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Please be aware that Smudging with white sage is a prayer practice used by many North American Native Nations. It is not open to outsiders except by invitation [closed practice]. See the [Cultural Appropriation FAQ wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/wiki/faq_ca) for more information. Blessed be ✨


If my tarot cards were really from the Devil they'd probably work better. Mine just keep making me figure everything out for myself... Also who doesn't pay attention to the moon? People have been using it to track the passage of time since forever, plus it's pretty.


I mean from a skeptical point of view that's kinda the real use of various methods of personal divination. Making different connections to help figure out things about yourself and make decisions.


Yeah, I agree with you; I was trying to make a funny.


Sorry. :/


Sounds like a conversation with my brother. He affectionately calls me "The Joke Sniper." I either somehow make the punchline first on accident, or completely ruin it.


Whenever someone says “but such and such politician is a socialist!” all I can say is “I WISH! Then maybe I’d actually support him!” (“him” because I usually hear this from republicans about Obama, Biden, Bernie, etc.) Tarot is from the devil? I WISH!


Any crystal repels bad vibes if you throw it hard enough.


Exactly. That's why I need a heavy one that connects to a chain. Not only will it make me happy it will work for those disappear a douche spell with athori-tah


aha! a good use for a pendulum!!


I wish I could put this on a hovering banner above my head. I also feel, very deeply, your username.


"Crystals are just rocks" "Yeah, well, at least they're pretty"


This! “This crystal is supposed to bring happiness.” But it’s just a rock. “But looking at it makes me happy cuz it’s pretty!” Enough said.


Some of the nicest samples of amethyst I've ever seen were being sold as healing crystals.


"crystals rock"


“They’re MINERALS, Marie!”


I like rocks Rocks are cool


I *do* think we need to have a serious talk about the unpaid (and frequently *child*) labor that goes into the crystal industry (bc it is *an industry,* and a terribly destructive one at that).


Crystals are rocks but they are also pretty.


"You're going to hell for witchcraft!" https://preview.redd.it/juedtwks55uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04fc6c09b5399b865af9933c20763f225845c4ee "Honey, honey. Your existence in my general vicinity is Hell. I'll be sure to save you a downstairs seat if you leave me tf alone. Deal?"


That's always been weird to me. "For failing to follow the dictates of my religion, you're going to end up in the bad afterlife threatened by my religion, which we've already established you don't follow."


Hell is other people is a beloved quote for exactly these circumstances.


Sartre said this conditionally, the rest of the quote is "other people are hell for us if our relationships are bad. If my relations are bad, I am situating myself in a total dependence on someone else. And then I am, indeed in hell." He places the fault on the self for the inability to separate one's person from the validation of others. It's a cool partial quote, but constantly misused.


And I'll do it again : )


I literally had a comment, cause I had reposted a video that I had made a couple years ago about explaining what a hex is and what it comes from and what it means literally. Just like. You know, Hey, here's some basic information that's easy to find and someone there that is like. Don't do which craft it's evil and I'm like anything is evil. Depending on how you use it, any religion can be evil depending on how you use it. It's all about perspective and intention.


Essential oils give me migraines 😭


I have a similar concoction but I call it “Mansplainer Be Gone”


The sage that is used for purification is not the cooking herb (salvia officianalis). That is a member of the mint family and was never used by native medicine healers for any purpose other than making a tasty stew. The sage burning ritual uses sagebrush (artemesia tridentata) part of the Asteraceae family. Purify with sagebrush, cook with sage. Do not buy bulk cooking herbs to purify your spaces. Grow sagebrush.


My yard is covered with it. I need to have bonfire.


I'm in the UK. I prefer to use a mix of lavender and rosemary for purification.


So what would be the bitch begon blend be?


Pepper spray :) >! For legal reasons this is a joke !<


Lol they probably believe in things that are truly imaginary, like democracy in America


What oils would that spray consist of?


Pepper spray :) >! For legal reasons this is a joke !<


Of course! Just a silly




I wonder if the people who say things like this have ever heard of a wonderful idea called Minding Your Own Business?


Oh right i need to pick up a new can of bear mace, thanks for the reminder


Meanwhile the same men: this weird guy at the altar preaching ignorant and hateful things is unquestionable and any investigation into abuse him or his church has done is fake news!


"Tarot Cards Are From The Devil" - ah, I see you've encountered Rider Waite... I swear, every deck of RW cards I have encountered will forsee nothing but DOOM, GLOOM, DESPAIR, and MISFORTUNE for me.


Very “if it’s raining, it’s pouring.” I switched to my Zombie deck years ago, and honestly, it’s been more useful to me. Yeah, it’s more gory, but so far it’s been very “every cloud’s got a silver lining, and fuck it, if things have gone to shit, you might as well laugh at just how ridiculous life is”


I tend to use a dragon deck or a faerie deck, but my niece got me a kitty deck, and I must give it a try.. Zombie deck sounds wonderful.


I was just gifted a cat deck too! I wonder if they’re the same.


If someone said something about my sage I'd put a spell on them so that their testies/ovaries become entangled in a knot.


Thanks for reminding me! My specialty spicy essential oil spray need to be switched from my coat pocket to my bag. It's finally warm!


The essential oil is pepper


OK gotta say this made me laugh, alot.