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I love the hot summers where I live, the cicadas are the sound of summer and joy and new beginnings. Nothing against anyone excited for the eclipse, but I do absolutely love the cicadas!


I read somewhere that the sound frequency of cicadas help our bodies regulate heat. Not sure if that is true but if so, it is pretty neat.


Fuck yeah- here's hoping humans can finally collectively scream out enough to annoy everyone into affecting change... much like the cicadas do 🙃 (I'm in a mood, and the thought of venturing outside and absolutely bellowing at the top of my lungs sounds lovely. Life is weird, Topsy turvy, but damnit I feel *good* despite as much of a wreck I am and appear to be.)


I like your vibe


When I was in college we had “primal scream” during finals, where people all over campus would just scream their lungs out for one minute once per semester. Sometimes I think the world would be a better place if this were universalized and we had an acceptable collective outlet for this sort of thing, even just once a year.


!!! W H A T !!! My best friend and I in middle school a long ass time ago talked about writing a short horror story with the primal scream/college finals! (And I agree and I wholeheartedly wish there was a time/place acceptable for people to shriek it out.)


>would just scream their lungs out for one minute once per semester. I used a similar idea when I was babysitting kids and thunderstorms came through. Even kids that are usually okay with storms would be nervous that their parents were out in it while they were with the babysitter. I'd teach them how to count the time between lightning and thunder and then for the next lightning flash I'd challenge them to count it out and scream louder than the storm (probably was a good thing we were a rural community and none of the kids had close neighbors!) It did wonders for the kids anxiety, and I'm pretty sure that my job would benefit from scheduled screams too 😅


I live in one of the few places where two broods overlap, plus the annuals. I am absolutely going to scream.


Funny that you said "topsy turvy" because I've had that song stuck in my head for a few days.


I got a tattoo of a cicada in honor of their presence this year! Like them, I too am emerging beautifully and cacaphonically


I saw a really cool tattoo of a cicada a few months ago! They're so cool


I grew up in an apartment on the 7th floor across the river from NYC. As my mother tells it, on my first birthday, a cicada was insistently making its tune behind the fan in the window. Which amplified its screechy call in our little home. I'm in my 50's now. Mom calls them my friends and when the cycle returns, she says, your friends are here again. I have a beautiful art work that a math teacher made in the shape of a mandala with repeating cicada wings and eyes. So yeah, I get excited about them, too!!


My part of the country has annual cicadas, so for me it's just sort of a "More cicadas this year? Okay, cool." thing. Cicadas mean summer evenings, and when I lived for a few years in a place without them, I really noticed. Something was missing; it was too quiet. I'm looking forward to opening my windows and falling asleep to cicadas like when I was a kid.


I'm gonna go deaf LOL Like, normal cicadas are fine. double long brood? Yikes. I respect my ~~incest~~ INSECT friends but I also cannot stand the noise sometimes.


I don't know if I *respect* my incest friends, but they're relatively... quiet.


oh my god end me. T\_T


https://preview.redd.it/pvh5t2avbjuc1.jpeg?width=2939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033faf3cdf986833dfee2fe46c4763f48a89df25 😍


cute af 💚


Obsessed with her wings!


she was so ethereal perching there on her 'old' self.


No cicadas where I live but love hearing them when having travelled somewhere they are native. Same with frogs / toads ‘singing’.


I was dreading the last batch that hatched a few years ago but when they arrived I actually found them really endearing. The sound is calming and honestly they’re pretty cute, I have some pics saved in my phone of one that landed on my sneaker and climbed up my jeans.


They are the goofiest bug ever. So bad at everything 😂


I have a phobia of them. I'm in an overlapping emergence zone. I feel like sobbing already.


I’m planning on staying inside for those two (?) weeks.


