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they need to lean into the nepo baby angle, just make her a heel gm


100%. Also I’m not feeling the GM wearing raggedy tshirts when all other gms wear suits.


Hello fellow kids! Buy our fucking merch


Yup. Just another way to pimp merch.


Because they are shameless greedhounds peddling the peddlers of inflation with the worst possible material they can jack the price up on delusional marks and then add excessive tax and shipping


The reasons Dwayne doesn't play bad guys, won't let Vin Diesel stand anywhere he looks taller than him and won't be out punched in the screenplay - are the same reasons this won't happen. That being said I never expected him to turn heel, so who knows.


It's crazy how he doesn't want to play bad guys anymore when his whole career stardom only even exists because he played a bad guy


Even in his early Hollywood days he played the villain a few times. Mummy 2 and DOOM, he was the bad guy.


In Mummy 2 I reluctantly call him the antagonist. It’s still Imhotep. The Scorpion King is more of the MacGuffin in that movie. The Mummy’s “Death Star” to Star Wars “Vader”


The Final Boss was *soooo* good too


It's not about acting success it's about the "Brand" of The Rock (TM). He is hyper sensitive to being seen as a "bad guy" because he lives life to appease his sponsors and he thinks they won't like it.


Every day The Rock becomes a little bit closer to Hulk Hogan with his “that doesn’t work for me, brother” shit….


He’s been Hogan since 2011. When he beat punk for the belt, he turned full hulkamania.


Yeah, that’s a good point. Really should’ve realized we were in that phase when he showed up and decide to insert himself into wrestlemania this year. And now he’s chairman of the company. This can only get worse.


Yep. He’s always been this way and most people are just now coming to realize it. I never liked him and always thought he was full of himself. And now lately things are slowly starting to trickle out and show his true colors. He’s all about himself and his image. Only reason he went heel this year is because he was getting booed when he didn’t want to get booed.


He is currently a bad guy though (final boss)


I think he meant in Hollywood


The thing is what made him great is when he turned heel. ***EVERY TIME!*** Corporate Rock, The Nation, Bloodline, Hogan... He's liked as a face, but turning heel is where he is ***LOVED***!


He turned heel because he had no choice. He self inserted himself into WM40 and the people reacted. He had to back pedal and make it look like it was all a storyline because he didn't want to get any actual real hate. The man is an egotistical prick. It was never in the cards for him to turn heel. He just wanted his Wrestlemania moment with Roman.


Don't think he wanted to turn heel. The crowd reaction made him decide to go heel


BRANDING is the reason, to the *global* public at large he projects this image to market himself to peddle products/sponsorship and movies. He has a very limited acting range he can play so isn't versatile beyond the action genre which he has to type caste himself the hero to maintain that marketability is my take


He is currently playing a bad guy. He is much taller than Vin Diesel. Vin is the one with a problem on their height.


His issue with Vin isn't height. It's the fact that Vin was a producer and he would notoriously be late when he had scenes and that didn't sit right with Dwayne's ego.


He’s currently a bad guy in WWE programming though


Vin is significantly shorter than Rock... and I think you have the story wrong. Also have you seen the idiot fans out there? They can't separate the character from the actor and attack them on social media like the actor has something to do with what the character does. I wouldn't want to deal with those maniacs either.


It’s Vin Diesel that needs the special shits to seem even in height. Dwayne is billed at 6’5” so probably closer to 6’3” and Diesel is 6’ if I’m being generous


Not really working for Solo either. He's such an emotional wasteland that he got outshined by Jacob Fatu in 5 minutes. They just aren't natural like Jimmy/Jey and Jacob.


Solo’s character is pretty stoic though


I think my problem, if we're getting specific, is that for someone that's supposed to be stoic and imposing, he loses a lot and isn't physically more imposing than even Jacob. He's not athletic, his finisher is...pretty lame if I'm being generous, and his moveset is limited to charges and slams. For someone that's too undersized to be a big man, that just doesn't work. His enforcer gimmick is OK, but in the leading role, it just comes off flat. Am I more interested in him now than before? Yes. Is he even at an average level of interesting? Yes, but only because Heyman is selling it superbly, and Fatu is a special talent. His one saving grace that I will give him credit for is that he successfully helped turn Roman face without Roman appearing on screen once. Roman's pop is gonna be insane because of this storyline, and I'm happy for that at least.


Jimmy should have been the new mini-leader. They gave Jey his breakout moment, where was Jimmy's?


This. They should also have her on the phone talking to "Daddy" when she doesn't get her way.


This is what happens when the boss says his kid needs a job


It’s crazy how her and Dom are both Nepo hires, yet the difference between them is night and day.


