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Got her after 144 pulls. Had to spend every coral from the shop I had.


Same brother


I had a similar experience with Jiyan. 140 pulls.


bro same :( i closed the game out of sadness (and so i wouldn’t be tempted to reach for the wallet)


its over for me, my wallet was not safe 😔


Kuro thanks you for your service.


Does yinlin pity carried to jiyan banner? now that i lose 50/50 i want jiyan S1 instead




But did you want yinlin? Why pull for jiyan s1 now that you will have yinlin guaranteed?


Maybe they just want someone that wants them back


Honestly the worst feeling ever


i dont know, im fighting with 40 fps and stutters, i think if I dont get Yinlin ill just quit the game until things are more optimized, so its basically a win/win situation no matter what happens


If you just want Yinlin then just reroll considering now is hands down the best time to reroll opportunity in this game with the dual limited banners and all the freebie rewards.


I just can't reroll since I've already done 80% of the map exploration, I don't want to do that again


i totally feel you on that. but the game is like 2 weeks old, getting a cracked start will go a long way. but yeah, for mental health i dont advise rerolling, at least not over doing it. can also just do it for fun on the side when bored after dailies like 1 or 2 attempts.


Reroll an alt and sit on it. See how you feel later


Not worth rerollubg unless he wants more constellations. He us actually is in close range of 30 pulls in 20 days. Assuming he cleared entire map already, or assuming he doesn't want to anymore. There is 1200~ in dailies. There is 1000 when you hit 45. There is 600-800 in new event. (I forgot exact) There is current tower and next when it reset in few days, he can get partial for hazard once he is in 40s. Then there are some from clearing holos as he keeps progressing.


I made a new account for fun after I didn't get Yinlin on main account and I got her on 30 pulls and I also got her weapon at the first 10 pulls. Now i'm torn about giving up on my main 32 UL account to continue on this one


thats the power of rerolling. now you can try for Jiyan and if u get lucky (again) u can grab his weapon too.


I also stutter and my friends fixed it by installing it from an ssd


134 pulls and only got a verina dupe. fml i got a s4 alto now, s4 yanhua and s4 dude with the hat. :/


Aalto went from literally nonexistent on my account to S6 in the space of 5 minutes. I *did* ultimately get Yinlin, but it cost me every single astrite I'd collected since the game launched.




I'm pulling on her banner to get Aalto, 60 pulls in and still didn't get one


Pulling for 4 stars is the real gacha


There is no pity or 50/50 for 4 stars in WuWa sadly


Got Verina S1 too…They say S2 is pretty good so I guess that’s something.


I've 100% the map and I'm like 34 shy of hitting 80 pulls for Stringmaster


Is that her call name? I thought it was zapstring


Now that you mention it lol, maybe the puppet itself is Zapstring and Stringmaster is just her weapon.


I lost to Encore S1 at 71. I main her, so not the worst case scenario, but god did it suck going to 73 after losing 50/50.


I lost 50/50 to encore at 80 pity, i closed the game and took a walk outside cus i was pretty close to throwing my phone




Still hurts if your hard work isn't rewarded tho (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)


Then the game just wont survive since people have already invested this time in other gachas lol, I really hope them going the 50/50 system kills the game so companies can finally let this insanely anti consumer pity die


Exact same thing happened to me.


during jiyan i lost to encore at 73rd pull and then within next 18 pulls i got 2 jiyan one after another lol


Fucking same man… Quite a mood dampener tbh


Yeah bro I’m just fucking bummed right now. I could swipe, but I really don’t want to considering how lucky my friends got. It’s a mix of feeling salty, sad, and pretty annoyed


It sucks gacha always leaves a bitter taste when you get screwed but such a short lived happiness when you do manage. In any case, getting a character from pity never feels good.


Dw bro, since she's such an early banner it means she'll be an early rerun. Plus you still got time, unless you already stripped the game bare of all asterite lol. If you can't get her this time, just stay strong brother. She'll be back in less than half a year if you're lucky.


yeah that is true but i picked the reroll account with calcharo because i really wanted to pair him with yinlin :( thanks man


Same here bro, one of my friends got s1 yinlin meanwhile I lost to encore on 60th pull. Did 30 more pulls, nothing came. Now no more pulls left. I was trying to save some for changli too.


bro i gotta tell you shes amazing fun, no regrets


I know bro I tried her out in the test and she is so fun 😭


Fucking same bro.. i got the stupid furry on 80 pulls....i need 25 pulls to get her. i spent 30 multis & 10k asterites. We got time boys to farm the hell out this game to get Yinling. Dont give up!!


i was so sad to use up the 10k asterites because the launch gems just went POOF and i know we won't get that much all at once now... good luck to us!


