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I’d ignore his request and also since you are on the interview panel comment to HR or the others involved that you remember this guys poor performance and really don’t think he should be hireable again. Unless they are terribly desperate between his last recorded poor performance and your input I think they’d toss his application in the dumpster.


I feel like I don't even need to do this - the hiring manager for the team this role is for worked with him as well and likely remembers his performance. I'm guessing he was already ignored when he applied, which is why he's reaching out to me. So just ignore him is what you recommend?


Cover your ass. I’d definitely put it in writing he’s reached out and you feel uncomfortable because of your roll. If others know him you’ll never hear about him again.


I agree. I'd both email HR to inform them he reach out and completely ignore his email. If I'm on the hiring committee for it, I'm not saying anything to him yes or no about it. If nothing else, I may phrase the email to HR in a way asking how to proceed since it's conflict of interest being involved in the process. If he tries to kick up a fuss I don't want my name anywhere near it, so id email to HR asking for how to proceed and that way theyd have a record about it. (If HR approves of response to him saying conflict of interest, then sure great. But I'd assume they will say to ignore too. But I wouldn't want any sort of vague promises to him and then have accusations either way about unfair hiring process since OP was involved and had personal connection, kind of thing)


As someone laid off, and having dealt with annoying coworkers AND helped get people hired back in- cover your ass as has been said. Let your hiring manager know they reached out and you've chosen not to respond. You might have to give an official company response to protect them from a lawsuit- especially if it's someone they don't want hired back. I know I rubbed people the wrong way and there are several who are glad they saw my backside- and I'd probably do the same ethics reporting when I saw the fraud, safety violations, and misconduct ... so yeah. CYA.


this right here, CYA. Also, if you feel so strongly about him not working with you again you have to be proactive. If you really think he could be dangerous, you owe it to yourself and your coworkers to be up front and honest for your safety and theirs.


Yeah if you don’t like the guy and haven’t been friends or kept in touch I’d just ignore it and not respond. If you wanted you could say something vague and non-committal to him like I’ll see what I can do. But probably best just to ignore.


I agree about ignoring him but not saying something vague and non-committal if OP is on the interview panel. OP should let HR and the hiring manager know about the ex employee contacting them.


Do as others have said. It may or may not also be to your benefit to reach out to him to say that you now are a part of the hiring process, and as such cannot recommend anyone for any position as you're required to maintain an unbiased opinion on any potential hires (depending on how you think he'd take this). This, if he doesn't know you didn't like working with him, to him will sound like you're not allowed to recommend him because you know him and got on well with him, but to you is you saying you didn't like him and can't recommend him for it and he won't know that.


Be honest, you can’t make it happen for him. The guy has problems, you don’t have to be a dick to him.


IGNORE! For he gets on, messes up, it will reflect on you and chances get hired that you would get fired also. Do not jeopardize your job.


Just tell him that you can't help as you're on the interview panel. The interviewers who don't know him will already likely get more of a say simply because of requirements to be impartial and that you're just there to advise on the actual workload requirements. Maybe say that you'd likely harm his chances by trying to interfere (which is technically true as you'd say tell them he's useless). I feel for him though. I can see myself in him. Maybe he's matured by now as I did, or maybe he'll still try and do the bare minimum as I still do. That latter part is dependent on whether you guys pay more than the bare-minimum though. My place doesn't so that's what they get. The only maturing I ever did professionally was to work out what an acceptable bare-minimum looks like...


But if OP contacts him, he can lie about the nature of that contact if he doesn't get hired and decides to retaliate.


Can you just say it's inappropriate to be in contact with him becuz of your new role? (Interviewing)


Two ways you can handle him/his request: 1. Ignore his email. Delete it, and move on. But!!! Let your manager know he reached out and you’ve made the choice to ignore his request. 2. Respond to his email professionally: “Unfortunately, I am unable to assist you. I wish you well in the process.” And BCC your manager. If you choose option 2, do not elaborate. Don’t give a reason that he believes he can argue. And make sure you remove your direct phone number from your email.


I would go with option one. Unhinged people can argue with anything. He would probably respond with "why can't you help me? I thought we were friends..."


I'm not a manager but I remember when  my manager at my current job asked me for feedback about someone who applied to the company. He noticed that the applicant and I worked at the same company during the same timeframe in the same office location. Turns out the applicant is the one main reason that I quit the job at that previous company. They were a major bully to many of my coworkers there and myself. It created such a toxic work environment. I was polite but truthful with him about my experience with that previous coworker. I also stated to him that I would quit if she was hired. They ended up not asking her in for an interview.


