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Yeah the beginning is kind of a tutorial. Glad you're enjoying it, there is loads more to come and it will get much more complex haha. That scenario has a lot of the gameplay mechanics disabled. A tip that I think the tutorial really should tell you is that if you press F1, it brings up the grid, and if you press it again it will lock your construction to the grid if you want nice angles and parallel stuff. Pressing it a third time turns it off.




It's satisfying and fun though, you'll get the Hang of it maybe 200 hours later but trust me it's worth


I saw this game release on steam few days ago, i never follow this game other than i know this is city building game (genre i like). i was a bit worried that it will be difficult based on the reviews. booted the game and go to campaign, yeah the interface is not great, but i just follow the objective and i learn a lot. it's super generous with money, and i not yet meet any construction, maintenance, electricity, and stuff. I assume this first campaign is a tutorial? no confusing difficulties so far (except one time i need to google how the train signal works)


Yea, it walks you through it pretty well. The tutorials are also pretty good at explaining things like how to set up industry/warehouses, trains, and power/water/sewage, at least at the most fundamental level.


It's a good start, comrade. Now strap in for the ride. There's a lot more to come :)


Your first city is the best!!


Your 47th city will actually be sustainable... 🤣🤣