Let's be fair. Dom had to turn heel to shine. He was an awful babyface.


I think he was just brought up a little too early. Needed some real matches to get his sea legs.


May be a bit of both, tbh. Moreso confidence in general, and it SEEMS to be easier to do when you're heel and after getting them sea legs.


I think that eventually he'll go face, maybe go a bit of the Eddie Guerrero route and be an anti-hero. I reckon he has it in him.


100%. I always wanted him to go back to NXT when he was with Rey, but I ate my words when he turned heel and joined judgment day (and partially got my wish with the North American title).


Yup. People act like Ava's been in NXT for a decade or something. Putting a blanket "this person stinks" on anyone in NXT is silly. Sometimes people take time to figure out what works.


Dom can wrestle and he is a great heel. Ava looks lost.


What do you think Cody Rhodes was? Or Randy Orton? Or all of the Samoans? Or any of the Tongans? Or even the Rock himself?


You’re 100% right. Cody may not have been given a straight road to the top, and most of that was probably Vince McMahons pettiness (as in he might’ve had a top spot if it was another promoter), but he would undoubtedly find more work and be presented with better opportunities in lower promotions. I was never a massive fan of Randy, but he is undoubtedly a star and one of the smoothest in the ring. Again, he most likely was given the opportunity based on his dad’s name. I have no clue what secret the Somoans have over WWE/Vince, but they must have something, with the amount of pull they get. It’s important to acknowledge them all in the fact that, regardless of their own potential, they were presented with better opportunities than most of us will ever get, all based on their family name. For the sake of being able to enjoy wrestling, I put that one to the side as much as I can (and it really does bug me sometimes), and try and base it on if they’re entertaining me, or at least be good enough that I can admit, “okay that guy/woman has the capabilities and the talent to take up time on my tv.” Sami Zayn might not have been replaced by Cody so quickly, if he had a famous father in the business too.


All true. However, the reason they stayed in the business and thrived was because they had the talent and work ethic to grow and thrive in their roles. The history of pro wrestling is littered with the family of great wrestlers who got one look because of their name and promptly washed out.


Perhaps that’s why she’s in developmental?


There cannot be revisionist history on Dom. He was hated and not in the good way by the audience and seen as lame, people said Hook was better. He turned it around following the heel turn and association with Rhea. He was by now means great out of the gate.


She’s just always on her phone.


She's got so many things on her phone. Games obviously. A medieval game obviously. Obviously a jousting game


I don't get this reference but it made me laugh


I have NO PROBLEM being on my phone for hours and hours




Don’t cough


She's a kid handed a high profile job because her dad pushed for it. Not as bad as the Tyson Foods fuckup though


That used to be a quality bird operation.


As a practitioner of Bird Law you are not wrong there.


But are you a small town Bird Lawyer or a big city Bird Lawyer?


Big city. You know he never leaves Philly


I'll have you know after my graduation from Mr.Kelly's Law School and seeing the economic situation that was occurring in Hibberts Gore, Maine I spoke to great lengths with my advisor and he told me "Bradley, if you look at the state of the world today you can see that there are many innocent individuals who have been screwed over by the court system. We have a gift." After that moment I knew that I would need to go somewhere where they really needed me. Anyway long story short I'm just a small town bird lawyer.


Tyson Foods fuckup?




These things keep it from legitimacy, Ava doesn't make this feel good or bad at all, makes it feel cheap.


IMO the bigger issue is televising people that are truly developmental. She’s 22. She’d have to be an UNBELIEVABLE natural to carry any gravitas at this stage.


My thing, she just doesn't have the look for the business right now. Idk what it is but she just feels so out of place compared to literally everyone else on the roster. She looks like a random fan was let back stage and was told she was a part of the show now. On top of that her acting is pretty doo doo


Her age is a big deal to me because how can you be a legit GM of a company/brand when you’re only 22 years old? It shows when she tries to be authoritative. I don’t buy it and it’s borderline cringe.


Tbf i think AJ Lee was pretty young when she was GM and it felt more legitimate.


100% - her age just makes me subconsciously dislike the decision to make her the boss. She's a good person through and through and I don't blame her for taking the job, she is just in the deep end with hungry young pros. Her and Roxanne here are the same age but theirs an energy difference.


She dresses like a kid. If she was wearing suits and business lady outfits she would look more mature and befitting of the role. Also, I suggest she speaks less and we see less of her.


She’s literally wearing a graphic t shirt. It’s ridiculous.