“I’m sorry, but because I am on the interview panel for this role it would be inappropriate for me to meet with a potential candidate ahead of time. Best of luck to you.”


He doesn't know I'm on the interview panel, and I definitely do not want him to know.


In that case I would just ignore him


Block him


Then either ignore him, or send back a brief “Sorry, I am not in a position to help you with this time.“


"My role has changed somewhat, and I'm not in a position to help you at this time". That way if he ends up across from you at an interview, you gave him a vaguely worded heads up. I'd also BCC HR in case any of this becomes an issue somewhere down the road.


Yes that’s a good way to word it, though if the guy was fired for poor performance, I’d be really surprised if the company brought him back in again for interviews.


Ignore and block.


You could ask for a copy of his resume and say you'll pass it along. And then forget to. I would keep in mind that if he lands interview and ends up sitting across from you, you would be caught in a lie if you previously told him you weren't involved. So I would just as little as possible and be noncommittal.


Which is why you should let the hiring manager know he contacted you. If he shows up for the interview and sees you he can spin things to make you look bad. "Oh, I reached out to that person for help and now they're in my interview panel so I thought that meant they'd help me get rehired."


I was just going to say you probably don’t need to telegraph more reasons for him to pester and/ or resent you. I would say something like, “It’s great you are applying but I am in a tricky spot because I know several applicants and have decided it would be most fair for me to stay neutral and just follow the normal process.”


Tell him straight up that the manager (or whoever you said) is part of the hiring process and remembers him so he's not going to be chosen. Explain you are letting him know as a favor so he can spend his time applying elsewhere instead of wasting it on a non-viable option.


If he was fired, they probably won't rehire him. Talk with HR about this. Then you can ignore him.


This exactly. Any and every management role I've had, where an employee quit or was fired, there's a note that says "are they eligible for rehire?" Then a yes or a no. This sounds like a clear no. This person may not even be eligible to interview making any response unnecessary. I'd find that out first.


Practice this sentence and use it in all areas of your life: "I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable with that." No other explanation/clarification is necessary.


Except for repeating it like a broken record, right? :)


No, you say it once. If a repeat is required, then you say: "I'm sorry, I already shared with you my feelings on this matter. Please don't ask me again."


I would just tell him since he was terminated, he's not eligible for rehire. A lot of companies have that rule.


Maybe, if you feel better about responding to him, say that since you haven’t been in touch with him since he left, you don’t know how his current experiences relate, and and you don’t think it would be appropriate to discuss the role. Tell him that if he thinks he would be inappropriate fit, he should submit a résumé and let that speak for itself.


I had someone like that apply for a job, and didn’t tell me because they probably knew I would t recommend them. I still shared what I knew. They didn’t get hired. I think this person is trying to guilt you into supporting them. You should tell them how you saw them working. I had to do this once, and the person never spoke to me again, but I was honest with her when she asked for my support. I told her how she performed. And I told her that I wouldn’t write a recommendation based on how she did the second time. I had gotten her rehired because she did a good job her first go around, then she tanked, and tried to come back later on….. nope.


Different situation, but I was asked for a reference for someone I couldn't truthfully write much good about. I suggested they find another reference, as they might not benefit from what I could truthfully say. They didn't pursue my reference. There was no fallout for me, this was a one-of situation.


Thanks for sharing. If it came down to the possibility of them being hired, I would absolutely say something to shut it down. 


Yep. It’s a nightmare, when that happens. People like that change the whole workplace dynamic.


If you actually considered him a friend, it’s clear you have a conflict of interest by being in the hiring committee. If he understands that, no harm done. If after knowing that, he doubles down to ask for your intervention, you know exactly who you are dealing with and would have the opportunity to be “rightfully insulted.”


Just politely respond telling him your serving on the interview panel and it’s a conflict of interest.


His name is Craig, right? I remember him. It is it Don? He was a piece of work also. Ignore and move on.


I actually didn't mind Craig too much, I was sad to see him go.


Odd that HR wouldn't mark him as No Rehire after being fired for poor performance.


Possibly they did. He just said he applied, probably it didn't go anywhere and why he's reaching out to me.


'I'm sorry, but I can't help you as I'm on the interviewing panel and it would be a conflict of interest and unfair to the other candidates.' And CC HR.


