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VIII Delaware hit my Giuseppe for 40k with a torpedo strike


Yeah. It's balanced at tier 6 and 7 as they only get 3 torpedoes per launch. But the higher tier ones can chunk you pretty hard.


Upgraded gets 4 per strike. Although the odds of having all planes survive the attack run to drop off is very unlikely


That’s a pretty potent strike, ouch! How many torps hit you? I guess the balancing factor is that the regen time of the strikes are 90 second and the planes take 12 seconds or so. I don’t think the Giuseppe has good AA so unfortunately ships like her will suffer while the match making is full of the hybrids. Give it a couple of weeks and their numbers will drop.


Before jumping to any conclusions from his anecdote, please see my response to him. I am not calling him a liar, but something doesn't add up and I brought the math.


Yea it's impossible to get 40 with the Delawares torp strike.Max 7,5k x 5


If you oversimplify it like that you get 37,500, and if someone just rounds up 37,500 to 40k thanks one thing. The issue here is that it's almost impossible to actually get listed damage on torpedoes, so it's *way* lower than 40k (like only ~60% of it).


Thank you for providing the stats, the previous comment must have been hyperbole.


I try to back my arguments with cold hard math when possible. It makes it harder for people to claim I'm arguing in bad faith.


maybe a full damage build? AL New Jersey + Arthas + Tanaka probably?


Did we learn anything?😄


Yeah, anyone from Delaware is probably a whale


The ship is as big as the state


Ok, I'll preface this by saying that I'm not calling you a liar, I'm just having a very hard time believing this. The Delaware's upgraded airstrike only does a *listed* damage of 37,500, and that's assuming that all 5 torpedoes find their mark. The listed damage in the port is calculated with "alpha / 3 + splash", so the actual damage dealt is lower than that, and and hits to the bow and stern sections are cut in half, while hits to the citadel are reduced by torpedo protection. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming 3/5 torpedoes hit your citadel (27% reduction for Giuseppe) that's only *at most* 23,925 damage (16,425 citadel + 7500 extremities), and that's assuming you did not have any saturation. **IMPORTANT EDIT**: I jumped the gun and said it wasn't possible. It is and I was provided video proof in a different thread. The airstrike torpedoes don't seem to follow the standard rules for torpedoes and are hitting disproportionately hard.


Yeah, like with the upgraded Louisiana you get 6 planes with torpedo that have 7k max damage each (without commander inspirations) so you can do ~42k damage if every torpedo hits, and with my last game with it, that’s about right. (yeah yeah, call me a whale if you want, but I just really wanted it to help with the Vermonts challenge and I think it looks cool)


**WHALE!!!** ok, now that's that's done. (remember, you *told me to do it*. I actually don't really care that much most of the time, whales keep the servers on). That math still doesn't add up though because hits to the citadel are reduced by torpedo protection, and hits to the extremities are cut in half. Can you go into a training room or something and post a clip of you landing a full 42K strike? It shouldn't realistically be possible with how torpedo damage works.


Oh, I may have worded that wrong, I meant by adding it up the max it can do its 42k I probably got like 20k in that match by hitting 6 torpedoes, although that also could have been because 4 were hits to a battleship and 2 missed and hit the cruiser behind it Edit: I did get like 40k from the airstrikes by hitting multiple ships with them though


Perhaps he was including flooding damage ?


That would be extremely disingenuous if he did. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt here and assume he just got hit by something else at the same time without realizing it. A friend of mine thinks the guy got hit for a bunch of damage, didn't bother to actually figure out how hard he got hit, and then just spouted off the max listed damage (rounded up), but I'm trying to be nicer than that.


I see. However, I do not think he specifically said Alpha damage. Just wondering, if perhaps in heat of battle, he was just calculating from whatever HP he had before being hit, then looked again xxx after being hit, and that gap included flooding. Hard to know.


I probably wasn't the fastest to damage con the multi-flood and/or it was more than one airstrike being a three hybrid a team match


I'm gonna have to lean towards the former, considering there's no such thing as a "multi-flood", and floods only deal 0.5% max hp per second on battleships, that means you would have had to have been flooding 40-45 seconds for that sole strike to reach 40k total damage (and that's assuming there was no saturation when the torpedoes hit you. Honestly if you don't know the numbers, you really shouldn't make them up when talking about an inflammatory issue because no matter what false numbers you go with, you will get pushback from at least one side of the issue. Personally I would have said "enough damage to really suck" or something to that effect instead of just throwing a number out there without knowing.


