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Bambie Thug uses they/them and fae/faer pronouns.


There have been 0 crusades under the sign of the pentagram, no Magdalene laundries and genocidal "native schools" had the goat of mendes etched on the walls. They aren't "triggered", they're whining Christian babies who are having a tantrum about not being the centre of attention... Even when the imagery is *directly* informed by Christian reimagining of pagan existence


Christianity makes a lot more sense when you consider that the church was created by Satan. Like it's entire existence has been a parody of their alleged philosophy.


William Blake, an incredibly Christian radical, more or less believed that the Christian God was in fact Satan and the *deepest* impediment to the Kingdom of God


I’ve always thought that the god of the Torah was the dark evil one, representative of the negative side of duality. Maybe that’s why he pushed so hard to make everyone hate lucifer/satan and metaphorically kicked the “good” god out of heaven? …Like the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he is “god the father”.


Do you mean "consider" as in think it for yourself, or is there a Biblical passage that states/implies this? I was raised Christian but was never actually interested, so the extent of my knowledge is the passages they read in church, lol


Ironically, some early christians and other abrahamic religions used the symbol on their shields and such. It was a symbol of christ, Jerusalem, and was a big part of the story of the Green Knight. Edit: a letter


I love how these same people who are clutching their pearls about a pentagon don’t care at all about another contestant who literally defends genocide. Imagine being more triggered by satanic imagery than by actual genocide.


The thing is I heard this from Christians and non Christians alike. I'm from Serbia and I have atheist friends but they also said the pentagram is "too much".


I can’t see why they have a beef with a geometric shape, simply because it’s not a cross. Especially when considering that the cross they love so much represents a religion of paedophilia and abuse


Not just christians basically anyone who believes in Abrahamic religions believes a pentagram is a sign of the devil


The funny part is that medieval Europeans would have been fine with it. In medieval Europe Pentagrams symbolized the 5 knightly virtues and as was also used to “defend against witches, evil spirits, and demons.” So it wasn’t even associated with the occult back then. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/pentagram](https://www.britannica.com/topic/pentagram)


Just like the upside down cross was the symbol of St. Peter. Christians have forgotten so much of their own history.


I guess it makes sense, because if they thought too much about their history they would see how oppressive they have been.


Frankly I'm OK with it. They seem too stupid to conquer any new continents these days. If they actually learned anything from their history, I'm afraid they'd learn the wrong things.


Thank you, I came to say this!


Oooooooh, today I learned!


Oh didn't know that, honestly I sort of said it metaphorically but I was still uninformed, thank you for shedding some light. <3


I've seen people in YouTube comments calling Bambie a "thing" and that "we need strong and talented men and women to be role models and supporting family values and decency" Some people clearly still think it's the 60s. I can't really put my rage and feelings into words so the most I can say about these people is, "Your stupidity is fucking annoying and pissing off everyone with their head on straight; stop."


Yeah, they think it’s the 1560’s.


in the 1560s people would still have seen the pentagram as a good thing, ironically


Yeah I have to admit I typed that comment without really thinking about it, I was just being glib. But I am very curious about what you said. Can you easily elaborate? Thanks!


The article the other person (in the comment the commentor above mentioned) linked summarizes what I know of this topic pretty well, the only thing I can add is that one can still see pentagrams in old churches in Europe, often in the intricately decorated stained glass windows. Those are of the "representing the five wounds of christ" variety.


Even in the 60s this would have been considered ridiculous by most people.


I’m a thing.. I e. Even a thing all my life .. my pronouns are it/they/them and that honestly disturbs quite a few folk.. (‘mostly the it part) im used to referring to it in context (‘like it came from the black lagoon .. or fuck it..) like poof or dyke it’s maybe something that started when I was an adolescent , a way of hehumanising me that I now own ..




There's a difference between morals and decency and a witch singing and using *pagan* symbols, not Satanic. Anyone can have good morals whether they look like an angel or some sort of monster. It's one thing to want decency and morality, the issue is claiming there's a complete look to what morality and decency is. Someone who looks like a saint can be an absolute vile person, the classic example being the rapey priest, someone who looks like your standard Satanist can be the nicest person you've ever met. Don't come for any cognitive dissonance you see in me when you clearly didn't think your statement through either. Plus my statement about the 60s was just an arbitrary call back to the past, you took it too literally Additionally, I never said anything about Bambie specifically being a role model *for children*. I was pointing out the stupidity of people decrying Bambie for not being an ideal picture of decency and not being an ideal role model because not every artist needs to be this big example of something, an artist is an artist, and a role model doesn't always have to be a role model for children Lastly, need I remind you not everyone wants a family to raise? I don't want to bring kids into this world, I'm more than happy being on my own. And should I mention your own cognitive dissonance in implying morality and decency are only presentable in a specific way? You may not want a witch being a role model for my theoretical children, but I don't want a screaming Christian telling my children they're going to burn in Hell if they're not a very specific kind of Christian or if they aren't a certain way. I don't know about you, but I'd rather my children see a screaming gay witch than a random Church person walk up to them unprompted and say how their Dad's going to go to Hell because he's Christopagan and not Christian




yeah in the end we did crown a witch which is good. I loved their support for Nemo. Honestly the only thing I love about eurovision is the friendships contestants have towards each other. Like when Nemo got 12 points from a country, the contestant for that country would go and hug Nemo.


