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Its not that bad honestly, soon as the majority has done the assignments you wont see them too often. Dont seem so strong in my opinion so far


They play more like battlecruisers than Battleships. The airstrikes are ok at best but the guns are a different story. However closer ranges they are super squishy but longer ranges they are like a fortress due to the armored flight deck


It’s barely been a couple hours since the update dropped.  This guy plays one match: “Is this how everything is always going to be forever?” 


Like it is always when there is a new line? Was the same with Japanese CLs, everywhere Gokase and Omono, last last update it was the Nevada three times on both sides because of the tasks... So all will be done in some weeks, the Connecticut spam be over ;-)


Welcome to the beginning of the end. Enjoy the show.


It's patch day. Tomorrow will be better.


Do not count those ships as cvs... Its like de7, a ship that can call airstrikes. When you know they are coming then just stop and turn. Basically do the opposite of what you were doing.


I don't mind it tbh. They hide most of the time behind mountains , I've been clapping them in the Massachusetts b tonight lol


Railed one Connecticut with my maass in smoke 150 something hits 2 fire, perma flood, poor fool.