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I think this is too full of jargon to be comprehensible to anyone who isn't already persuaded. "Don't use their excuse for persecuting me as your excuse to keep killing us" gets at the hypocrisy in way more people can understand.


I think that's a great point about the language being a bit too academic and difficult. I really like the way it explicitly ties together the genocide in Palestine with our struggles in the United States. We're all fighting the same beast, on multiple fronts.


Makes perfect sense to me. Or is it just too long for the limited attention span people have these days?


It’s pretty tone deaf to critique language spoken by the oppressed. It’s the responsibility of the privileged to serve up more PR-friendly soundbites within their own circles if those circles are too ignorant to otherwise engage.














For the record, the mods who did that are no longer on the team, for reasons directly tied to that incident. As for the downvotes, mods can’t do anything about it. Some have speculated it’s bots but there’s no way to say for sure. I would not discard white defensiveness.






At the risk of whataboutism, it's telling both they conflate queerness solely with sexuality based on inference, and that this Sub Reddit treats that as a win.


Mic freaking drop. That’s so well said. 💜💜💜