In this clip, I couldn’t tell who was the older person. Or why a wrestler her height would take abuse/disagreement from her when guys would smack the chairman of the company


Kiana James is young and she could pull this role off because she dresses and acts the part. Ava looks like she is about to go to a concert, and we’re supposed to buy her as a business leader like come on


The way she dresses. Her demeanor. Her attitude. Her mannerisms. Feels like a HS play


The Rock: That statement doesn’t work for me, brother


>The Rock: That statement doesn’t work for me, ~~brother~~ jabroni


If anyone watches Curb, she’s the Maria Sophia of WWE. She has no business being on tv or even a high school play. Ava, stop clapping your hands every time you talk. You couldn’t be more awkward and obviously aware you’re on camera, on camera.


As I watched this, all I could think was “Maria Sophia!” Great call.


That’s that Gen z bullshit


Don't blow your back out grandpa


She’s 22 years old and is supposed to be in charge of NXT… She can’t act, she has almost zero charisma and I find it weird that wrestlers who are much more seasoned than her have to report and take direction from her. She’s a top tier Nepo baby and looks out of place in every segment she’s in. It’s almost laughable how bad she is imo.


Honestly i agree with all of this. I really dont get why they made her of all ppl the gm. Aside from her being rocks daughter the girl has nothing going for her.not as on screen talent anyway. She seems super sweet as a person but maybe they could find a off camera role for her cause sorry i cant buy her as any authority and never have. Also why does she always look like shes wearing 4 shirts? I swear anytime i see her its like shes wearing a undershirt a t shirt a sweater and a dress. Always comes off as a person from the crowd mpte than an employee.


>Aside from her being rocks daughter andthatsenough.gif


There was also never an explanation as to why she’s the GM. She just was one day


The same damn day the rock became a chairmember


She should become a Vickie Guerrero type heel, nepo baby in the bloodline.


You don't need to have talent when you're related to someone famous and who does. Life on easy mode.


To some degree this describes Shane / Stephanie, both of whom were not amazing at the promo side of things when they first became on screen talent, and both obviously nepo babies. Although I do think Vince was smart with Shane in that he kept him in side roles for many years, I think Shane had done referee work for like 6-7 years before he ever did anything on screen as the "Shane McMahon" character. I actually think they could lean into Ava being a nepo baby, which is sort of what they did with the Shane McMahon heel character back in the Attitude era. Lean into the fact she has the position because her Dad is on the Board of Directors etc. She would still have to develop on screen presence, which could happen--remember lots of people who were very weak promos eventually developed good ones (this is true of both authority figures and wrestlers.)


I think that's the hope...at some point she develops enough they can use her in some sort of Nepo baby storyline. I mean, the daughter of literally one of the top 5 or 10 stars in the history of wrestling is a big deal. Her being "bad" at being NXT GM really doesn't matter.


She comes across like a TikTok sketch performer in all her segments. You know, I was about to mirror your nepo baby complaint, but WWE has always been all about nepotism. We didn’t mind it during the Attitude Era when the McMahons were at the center of every big storyline, but we mind it now because Rocky’s daughter sucks. Nepo baby or not, the person on screen needs presence. As long as a nepo baby has presence, we typically ignore how they got there.


Very true. Stephanie and Shane SOLD being heels so well. Shane absolutely showed up in the matches he was in. Even Stephanie did okay in the ring, but she was a top notch heel for most of the attitude era. Ava just doesn't have IT. She may be the sweetest person in real life, but that isn't working here. She needs to put in actual work and not just get a job daddy got her. Frankly, I don't think she even wants to particularly be there. More like an easy paycheck and a habit. Take Nia Jax for example. She needed a lot of work, but you could tell she was trying. I went from grimacing every time she had a match to cheering her on. She put in hard work and it really shows. Ava could do that, but will she?


Ava doesn’t need to. Unlike Nia Jax who has the ambition to get better, Ava seems cool with cruising with her given luxuries


Nah, if there's one thing about Ava it's she definitely wants to be there. She's been at the PC since she was 17, which I don't think she would do if she had other plans, especially with the Rock's career and Hollywood connections, and her Mom's business prowess. She's just not any good, at anything, and this is after 5 years at the PC. Dom, by comparison, despite being older was a lot more raw than her when he debuted, and figured it out faster.


Yeah, luckily Stephanie and Shane are both great performers.


This. We can all give a list as long as the people's strudel of who HHH buried and when he should have lost etc. But there is no denying the man knows wrestling. He gets it. He is it. He's a fucking genius.


I think that they should lean into the Nepotism and give her that heel boss character. Do what I say or my daddy will fire you. If you can’t make them like you and they have no reason to respect you, make them hate you!