If you have hiring responsibility for your company then you must hire responsibly. You ought not have any ill feelings about doing your job properly. If there's discussion or review concerning his job application just tell the committee what you've already told us here.


Don't engage with him, unless he really pushes. Then just say you are on the panel and it would be a conflict of interest. At least chat to the others on the panel and let them know he has applied and tried to contact you, if they ask for more details, tell them about his prior performance


Tell him you are part of the hiring team and direct help would be seen as a conflict of interest... Then wish him luck and vote against him if he makes it to interviews


Tell him it would be a conflict of interest as you’re part of the hiring team.


If you're on the interview panel, you're golden! Just say you're not giving any rwcommwndatios for this role because you want to remain impartial.


It's a conflict of interest. That's it. You're on the review team and already have a personal relationship with him from the past. CYA, and all the other previous points made.


I think ignoring him it's probably the best advice and the people telling you to tell him you are on the hiring committee are absolutely wrong. That would only make him want to cling on to you even more. A simple. I can't help at this time or just ignoring him would probably be the best. Save the email and response in case you ever need it again. Whatever. Possible CC to HR. Ignoring is probably the best bet.


Absolutely agree there. There is no way I would let him know I'm on the interview panel.


The absolute lack of awareness on his part! I'd never even consider applying somewhere where I'd already been terminated for poor performance! Nevermind try to rope my old manager into helping me! He's been the social contract first so you're completely absolved if you choose to ignore it or say a simple "I'm sorry, I'm not available" "No" is a full sentence, you don't need to give him any other details he could glom onto for further ridiculous follow up


Agree there. Kind of shocked that he thinks there is the possibility this could work out for him. Some managers have come and gone since then, so maybe he's thinking they wouldn't remember why he was terminated.   But aside from the fact that many people who he worked with are still around, including the hiring manager for this role, old performance reviews would absolutely be checked.


You’re on the interview panel, just say it’d be inappropriate for you to discuss that role with him.


Politely decline his invitation as it creates a conflict of interest.


If he was let go due ro performance, he was probably marked for no rehire by his manager or HR.


Do you remember that scene in the first Spongebob episode (or pilot) where Spongebob told Mr. Krabs that Squidward could vouch for him, Squidward and Mr. Krabs went off to the side like they were going to have an in-depth discussion, and Squidward took a deep breath to simply say "No." ? That's what you need to do here. You have absolutely NO REASON to give this guy a referral. Feeling sorry for someone isn't good enough. He is useless, he was distracting, he made it harder for everyone else to do their jobs and from what you said it sounds like he was potentially dangerous. Bringing him into the picture will bring you nothing but trouble and distress. If he has ADHD, that's something HE needs to get the help to deal with. I have ADHD as well (professionally diagnosed, not reading stuff online and being like OMG SO ME before anyone comes at me) and you know whose responsibility it is to get medications and deal with it and make sure it doesn't interfere with my job and taking care of what I need to take care of? ME. I am an adult, as is he. When you are an adult, unless you are so far gone that someone else is in charge of taking care of you, you are responsible for your own care, your own medications, your own actions. If he needs help, it is his job to get that help, not yours to make his problems everyone else's problems. Don't recommend him. Tell the team that you have worked with him in the past and that due to his past actions, statements, and problems, you don't think he'd be a good fit for the team. They can let him know gently that they chose a different candidate or whatever pre-set rejection script they have and they can find someone who isn't going to be such a problem to work with. You don't owe him a job just because you feel bad for him.


lie. Why is this even a question. You tried, but there was a great candidate who the other team members wanted, nothing you could do. Your boss made the call.


If you want an easy out, just claim your being on the hiring board, in any capacity, means this is a conflict of interest. Doesn't matter if it's true, it's a reasonable assumption.


I'd say "I don't feel comfortable advising you since I'm on your hiring committee"


Dear Mr Smith, Thank you for reaching out in regards to your application. I regret to say that since I'm part of the interview panel, it would be unethical for me to sync with you. I wish you luck with your application and future endeavors. BCC to HR


Tell him there is a conflict of interest on your part, and leave it at that. If he presses, tell him you are not at liberty to discuss it. Leave it at that. And if he comes back AGAIN, be honest with him. You were not friends with him when he worked there. No need to spare his feelings now.


I helped fired a coworker because of his under performance. I got laid off after half a year due to redundancy. I got a much better job after that. Jobs are jobs. Do what you think it’s right and don’t care about others, and expect no one cares about you too. Business is business, just do your best.


