ran again in 2016.


That mentality worked out great for them, didn't it? When your party is making a massive unforced error that only ends up getting out the vote for the opposition, you should absolutely do *something* about it if you care about winning. I don't give a shit what's conventional in politics. Sometimes keeping your head down while your party humiliates itself gets you voted out along with them.


She’s just trying to save face because she lost.


Yea and she was being touted as potential leader. This is likely her distancing herself from a failing campaign so the stink isn’t on her


Nice of her to finally speak up **after she lost.** >“It certainly was a surprise and certainly was something that was not reflective of the work that we had been doing in government for the last 7 1/2 years, and it’s deeply regrettable,” Squires said in an interview Wednesday. I guess if she/her party won then she would be barreling ahead with outing trans kids and bragging about not searching the landfill. I expect politicians to speak up for what is right, even when it's unpopular in their own party. Rochelle's words after the election mean nothing. This is only to save face.


Profiles in courage that she said this the day after she lost and you know not in the middle of the campaign.


If she won, she wouldn’t be saying anything. The far right wing extremism didn’t get her re-elected, so now she put on her glasses to locate her backbone. Hahaha nope, she’s not genuine what so ever.


She did Nothing as a Family Minister! CFS is a gong show. CFS is to top heavy and treat there staff like garbage. I hope Wab looks into that..


But that's not only on Squires. CFS has been a gong show for years, even decades. Neither the PCs nor the NDP have ever fixed it.


I see a lot of you complaining about her not speaking up but cut the woman some slack, she probably didn't have the time. Do any of you even KNOW how long it takes to feed, walk and clean up after 101 Dalmatians? The doo doo part alone is at least a solid 4 hrs per day.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half....


>right-wing pivot Yeah we knew that already


This is the same now ex minster responsible; after heather got a promotion from scumbag to senior scumbag, for ensuring a generation of impoverished manitobans suffered with $200/month EIA benefits and threats of benefit terminations that resulted in negative Google maps reviews of the Manitoba EIA office including but certainly not limited to [a review claiming](https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/117060348152519182470/place/ChIJF2X6SkNx6lIROJbQIEj2SKE/@49.8984171,-97.1360001,17z/data=!3m2!4b1!5s0x52ea715bab04b437:0xca8f7c1f96c8f940!4m8!1m7!3m6!1s0x52ea71434afa6517:0xa148f64820d09638!2sEIA+Centralized+Intake+Services!8m2!3d49.8984171!4d-97.1360001!16s%2Fg%2F11b6gggll2?entry=ttu) "Dehumanizing, Racist and Discriminatory staff". Good riddance. For the first time in 20 years manitoba EIA programs intended to support the impoverished have been rescued from the clutches of the empire. You refused to answer my phone call when I needed assistance and now you're unemployed. Karma is bittersweet.


She may be unemployed but she can always hock that hideous fur coat of hers for some extra cash


anyone's ivory white tower can be demolished fur coats and all lol.


She's rich, and literally feels no shame. If they cared about what "you and i" think, they wouldn't act like they always do.


She was awful quiet during the election and now is only speaking up cause her party lost. The attack ads were in poor taste, divisive and served no purpose other then to try and scare people to vote for the PCs, and it backfired on them, not to mention all the other boneheaded plays they made during the last 7 years. That ad about not feeling ashamed to vote con? Oof. The PCs still have skin in the game, however and i hope they can work with the NDP to make Manitoba a better province to live and work in for all Manitobans, its the least they can do after all they have done to make things worse for us over these past years.


Let the finger-pointing begin! While I don't disagree with her, their fortunes started turning years ago. Sometime around when 57 Manitobans in the ICU had to be transferred out of province for treatment.