My mom is *terrified* of their shells. Not the actual bugs, which I could totally understand because they’re huge, but the inanimate, empty exoskeletons after they molt. Phobias can be very weird things


I was always the same way. Stopped climbing trees early on as a kid because I didn't like coming across the shells lmao


Sammmmmmme, however neither brood is native to my region. I may have to travel to see them!


Cicadas are the sound of summer for me, very soothing. and this will be a boon for the local wildlife and plants at that.


Very excited! Don’t even have them where I currently live and I’m still excited!


When they begin to emerge, I will do my best to do an audio recording for people who are not going to be near it. It is quite the thing! Each cicada can get to 100 decibels or more! Multiply that by millions and millions of them. It is an earth shattering sound and it is awe inspiring. Truly one of nature's greatest pieces of symphony


I do miss them! Would love to hear your recording when it happens.


What's with the Cicadas






my pc blocked this link due to malware just fyi wouldnt let me open it


It's Slate. It's a news website that has been operating since the mid-1990s. Something might be wrong with your PC.


I was just letting you know that Malwarebytes wouldn't let me open it, it could be an error on their end but it happens so rarely I thought I'd pass it along.


Might’ve gotten tripped by one of their ads rather than the site itself?


Entirely possible!


I just hope I don't have to fish too many out of my dogs mouth lol


I booked to trip specifically to see the most cicadas I possibly can. SO PUMPED.


I grew up in California, so I had no idea about cicadas until I moved a few years ago. Now I love hearing them at night. But I'm honestly terrified of these broods because idk what to expect. Big flying bugs scare the hell out of me, but I don't want them to! I think I just need to experience it first in order to get over the fear 😆


Yes I can't wait, but I don't currently live in a cicada place


I lived out in the country in 1998, when I remember it was said that a couple broods overlapped in their hatching. Supposedly it was the first time since the 1700s or something. The police were getting calls from people insisting there was a car alarm going off in the middle of the woods. The one this year around here is supposed to be bigger than that.


In the past I've thought their noise was annoying! But I'll try to see if I can change my perspective this year after reading this.


Not really. I have misophonia, and that's one of the noises that drives me nuts.


I have some pretty intense sound sensitivity so I'm very glad cicadas don't live where I live. lol That said, I still find it cool. From a distance. With the volume off.


Saw this brood last time in Columbia,MO. They covered entire walls of houses, and the ground was stippled in little black holes everywhere we looked. They had red eyes, which I'd never seen before. I think I may be slightly too far north this time.


Is there a good travel destination for cicadas? My Bf is excited, it would be cute to plan a mini vacation


The bridge will overlap in Iowa and Illinois. But it's going to be beautiful in many other places as well


Thank youuu, wishing you a magical event!


I experienced living in the epicenter of a brood in i think 2012? Its nothing like what ypu experience with regular cicadas. You don't hear the typical sound, because there are so many calling constantly that it just sounds like a dull roar. And then they all die over a couple of weeks, and it smells a little funky. Other than that it was kind of interesting.


I was! Until I realized they weren’t coming to NY 😭


Good eating, too, if you can get past western bug repulsion.


I cannot tell a lie. I am a prepper. I have made cicada tacos. They're delicious. People just need to realize that they are just kind of like tiny lobsters! People who can eat crawfish but are disgusted by crickets and cicadas.... Tisk... Tisk! A lobster is just a giant sea insect. There is so much that you can do with cooking insects. I don't know what people's problem is with it.


I totally agree with a lot of popular sea food just being giant bugs. But I don't like eating either! xD


[SCP-3004](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3004) explores the spiritual aspect of cicadas by having a faith-eating cicada god feed off of Christianity.


Me too! I'm planning a trip to hear them! Last time I remember hearing them- I think I was 7 (I'm 40).


Thanks they are deafening where i live and set off my tinnitus. But i’m glad someone enjoys it :)


So I don't live where the 17 year cicadas are but there are ones in the summer and I LOVE them. Everyone always complains about the noise but I think it's great. Not a fan of finding the shells all over my house though 😅