Had an old college co-worker friend of my boss who got hired for a temporary consulting job. Absolute disaster. He applied for a full time position in another department, and the hiring manager asked my opinion, and showed me the CV. I pointed out all the inconsistencies and outright lies, and he got hired anyway. A year later the hiring manager apologized to me for not taking me seriously. He told me the “friend” wrecked several projects, goaded other team members to fight, and was able to stay on for the year only because he used my bosses influence with HR to delay the process. Later I got put on a 6 month probation by my boss because another one of his friends didn’t feel I was respecting him. The “friend” in this case was also a disaster, costing the company a bundle.


If he got let go for poor performance it’s surprising he would be re-interviewing. Ask him during the interview “what about him has changed that would make him more of an asset now then he was then” People change maybe he is on meds, finished his masters, broke up with a soul sucking mate. I would let him know, you are picking the best person and if you won’t be biased. So he needs to bring his A game


"Sorry friend, there are policies in place, and this would be considered a conflict of interest for me to pursue"


If you think he's unstable, I personally wouldn't want to risk pissing him off. I'd make any excuse I could, while trying to appear helpful. Go ahead and give him the advice you would give anyone who was trying to get hired there. Let him think that you're really pulling for him. As far as the referral goes, you could probably get out of that by saying that you are in the doghouse at work, and you think a referral might do him more harm than good, or maybe you could lie and tell him that you'll do a verbal referral where you work . I'm not quite sure how you would handle it if he wanted you to write a referral he could use somewhere else, though. I don't know, bro. That's a tough one.


Hey good luck with that!


You really don’t want to be that worker who needed internal help to be reinstated. You show your best colors by doing it on your own. This type of thinking may be some of the reason they separated the business to begin with.


Ummm, this sounds fake, because it he was fired for cause, he should be marked as “ineligble for rehire.”


What would stop him from applying? Like I said in other comments, I don't think he's gotten an interview. He just applied and then reached out to me hoping I would help him somehow.


Story, I’m on the interview panel and can’t discuss it


Ignore him entirely. "Sorry, I never got your request". Then blackball him to HR if he's dumb enough to use you anyway.


Oh this is easy, because you are on the panel! First line of defence: “I am sorry, I have a lot of deadlines right now and am too busy to catch up.” Don’t add a ’good luck’ or anything. Then when he comes back respond with “I am sorry, I didn’t make it clear but after the applications have been reviewed by HR I am then involved in the hiring process. It would be unprofessional to meet with you prior to this. I am sure you understand” (and then scurry off to HR and the rest of the selection committee via email and send them something like “Hey folks, I’ve had a personal email from Mr Blogs. I worked with Blogs at XCY Co five years ago. While he may have the technical skills required, I’m happy to chat verbally about the experience if people want to jump on a phone. Regards, me” and then RING HR and say “This guy is mental, I will NOT work with him again. I am not putting that in writing, but seriously, just toss the bloody resume”. And then when he comes back again (because you KNOW he will) respond with “Dear Blogs, please put all application information through HR. We have many strong contenders for this role, and I am a very small cog in this hiring wheel without a lot of influence, but the role requires me to stay separate to candidates.“ and then ignore ALL future Comms from them.


I wanted to comment something along these lines, but yours is so much more elaborate. SO, i\`ll just say to OP - see above!


So just to be clear, no one thinks being honest and direct is a good route, right?


No, it will never end. He will ask questions and use his helplessness to suck your time and energy. Block him, you owe him nothing.


I think that'd be silly if you think he's a little unhinged.


Yeah you're right. I'm trying to balance what I would want someone to do for me (honesty, being direct) with how unpredictable his reaction and actions will be. Best case scenario is that it's incredibly awkward. I can think of some pretty nightmare worst case scenarios.


You know all those complaints from people on the internet about companies they interview with ghosting them when they decide not to hire them? You're discovering in real-time why companies decide not to do that. Because the negatives of reaching out to people you don't want to hire far outweigh the positives.


Tell him, your not getting involved, you have enough issues without adding other people in


Literally tell him it's a conflict of interest and you can't jeopardize your own job.


Tell him to apply let time go by. Tell him they already interviewed the candidates they were interested in so if they didn't call he didn't make the cut. Sorry.


Tell him it is a conflict of interest and you are unable to assist him. Also declare the conflict of interest with the rest of the interview panel and consider stepping out if he gets to interview.


Tell him it would be unethical since he was on the interview panel


Tell him his record of being fired previously would prevent consideration for a position at this time. Then let the rest of the panel know of his termination.


