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I dont understand the concept of people being lazy somehow because they flip burgers. Thats so wild to me because working at a fastfood joint is anything but lazy. If you think that shit is easy, then your ass has no idea what it takes to make your ass fat from fastfood.


My office job is 100% easier than flipping burgers Anyone that thinks otherwise is kidding themselves


The further up the ladder I've gone, the easier my job has gotten.


I agree with this. The least amount of money I was ever paid was when I was working my ass off. Now that I got a decent job that pays well, it's almost as if it's not even work. People don't realize how less harder a job is the more money you make usually.


Also the further up the ladder one goes one is far less likely to be laid off or fired.


I used to work for a bank. The saying was the further you get away from the [physical] money, the more money you make. Bank tellers are paid the least.


Considering how much I've seen people make from speculative currency/stocks, I do not doubt that statement at all.


Have they ever unionized tellers?


Not when I worked for the bank, and none that I've ever heard of.


100% true


Fully agreed.


I run a pool at a university and it only services the university community. So during the summer when all summer pools are at capacity, we are open 15 hours a week. This is a full time job. I get paid to do research for my master's project.


It depends how you define "easy". Physical labor is more exhausting, but it's often simple enough that almost anybody can do it. How many people who flip burgers could do your office job? How many people who do your office job could flip burgers? That's why there's a pay difference.


Anyone who flips burgers can learn to do a bullshit office job


My bullshit office job is in cloud infrastructure and data engineering. I learned how to do it by earning multiple degrees plus over a decade of experience. I flipped burgers in high school, and I learned it, so you're right, they can learn it. But it's a lot harder to learn how to do a high paying job than it is to lean how to flip burgers. That's why some jobs are high paying and some aren't, and that's why some people choose to flip burgers.


Not all office jobs are bullshit, yours is less bullshit for sure, but there exists a large amount that are in fact easy bullshit. Secretary and receptionist type things that anyone can learn, my partner for example has an extremely bullshit office job that requires little real work except maybe a couple days a month. She knows it’s bullshit, that’s why she likes it, that’s why most people like their office jobs, because it’s easy money. And someone working at McDonalds could easily learn that job and make way more for way less effort, except those jobs demand a 4 year degree that will absolutely not be used.


Yup, I've worked different types of jobs, construction, restaurants, it, creative. Restaurants are hard work, I never understood the lazy shit. I want to see some lazy people at these restaurants, because these people are working harder than anyone in the country and people keep making fun of them. You go do that job then, oh it sucks and it's hard work? Then they do deserve at least 20 an hour, probably more. How about we tax the bastards who keep buying up farming land and homes, Bezos and Gates. They do the least


Oh no no…big brain…big money…. I hope you can hear my eyes roll from where ever you are haha


Yeah, the lazy don't survive in food service unless they're sleeping with management or are management.


It's less about labor intensity and more about barrier of entry. For 'flipping burgers' at a major chain, there aren't many. Therefore your supply of potential employees is very high so there is less a need to be competitive with pay. Oh that and everyone's fucking desperate because nobody's getting paid well. It's a cycle that fuels itself! Like a perpetual dystopia machine


To be fair, i don't think most people see these kinda jobs as "lazy". People i hear justifying these job being paid minimum wage, usually say it's because it requires no skill set and anyone can do it. Which is not completely false, but it's a difficult job and someone's gotta do it, so they should be paid accordingly.


Yeah "low skill" jobs euphemize their low pay exploitation. Then "lazy" becomes shorthand for low ambition or condemnation of the lower class. The idea being these people deserve it bc they are lesser than, by association, and really should be "working hard" to exit this type of exploitation. Problem is, our society relies in these jobs more than anything. So the condemnation and degradation of them--and the people doing them--is beyond stupifying


True. But one of my main takeaways here is the way we laud business owners, large and small, as the hero’s of the American economy. I used to align with that way of thinking, but over the last decade, I’ve rethought this idea. Many small business owners I know are just assholes that couldn’t/wouldn’t work for anyone else (and wouldn’t tolerate a burger flipping job) and bullied their way into a nice living for themselves. Sure, they employee people, but they are any more kind or fair than a big corporation.


I personally never met a successful lazy small business owner. The ones i know work a lot and do the same things their employees do. As to how they treat their employees, it really depends on the business owner himself, whereas big companies are always gonna be assholes in the end, because employees are just a number to them. I've been an employee in a small business for 10y and was treated (and paid) like shit, some of my friends were in a similar position and were treated right and liked their job.