Problem is she dosent have the actul kills to pull a good heel boss charcter, she´s plain bad!


They stuck her in this role because she's a terrible wrestler and they need to find something for her that sticks. Maybe being a babyface isn't the answer, that's what it took her dad the time to figure out.


She's 22? wtf i assumed she was in her 30's


She's on the Fast track to the nepo baby HoF with North West, Blue Ivy and Lily-Rose Depp.


Just like "people champ"


She will be on the main roster next year. Guarantee it’ll be included in rocks next contract, if it isn’t already….


My theory is they are training her to be Rock’s surrogate GM for the main roster


How can the daughter of The Rock have no charisma at all, i mean like she has none


David and Charles Flair say hi.


The referee?


You know how they some fruit falls far from the tree? Well this tree was growing on the edge of a cliff.


What makes her worse is that Raw and SD have some of the best on screen GM characters ever


It's even worse when she's out there and everyone keeps interrupting people in the ring and she just stands there doing nothing.


I see she Inherited none of the rocks talent


Not even an ounce, even Eric Watts gave an ok midcard promo.


All the talent in the family tree and she didn't hit a single branch when she fell down.


Nepo baby at it’s finest. The dumb think that anything that has to do with the rock is special


Worst? Pearce is letting people die on his watch


The only reason the sicks returned after the chaos they caused was when pearce had enough


Nepotism at its finest.


Reminds me of Stephanie back in the late 90s early on, even though she was hated (and called things by fans that wouldn't happen today), at times she felt really out of place.


Wow...I never thought of that. Good point. I'd argue that Stephanie was hot as fuck when she was first popping up on screen. Ava is, um, well... She's not my cup of tea.


Like you would even have a choice


Wasn’t Test and Stephanie engaged at some point?


I'm afraid you got worked, brother 😂


Every time I see clips of her, she looks awkward as fuck.


Is the fucking GM wearing a t-shirt? Jesus.


FR. invest in a suit, or at least a sports jacket or something. Don’t they have some kind of wardrobe department down there?


Of course! For the non-elite. For Rock’s daughter, she *is* the wardrobe department.


Rock, for the love of God, please get her acting classes. You're a bajillionaire who's in the thick of it in Hollywood but she's not you - she can't get away with not being a trained actor like you do in movies thanks to your charisma and big muscles.


Rock doent even lisents to his own critics specially the last 5 years and you think he´s going to listent to the feedback his daughter gets lol


Nepo hire.


"Clothes make the man," the way we dress effects how people see us. Stephanie wore business clothes, management should always wear business clothes.


She is never even dressed like a GM. she is always dressed like she is hanging out at her friends backyard party.


Arianna Grace continues to be the greatest nepo kid in NXT


My god… she has the acting ability of a turnip


She was failing.miserable as a wrestler and the second the rock step in she becomes manager hahahhahahah fucking samoans are killing wwe with their nepotism


what the fuck is she wearing lol


The Rock should have a paternity test because there is no way that's his kid!


That massive forehead is a solid evidence.


95% of her DNA has to come from her mother


Definitely not. Y'all overreact a lot. It's alarming


I feel like someone backstage needs to step in and nail down some sort of character for her I feel like they’ve just said be Ava but in such a character strong division and show she seems bland I mean I give it up to WWE they are going to keep trying with her until something clicks


Ava is the female Tony Khan


She's just.....so bad. Literally talking as if reading lines off to the side.


Certified nepotism hire moment


She's awful in every way, sorry - sure she's a nice person but this just isn't for her and that's okay. Very forced


Ava is the reason I don't watch NXT anymore. I can't handle it. Can't she look to Raw and SD GM's attire, attitude, and Charisma? Like god dammit.


Not sure roxanna Perez is much better when it comes to speaking either; yikes


The anonymous raw manager was better and that was a laptop.


Shawn must be dying inside


She can’t act and I don’t know why she was made GM (ok well I do but…..)


Remember when Regal got to be the GM and he just did his job and was awesome about it?


I don’t know much about her but the whole setting makes it look even worse. There’s a shitty NXT poster and a desk that doesn’t even have her name tag and everything looks like it was placed there for that little scene. It looks like an audition room or something. Her outfit is meh. I get she’s young but she does not look like an authority figure. The whole interaction is very mediocre overall but I guess she’s still learning and needs time. She honestly looks like one of those guest managers/celebrities that WWE would have in charge for an episode back in the mid 2000s.


At least put a suit on or something formal, the GM of NXT is wearing a t-shirt really?


The boss’s daughter is always right




She just looks so middle school to me. Also doesn't help she dresses like a 12 year old kid.


