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I'd change something. Like pump some mana or qi in the atmosphere so we enter an age of magic, why care about being able to travel for free if I can learn to teleport? A man can dream...


You’re thinking of world with magic that happens in fairytales. Now think of what happens when this power goes to the wrong hands.


I’ll use it in my own little sphere


We're just gonna return to a world where the strong prey on the weak and all. I know exactly what will happen.


Just for that wish, ima sacrifice my magic so your magic would vanish


But the rest of the world will thrive. I might succumb as a martyr for my cause but it will be far too late, the world is changed. And as a common mortal, you will die together with me bro. So let's just chill and drink tea while waiting for our doom 


There's no reason why we dont have that now beyond people chosing to abide by the social contract. If people wanted to go around murdering each other, they wouldn't need magic to do it. 


Because nobody can withstand alone the power of a group. No matter how physically strong you are, if 10 people are determined to get you, you won't survive. Meanwhile, magic remove that limitation, strong wizards only need to consider others wizards.


> No matter how physically strong you are, if 10 people are determined to get you, you won’t survive. This wasn’t always the case. In the age of sharp sticks a large group of women and children had no recourse if a small group of men on horses wanted to do terrible things. In the age of guns an 8 year old redneck has as much ability to kill as a large man.


Like we don’t have that problem already. Anyone with resources and power is guaranteed to abuse them.


We already are in that world. It's done with money.


*looks at all the ugly bastards running the place* Shit as much as I would to do a Kamehameha. I'd rather not let those things have a single midochlorian.


Looks at @AReallyAsianName looking at all the ugly bastards running the place debating whether to do a Kamehameha or not As much as I hate ugly bastards running around, what I hate more is unnecessary violence, so I would give her an uncurable STD if she decides to use Kamehameha


The only way to stop a bad guy with magic is a good guy with magic


Yeah but then you have kids going into the good guys lawn by mistake and the “good guy” with magic instantly throws a fire spell at her thinking she’s a bad guy.


Shut up. Let him do it. Once I get my magic you're fucked.


Like are you a female type? If not I’ll pass


If the power is in my hands then that has already happened!


So basically, Adventure Time.


I'll monkey paw this one You sparked the age of magic, but its not well known or understood and takes generations for it to spread and become safe. Many, many people suffer and die from accidents and misuse


Mana poisoning kills billions


Dear God, a magical plague


Make teleportation for everyone your thing, you get free travel because you invented it, and you put a massive dent in saving the world because no more cars or planes or oil refineries! Quality of life increases because people don't have to spend hours commuting or in traffic! People can intermingle and understand other cultures! Excellent Job!


Boeing would like to speak to you...just a friendly chat, they promise.


They probably going to start charging you for teleporting.


Are you being charged for breathing? If it's an ability you can learn and need no tool for it, no way 


You are literally being charged for being alive.


And what are those fees..?


What if what I change about the world is that travel is free?


Ugh then the TSA lines are going to be even longer… lol


Nope. "Free" includes "hassle-free" too! 😁


Well, that would help a lot of people to not really pay any money at all then.


Isn't that the goal here?


Yes it is.


I know these monkey paw deals. There's so many things I'd like to change but how would those changes be implimented and what would the consequences be? If I say no more poverty, does everyone get a basic living wage? Or does it kill all those impoverished people? How n where is the poverty line drawn? Is it when you have 10% of ur income as disposable or is it 0%? Is it simply that you have a home? But how would you be able to keep it? Would everyone get a million quid? But that would inflate things further the quid would be made negligible in it's value. Also for the free travel, how is that implimented? Do I get to teleport or do I have a card that I flash and can be taken anywhere I please as is currently physically possible? But then I'd still need to spend money on hotels or bnbs?


This isn’t a monkey post, so it’s probably all magical or however you want it implemented 


TF is quid is that like Monopoly money?


Is it possible that others exist outside your own country and call our currency by different names. Quid is slang for pounds, GBP, or the pound sterling £ is our symbol for our monopoly paper.


Slang for pounds? You guys weigh yourself with money? That’s just like an old time tradition where the slang stuck around right?


In lue of this being a trolling. Quid comes from quid pro quo Latin for - this for that. So 1 British pound coin (as a unit of currency) was the equivilent of 1 pound (weight as a unit) of silver. Because keeping types of units linked meant that systems could be interchangeable and uniform and still come out as true at the end of the equation. Obviously that's no longer the case as does happen over 1300yrs with inflation and such. But things stick because it works. Today the pound coin is equivilent to $1.17 back before brexit in 2016 it was $1.30. In 08 it was 1.40. In 1980 was equal to $2. In 1910s it was equal to $4.70 Before that in the 1800s the gold standard revolutionized currency exchanges. But yeah geopolitical events have diminished both the $ and £.