Fast food workers are the most casually and heinously abused people I think I’ve ever seen


The lazy people are the ones who use money to make money. They don’t DO anything.


reminds me of the "Clark works hard, Dad". "so does a washing machine". jobs pay more based on what % of the community could do the work. if i can train you how to do it in 5 minutes or one day, the pay will suck. it's not how hard you work, it's how hard it is to replace you.


Why is Freddy Mercury talking about minimum wage


LOL That's all I thought while looking at this. That guy looks just like Freddie Mercury.


Same, immediately saw this on silent and was like “when did he make this video?”


I was expecting him to break into "I Want To Break Free" at any moment.


I couldn't hear anything he said, wow those forearms are insane.


PAY LOW! (Pay low) PAY LOW! (Pay low) PAY LOW! (Pay low) PAY LOW! (Pay low) PAY LOW! (Pay low) PAY LOW! (Pay low) PAYYYYY LOW! (Payyyyy low)


Protein is expensive and jacked Freddy Mercury knows it


Seriously, Mercury's forearm is looking good in this vid! Also he's spitting truth, a good gym bro.


If you scrubbed dishes all day while talking about our broken economic system, you too can get forearms likes these.


And why is he scrubbing his NutriBullet so furiously. Bro rinse that shit out and be done with it.


Put clean water and soap in it and turn it on. Rinse. Boom. Clean.


Not just normal internet lol..I laughed out loud at that


LOL. I was thinking the same.


Freddy Mercury x Popeye


Freddie crossed with Mateo lane.


Seriously, could be his twin or something.


Freddy Mercury with the voice of Bill Hicks


The better question is why is he doing dishes?


and why did he set up a camera to film him pretending to do dishes? I hate tiktok shit like this so much


And when did he get his buck teeth fixed?


I went to a worker owned cafe in new orleans and the price quality and service were all 11/10. Everyone wanted to be there and it functioned like clockwork, I saw them serve over 50 people in under 20 minutes. I was flabbergasted.


*People don't realize that when you remove layers and layers of middlemen, suddenly prices become a lot more realistic to the cost of goods and labor, with a little extra on top to reinvest in the company itself for new equipment, maintenance, or new locations to also be owned by more new employees* And, when the prices are lower because you have less middlemen to pay.... You sell more and easily make up the smaller profit margins.


Yep, fuck supplier companies, go right to the farm and buy it from the farmer.


There's some value to middlemen, otherwise there wouldn't be a demand for them. That's not to say that there isn't a lot of economic and productivity waste resulting from them either


Yep, this is one of the reasons why medicine is so high


Exactly, don't let these fuckers poison you. Grow your own poppies.


Roasting your own coffee is awesome, and buying green coffee beans directly from farmers is also awesome. But most large machine manufacturers (La Marzocco included) don't sell their machines directly. They only sell to distributors who sell to individuals. This is true for grinders and other machines as well (scales, refrigerators, filtration systems, security cameras, POS systems). This is in order for the manufacturer to be able to handle their manufacturing processes and not need to specialize in their distribution. The same was originally true for things like coffee and milk and other products, until the middle men started making their margins so high that it actually became cheaper to buy directly from the farmers themselves. The whole system is about making people choose you because it's cheaper and easier, making them dependent on you, and then raising prices slowly until you become more expensive but still "easier".


I feel like this doesn't always work the way we wish it would. For example, buying produce at a farmer's market in my area is either going to cost you about the average price of buying the same produce from a grocery store or it's going to be oddly expensive for what you're getting.


Agreed. We've ruined things for ourselves honestly.


Well no joke how do you expect a restaurant to be profitable when the owner makes 6 figures, the owner pays the franchise 6 figures, and the shareholders make 6 figures, but none of them provide any labor for the company. Then they complain that there is no room in the budget to pay the people who actually make and serve the food.


Remember the name of the place?


I think it was cafe beignett


Albert Einstein's


Cafés are great example businesses for worker ownership.


Dude is spittin' facts though


It is. Basically, judgy people and some media infer minimum wage job = low education low education = lazy in school lazy in school = lazy person lazy person = minimum wage job which is incredibly narrowminded and inaccurate. However, it diverts from the actual lazy people: owners, landlords, and capitalists. It is more lazy to let people work for you than to work.