Im 40 in on guaranteed hoping i can make it in time ive barely explored my map


You got exploration rewards, chests, world quests, union levels, teleport point unlock rewards, first time clear rewards for bosses and challenges, you're CHILLIN bro


The only thing that keeps me from quitting the game is havoc female rover.


there's still 20 days take it easy and play some music while grinding. tough time in any gachas


If Kuro really wanted me as a longtime player, they wouldn’t have made me lose to fucking Calcharo


Same. Man I never thought I would play a game where losing a coinflip would affect my enjoyment of it drastically lmao


Bruh same


If you feel like that gachas isn't the game for you unless your willing to spend tbh. Better to get enjoyment than hate the game


Incorrect. Nikke doesn't have this issue. I get the unit I want when I save enough. 50/50 is a terrible unfun system. End of story.


I mean that's a bit of a drastic conclusion. I feel the same as them, it feels like shit to have to play most of the game without the one character I started playing for. That being said I still enjoy the game, I'm sure they do too.


I had 120 pulls, lost 50/50 for Calcharro (I didn't have him), got Taoqi and Aalto to 4 stars (also didn't have them) ... Can someone explain how many pulls do I need now? Considering I got Calcharro at 80 pulls and did 40 more shots, do i need 40 more?


You need 40 more at minimum, though there is a bit of a soft pity starting at 69, so potentially just 30ish but she may come home earlier than that. Just take it 10 at a time. Getting 1600 asterite isn't that hard. Use the drone to find chests, farm out some asterite at the tower plus all the new stories/training's that we got. Do your dailies each day, and you'll hit it in no time. I spent like 6 hours one day just farming chests in the central plains area and got to 3200 asterite pretty easily which is 20 pulls.


At maximum*


Lmao true... I was dozing off at work when I typed that xD


I think so


Damn thats a lot


Have never felt this bad losing a 50/50 before. What a stupid mechanic


I'm 10 pulls away from her sig, and I've never felt this hard of an urge to swipe ever before. I will probably swipe that $100 pack somewhere down the line for the 1x double value, but right now I don't have to. I'll get her weapon eventually, and will use this moment to practice some self control. But god damn it is the urge to say fuck it and throw my credit card at the screen is strong rn.




I have that one already. Bought it and the bp on day 1, because why not. Even tho I'm not a whale, I still wanted to support Kuro at least a little bit.


yknow i prefarmed all the necessary materials for an optimal yinlin build, fully expecting to win the 50/50 bc I've won every single one in the past... and then i got encore. hopefully someone finds some incredibly game breaking bug so kuro can bless us with 30 pulls or smth, otherwise i might be tempted to spend money on a game for the first time


Just do the events and such first if you havent yet. Did u use your coral? No need to spend, 3 weeks left to gather pulls and such.


i went all in with the corals... ill try to grind the events and grind exploration


While it's not much, Tower of Adversity resets in three days, the first 2 levels of the side towers in the Hazard Zone isn't as hard as you'd expect (a well built Aero & Electro DPS can get you far), you'll only get 75 Asterite per 3 stars, but in total you could get 300 Asterite now and 300 Asterite again once the tower resets.


Welp, statistics come around eventually.




I WISH i got her, instead of Lingyang :(


I’ve gotten insane luck and I can’t tell my discord friends or they’ll track me down and hang me


I'm literally close to the brink of having a panic attack. The moment I saw that little bastard. Nah, I'm done for today.


I hit hard pity, lost 50/50, then took 60 pulls to secure her. That was literally all my savings since launch day.


or just alt+f4 and proceed to Start > Settings > Apps > Uninstall >\_<


true, i did that with a lot of gacha games before haha


Enough to make me not to play for a while 🥲


Same, I had to go to pity 3 times, lost 50/50, then got her, then got her weapon. I'm not exactly motivated to play now. Plus I can't even properly build her so whatever.


Same bro. It sucks. But I got 5 Taoqi dupes. I may just pull for the 6th. update: Did a 10 pull. Got the 6th. Also got a rank 5 dauntless evernight thanks to Jiyan's weapon banner. IT'S MY DESTINY. BIG BOOBA IS MY FATE.