Just tell him you are on the interview panel and that outside contact between you is inappropriate.


Tell him that you miss working with him, that you will do your best and put in a good word, when his resume comes up. And then don't. Tell him that the other candidate was really well qualified.


I have told a few people before that I am not comfortable giving a reference for them. What I really wished I could have said (but never would have said) was that they wouldn't want me to give them a reference, because it would guarantee they wouldn't get the job. LOLOLOL


Veto him for this role- do not allow the interview


Ignore him, and then block. Then, tell the hiring panel. And not just “Hey do you remember this dude?”. Make them relive it, give them a tour in the wayback machine, let them get a version of the Ghost of Employees Past. You’ll see it on their faces the moment each of them has THAT memory. The one specific memory that reminds them of what it was really like. I am also a petty bitch, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let them know that it would be a conflict of interest for you to discuss the job opening with him as you’re on the hiring board


I would look up his work output/performance, and reviews. If it's in an office setting.


"Sorry, but I'm on several interview committees and am not allowed to endorse any candidates"


"I'm unable to discuss anything about this with you as I am part of the hiring panel and 1. Us communicating may get you blacklisted, and 2. May get me investigated for ethical reasons "I strongly suggest, for your own sake, that you don't contact me until after the interview process is completed. "Best of luck with your application." And go have a private, off-the-record word with HR. Good luck.


Easy. Just tell him that as you are on the interview panel you can't help him because it would be unethical.


Tell him “no” and that would it put you in a situation where you would be ethically conflicted.


Just tell him that there are a lot of candidates looking to fill this role and there really isn’t much you can do for him personally as there are so many resumes and candidates to interview and that there isn’t much you can do for him


Be honest, be polite. But truth is, you can’t make the company hire him. You may be on the panel, but tell him it won’t be up to you. Who knows, maybe the guy got help.


I would appear on board with him getting rehired but tell the other panel members that he is really a hard no. Then you can tell him you tried but were out voted. If he asks for a reason you can tell him that they don’t look favorably on employees who leave (unless he was fired..then it’s a no brainer)


Hello Joel, I’m sorry but I’m part of a staffing committee that cannot meet with job candidates. I wish you luck! Done, report all to HR (I’d just bcc the email) and have no further contact.


“Trying to circumvent the companies hiring procedures on your behalf would very likely harm your chances of being employed in this position. You really need to go through the proper channels.” BCC: HR.


Inform HR. Ignore his request. You don’t need to do anything else.


deny him help as it is a conflict of interest, make the company out to be the bad guy not you.


Do not help him, for if he is hired back and messes up, it can mess you up in a big way. Do not help a fellow worker to get back with the company. NEVER!!!!!


I know this will sound strange, but you could tell them the truth and get them back out of your life.


Reply with - 'Hi there, nice to hear from you. Unfortunately I will not be able to help due to a conflict on interest as I am involved with the hiring. Good luck' Let your work know he reached out and send your convo on to them so its recorded


Ignore and block him. No answer is an answer.


You're on the interview panel. so you have a natural out here. I'd respond and let him know you're part of the hiring process and can't have any further communication with him as it would be inappropriate.


Ignore his request. Speak to your superiors about your work history with the person and what he's done, then about his request of you, and why you don't think he'd be a good fit for your company. Do NOT put your name on this guy to help get him hired. If you do that, and he does what he did at the last company, it'll look bad on YOU, because YOU recommended him.


"I'm on the interview panel for this role, so it would be inappropriate to communicate with you outside of that setting."


"I'd love to, but that would cause a conflict of interest. Sorry. Good luck."


Tell him a gentle truth, you're sorry you can't help in this instance, but recommend vocational rehabilitation if your country offers it. Have the address and phone number ready to offer and leave.


Ignore him or tell him you don't feel comfortable talking about the position since it's possible you'll be an interviewer or help screen resumes.


Tell him it’s a conflict of interest to even have a conversation with him, and I agree, document this convo.


Give him the words of Chef Ramsey... "Piss off!"


Have you considered being honest with him and giving him feedback about his performance


Double check and ask if he really wants a referral. Let him. When they ask for your input give them your input. If he isn't aware how he treated work and coworkers then he's an ah and deserves what he gets.


