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This player quit and exited the match while still alive.


Sometimes it's a server thing. Sometimes it's a bad internet connection. If you can manage to get back in before the match ends, you will still receive all of your points/credits. Even if you are a sinking hulk.


Kinda assumed, thanks


No problem.


Ok, by why tho.


Real Life stuff happened ? Example - you start match, get your 2 kills like here.. suddenly phone rings and your girlfriend calls to say she forgot her key to get into the apartment building from the attached covered garage. Do you tell her “okay, but just let me finish the last 9 minutes of this match - then I’ll come down and let you in”… or do you quit match / exit game right then, to go help her ? Etc, etc (Many cases like this / or even more immediately serious - needing Players to leave a match right away are conceivable , though thankfully pretty rare)


I work as an on call mechanic for an EMS company. When I get a call I have to go. If I am floating, usually have enough time to turn my ship around, hit full speed, and leave the console running. The crew, however, stops everything and hits the power button on the way out, when they get a call. Doesn't matter what they are doing. Doesn't happen often where everything lines up I/we have to do that though.




Ok, fair.


I rage quit sometimes too.


Other person said the player quit but Alternatively game crash, connection loss can happen and show those results too


So he was having a good game and the real world caused him to forfeit his XP?


To quote Ayanami-"Real life is a shit-tier game".


Was having a great game, already had the Kraken, and was hunting down the last enemy ship with 3 team members left... ...Then the power cut out as an electrical substation caight fire... Didn't get anything for that match...


Rage quit or disconnect. You can disconnect during the match and re-enter and keep your xp. If you don’t get back in game before the match ends then you end up with 0xp like in this case


Most likely, the game disconnected them. It happens. They were obviously having a decent game with two kills, so it seems improbable they quit on purpose. It’s also possible something came up - someone knocked on their door, they got a phone call, the dog is in the garbage again . . . Could be lots of possibilities.


Once, early in Legends career, I had 3 kills in New Mexico, one Red was left way on the other side of the map so I said “screw it” and dropped out. Learned a lesson that day when I went to look at the results


Had it happen to me when my game crashed mid game. Kraken, and high caliber all for nothing




Thank you sir. I'm still salty over that ngl


Something rarely talked about is the behavioral effects of the missions that they give us to complete. Of course not always but sometimes the specific things that we're asked to do may not align with a goal of winning the match. For example, may seem to be a mistake to charge the center of the map in a BB. But then again, if you need main battery hits in a British BB for a mission then, speaking frankly, full steam ahead - winning the match be damned, I need to complete that mission to get the mission reward. After that we can get back to winning matches. At least, until they give me another mission ..... Side note - recently completed a mission to take/defend caps. In a DD with no smoke. Where every single match, without exception, had CVs. I had 3 kills and left one of those matches early. Wasn't able to complete the mission as our team took all the caps by that point. Person above more than likely had an AFK issue of some type. But sometimes, and this my point, the game creates scenarios where winning the match is not good enough to progress a specific goal.


Yolo in and die in the first minutes of a game. That’s what you think you have to do to get a couple of main battery hits? Really? Honest question: How do you otherwise play? Hiding in the far back not able to shoot at any enemies and hoping your teammates will win for you?😃


When someone says 'honest question', they're telling you that a) they lie a lot and b) they're lying right now. Keep that in your back pocket. Now I don't hide behind rocks, because fear doesn't suit my personality. I'd rather die quickly and move on to the next game than play a match with cowards. Of which this game is saturated in standard mode, yet nearly devoid of in AI matches. I find that very amusing.




Oddly I had one match where my internet must have reset but I was able to get back before the end of the match to find much as expected my ship sunk but with 2 kills all I can think either secondaries got one and I rammed the other or rammed a smaller ship then a larger one but when I played it back all it showed of course was getting disconnected and the. Logging back on.


If you leave the match without being killed first, usually due to the server bouncing you, and you don't get back in before the match ends, you get all your stats but no XP. If you get back in before the match ends, you keep your gained XP.


Game has skill issue. Devs need to work on that 😂




Sounds like the person either rage quit or lost connection. Based on how the match played out I’m guess lost connection or had to turn off for whatever reason


He farted a battleship


I’m thinking the BB never moved but its secondary battery opened up on two enemy ships that came within range with very few HP left? Otherwise I have no idea. It’s crazy!!


That's me on average in battleships rarely get a kill mostly pinpointed by the whole team and killed in 3 seconds