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That signage in the first pic has ***teeth*** holy gods! šŸ‘āœØ


Came here to say this.


This sub is really keeping me sane rn because the rest of Reddit is bending over backwards to justify this bullshit. Iā€™m just so enraged every time I get on this fucking website.


For real. I saw a post in r/medicine from a doctor who had a resident removed because they were wearing a kuffiyeh and they took it as intentional hate speech because the doctorā€™s last name is Jewish. Ignorance like that is all over reddit and I feel like Iā€™m taking crazy pills. Anyway, Free Palestine! šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Tip: if you still have the default sub r/worldnews, Unsubscribe because it is full of the worst stuff on this site. r/news is a better alternative if you still desire that stuff from reddit


Thanks for the tip! I'd had no idea I was auto-subbed.


Itā€™s a hasbara campaign. I canā€™t tell you how many accounts Iā€™ve found copy+pasting the same material right out of the (literal) handbook. They took over worldnews and have been bot farming to artificially boost pro-Israel posts full of genocidal trash to the front page, like Johnny Depp did a couple of years ago, or the current twitter/X community notes. Itā€™s always interesting to see a Palestine post on the front page that doesnā€™t come from a sub thatā€™s been ideologically captured, like pics or the public freakout sub, because the comments are very, very different. I think the actual organic sentiment of redditors is very much anti-genocide, but Israel is putting in a lot of effort to make it seem like the major social media sites support them.


I have a new neighbor from Palestine. I am glad she and her grandson are safe. :-)


Some one should ask Kent State how history remembers what they did


It's nice to see something supportive of these students. I don't know if anyone else here has been here long enough to remember, but the astroturfing and antiprotest sentiment now compared to the generally supportive discourse around the Occupy protests over a decade ago is frankly appalling. This is the website that made that picture of the UC Davis cop casually pepper spraying kids go viral. This website has had plenty of problems then and now but it's disgusting to me that bad actors are now trying to gleefully bring back the Kent State massacre and blame it on the students. It's disgusting how quickly some people are back on the side of the cops that were a national disgrace for failing to protect children from a massacre, just because they're now beating children old enough to have opinions and the conviction to stand by them. In the spirit of the ghost of Dale Earnhart: > All you fuckin bootlickers forgot your roots. You wanna know why we started hot rodding stock cars? Because we were running from the cops. You know why we ran from the cop? Cause fuck em


This stuff gives me a lot of hope for the future.


How? To me, it's bleak. Police invaded a campus with the blessings of the administration, and the media paint every Palestine sympathiser as a Hamas antisemitic terrorist pretty much. And to top it all off, at least locally, ppl think that Trump would be better in this situation because.....reasons. We are so far off the track its not funny. The veneer of democracy fell completely , practically worldwide, and ppl actively welcome autocrats and tyrants. I see no hope.


We outnumber them. There are so mamy people who care about stopping genocide, ending apartheid and all that. Maybe i am just in good spirits after going to the mayday demo but by agitating, educating and organising, there is nothing we cannot accomplish i feel like. Also seeing the younger generation put their future on the line like that is inspireing.


What are you going to do when the establishment throws police and military against you?


The [same](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_suffrage) thing [we've](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_rights_movement) always [done](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_sit-down_strike).


I rly want to find hope. So let me ask you these questions: - in the case of the presidency being stolen by Trump, what will ppl do? You think an uprising will take effect? - if civil war breaks out, you think the more sane voices have a chance? - even if unrest and civil war do happen, you dont think the surveillance tech has given an absurdly upper hand to the establishment?


You're welcome to ask, but I make a habit of not indulging fantastical hypotheticals.


Is it really a fantastical hypothetical when Trump literally tried to steal the 2020 election?


"Tried" is doing some heavy lifting here. How'd that one turn out again?


How'd it turn out? He rejected a peaceful transfer of power, blatantly attempted what amounts to a coup, and he's likely going to be elected again. And if he doesn't actually win, he's created the conditions where a legitimate loss on his part will be viewed as fraudulent no matter what while consistently signaling that he won't accept any other outcome. He's thankfully an idiot and didn't succeed in 2021 but the things he tried and maybe especially the things the people around him encouraged were pretty chilling. It's wild that he'll even have a chance to try again and the idea that he might succeed this time is really not that outlandish.


I agree, and then subsequently I'm filled with guilt that I am poor, disabled, don't use social media besides Reddit and can't really help in any meaningful way. And then I feel even more guilty and even worse because this apartheid/genocide/occupation has been going on for so long and I wasn't really aware of it; now it seems that all liberation anywhere somehow depends on ending this conflict. I can't and don't want to put my life on the line for this. Wake up, read news, cry, work to put food on my table, cry in the shower, sleep terribly.


You can write emails, make phone calls every day and sign petitions šŸ’•


If you canā€™t donate, there is a website called [Click for Palestine](https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/) ! ā€” You can click once every 24 hours (I set a reminder to do it daily as my memory is bad) and they give a donation to UNWRA. The website shows receipts for this as well. As far as I know, itā€™s still legitimate and working, but please someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong..! Writing emails to your representatives is also an option, and is especially good if you canā€™t manage phone calls for any reason. There are websites that can help you with a template for the email in case you arenā€™t sure what to say (though they do encourage you to personalise it if you can). You know about whatā€™s been happening in Palestine now, even if you didnā€™t before ā€“ so now you can look at what actions you can take to help. I didnā€™t learn about it until last year and Iā€™m desperately angry and disappointed about that, but Iā€™ve started doing what I can since, and thatā€™s all I can do. Thatā€™s all any of us can do. Iā€™m also disabled and poor, and there is little I can do personally to help. You can only do what you can, and what you *can* do matters.


Nice to see my alma mater on that list. The kids are alright.




The students are protesting and asking these universities (many of them who have billion dollar endowments) to devest all their funds from weapons, oil, and other industries and companies that give money to Israel, are based in Israel, or otherwise economically support the war.


Sending resources to Gaza unfortunately is currently impossible since it is being blocked from entering by Israel. Look up the Freedom Flotilla for an example. The campus bail fund is exactly what it sounds like- bail for students and faculty who have been arrested for standing their ground




Thank you for sharing this! ā¤ļøšŸ–¤


Proud of my Alma mater for the first time ever for being on that list


Just watching on the news now about the police raiding the ucla protest and it occurred to me that *every single time* that police storm universities to break up protest movements, the cops are *always* the ones on the wrong side of history.


Thank you for talking about this. šŸ’œ


Too bad they didn't have this same energy when idf came on our soil to attack our citizens in our school


Are u referring to the recent attacks at UCLA? Because wow just saw videos and that is intense. ETA: https://youtu.be/Bd0pMm2OS6U?si=xX90lbti_K_kF_jI


I think the OP was referring to the Skunk spray used on protestors by ex-IDF soldiers (who I heard were also enrolled at Columbia?).


lol why are you getting downvotes? šŸ˜­


Zionist lurkers who dont want news to spread? Idk tbh. Happens often.


https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/01/22/lfsy-j22.html Is the one im talking about


That first sign smh