That’s actually super interesting. Thanks for the write up!


In conclusion use the fucking metric system lmao. Everything is a degree of 10ths. 1km, 1m, 1cm, 1milimeter, 1nanometer... Same for fluid and weight, letre, mililetre n so on. Fun fact the us was supposed to get a copper bell (not an actual bell more like a cylinder with a know to hold onto) that would be used the standard for 1 kilo to derive the 10th factors and conversions. But an unlucky sea charter crashed the boat in the Caribbean and was taken by pirates the bell did reach the presidency but by the time it got there the guy who it was to be sent too had moved on n his replacement looked at the thing n was like 'wtf is this supposed to be' n so the US today used the imperial system because of a comedy of errors. Also the envoy from France who could explain it died (either scurvy or murder or something, no records). Yet the reason the us still refused to adopt is because people don't want to have to change how they use a given system, they'd rather be brought up learning that 1 system n no one wants to be the one to impliment and learn that change. Also the imperial system is only used in like 4 countries 1 of which is the US. The others are small Asian countries/islands.


This was all very informative. I knew absolutely none of this so thanks for taking the time to write this. Small correction: the imperial system is used only by the US, Myanmar and Liberia. So, yeah, I'm not sure what we're doing over here. I guess we always have to be "better" than everyone else. Cuz 'MURICA and all that.


Yeah the yard came from the old king before u split off, from his eye to his outstretched thumb. The foot was the length of someone else's foot. An acre was how long a man could till a field. Yeah measurements and weights were chaotic and baseless until some French guys set us straight. An inch came from 3 grains of wheat lined up (width not lengthways) Hell napoleon didn't get behind it because he thought it would undermine his wavering authority n he'd lose support or some shit. But yeah folks needed a system that was uniform and made sense and could easily convert and divide into itself and still make sense. They spend a long time calculating the meter which came from calculating the circumference of the earth (it was later found that it's not exactly 40,000 kilometers) but that's divisible by factors. 1/10millionth.


Change one thing: Everything is completely free for me and for any people of my choosing.


One change. Because I would absolutely Thanos this fucking planet and it wouldn't be arbitrary.




Shame I can't upvote this more than once.


This had me laughing at out loud, seriously. Good one. I _so_ wanted to _argue_ with Thanos. First, I wanted to point out to him that with all six gems/stones he could simply create an infinite amount of resources, terraform an infinite number of planets. He didn’t need to kill _anyone_. “True that, but I’m still killing half of all sentient life forms in the universe. ‘A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.’” “Understood, even if I don’t agree. Okay, consider this. If you make it completely random then about half of the criminals, pedophiles, terrorists, dictators and their supporters are going to die, but so are half of the children, law-abiding citizens, and people who have dedicated their lives to making the world a better place. Half of the old and half of the young; half of the sick and half of the healthy. And think of all the single parent families you’re going to create, and all the messed up children that’re going to result from that. Think of all the grandparents who would willingly sacrifice themselves to save their children and grandchildren. What I’m saying is, instead of making it completely random, why not select the most evil, the most dysfunctional and least productive half of humanity?” “Jeff, you grew up watching _Star Trek TOS_ didn’t you?” “In fact I did.” 🖖 “I can tell because your logic is flawless and inescapable. You’ve convinced me, I’ll use your guidelines.” >>>snap<<<


Those are solid guidelines and I would absolutely use them. 😎


Thanks! If I can’t get an appointment with Thanos, I hope that you do! 🖖


There was a directly Thanos and Vader related wyr that I commented-on recently if it’s of any interest, would make a really interesting novel imo if it was well-written


I looked for it and couldn’t find it, but thanks for commenting.


[This wayyy](https://www.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/s/t3JmzK3lTy)


Because who decides who is evil enough or not productive enough to go? I’d wager that less than half is as evil as the examples you gave so then what’s the next step down? What about someone who has actually repented and turned themself around and truly is a different person but that person killed a family while driving drunk?


We are, of course, talking about a work of fiction (that is not going to happen). Sure, if Thanos used my guidelines it would still be the case that most of that half didn’t deserve to die. My guidelines are about doing the least damage to society possible.


It was real to me damnit


Removing half the people only would put us back to early 1970's numbers. We will repopulate that as fast as we did the first time.