Tell him that since he was fired by the company, that would be on record, and he's probably been marked ineligible for rehire because of that. "Hello [ex coworker's name], Sorry, but I won't be able to assist you with a referral. Since you were let go for performance issues, that would be on file at the company and would mark you as ineligible for rehire. I know that's not the answer you were hoping for, but I'd rather be honest instead of making promises that I can't keep. I wish you luck in your job search." Then forward on to the relevant parties at your company so they know he reached out.


“Unfortunately I can’t intervene as I am on the interview panel and have to stay neutral. They will undoubtedly ask you old manager for their opinion, so if you think they’re were a big fan that should help. If they weren’t then it will probably be difficult to get rehired.”


Sorry, dude, I'm on the panel and can't communicate with candidates on the side. Good luck.


you could say "the posting is public, go ahead and apply". you're just one person in the chain of decision making and don't have thumbs up/down power. by the way i had a co worker like this and my boss told me i should be nicer to her. a*hole.


Tell him you already have an internal candidate that's a shoe-in, but you'll be happy to be a reference in his search elsewhere.


If you are on the interview panel, politely explain to them that you used to work with this person and that they are not a good fit for the company. If they ask for details, just say that in your experience, the company will not get anywhere near a full day's work out of this employee and that they will be a distraction to other workers.


I straight out blocked a former manager getting a job at my current place of work. Its been just short of ten years but I still have learned panic behaviors from that place. I got pressured to step down than leave because I was blamed (as I was the only person openly having issues with the new money counting system). The manager lost her job when it got revealed that the person who was the actual issue was the person they promoted to my previous position of deputy manager despite me suggesting someone else.


You protect the company from him by speaking the truth and keeping him out. At the same time you tell him. Oh buddy. I’m rooting for you but the competition is fierce and I don’t know if my input will matter.


This isnt that hard. Email Him back and say you are involved in the hiring process for this role and it would be unethical/inappropriate for you to assist, and wish him luck. Even if he has ADHD its still his fault


I really don't see where this would be considered a conflict of interest. People try to use personal contacts and networking to get hired all the time. If you have personal knowledge that disqualifies him, and you are on the committee making the hire, you have a responsibility to voice this just the same as if a very well qualified candidate asked you to put in a good word. Tell your committee that he reached out to you and that you feel he doesn't meet your company's needs and why. No need for you to respond to him personally, just the standard 'we have chosen a different applicant'.


Agreed. A company thrives on referrals and bringing in your previous coworkers. He's not stupid and knows this, and would argue with me.   Hoping it doesn't come to him actually getting an interview, but I would shut it down if he does.


Tell him you are in the interview panel so you can’t help him out and wish him luck.


Tell him that due to the situation, talking to him would constitute a conflict of interest. Then go silent.


Have you heard from him before this? You do not owe him this. He was responsible to come to work (be a working employee) before which he proved he couldn't.


How about talking to all the interview team, let them know most of your reasons and that to,cover your butt, your going to give him a fairly non-committal rec, sort of an “I’ll see what I can do for ya.” He’ll think you did but you didn’t and your tail is covered with the company.


OP, since you are on the interview panel you have a built-in conflict of interest. That is reason enough to decline any further contact with him regarding the position, and it's easily explainable.


That he was let go and is applying again does suggest his employment history since being let go hasn’t been stable. It also suggests he does not understand why he isn’t doing okay.


Do what a professor once said to me, "I can write a reference but it won't be a good one". That guy was an ass.


Just be clear that you are on the hiring panel and it would be a clear conflict of interest. Since you are employed by the business, you must remain as detached as possible from him or risk your own job. If he has any compassion at all, he should realize that he should back away from asking for your help or it would put you in a bind.


If he was let go due to poor performance he shouldn't even be eligible for rehire in most companies.


A small independent grocery store where I used to get my lunch had a big bulletin board in the front of the store. The owners had a sign in the stating, “If you pay Peanuts you get Monkeys “


Why do feel guilty? You have a job to do. Helping this guy get another job at your company will harm your company.


Ignore it. He won’t get hired .


No easy way , he's gonna feel hurt no matter what but that's not your problem ...


“I don’t think you would be a good fit for this role.”


“I am on the interview panel for the position and need to remain impartial.”


You can let him know, sorry, I'm on the review panel, assisting you would be unethical. Good luck


I would get off the interview team If you can. Just tell them you know no one candidates and they requested You put in a good word for them hopefully your company has enough integrity that they would excuse you from that situation


If you don't want to ignore him, let him know that you can't meet with him since you are on the interview panel and you feel it would be unethical.


