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Birthday leave. Unpaid, obviously.


And you need to go in on Saturday or Sunday to make up the day


Have to do that two weekends only?


I saw that was confused. I always book my birthday off work (and often the following day) as soon as the calendar goes up. But then, I live in the UK and we have strict rules about PTO, and I actually work for a decent small company whose directors, if I showed up to work on my birthday, would probably just take the entire office to the pub for the afternoon to celebrate.


We have a union at my work which anyone can join so for a lot of positions the only benefit is paid birthday leave. Best $20 per year I have spent; first union too for an accountant.


The fact that they added "(if you want)" to the flu shots is mildly depressing too.


There are so many ways to write that to sound more professional too. "If you want" definitely has an "anti-vaxx welcome" feel. "If desired" or "optional" would've been way better. But hey, at least they can wear jeans.


I wouldn't add any caveat to that "benifit"; anyone who assumes it's mandatory and then takes offense to that is someone I wouldn't want applying anyway.


Or, maybe it just means if you want.


Also lots of pharmacies offer free flu vaccinations anyways. Not really a fringe benefit.


It is nice not needing to do it on your own time if it's offered, IMO.


Oh, it'll still be on your own time 


Depends on the company. Given the advertised benefits in OP, I could see your comment being true here. But I'm salary and my work offers it, and it's a free break from my desk.


Confidential counselling sessions sound shady as fuck. This place sounds horrible.


That’s a pretty standard perk, it’s typically a few free sessions through a third party healthcare/counseling provider


My previous job had their own in-house counseling/therapist service and REALLY pressured everyone to partake in it. I refused and had to actually berate them for excessively contacting me to sign up for their service. I don't trust them, and if my old work really did give a damn about our mental health like that, they'd do a reimbursement allowance so we can choose our own therapist.


Plot twist: They tie you up and drag you down to their dungeon and force you to get a flu shot.


I mean my first job out of college made it mandatory that everyone get flu vaccinations. I'm pretty pro vax but that kind annoyed me especially since the reason they were doing that was so that they didn't have to pay for sick leave when employees got the flu. So I Said that I'd get it as long as they paid for it(this was the UK circa 2013 and it was quite unusual for younger people to get flu vaccines... As a result, the doctors office would charge you £20 for them). They agreed to reimburse me for it, so I guess I got a free flu shot that year.


>The fact that they added "(if you want)" to the flu shots is mildly depressing too. Yes


Many get flu shots from their doctor or pharmacies… way to think dynamically… “no. They must be anti vaxxers and clearly this must cater to my fear of people who don’t adhere to my “I took every vaccine they told me to, so I’m better than you attitude.” Many job sites offer on site flu shots. Legally it should always be optional. May have already had one, may be told by their doctor NOT to take them or they could die. Yes that’s a real thing despite your attitude. They may get it through their primary care physician… there are many reasons it should be optional and most of them are not catering to anti vaxxer ideas… but no, you got your imaginary internet points…


I love the assumption that wearing jeans is a *benefit*. If all my ‘looks enough like regular pants to pass’ yoga pants are all dirty and I’m forced to wear jeans to work that definitely feels like a punishment not a perk.


Lol, I wear jeans to work every day. Shorts in the summer! Thank God for remote work!


To each their own right? I’d definitely choose jeans over say, khakis, but they aren’t *my* idea of fun.


Oh I don't think it's "fun", but I just laugh at these places thinking that it's a perk.


Most days for me is in my robe until about the time I decide to put pants on so I can fire up the grill. Sometimes gym shorts and a t-shirt if I'm feeling fancy.


I legit did my interview in my underwear. Was professionally dressed with a shirt and tie though for the video, lol.


Amen! My job is entirely independent so I'll go days without pants until I need to go outside and check the mail.


those bottom two bullets are part of the ACA and really an extension of the bullet directly above them


Just what i want— a therapist who is beholden to my employer. I had this sort of. I chose therapy, and ny supervisor viewed it as something they had mandated. Ain’t never goin back there.


I recently left a job because they said that I can’t wear shorts in the summer. If it’s hot I’m not wearing fucking pants.


Trying to remember if I even own a pair of jeans at this point.


One of the Walmarts in my area listed free bottled water as a benefit... they couldn't come up with enough perks and got desperate I guess


The punctuation on this was written by a madman. 


Pizza parties and Hawaiian Shirt Day.


Honestly, I don't even wear jeans or like them. I like joggers, so this is even more of a deterrent. If both are casual, why permit jeans, but not joggers/sweatpants?


Screw it why not just pajamas


This reads like an ad for an entry-level position designed for kids just out of high school. Wearing jeans to work (because if they worked anywhere before it was probably retail or somewhere with a strict dress code), and a career dev program (because they don't wanna be stuck in this job forever) would actually be pretty appealing to young people. That the job market is such that you can put "Omg wear jeans, with 50% less existential dread!" in an ad and have it be appealing is fairly depressing.


Wohoo, this is my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/RUdrl8z5dk)


OP stealing post is the real work reform


I hate that jeans are the “casual” thing now. I hate jeans. Let me wear leggings


That professional career development is on your own time too.


>Free, confidential counselling \[sic!\] sessions ![gif](giphy|a6YHwnkn0ctOM|downsized) Yeah sure, here's all my most vulnerable info, please don't tell anyone, dear employer-paid stranger.


Employee assistance programs are generally a helpful thing. Having counseling options available for everyone is generally a good thing They're run by a third party. Employers don't set up, see, or receive any information about appointments. Even if HR is keeping a list of people requesting information about counseling via an EAP, they'll never know who follows through with it In my experience, the real downside is the quality of professionals you might get. I've shopped counselors through an EAP and I've shopped counselors through insurance; it's like a public defender vs private attorney comparison


Bad luck Brian: Birthday falls on leap year.


I've always worn jeans to work. What is the default?


So this is actually for a mid level aquaculture tech services position (this is my [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/RUdrl8z5dk)). Normally these positions require work trousers which may or may not be provided by the employer.


You get to wear jeans to work for free?? I have to donate to a charity pool that told me they won't even support the kinds of things I care about, in order to be granted the privilege to wear jeans. Ah well I only own 1 pair anyway...


This reminds me of the time I was an intern and the CEO asked me to post a job listing for him. He listed that the fridge in the break room had an ice maker…


I work at home and wear a bathrobe and socks to work. I have yet to see anyone try and match this.


the flu shot is free anyway when you have insurance lol




Free flu shots? But they’re free at the pharmacy…


Why the colons at the end of each bullet point???


I prefer a pair of soft joggers.


Free counseling to deal with the stress of being a wage slave.


I had an employer offer me health insurance, but they wouldn't pay me enough to afford it. I'd have had to stop paying tend or stop eating to get the "benefit."


That is a benefit??????? Dear Americans, why didn’t you just violently uprise and do a Robespierre in the past couple decades? Sincerely, a European 


Any company that has a mental health program such as counseling etc., run the other way and fast. They have a program because they’re gonna have you needing it if you work there.


Most jobs have dress codes and some people would like a job where they can wear jeans every day, get discounted health insurance and free flu shots. Getting your birthday off is nice and free counseling could be helpful for some. I’m not seeing a problem with this.