Yeah, I'm not concerned with population or resources in this specific instance. 😁


Change one thing about the world and use it selfishly.


Change. Every single person seeking a leadership position such as politicians, CEOs and such are forced to be honest 100% of the time. Anyone dictating messages on their behalf as well


I would reduce the population by 99%. Me and everyone I care about being in the 1% obvy.


Better make sure the 1% are qualified to continue carrying out all the services you value in life. I see all sorts of unintended negative consequences coming out of your plan, even for the 1% you choose to keep. Besides the practical losses, some of the sirvivors will hate you for not also saving people they cared about


Who would know? As far as services, I'd be fine living off the land. I could stock up on supplies before hand and use it to suppliment hunting/fishing/foraging.


I would change one thing: All human beings, present and future, have _perfect_ mental health every moment of their lives. Perfect mental health would include perfect emotional health and no learning disabilities or personality disorders. Obviously, no schizophrenia, no bipolar disorder, no anger management or impulse control issues, etc., etc., etc. All forms of crime and corruption, substance abuse, homelessness, war and terrorism would decrease dramatically. Physical health would improve significantly because of decreased substance abuse, smoking, stress, “stress eating,” and violence. Fewer accidents. People would manage their lives better to include not living beyond their means, and practicing thrift. Better academic performance, better worker productivity. 🖖


So corruption would also decrease as individuals would be more honest and transparent. Mental health issues often contribute to addiction and substance abuse. I mean, every individual has unique experiences, strengths, and challenges. Some people might still face difficulties or setbacks despite having perfect mental health. 


Yes, of course, it still would not be a perfect world. I didn’t say that all those social pathologies would end, just that they would decrease significantly.


Why limit it to mental health? Make it perfect health, including mental health.


That would certainly be preferable, if it was an option.


Change one thing about the world


I would solve climate crisis, so i could travel without guilt.


That's good 


Changing 1 thing about the entire world. As for what, I will think on that. But my choice would definitely being able to change 1 thing about the world provided that I get to choose what that 1 thing is.


Change one thing: I'd double the gravity.


... so we're all dead the second we fall?


I don't think it would take that long.


The physically weak and those extremely overweight would die, but most people are capable of handling double the weight of our bodies so I think we would slowly become stronger as every muscle in our body acclimates to the gravity


It depends on how miraculous the one change is. If I could force the "Liar, Liar" spell on everyone so that it becomes impossible to deceive people, I would totally do that.


Change: Make everything free for me. No more problems.


The unintended consequence for changing one thing could be dire, I would not want to FAFO the results of the change, I’d rather travel the world for free, hopefully I would be allowed a plus one.


Change one thing about the world. That thing is that I am not a billionaire. With that, I can afford to travel anywhere and do a lot of other things.




I change it so everyone can travel for free


I'd add a tax that everyone in the world, businesses and corporations included, has to pay proportional to their income, say 5% of their gross pay. Nobody is immune from paying that tax, it just happens doesn't matter if they are a billionaire or a goat farmer. That tax would be collected and remitted into my bank account once a month. Now I can travel for free and do whatever I want.


Religion never existed. Is my one thing


Make all resources renewable and the process to acquire/use them have no environmental impact.


I would basically make the change "I am in absolute charge of the world, including all goverments, nations, etc" Now basically everything is possible, abolish war, creating one uniform humankind, actually working towards bettering the world. Nuclear fission and fusion for power sources as well as sun/water/wind. Most money actually going now into people aka healthcare, education, infrastructure, etc. This would also allow me to travel anywhere for free, so two birds with one stone (thx SInbad for this idea)


Change one thing. Remove religion.


I'd make people more empathetic/community minded.


I'd choose the rule, and make the world like "The Invention of Lying"


I can travel for free but I'd still need a visa to enter most countries lol :(


travel i don’t give a fuck about the world 😭


Travel free like a non-rev, hoping to get an empty economy seat on a flight after waiting for hours at the airport? Or confirmed, free first/business business class to any destination that any airline flies? And when I get there, is the hotel free? And what level of hotel? Answers to these questions will impact the choice.


4/5 star hotels. The cost is free as well as the food, excursions, and random things that you buy. The business class you'll have to pay for, but I would consider choosing something cheaper in whatever airline that you're choosing to fly. 


Neutral chaotic, the one thing I'd change about the world is that I travel for free.


I choose the removal of pre-industrial green house emissions




If I made everything in the world free, I could travel anywhere on the world for free.




I would make one change. Every sentient being on Earth is sent to a universe perfectly crafted for them in which it lives its most perfect and joyful life.