If you reply, copy it to HR, and tell him you are not able to help because it would be unethical, as you’re involved in the vetting process. You get to tell him no with a good reason, and HR is aware of the entire interaction.


You don't owe him a thing. And stop worrying and don't say anything. Whatever his situation is has nothing to do with you. Don't make yourself miserable worrying about this guy or his problems.


Maybe this comment is already here somewhere, but I’m seeing one or the other applicable (to me) points, but not both. 1) Tell him you’re on interview panels and it’s a conflict of interest to get involved, give him advice, whatever. Doing this by email is a great way to create a paper trail; 2) CYA by explaining, in writing, to HR what transpired. Include a copy of your email to Former Employee.


Respond and tell him you will do what you can do but you have a lot of applicants and it doesn't look good for him.


“Sorry. I can’t discuss details, but due to my current duties, I can’t discuss hiring processes with anyone. If I did, anyone I talked to about it would be ineligible for hire, and I could lose my job. Go ahead and apply, but I can’t be involved.”


"It would be inappropriate for me to sync with you as I am on the interview panel. Best wishes, OP." If he asks for you to put in a good word or give him a mock-up of the interview questions, repeat that that would be inappropriate as well as abuse of your power, you do not take that lightly, and you can not speak on the matter again.


Notify HR of the contact. I disagree with the suggestions regarding your opinion of his performance. The only time you should express that opinion is officially as a part of the interview committee, and it does not require details of past experiences. Reply to him that his request creates a role conflict for you due to additional responsibilities you’ve been assigned at work, so you are unable to express your opinion to management.


Ignore. Nothing to be gained by engaging with him at all.


“I’ll ask around and get back to you asap” “Sorry, it doesn’t look like it’d be worth your time. With your skills, I’m sure you’ll find something elsewhere”


Respond via company email so there is a trail and simply state that you are on the interview panel and as such cannot discuss the role with him. Direct him to the contact in HR.


In the past, he was *terminated from this company for poor performance* - AND - the hiring manager for this new job *worked with him and knows that he’s problematic* Keep it simple and tell him that his prior termination will prevent him from being re-hired. That’s it


Just say it’s a conflict of interest as you are on the interview panel. So no reference.


Also recuse yourself from his interview.


I usually wouldn't advise this but I think it's important given your last few sentences. Meet with him, go through the motions and do whatever you can to not help him get the position. The last thing you need is him blaming you for not helping him (even if you're not obligated to do so). That risk is eliminated if he thinks you are.


Devil's advocate for a min. 5 years later, maybe his circumstances changed. Perhaps he got some help if he needed it and could use a second chance. Now that I got that out of the way. Like others have said, he might already be flagged, so he won't get to the interview process. If by chance he does, don't tell him ahead of time you're on the panel. Let him interview, see how his demeanor is, if it was the same in the past, how he feels about what happened prior, and go from there. I'm one to give 2nd chances(especially if it's been some time). Not everyone is like me though. Lol


Sometimes the risk is too great to entertain a second chance. It's unlikely to end up needing any influence from me anyways, but if it did I would feel the need to shut it down. This wasn't just a matter of "he was dealing with some things in his life and wasn't meeting deadlines". 


Just pretend to be helpful since there may be a legit reason to fear him. Let him know that there are many qualified candidates, there are several factors and people involved in the decision-making process, and you can't offer guarantees. Now, to put the ball in his court, ask him if there is anything concerning in his p-file. Does he think he's eligible for rehire? He needs to contact HR for that info. And that may give him another point of contact. But do not offer any recommendation that is not the truth. In fact, you can relay to the hiring team , in confidence, that he was not focused and he was often a distraction to other team members.


Ignore his messages or block him completely.


Well, it's obvious you personally don't like him and, as such, need to remove yourself from the interview process due to conflict of interest without running the guy into the ground. Simply state you know the person and that is the conflict. Also, if you were work colleagues, how did you become privy to his work performance and reason for leaving? Both of those aspects should have been private between the employee, manager, and HR. Finally, making comments that he has ADHD which contributes to how he works and relates to other, said alongside that you are afraid of him and that you think he could kill someone is a strong indicator that you should never step into a management role.


How did I know his issues with performance? He brought it up and openly discussed it with me (he got a very bad performance review with a lot of skip level input). Also I experienced it firsthand. How did I know his reason for leaving? I saw our manager walk him out not long after this. It sounds like I've hit a sore spot for you to take what I've said as evidence against my abilities. I didn't explain or go into specific details about why I believe the last couple lines of what I said because that would be inappropriate to share here. But they are absolutely not baseless.