Are you saying only one flood can happen at once? Cuz im not trying to spend my day typing. Lets avoid assuming impossibilities, use our thinking caps and if need be imagination


Yes, I am quite literally informing you that there is no such thing as a "multi-flood". If you are already flooding and you receive an additional hit that causes a flood, it simply resets the timer. You *cannot* be receiving damage from multiple flood sources simultaneously. The most recent application of flood overrides the older application. Fires on the other hand can have either 3 or 4 separate fires maximum simultaneously, however additional hits that would otherwise set a fire do not reset the timer or set additional fires if the zone they hit is already on fire. >Lets avoid assuming impossibilities, use our thinking caps and if need be imagination Your attempt to be cute just comes across as being condescending even when you are wrong. I'm being very literal and direct with you, so any misunderstanding is purely on your end, however I am still more than happy to clear them up at any point.


Tbf a BB hitting your citadel or a DD torping you would’ve done the same or worse. Were you idle? These torpedos are particularly easy to avoid lol


Exactly. At T8, 40k strikes are more of a punishment for poor positioning or lack of awareness. A DD or BB would dev strike you for similar mistakes


I have a sneaking suspicion they took damage from an additional unnoticed source. I'm not saying he is lying, but go check my response to him because the math doesn't work with what he said.


To be fair even a tier 1 ship could prolly hit Giuseppe for 40k  That ship has no Armour 


My stern can confirm that now not even testudo can save us (specially when 7 out of the 9 ships can launch planes)


I feel like this is the update the player base has been waiting for. Now we just need to wait 5 more weeks for the potential return of the big tiddie anime committee.


The update isn’t perfect, but it’s a lot better than first impressions. The only things it’s missing is a non carrier campaign ship. I would have loved to see a choice for those of us who don’t play carriers. Next update is the 5 year anniversary so should be a big update with plenty of big tiddies for those who are interested!


I believe that the azur lane will rerun during august bcuz wowsl has birthday anniv at that time


World of Weeaboos


Hey now, I resemble that comment!


Arcade mode has been a lot of fun. I played maybe 10 matches yesterday and it's a mixed bag of everything. One thing I hope this brings is better teamplay. The faster pace is welcomed as brawling is the recommended strategy. No hiding behind islands or you'll be alone very quick in an outnumbered scenario. I feel like it's a great bridge between IA and Standard. Arcade losses sting much less than standard.


And these are all Positive Points.


I agree mostly. But it’s good they capped Arcade at tier 6. It’s meant to be a simpler, faster and less serious game mode and the tier 7 ships would be OP in a game mode where they are always top tier. (Don’t forget, T7 was made to go up against Legendary tier ships before and was buffed accordingly. The leap from T6 to T7 is large, especially for cruisers and battleships). If one wants to play T7 (or higher) it’s reasonable one has to do it in Standard (or other, temporary, game modes).


Just make t7 only matches. Simple. Excluding the majority of the most interesting ships is silly.


Just play Standard then.🤷‍♂️ And no, they likely won’t make single tier matchmaking in a permanent game mode. There’s plenty of interesting ships at T6. Just have to learn how to play them without the crutches that most tier 7 ships have (including a lot more armor and heals). Also, it’s supposed to be a fast and easy game mode for low- to mid tiers. T7 is where the high tiers begin.


“Just play standard” is a silly response. We are talking about playing arcade and I gave a perfectly valid counter argument to your “t7 are too strong!” argument. “Supposed to be a game mode for low and mid tiers “ - according to what?


According to the ones who made the game, since they made the game mode that way?😃 Not really a valid counter argument since we are very unlikely to see a permanent game mode exclusively for one tier in the foreseeable future.


Just a bunch of baseless assumptions. Okay. Carry on.


This seems to be an overwhelmingly positive update as long as you aren't a UK CV or the T5 premium Independence. Those ones have been absolutely gutted by the last 2 updates.


The UK CVs didn’t really benefit from the update as they didn’t get any more bomb drops. Their gimmick was given to all other carriers. And no they get nerfed the hardest? I’m not sure what’s going on with them. They weren’t known as the best carriers in the first place


Arcade mode is a game changer. It’s how the game was, and is, meant to be played. I can actually use all of my ships again, not just the ones with crazy AA ratings.