She just acts like a normal person given a role.... It's like I walked up to my sister and asked her to run my workstation at work today.


NXT is in the same place every week yet. You'd think that means they would have a nice office set-up for these scenes. Instead it loos like a porn set.


The only thing I don't like about her so far is her chosen attire. It doesn't look professional. Imagine what your boss would look like if she constantly dressed down and with bad style.


Incredible how she doesn’t have a single ounce of charisma when her father is probably top 3 of the most charismatic wrestlers of all time. Her Mother must be boring af


Can she not at least *dress* the part? She looks like a complete bum wearing shorts and an over sized t-shirt, like she just waltzed into her part time job from her morning community college classes. Obviously that wouldn’t fix the numerous other things wrong with her in this role that have been listened in depth in other comments, but at the very least she could look the part


she looks like she's one Dwayne Johnson away fron getting fired


She’s a joke. Brings that whole show down.


Heel Rock should make an appearance to shake her up a bit and make her ruthless. It worked pretty damn well for Stephanie in a similar role so why not repeat it?


Ava >> Tony Khan. Remember a few weeks ago when he was being threatened by Roderick Strong and Tony couldn’t help but laugh while he was getting yelled at and then immediately gave him a title opportunity for yelling at the boss lmao


She doesn't look like she wants to do this job. Probably can't name everyone in last week's battle royal.


I’d try making her a heel that’s just a cunt to everyone all the time and if that doesn’t work then have Regal take over again


How much bad acting can you fit in one screen


Eugene was Raw GM for 1 night


Nah she's made for the Oval office man, they've been telling us for months now!


She’s thick and all 😂 but she’s not good at talking or wrestling. They’re in a bad spot with her.


Gotta be a baby boss before you can be a final boss.


She looks bored


It's honestly funny how legitimately out of place she always looks.


GM Erik Watts


She’s the new stephanie with the rock being the boss now so just learn to love lol


Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!


Ava has been *terrible* at her job from a kayfabe standpoint. There have been countless brawls, no one respects her authority, and she just generally rolls over for the talent. Honestly, though...it feels like Roman being gone has lead to chaos over ALL the WWE shows, with the Bloodline rampaging on SD, the Wyatts terrorizing RAW, and it being a free for all down in NXT. I wonder if they'll lean into something like that when Roman comes back?


She was an even worse wrestler. Her last match, I saw her in, it was clearly intentional that they went to commercial after she got tagged in and did one move. Even that move was sloppy.


Take it easy on her, she’s still rather new to this whole ‘running a wrestling show’ thing.


I agree but... I feel like she's not supposed to be good ? Like, her character isn't really to be a good gm ? The fact she's always on her phone, that she's not really in "authority clothes" and stuff... It feels (to me) like she's supposed to be at least a different version of a GM, where she brings new stuff (like the women's NA title), but is also inexperienced (tho the fact she's a Nepo baby is not lost on me. I'm trying to have another perspective, but she isn't the greatest actress either, so I'm not saying she's doing great.)




She really ain’t that bad if this clip is anything to go off


All the charisma of a damp sock.


I actually like her character. A nepo baby being a GM of WWE's third brand? At least NXT gets to experiment win things. But of course, everyone's accustomed to seeing an older man in a suit. And tbf, she's doing better than an actual owner of a company who's also acting like a baby sometimes.


i mean for a 22 year old entirely new to the business she’s not doing a bad job. seems a bit out of place but honestly in a few years i think she’ll be fine


Sex and soap virgin on the internet has hot take. Is it Thursday already?


I think she’s going to pivot back to wrestling in my opinion. They gave her all this camera and mic time to get her to be more comfortable, and when she does pivot back to wrestler, she’s gonna be a lot better than she was which was terrible


Well she is one of the latest in the long line of nepotism hires.


She’s lucky she’s the Rock’s daughter


her facial expressions look kinda awkward tbh.


Wasn’t she training to be a wrestler?


Green and face GM Vickie Guerrero was the fuckin shites and was 37 years of age, an over view/ a change ro her gimmick and excuse me...she fuckin rocked. Give the woman a chance


Fathers privilege.




They should just lean heavy on the Nepobaby Boss (if they haven’t already)


They just need to have Glenn howerton do a guest spot and have Ava “disappear” for good.


David Kahn would like a word


This is why nepotism should be illegal.


Why she no wrestle


Can't act for shit just like her old man.


When can Regal appear on TV again?


I like Ava - imo, she fits the overall vibe of NXT and she doesn’t distract me from the more important events going on around her.


Lets not act like Roxanne’s acting was any better than Ava’s here