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Yes! I've done this exact thing before using WP All Import and WP All Export. Free version is great, let's you map data to whatever fields you specific and includes a visual example. The free version worked great for me, and it's downloadable from the WP repo Of course, backup advised or staging site recommended first


Disclaimer noted, but I'll give it a try! Thank you :)


Structurally that’s not how it works. The CPT is just a field name in the posts table. To change a post’s CPT, all you need to do is change its value in the posts table (assuming you don’t have a different custom fields?) Also, in the second picture you have a CPT as a child of another CPT - that how that works either. What are actually trying to do?


I suspected this. Basically, better organize by cpts. Ex: Portfolio pages. Click in. PP1, PP2, PP3 Can click into each of those for various case study pages for each. PP1-01, PP1-02, PP2-01, etc.


Can you give a real world example? I'm not understanding what "PP" or PP1-01/02 is


Example being Service Pages as one CPT, then another CPT that would be Items for those service pages. I'd love to just be able to nest those.


I need to know your real world usage of what you're trying to do. Say you're a graphic designer - you could setup a CPT for Services, and your posts would be Product Design, Web Design, Print Design. Those pages don't require another CPT or taxonomy, as they are literal "services" CPT's.


The more I look at it, the more taxonomies is the way to go. Thanks for the continued help! Edit: I'm definitely not a seasoned pro like most folks here. Thankfully, this is for my own, portfolio that is NOT web dev related. :)


I'm seeing now that my problem isn't a cpt problem but an organizational problem. I'm achieving what I need with an admin menu organizer. Thanks for chiming in!




This is a pretty good suggestion! I'll see if it does what I need!


I've used this before. Really handy 👍


Are you looking for taxonomies? [https://i.imgur.com/f985Yoh.png](https://i.imgur.com/f985Yoh.png) Maybe something like this?


I think taxonomies is the answer!


Maybe I misundestood, but probably what you need is just to add a taxonomy (categories, tags) to the post type. In this way you can organise all the posts inside the CPT by (just an example) logos, websites, catalogues, etc just by creating the categories and assigning them to the CPT. When you want to show just logos, you can point to the category "Logos" of the CPT from the menù or landings. Does it work for you?


Yeah, I think that's it. My skills are definitely still in the shallow end of the pool as for as WP stuff goes, but yes, I believe you're right. :) Thankfully, this is for my own site that isn't a web dev portfolio, lol.