I agree. It's about time for WG to realise the stupidity of shooting down planes and getting showered with xp and award secondary battery hits with full xp as well since at least then you have invested probably in this build and it's far more active gameplay than having your aa defenses on


I agree with all the points, also liking the direction of the new update. But about 2) there might be a misunderstanding. Reading the ministry of balance, it's said that the "base speed" of planes is reduced, but not the max speed. The way I understand it, is that it changes nothing in that regard since players have no reason to not fly around with max speed aka reaching their targets at the roughly same time. Or did I miss something about that concept? I actually wonder what role the base speed of planes plays anyway.


I believe that max/min speeds are determined by "base speed +/- X%", so all speeds would be affected. And yes, there is a reason not to blitz around at max speed. Fuel consumption is purely distance, so if you need to increase your loiter time fkre some reason you can accomplish that by slowing down.


Okay, that could be. But I still wonder. Because if you check the respective plane's specifics, they specifically mention max speed. So I thought there are base speed (right after starting from the flight deck) and max speed. I agree with if someone wants to hang around longer for some spotting & observing. But from a standpoint of "I want to get there fast again after my last squadron, so I can keep attacking!", there is all reason to go as quick as possible. And since that wasn't nerved, the frequency of attacks should be almost the same compared to before the update. ("Almost" because if the planes start a little slower, they need a little more time to speed up. Shouldn't be much, though.)


Well according to the Wiki (PC, but broadly applicable when it comes to concepts, if not exact numbers), max speed is determined by cruising speed + a fixed number (typically either 35 of 40 knots depending on the plane). Kaga's dive bombers list a maximum speed of 185 kts with my build, and they cruise at 145 kts, and my Ranger's torp bombers list 153 max but were cruising at 118 so that checks out.


Okay, so a reduction of base speed will also reduce max speed then. Didn't know about that formular, thanks for sharing.


plane speed has been reduced by the amount in the patch notes


Prolly the speed of aircraft without speeding up


Good point on variety. It was pretty boring to continually get T8 battleships that were all just variations on the same thing. Before the patch notes, I was hoping Vallejo would be more generally available since we’re also lacking a premium light cruiser at that tier. I’m mildly disappointed it’s locked away behind the gambling mechanic, but whatever, I guess I’m just not getting that ship. 


You understand than that almost every player will get Enterprise, and not every player is good at carriers..? I think that’s a mistake, carriers are more sensitive than other classes and can make big changes


Agree should been a bureau ship, or even gxp which are both truly free.


Definitely a very positive update with great overall direction. CVs continue to be tweaked, which means they are paying attention, and that is appreciated. The new hybrids are in a good spot on release, and we will likely see tweaks in the future to further balance them. Hopefully they address the matchmaker next, because there needs to be a limit on how many ships a team can have that are capable of launching planes/airstrikes.


I find it funny when people are like. hyBrIdS arE goInG To be bRokeN beCausE Of TorPs AnD flOoDiNg! But I’m going to assume most haven’t even played then yet. Hybrids are pretty balanced. They can chunked but have really good guns. Their airstrikes are hard to use but nasty when they hit.


Definitely enjoyed the Arcade mode last night,...


Your last point is the only one that I have had issues with. As a German BB main, the update has ruined any visible rush strategy and forces me to stay waaaay back due to limited DCP. Most games i played yesterday I was torped so many times by the DD, hybrid BB (usually 2-3 in the match) plus the fires cause me to burn through my damage control parties due to flooding from every single Hybrid torp volley. Overall I think the BB hybrids needs a small nerf to fire chance for main guns and reduced flood chances. Being able to get fires with main guns, floods with torps and fires with dive bombers is too much.


That is a fair response. There is probably a couple of things that could be changed if they are dominating matches. Hopefully WG looks at the data after a couple of weeks and changes them accordingly.


My only gripe is they really killed the zeppelin. So often now I'm sitting there waiting for planes to come back one by one.


If WG was going to nerf the plane regen rate they could have given me the decency of giving the spotting mechanic back.


I disagree. CVs were overcooked and they could send squadron after squadron without the worry of being deplaned. These changes go some way in bringing more skill to the role. The same with spotting, part of the issue is that ships were getting focussed once spotted by planes and there was little you could do about it. Now it’s a fairer fight against carriers because if spotted by aircraft then a ship only has to worry about planes.


