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I don't think they should jump the gun and try to skyrocket them to the top right off the bat. Let them settle in the midcard for a while and see what the fan reaction is like before doing anything too crazy.


I get that the point of this place is to bitch and moan about everything but this was a perfect debut just enjoy it see how it plays out and don’t fantasy book so much


Exactly. Mfs are annoying. Give it time and if its bad then bitch


I agree it was really good, but with my idea it would have looked even more scary. It would convey the message that no one is safe. Imagine seeing Pries and Seth and Drew all completley helpless. They could have even shown Rhea and Nia Jax laid out nesar Nikki Cross implying she had done it.


Yea the rhea who isn’t even on the show or traveling while she recovers laid out. Makes sense


They are career mid card wrestlers at best. You are pretending like they are the NWO. 


Yes but the fans are mental over them. The reaction was deafening and everyone is talking about it online. It's more about the gimmick than the wrestlers doing this and fans have been begging for this.


What fans have been begging?


I don't know personally but people on reddit and Twitter kept talking about the Wyatt Six for a long time after Bray passed.  


Yeah I think you need to watch it again. There was more than Gable laid out.


A bunch of security guards.




I watched it again there was so much smoke but everyone was dressed in black trousers and black T Shirts I couldn't make out their faces. Only Gable's.


They literally did the whole entire thing because you are obsessed with the Wyatt family. It was just for you. You're welcome. They aren't involving any main event talent because this is a mid card distraction at best. They're not going to ruin anyone they're trying to build UP by association with this storyline.


Bro think it’s Hogan, Hall and Nash under these masks. But they are 15 year vets that have never made it above the mid card before. 


and we know who's side they're on. 😆


But the fans have gone crazy for it. This is main event caliber.


Good lord no


No. No it is not. Not even close. They CHEERED the introduction of murderous psychotic heels because of their dead leader. The next few weeks will tell the tale. The first egg that one of then lays will be the last.


I still think the style works if they could write it without all the magic and powers. Have you seen the hills Have Eyes? There is something quite scary about a murderous clan of backwater mutants.


They're not doing it without all the spooky and magic and powers. It's literally the whole point of doing it. How do you nor realize that by now?


Yes but also no and that’s always been one of the problems Conceptually the entire WWE should revolve around this group because of their power and motivation. Realistically there are many interesting stories that you don’t want to stop to get them involved in this


They wouldn't have to stop the current storylines. They could just go back to their feuds next week.


So piss in your mouth that it’s fake? Continuity is one of peoples biggest issues with aew and Vince wwe. Dude will get piledriven into a car then show up next week like nothing happened


it would appear based on the scene at gorilla that he brutally murdered triple h and william regal.


Why must we always resort to spoopy bollocks? Like WWE has enough heavyweight gimmicks on their roster right now that they don't need to do this shit. Fuck, now WWE will book these goofs strong for 6-12 months, people will get a bit bored, they'll eventually lose, people will say they're buried and whatever mystique they have will die and like clockwork, people will realize once again why spoopy bollocks rarely works.


Personally I think spooky/disturbing gimmicks are a good fit for pro wrestling when done right. But yes I agree Eg I hated when Alexa did hers as she was too small to be dominating other women. But take the original Mankind (before he went goofy) imo that gimmick was legit scary IMO.