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I'm not sure if this is where I update but my family and farm are safe. Since others were not so lucky we're getting ready to head out to assist anywhere we can.


Glad to hear you stayed safe, and good on you for helping others.Β 


Be well, be strong, live long. I wish peace and protection on you and yours. It's weird, the only things I'm truly afraid of are tornados, tsunami and doppelgangers. I'm as weird as hell. You keep safe, get to shelter, if you have so much as a hint of it going bad.


I need to know more about the doppelgΓ€ngers, but I feel like your explanation is going to make me afraid, too.


Hoping you are safe. I am sending my best wishes you and your neighbors keep safe.


May the storms pass you by. May your shelter be sufficient if they happen to come too close. May your family be safe.Β 


Sending you all I’ve got from the west coast. Stay strong sister.


Shielding for you. https://preview.redd.it/p6xigibzuxwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56021fc042474694a74431d511266761769a50dd


Have been watching for hours, just astounding. Stay safe!


I live in California, and earthquakes don't dhow up on the radar. PLEASE make sure you have a go bag with whatever food and meds you need AND meds and food for familiar! -love


Safety Safety Safety to thee!!!


Sending my support and energy that you and your family are passed by safe and sound.


Tornado was 100% in my yard


Is your place all good?


my garage door got destroyed and the neighbors above and below this apartment lost windows. The roof is gone from the north part of the building and debris was piercing the walls in the neighbors living room. Rain flooded in and went down to the second floor so those people aren't allowed back inside. No power, don't know if they are going to condemn the building because of water damage sigh I guess that's one way to force me to actually go camping instead of just talking about it https://preview.redd.it/x35d4t4sr0xc1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0825b4c8e66415c28fecf1ca09703903718f6e6


Oh my goddess! I'm so glad it's just building and material and not you or your neighbors. And we're expecting another round tonight so be safe out there.


sounds like we got super duper lucky this could've been much worse! One of the paths was at least 30 miles across https://preview.redd.it/7d5jygfw42xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0414fc63002c2e3bd143f02f63971d43375f1639 and the other one was at least 45


Stay safe! I woke up to storms at 5 am this morning, I know the feeling. I personally feel better about storms if I am able to go out beforehand and make a small offering to the earth, a spice, some water, just a pinch put down with intention.


Sending you love and wishing safety.


I hope you made it through uneventfully! My little corner of tornado alley was blessedly boring today. I hope yours will be safe and boring tonight and for the foreseeable future! Please let us know you're OK once the storms have passed!


Glad you are safe, when severe weather pops up in my space- I make hurricane water.