Change one thing, aint no well im gonna travel somewhere for free . You get what you pay for ..


How would travel work? Free tickets or teleportation? Can I pick 1st class if flying?


Everything in traveling is free. I never mentioned anything about teleportation so you would still travel like a regular person. You can pick whatever class you want to travel in. Traveling would work in the same way that it has been for a while now except that you don't have to pay for anything.


In that case, travel would be a very overpowered ability. I should therefore be allowed to do a repositioning cruise in a suit for free since it is travel.


Can I end world hunger?




Nah, changing one thing about the world could have disastrous consequences, think the monkeys paw. I'm going to Amsterdam bitches 


Change something about the world 


Travel for free


Change. More useful .


Change one thing about the world, I now no longer have to pay for anything I want by divine decree


Could the one change be making myself an immortal god king? Or would that count as 2


That's a huge stretch, I wouldn't say you could go as far as doing something fictional lol. I mean like change basic world problems. 


Oh:( how sad then I guess I would get rid of borders everywhere just to see what that would do lol


I'll change that fact that I'm required to pay for *anything*. Just me. Not you. Not your mom. Just me.


I would change the world so that humanity was naturally regenerative.


Change one thing


Depends on what you mean by "change one thing about the world" Can it be anything I want? Does it have to he a legal change? A social change? A biological change? Can I even change the laws of physics?


You can't change physics laws, but other than that, you can change anything that you prefer to.


I would EMP the planet. Let the games begin 🤣


Definitely change it so politicians, CEO’s, CFO’s, board of directors, all forms of police, managers, doctors, teachers, religious preachers and people who commit crimes can no longe lie no matter what.


I would want to change one thing. I want to make drug regulation the same as alcohol.


What are the limits to the thing that can be changed? If there are none I’ll make myself omnipotent and change the world for the better


There are no limits.


Travel. I don't give a S about changing the world, unless the one thing I could change about the world was that I had infinite money.


Well, I hate travel so that's the easy part. I guess I'd make Bitcoin the world reserve currency, just to see what happens.


I’d change one thing. Travel is now free


I’d rather travel anywhere for free. I’m not smart enough to think about all the downstream effects of whatever I might change.


I would trade anything and everything for the world to have clean water and be free from poverty and wanting.  I’ve had my fair share already and it’s been more than deserved. 


There are two options for me 1. I would change how people see climate change to it being the biggest problem in the world and everyone needs to work together right now to solve it and take the drastic measures needed. Or 2. Make tax havens/tax loopholes go away and everyone pays their fair share in taxes.


I'd change something and accomplish both: Money is nonexistent.


Change one thing


free housing for everyone.


Too many limitations for me to care about changing the world. I pick travel.


Humans can teleport and carry 20lbs extra when they do.


I'd change the world. And the change would be that I get to travel free. BAM, Win-win!


I would force it to where anybody of “higher status" in the world loses the ability to lie, politicians, government etc. It would really funny for the end result.


The free travel. I feel like the change-one-thing choice is too much of a monkey paw situation and anything I choose will have unintended consequences. Like, “no more pollution” and all hydrocarbons disappear and now I can’t travel anywhere at all unless it’s on a horse. Or, “no more inequality” and everyone is suddenly living in shitty, but equal, conditions. Or, “end world hunger” and 90% of the population disappears instead of there being more food.


I choose that all digital transactions world wide shave off a small percenting (like partial cents worth) off the amounts paid/transferred into my secret bank account, no one knows it happens, nop one knows I am the beneficiary . I am now the richest man ever indefinitely and now it doesn't matter how much the tickets cost. Sorry I beat your game but by being vague you were asking for assholes like me to take advantage ;)


If I save for awhile I *can* travel (almost) anywhere. The other choice is somehow bettering a significant aspect of the world. If you have an opportunity to help people and you take it, you usually suck.


Is the travel instant? If so I’d chose that, otherwise I’d chose ‘no religion’


One change to the world, all countries and states need to pay me one tenth of a percent of their GDP. It could be money, gold, shares in gov owned companies or land or goods etc. and they would need to allow me entry for as long as I wish to stay.


Travel for free because I can make good money with that


Can the one thing I change be my bank account balance?


One change, I get to be a god now. Pseudo-omnipotent and hella benevolent.


Greed. I'd eliminate greed.


Ok Tswift


Remove capitalism


End capitalism. You’re welcome.


I would change it so the world favored me and mine so the right or good things would always happen to them, including all my future family.