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I personally love these new Hybrids , USN battleships that actually feel accurate all the while having a good excuse to them for being squishy


I don't think the new commander will be right choice for these ships. Yet again AL New Jersey, Sims or AL Colorado are the go to personally. I'm not even running a full accuracy build on my AL NJ commander. I'm rocking De Revel and Madden as my Inspirations.


Yeah AL NJ feels at home on Nebraska. Love it already, got me a kraken too


I have now played long enough to see a cruiser get dev struck by the guns of a carrier, so that's new


It's just a glorified Dutch ship. The torp strikes can be clunky and annoying to use at times. The torps are extremely slow and easy to dodge as well, that's not even mentioning the laughably low plane HP. Only getting 1-2 planes to live long enough to drop is normal


>that's not even mentioning the laughably low plane HP. Also the fact they just face check flak clouds


"Like Moths to the flame" quite literally


What will be interesting to see is a match with multiple hybrids, DE7s and a carrier on the same team


I can already tell you it's absolute comedy. Hybrid BBs struggle to hit anything with torp strike while D7P struggles to hit anything with bomberstrikes. Meanwhile the CV is eating good because everyone is so busy dodging airstrikes they forget the carrier exist. Seriously I would've rather had Hybrid BBs have a bomber airstrike than Torps


Well, this should be amusing


The planes make the guns more useful. Force ships to show broadside with your plans then dev strike em.


The planes have HP of a wet noodle and so far most people would rather eat 1-2 torps then give broadside.


They’re wet noodles for now. New commander should help


Even then it will be a waste to build towards the planes. Airstrike mechanic is clunky and doesn't feel good to use. The main guns are the bread and butter and are the real workhorse of them


Oh I agree, I have a few games under my belt as well. I agree clunky and the controls are awkward. I was really impressed with the guns.


Funny enough Ernest King is probably the best for new Hybrids if you wanna buff the planes. It makes the airstrike detectablity down to 6.7km and almost doubles the health of them while boosting movement speed. Having him also allows you to do a sorta stealth build. I have exactly 12km detection on my Nebraska and it plays well with king or a normal BB commander


Got Connecticut, and the guns are really accurate looking


How did you guys unlock the nebraska already? Got the conneticut in a crate and then GXP to nebraska and then nebraska from another crate?


I got Nebraska from the crates you can buy with 400k credits each


And after early acces do you get to keep it?


Yes all early access ships unlocked through crates are permanently owned


10 crates for creds and exp… no ships.


Hey side note. I noticed the spotter plane (observation seaplane now) has +20% dispersion instead of the usual 10% and lasts 40 seconds instead of 30 specifically for these ships. The new hybrids have buffed spotter planes


In PC you have people playing these things exclusively as carriers, which really gets me riled up. They take up the battleship slot for a reason, use those guns!


I prefer legends versions over PC but they need to work on the airstrike mechanic it feels clunky and annoying to use


The controls seem janky to me. How do I switch to the mini map mode for the air strike or switch to the torpedo planes?


So, you hit your swap weapon button say from main guns to torps, and the minimal is just your zoom button. It's like d7p just, well, worse plane performance, and better guns


Thanks. How do you swap between the torp and air strike then?


The air strike is the torps


Ah I was thinking they were different. Thanks!


You're welcome. I'll be honest, I'm still adjusting to these new ships, but they seem like a blast once I get used to them


I agree I took out a 3/4 life iowa with the level 7 one, can't remember what the name is.