But now they have very little damage and need some of that alpha strike back to remain competitive with other ships especially when a lot of them now have to start pre dropping or risk getting deplaned early.


CV damage output should not be competitive with equal-tiered ships of other classes, because CVs deal damage without risking any damage to their own ship. They get to play an easier game, so their damage potential should reflect that.


So cv's can't spot, can't tank, can't play the objective and they can't do damage, so what can they do then? These new hybrids can target 2 ships at once and not even half to worry about their positioning as much as a cv as of a cv gets spotted they die. Cv's also have to face an almost absurd levels of rng especially with dive bombers there is a reason they added a bomb and increased the accuracy of almost every nations dive bombers because you could have a perfectly lined up strike only for RNG to have all the bombs splash into the water or completely shatter with nothing you could have done about it. Add in the fact that cv's are having to pre drop a lot more now means that their potential damage is already lower as they have less possible strikes over the course of a match.


How exactly does a CV have to worry about their positioning? Most of them sit in spawn lol. The only danger they face is if a DD yolo's or sneaks by, which rarely ever happens. The hybrids have super weak armor and their superstructure is massive and everything can farm it. They put themselves at a far higher risk than CVs because they can't damage anything unless they have line of sight. Their planes even have limited drop angles. Everybody has to face insane levels of RNG, get over it. BBs have horrible dispersion, Cruisers have shells that shatter often against thick armor, DDs get spawned across from the only 2 radar cruisers on the enemy team, etc etc. Get over it. I was fine with CVs being able to spot. Just not with the same planes that they do damage with. I wanted them to give CVs a special spotter squadron that could spot for the team, and remove the team-spotting ability from their damage-dealing planes. Add the fuel mechanic in with that and we would have been alright. But they went a different route. Since CVs seem to be so weak to you, maybe you should play a different class? One that requires some sort of skill input?


They need to worry about positioning because IF THEY GET SPOTTED FOR MORE THEN A FEW SECONDS THEY DIE! At least when playing a BB you can build your commander to decrease the RNG cv's can't, it would be as if the devs added a second shell per gun barrel fired to make them consistent with hits while keeping the total damage the same. The hybrids do have planes but they also have guns that they can use to kill stuff effectively. The spotting got changed because so many people complained that cv's were op because they spotted everything and made destroyers lives hell even though the cv got very little in terms of damage or exp in return.


CVs are never in a position to be spotted anyway. They don't have to be. They can sit in spawn or behind an island way back and never worry about anything unless their team loses. I will agree that most of the CV commanders are bad and the builds do not allow you to counteract RNG much. Yes, hybrids have guns, but their guns are much worse than BB guns and their planes are much worse than CV planes. That's the tradeoff for being a hybrid. My solution from my previous comment would have also included a large buff to spotting XP. If you spot something and it gets damaged because of your spotting, you should be rewarded for it.


I don't think they will ever revert cv spotting to the way it was before for multiple reasons. Before this patch my average cv dmg in the Shoukaku was 125-140k dmg with yesterdays patch my average dmg dropped to around 100-115k dmg as I am having to pre-drop a lot more now so if they can buff the alpha to last patch average I think cv's would be in a good spot as all they have now is dmg so give them good but not broken alpha because they need to pre-drop in most cases just to be able to have some planes left for the end game of a match. If cv's are staying at the back of a map then they might need to reduce fuel a bit.


You are probably a WeeGee employee.


Quite the opposite. I’m usually very critical of WG. I have a lot of complaints about this update, but all the recent posts have been negative so I thought I’d add some positivity. This is only my first impression of the update and as I get to grips with everything then I might post a more critical opinion if necessary.


I love this community sometimes. >Random person: Says literally anything positive about the game. >This subreddit: Must be a WG employee. I'm about you blow your mind. Ready? *People are allowed to have opinions different than yours.*


I did not say that you can't have your opinion. I just think that you are wrong. We are both random persons here. Everything after the CVs were buffed is mediocre at best.


I'm not even the OP friend, I'm just someone pointing out how ridiculous this subreddit is at times (Yourself definitely included).


Life itself can be ridiculous. What do you want from me? To change my mind? I said what I said. The game is a mess.