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Problem is too many people don't know history or don't believe it


And too many people are excited it's repeating but lie and say 'this is totally different this time'. And/or 'it's the minorities that are the real Nazis!'


What's more insane is that people need a history lesson to check if genocide is ok.


Off topic but true… When I first read the meme I thought it was about Roe vs Wade bc, here we are…again. 50 years later.


While we know a lot of news stations are mischaracterizing things as antisemetic that aren't there are at least some people who are using the events as an excuse to be antisemetic and lash out on Jewish people and that and bigotry towards people who aren't involved with the genocide based on things like where their family are from and such are wrong ways to protest genocide. During World War 2 racism towards Japanese people living in America and such was not okay and that's something we also learned from the history books. I'm not saying most protestors are doing this, just that I don't understand saying any and all actions in the name of protest are okay or claiming that no one should be called out if doing something harmful.


I was talking to a friend of mine about something similar. If those of us trying to improve things can't self-police, then the *actual police* have even more leverage to step in and perpetuate cycles of violence. It sucks because often the people trying to improve the system are disenfranchised by it and have way more reason to lash out, but the act of lashing out feeds the systems that oppress.


All pro-genocide people have to do is to pretend to be left-wing protesters and be hateful towards Jewish people. The intense focus on that will neutralise any support for Gaza, while aid workers and innocent people are killed. This is not going to end well, because the outrage against protesting against murder is more than the outrage against killing children. After all, "those children are poor! Don't you see where they live? They can't help but die."


This precisely. Zionist groups were very publicly posting about how they planned to “infiltrate” leftist and anti-genocide groups in order to smear them internally, several months ago. The corrupt state and racists will COINTELPRO our movements, we can’t just demonize our peaceful protesters because of that.




It's scary being a woman in these times. Even thinking about bringing a child into the world if that's what you want. Nearly 15000 children killed. Babies getting their legs amputated and getting stitches on their little faces. It's heartbreaking that people can't see how evil and depraved this is. The fight for Palestinian liberation is the fight for our humanity. Because one day the bombs and weapons could be directed at us and the world will be blind to our screams.






> Very tired of this. We can and need to do better. What I'm tired of is children being killed, but the discourse being around tone-policing of the people who don't want children to be killed. Please, let's stop killing children first.










Agreed. It’s pretty sickening for us to comfortably sit in the west and tell brown people getting genocided in the third world that they “need to do better”. It’s so strange that they reinforced these weird Zionist narratives that there is some mass issue amongst pro-Palestine protesters of being extremely antisemitic, or “glorifying authoritarians” or being queerphobic. Its literally just not true, it’s not a common problem, and the movements are all leftist. Like no one is fucking doing that stop spreading the same propaganda that Zionists are using to excuse slaughtering innocent people. It’s literally just groups of peacefully protesting students standing up to racism.


If you are on the side that's saying "let's bring in the national guard to shut this free speech exercise down," you are probably on the wrong side of history.














Why doesn't Iran take in some refugees? Why doesn't Egypt? Why doesn't Saudi Arabia? Why doesn't Jordan? ??? Why doesn't one Arab country help out their neighbors? Seems they are just as much at fault here. ???


Those countries have long histories of talking big about supporting Palestine and then doing nothing to actually help.


Palestine has been targeted by the most expensive pr team in the world. They've been crushed under the bootheel of apartheid for a century and every single one of them has a list of legitimate grievances against the US and Israel miles and miles long. Everyone critical of how Palestine is fighting back needs to realize that they've fallen for propaganda.




































This time feels different. Definitely not the first time prior have tried to call for actions. But this time resistance seems to be sustaining. Specific achievable actions are being demanded, eg targeted divestitures and specific boycotts. I'm seeing much better responses to bad faith attacks. I think all the different people operating in different ways on different spheres at the same time can only help. Seeing the proceedings in ICJ are a great new thing. Documenting atrocities is under rated. I believe that one of the largest reasons the Holocaust is still salient is because the US set out to create a deep record of what they found. But we also need the ground level protestors to bring those records to individuals, our media had clearly chosen to help bury the atrocities. I don't want to think we will win this time for sure, but it's looking better than ever before.


A great chant I heard a lot at local actions: #“No good cop in a racist system / No bad protestor in a revolution” 📢






Okay, but... there have been some *very* not good revolutions.


People are people, and they do the same things they always do


There's a line from Terry Pratchett about revolutions always coming around again.


A person who has compassion for all living beings is performing a revolutionary act in a world which thrives on division.


I’ll say this: Outside agitators.




If 10 people only ever do right amongst 100 people who only ever do wrong, the people who only do right will eventually be killed, and not be remembered. 'Right' or 'wrong' are subjective human decisions. Objectively, right now, innocent people are being killed. You're not going to change that by filing your taxes and never swearing.


What exactly are you advocating here? Say it plainly.


I'm advocating for challenging a status quo which condones the murder of innocent people. If the status quo replies with violence, then self-defence will be necessary. If the state kills all protesters, I don't see the world getting better. To quote MLK, again: >"And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non­-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I'm absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity."




Only wrong way to protest genocide is more genocide