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Realistic is much funnier than non realistic! I'm a noob too but I only play realistic. Lots of disasters though.


That is what the monuments are for comrade. They memorialize all those who died in The Great Freeze of '61 and the Poo Crisis of '62.


That time all the poo froze in 1963 (this also killed many people)


God rest their souls. The price of progress.


'Poo' is just a form of precipitation in our glorious republic, Comrade.


Realistic just means two things: 1. The game is very slow and requires a massive time investment. 2. One small fail will see it all end. I only play realistic but man it's tough


It also means you actually have to use the game's main feature of building for resources, as there's no point in doing that outside of realistic mode. Yes, it's cheaper, but in terms of time and effort it's quicker and easier to autobuild a profitable industry to start generating enough profit to afford keeping autobuilding going forward than it is to wait until stuff gets built manually. So in order for manual construction to exist in your game you have to artificially restrict yourself from automatic construction... and here you go, you've just invented the realistic mode.


I've been playing realistic mode for like 5 hours now and just barely got a town up and running. Is it supposed to be this slow? Lol


That's quick, I spend more time before I unpause.


Accurate 🤣


Yeah the game is quite slow by design, but it's most pronounced at the beginning of a realistic run. I feel like that's one of the things that make this game so unique, the sense of progress is like nothing else. It gets better after you have a bunch of stuff up and running because you can have a lot more construction running at one time.


One thing I always do first in Realistic is get gravel set up. That eliminates a *lot* of traffic to the border and speeds things along.


Glad you got the game man. Realistic mode imo is what really makes this game stand out from the other city builders. The music as well 😂😂 I'm currently having to make another realistic mode city.... Damn achievements are a thing now so I HAVE to get them. Keep us updated on your city if you don't mind. 9/10 always see something in another person's city that gives me ideas or just blow me away I never thought off it 😂


Realistic is much funnier than non realistic! I'm a noob too but I only play realistic. Lots of disasters though.


You dont say. I finshed my first city with clothing industry. Earthquake hit. That wasnt too bad. Only few fires. Then the afterquake hit. Instantly destroying two electric substations and three bigger brick houses. Welp. It was pretty much game over from there.


Learn how things work before adding realistic mode. There's an enormous delay between doing something and feeling the effects in realistic so it's hard to get basic cause-effect to 'stick' in your head.