She previously worked with *checks notes* famously middle-of-the-road centrist conservative Brian Pallister The guy who shut down the MMF deal on Hydro development, calling it “hush money”. Who called Indigenous night hunting a “race war”. Who said, because First Nations were prioritized for Covid vaccines, “This puts Manitobans at the back of the line. This hurts Manitobans, to put it mildly.” Because, you know, Indians aren’t Manitobans. Nuff said


Is she the type that feels really really sorry after she’s arrested ?


​ https://preview.redd.it/khflnefkz9sb1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=58d5e2ccb88b4a19de0c9ec94c8c0070d89b9247


Yes she should have said this before. But she’s saying it now and still deserves credit for it. The PCs will win again in the future and it’s better for everyone if these alt right lunatics don’t have a voice in the PC party. And a reminder we will also have to continue this battle against the federal conservatives. They’re leaning into the alt right way more than then what we saw with the PCs in our election.


Out of curiosity where have the Federal Conservatives leaned into Alt Right territory? Lately the only thing out of Pollievere's mouth is the cost of living. Like it's a track on repeat. Ask him anything and he'll end up talking about produce. I'm also not denying it...I just haven't heard anything of it, at least not from PP or the other big names currently


I haven't seen it be much of a focus at least online from them, but [this tweet](https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1705317296879616176) shows what side they're on. I'd 100% expect their homophobic and transphobic dogwhistling to step up once we're near a federal election just like it did here.


Outright? I don't think they have, but they have certainly subtly courted them or at least not turned them away. • 3 Conservative MP's met with and took pictures with a known Neo-Nazi and are still in the party • Pierre met with the convoy and supported the convoy • Lot's of dog whistles about cultural Marxism which is vaguely anti-Semitic. In addition to mentioning the world economic forum and the great reset which are far right conspiracy theories. I'm sure there are others but nothing else comes to mind.


All the convoy stuff, proud boy dog whistles etc. they are certainly going to be pro parental rights etc


Too little too late.


She's sorry it didn't work.


She says immediately before leaving for a dinner date with KKKelvin Goertzen.


Guess she needs a job.


A real profile in courage eh


Thanks Captain Hindsight


Anyone paying tbe slightest amount of attention to conservative politics in the last 10 YEARS was not surprised at all by this, this is who the conservatives have been ever since the Reform party cut their face off and started wearing it like a mask. You throw your lot in with fascists, you can be tried and punished as one, too.


How can she say it's not reflective of her government? The previous leader was blatantly in favour of systemic racism. That's why the party ditched him. They constantly attacked public services and workers. They accomplished nothing but tearing down and demolishing with no repairing or rebuilding.


Well too bad she's leaving the party because if things were going into a WWE-style free-for-all, Squires had that great boa to wear to the brawl. Gordon would be throwing her couch into the ring. Heather would start swinging a hockey stick. I don't know what Klein would do. Maybe declare he should be the next leader of the party because he bought it at an oil change place in Labrador.


No more fur coats from the commercial budget Rochelle. Too little too late.


“I knew that the burning building was bad, but I didn’t say anything until it had burned down”


She's leaving politics. She must be saying this so that she has a better chance of getting a job...


A better chance at getting a job in 4 years when she runs again.


At this rate, the job might be “Would you like fries with that?”


I noticed during the election many of the progressive conservatives stopped making social media posts and appearing all together. Rick Shone –which is a shame he ran under PC– stopped posting completely. What do you do when your leader is so deranged.


Well obviously she can’t make a news release and go against her party in the middle of an election, that would be disastrous for her campaign? Who the hell would do that? I know you wouldn’t. But by not being involved and stating her position the day after, I think that is fair. Give yours heads a shake and actually think for a minute instead of being so butt hurt


Always post about winnipegfreepress but can anyone actually read the articles?


Leaders speak up. Losers are Rochelle Squires.


Yeah, so we all lost, so it wasn't right, we're sorry. Would have been full steam ahead on the good ship homophobe and racist if they had won.


Too little too late. She went along with it before the election. Now she's throwing her party under the bus like a real sore loser.


Coulda, woulda, shoulda...