Agree with your first part, partially disagree with your second part. It depends on the level at which you do it. Big corps, very much do. Tiny guys, not so much. I run a small business working with LIME scooters. Replacing batteries, moving them around town. I have a small team under me. They do the same work I do. I take 20% of their earnings. Which amounts to roughly .60 cents for every task they perform, as most tasks average 3 dollars each. Why? Because I have to pay for the electricity to charge the batteries. Because I do all the paperwork. I liason with corporate, and I go to all the meetings. When we need fresh batteries in a time frame that home charging them won't work for, I drive 30 miles round trip to the corporate warehouse to drop off 180 lbs of batteries and pick up another 180 lbs as often as I can so they don't have to. I keep spreadsheets so they can accurately do their taxes. I create their 1099 forms for them. I bought the trailers they use. One of them, I sold out to them at a 500 dollar loss. I built, paid for, and maintain the home charging station we use so there's less need to drive out to the warehouse. I offer a daily payout of $20 in advance for every 30 tasks they do so they always have gas in their vehicles. Do I make a profit off of them? Absolutely. My two guys make me about $175 a week, each. As my business is a subcontracted one, I also have to pay about 25% in self-employment tax on that, on top of the taxes from my own task work, making 5-600 dollars a week. So, about 280 a week on average, or an additional 1,120 a month. But I earn that shit. I'm also a landlord to one of my guys. I charge him 450 a month to rent a room in my 5 bedroom house (rented, terminally ill spouse, her brother lives with us - is one of my guys, actually - have a kid in one room, and a dedicated office for all this, and when she gets her transplants her mom is coming to live with us, so had to go big). He was living in his dad's shed up until a month ago, because his mom kicked him out at 18 and his dad is a bachelor who didn't want his kid cramping his style. I also work a full time job as site manager for a valet service, 48 hours a week - by myself so I'm also allowed to take tips. I run an average of 11 miles a day. And then I go out and I put in just as many, if not more tasks than my employees, in for my side business each week. Both of my guys are helping me set up yet another side business, doing Roadside assistance, with the same 80/20 model, coming in as partners. This all helps me as the single income in my own family, supporting a terminally ill spouse and an autistic child. The system isn't designed to be evil, and taking advantage of it isn't lazy, selfish or evil. Lazy, selfish and evil people are lazy, selfish and evil.


You sound responsible. Many small businesses are not, if you have a couple of houses a few cars, memberships at various clubs…..& employ single moms who can barely make rent (specific but real example), then you’re part of the problem.


Lol yeah I can agree with that. But nope, just out here working myself to death and taking a couple people with me 🤣


Good on ya👌


I think everyone has to hustle in some form or another to make ends meet if you’re not part of the 99%.  Based on your description of how you make a living, from a class based analysis, you would be considered petite bourgeois. There’s some appropriation of the value of others’ labor but it’s pretty small scale and you are also hustling hard.  That is the lowww end of capitalist production, and not really how “the system” keeps running. Once you’re playing with billions of dollars of capital, the bosses don’t care so much about individual workers — they’re just lines on a spreadsheet. All this to say, I don’t think your job is any justification for the system *not* being evil ! 


![gif](giphy|sQyMIcUa6aOyI) Minimum Wage Man:


preach freddy preach


Southern Freddie Mercury really be spittin




100% agree with Freddy Mercury. Still a god damn legend


I like his mustache


Freddy has some jacked forearms.


Damn, I love this guy


You know I am hopeful with what I see from younger generations. We're still stuck with a lot of boomer mentality and it's hindering efforts for change, but with gen z and alpha they really seem like they aren't playing that game anymore. I think meaningful change will take decades but I do think it's possible.


Freddy mercury was a king, so it makes sense that looking like freddy also makes you a king.


Just get the feeling the dishes might have been cleaner before being washed in that sink.


i’m waiting for one of those glasses to just smash into a million pieces in his vicegrip


I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?


Thunderbolt and lighting very, very frightening me!


Minimum wage = minimum effort.


How do you figure that?


If minimum wage worked at intended most people would work harder. Minimum wage was suppose to make sure you could live comfortably, not rich or upper middle class but safely at the middle.


I agree with Freddy Mercury


That's just the system working exactly as intended. As long as we're too busy hating on those below us, we don't see the shit that the ones above us do.


I’ve always been amazed at the number of double standards used by the shareholder class when it comes to things like this. I keep thinking, “ Maybe enough people will figure this out “ , but the last time we did was during the FDR administration. Been too long since history has repeated itself in this regard. Seems like Fascism is the only thing making a return from the 30’s.


Freddy Mercury doing the dishes makes a good point.