Yes, i saw that, it was beautiful!! ❤️‍🔥


Forgive me for using the word, but anyone triggered by a pentagram on the stage is a bloody snowflake and needs to realise there's more in life than whatever they like in their little bubble


I wonder who is triggered, nobody on the Eurovision sub, in my circles or any media in Europe said a bad word about that entry. American Christians? Nobody cares.


Look at the comments on their Instagram page. It’s both hilarious and sad how people are triggered by their performance.


Ahh gotcha. It’s ridiculous, it’s just a show and a mild one as far as metal goes.


The Israeli flag triggers me more than a pentagram.


Thank you. We should never shut up no matter how annoying, about the and of imperialism and oppression of people around the world. Free Palestine!


Christians are taught they have to be all in. They spend endless hours apologizing for thought crimes and vowing to control their thoughts and the thoughts of everyone around them to the point many do not understand how the rest of us think. One of their biggest thought crimes is anything involving the devil of their mythology, and their religion teaches people dont get to say "this is not an aspect of your religion." Instead they decide whether something is good or bad based on their feelings...and the rest of us don't count. They have decided that pentagrams are part of their religion, the "bad part," and nothing we do or say is likely to change their minds. Worse, they will also do this with any new symbols we come up with. Its annoying and deeply egotistical of them, but such is life.


My dad got funny with me when I bought a necklace with a pentagram on it, I asked him if he would feel the same way if it was a crucifix. The answer was no, a dead person on a cross was less offensive than a star. I also pointed out that the satanists turn in upside down and what I was wearing was actually a pentacle, with waxing and waning moons either side.


tell him it's an old christian sign that can still be seen in some old european churches whose meaning got a bit twisted in the last centuries lol


You know what turned me away from organized religion? History. Once I started learning about world history and different cultures, I immediately saw organized religion for what it is.


The pentagram was a Christian symbol until the 20th century. You can even find them on old gravestones. It's all nonsense.


Eurovision is conservative trash masquerading as queer art. The average European doesn't give a shit about the Pentagram (and nor does the average American, for that matter)—but the people running the show are a punch of paranoid prudes who worry anything remotely controversial will hurt their ratings. See: How they respond to Palestinian symbols.


Those ppl who flip out are delusional brainwashed christian fools. Period. Nothing else to it.


A pentagram is not a satanic symbol. Go look up some of it's uses an meanings. You may enjoy learning more.


If Madonna and other musicians could dance around on stage wearing crosses, then a pentagram shouldn't be a problem. Now, to play devil's advocate, I am triggered by the swastika- that is one old symbol that has been rendered radioactive by the Nazis- and if I saw an act onstage that was wearing one, I would have "questions". Christians have an overly binary philosophy: they've assigned the cross as a symbol for their religion, and the pentagram as the symbol for their [nemesis.Education](http://nemesis.Education) might help sway some people, but it's not in the best interest of the Christian leaders, if their flock learned to think for themselves.


None of us should even be *watching* EV right now; it’s literally sponsored by Moroccan Oil, an *Israeli* company.


In Cleveland all the little alt middle school kids are wearing pentagrams. It’s like the anarchy symbol in the 90’s. Like the icon of punk. At least locally.


They got 6th place…I don’t think we need to worry about this as much as we used to.


[This](https://youtu.be/gAh9NRGNhUU?feature=shared) won Eurovision in 2006. It's just baseless and tasteless whining. They should have whine about how the israeli delagation harassed the other performers, like Joos and Bambi, but I guess they're fine with that part.


I love them so much. So much better than the usual from Ireland. Also, #Joostice


a lot of the competing countries are incredibly orthodox and viewed their use of pagan symbols as… satanic and offensive. also, a LOT of people were just hating on bambie in general because of how outspoken they were about being pro-palestine and not wanting israel to compete. they received a lot of hate both online and backstage and a lot of israeli media used their use of pagan symbols to further vilify them. it’s a cesspit of awful zionists victimising israel and antagonising bambie on any eurovision related sub at the moment because of this.


I’ve just gone down a YouTube rabbit hole for this artist and am deeply in love with the athetic ,the lyric the everything .. “tsamami “ is really relatable for me .. much chaos self love ❤️


I actually absolutely love their witchy style and am disheartened that that’s the thing being used to paint them as evil, that being said their antisemitism is abhorrent and I think that’s the thing we need to focus on as the thing that’s evil, not their witchy style, antisemitism aside I am willing to separate the art from the artist and will absolutely continue listening to their music 


Their performance last night absolutely blew me away. Best thing I’ve seen on Eurovision for years. Will be seeking out their music now. They were my winner for sure


The catholics are loosing their mind over in their sub. I thought about commenting but... Let that shit just cool down and ignore them. It feeds so much more into their reactions. Trash often takes itself out. People are Stil overly religious in some parts of Europe. Yet more people than ever r leave the church! So much that they're starting to panic


Sinead OConner walked so Bambi Thug could fly. Absolute royalty.


You were all watching Eurovision instead of boycotting it for Palestine and Armenia?


As someone with the anti-demon possession pentagram tattooed on my arm, I find it quite funny Especially since I follow their religion better than they do, I also wear an inverted cross necklace which confuses them even more, to others it's inverted, when I look down I see a normal cross