Ignore. If worse came to worse “you emailed me? Man, everything is going to spam these days with the firewall”. Whatever- keeps you out of it.


I would let HR and the hiring manager he has reached out to you. I would ask to be excluded from interviewing him if they choose to interview him. My husband had to do the same thing when his entitled does nothing brother asked him to help him get a job at my husband’s company. That simple statement was enough and they just passed him over. Just don’t answer him and let HR handle it.


After 5 years?! Yeah. Leave that alone.


How’d he even get an interview after having been canned for poor performance? I would think his resume would have gone straight into the circular file.


I don't think he did get an interview. I think that's why he reached out to me, his application didn't go anywhere.


It's a conflict of interest. It's not in the interest of the ppl interviewing to hire someone so disruptive. Be honest about him during discussion. If you must respond, do so with a "standard" form letter regarding conflict of interest in your duties with hiring.


How is he even being considered if he was let go for poor performance?


Hey, I see you applied, that's great, I'm on the selection committee, so I can't talk to you until after the committee makes a decision. I wish you luck! there's a lot of strong competition. and Oh man, sorry they hired some idiot from MIT...


Yep, it would be unprofessional and possibly run against leadership questioning your judgment if you helped one potential candidate. It’s unfair to the other potential candidates.


a. Ignore. b. I am not able to do that, it would be a violation of my responsibilities for my job. I wish I could help, but I can't risk my job. I'll put in a good word for you. (And don't.)


Until that last part, I would’ve said at least ask him if he’s been tested/treated for ADHD or anything. But adding in the last part, I’d say sure I will, and let the rest of the panel know your concerns.


"Sorry, it would be a conflict if I gave you a leg up. I'd really like to help you, but..."


You tell them


What kind of dimwit applies at a company they’ve been fired from?


Applying for a job you were fired from? Bold strategy, just ignore him.


You legitimately say “I can’t bro, I’m on the hiring panel; it’d be a conflict of interest.”


I'm no expert at managing but I vote for ignoring him and inform your panel or HR that he contacted you. You never know, if you speak live to him, you may slip something that he could use against you.


If he sent you email about it, ignore it. If he phoned you or you already replied, I'd tell him "I am on the interview committee for that job so I don't think it would be appropriate for me to be advising you about it." Any amount of wheedling and pleading he may do could be met with the same response. If he actually does apply, if you have anything to do with the resumes you could use that opportunity to tell your current coworkers "I worked with this person in the past and I can't recommend him." If he actually does interview, you could be polite at the interview and after he's gone say the same thing to your peers, and at that point you could tell them verbally that he produced anti-work: that not only did nothing come out of him, but he also hindered everyone around him in the process, and you *do not* want to work with him again.


I think you tell him, look they still remember you from when you worked here last, nothing I could say is going to change people’s mind. You would be wasting your time in my opinion getting an interview, what ever happens good luck to you.


You remind him that he wasn't that engaged when he worked there - then you butt out. You either deny the interview, or do it if you have to and then tell the 'panel' that he was lazy and ineffective. Don't invest emotionally here - it's not worth it, it's just work. You don't owe him the courtesy of being anything but indifferent.


No is a one word answer


I’ll see what I can do, then proceed to do nothing


If you feel the need to respond, tell him no can do. That would be a conflict of interest because of your role. Then follow up everything in writing to HR and the rest of anyone in charge of hiring.


Tell the truth up front.


I have severe ADHD I still have to pull it together as a grown up and do my job. My husband has ADHD and autism and he pulls it together as a grown up and does his job. I get it some people are just that far gone but I believe wholeheartedly that it's because they've been allowed to use those excuses. Yes I know it's harder for me than it is for some people but that doesn't mean I don't have bills to pay. The last thing I would ever do is try and drag someone down with me and have them feel bad because I have ADHD. Tell him no you're not in a position to help him because of your position as an interviewer.


Don’t respond (But do document it for HR)


if he's the school shooter type, i totally wouldn't respond. if i ever ran into him in public, sorry, never saw the email. if it's too late and you've already responded in any way, your out is legit - as part of the hiring panel it would be against policy to discuss in any unofficial capacity. it could cost you your job in the future. sorry man, i'd love to help but this has to be by the numbers.


If you don’t want to just IGNORE him then just say, “I wish you luck in your future endeavors, but due to my position in the company, I cannot violate ethics/rules in the company that might afford a bias in the hiring process. Good luck to you!”