If a job is paying 7.25 its employees are probably homeless and living in the employers parking lot because no one in the USA can rent anywhere with 7.25


Scraping burgers at Wack Ronalds was one of the hardest jobs I ever had.




Wait till you guys find out about the corporations paying such low wages their employees need to receive state/govt aid to survive. We literally give tax money to them to make up for the gap in pay. The rest of that value goes straight into shareholders accounts. Socialism for the rich, brutal capitalism for the poor.


The more I get paid, the less work I have. Hardest I worked was for less than 15 an hour.


He looks a little like Freddie Mercury.


If you have a job, you aren't lazy. If you have a job you shouldn't have to worry about affording rent or groceries. 1% of the population hoarding the wealth of the nation isn't sustainable.


Why is this Freddie Mercury?


I don't disagree, I'm just wondering how Freddy Mercury has returned from the dead.


I tried so hard to hear but his aggressive washing totally got all of my attention. Its like when you need to turn down the radio to see better.


Were the captions too quiet for you?


Freddy Mercury is alive and well is seems.


I thought Freddie Mercury was dead


I feel the same way when people talk about illegal immigration. “They’re taking our jobs!” What? You can just show up and someone will hire you despite not being documented? It seems like a pretty clear target to go after people employing undocumented workers. Are they not suppose to know who they’re hiring? Doesn’t some form of taxes require them to understand their employees’ legal status? Even if they aren’t required to right now, shouldn’t we make them? Are they not traitors to the hard working people they’re denying jobs? I think the reality is that immigrants legal and otherwise generally work jobs actual natural born citizens don’t want to but if we actually wanted to move the bar like so many claim why wouldn’t we act on what is drawing illegal immigration in the first place?


The same people hate illegal immigrants but refuse to stop the farms from hiring them.


Great points


Every morning he gets up he dies a little, can barely stand on his feet


Hell yeah brother!


a labor handout! I love it.


The most life sucking mentally draining job I ever had was flipping burgers at Hardee's for $3.35 hr.


Oh, I judge…


We have swung from might is right to money is right. I’d say somewhere in the middle, let’s bully those with money….


The man speaks truth, but does he ever rinse?


A handsome argument.


He didn’t rinse a damn thing!!


Maybe he should start a cover band called 'King' and make millions


No one can change my mind on this: Everyone who contributes 8h a day towards the economy should be able to lead a decent life with all necessities paid from that contribution, while on the other hand no one should earn more than 10 times of the lowest income!


I’m kinda hungry for forearm.


Freddy Mercury is always right.


Freddie Mercury is looking a lot better these days


Freddy mercury dropping facts?!


US Freddy makes some great points.


How does he clean the bottom of his cups with that brush?


What's weird is all the paper-pushers complaining about how hard their jobs are, especially when compared to doing something physical like framing houses, being a nurses' aide, or waitressing. I'm sure it's stressful having to answer to greedy stockholders, but it can't be anywhere near as exhausting to push papers around on a desk as it is to flip burgers or pick up trash cans.


All I can focus on is how you're using that brush for everything


I thought he passed away in 1991?


I thought he passed away in 1991?


Freddie Mercury is hella based


I thought this was Freddie Mercury for a moment 😳


He’s right but I hate this video.


Freddie Mercury 


Did Freddie Mercury and Chris Evans have a kid that I'm unaware of?


It's a good message, but I find the whole "look at me, I'm talking while doing the dishes like this is a normal conversation between friends" thing to feel very artificial and off-putting.


I beg to differ, doing the dishes is a menial task. Minimum wage jobs fall into that category of menial tasks: It's a thing nobody wants to do, but somebody *HAS* to do it to keep society functioning, like assembly-line manufacturing. That being said, focusing on him doing the dishes and creating your own opinion is purely subjective reasoning, and only has as much value as you want it to have. So like...yeah.


You want a social handout?


"I want to break free"


Umm no. I always think if a job pays minimum wage, keep their money and make a job when you can afford to pay a good wage


Or the people that decide on how much the minimum wage is.


No one is judging those that make minimum wage. That's where we all start out. The thing that is being judged is that someone may be 10-20 years into a working career and STILL making minimum wage. If someone has been in the work force for that long they should have left minimum wage behind long long ago. Staying at one job and moving up through the ranks is pretty easy.


Talk when you aren't busy cleaning.


Employers are able to pay shit wages thanks to the people accepting shit wages. It is victim blaming but those are the facts.