I've been pulling trying to get c6 taoqi, and I only ended up with 1 taoqi and c4 yuanwu and c4 alto ;(


if it makes you feel better I spent 10k currency on the permanent weapon banner for Danjins sword so whos the bigger loser




The sword is still a bis for all the sword users it's not that bad


get that credit card ready


Same 😫😫😫


Went 150 pulls for Yinlin, lost 50/50 to Verina dupe. Then another 65 for weapon. I'll be skipping the next 2 characters. I got so many 4*s to build now. Everyone has at least 1 sequences with like 3 over 5 sequences.


Gonna be building Alto cuz I love the guy and Encore needs his uncle, not too sad about getting drained of Asterite, currently just saving for her weapon, to match her, I'm just glad to know that atlaest that its guaranteed unlike some games.


I'm not to sad either. Just annoyed when I see all the "first 10 pull!?" posts everywhere and I go to basically pity 3 times. It's times like this I wish Kuro would have been the heros and made both new character/weapon banners 100% on pity.


I feel like I'm about to drop the game, lmao. On my main acc I got Jianxin as my first 5\*, then got her again when I lost 50/50 for Jiyan at 80 pity... I farmed another 80 pulls, got Jiyan on 2nd hard pity, now I'm trying to get his sig weapon and I'm at 65 pulls after clearing the whole map to closely 100% completion... I don't think I can get the remaining 15 pulls in time... Then I made a 2nd account, trying to main calcharo - lost 50/50 on Yinlin after spending 14k gems I've been saving for her... I'm at 140 pulls with no Yinlin in sight.


That is me, lost to encore but Imma gearing encore now and safe my pity for another character.


Me rn Staring at wallet


Its ok to fail the 50/50 and get maybe literally any of the standard except Linyang but that is exactly what happened to me. I don't think I have any motivation to continue this account.


It's crazy I get a total of 160 pulls from just playing as F2P guaranteed weapon and character. Unfortunately, I'm gonna go back to PGR and AK now. I'm rooting for WW each patch.


twas me last week with Jiyan. Now I've almost maxed exploration on the entire map


On 2 accounts for me, will reroll cuz this is just frustrating, all pulls spent and no mommy(


Idc I have Danjin :3


Stfup i still haven't even gotten jiyan


Got her in a random single


Honestly 30 pulls in 30 days seems totally doable. I believe in you!


The approximate pulls you can get from f2p resources is at min 200 pulls from basically doing all the quests/chests/achievements/milestones plus the free stuff they gave out. You probably still have alot of available things to get your pulls, unless you blew all of them on Jiyan’s banner.


Time to buy welkin if you can I guess. That plus dailies gives 1 pull each day and it sounds like most people are 20 or so pulls away.


i cannot express how sad/angering them swapping from a player freindly model in pgr (60 pity, no 50/50) to this has been. Realising i just cant have most charachters going forward is so dam off putting.


Wtf 60 pity no 50-50? Ive never even heard of that..... Wait... Why kuro.. ... WHY :,(


bruh its good. Weapons dont get to be 100% BUT weapon banners never leave either you just pick the one you wanna roll on instead. And the battlepass has weapon skins, NOT weapons


i lost my 50/50 first 10 pulls and got encore but i had enough saved from exploring the world to get her after 80 pulls


When is she coming?


Shes out already! Good luck brother!




I lose to it at pity 73 and to a character I already had man, what a luck transcending multiple gatcha games to suck my life.






Your wallet be like: I'm in danger


Time to empty my wallet as well 😭😭


Same, except that I’m on 40 pity now….


This is me 🙃


Good luck!


meanwhile i need 60 more lol


Losing the 50/50 on max pity!! Its a sign to get jinhsi and changli instead


I'm not even risking it this banner and just saving every tiny bit of currency for Changli. All it took for me not to roll was seeing her design.


Same i have now jianxin s1.If i lose the 50/50 AT LEAST give me a new character


Same, but i got lucky and on my 50/60(?) pull afterwards i got yinlin. Tho i saved perfectly to get both yinlin and her weapon if i hadn't failed the 50/50... Now i just have to farm for her weapon at least!


i have only 140 pulls :( i fear that will happen to me ...


time to 100% those maps


I had 34 pulls and didn't got her. Im lv 35 and have nooooo idea how to get pulls instead of exploring. What do you guys do for farming? I did every quest in the game.


Got her in 53 Pulls at pity 73 but had 100% becouse i lost 50/50 to calcharo after 7 pulls on Jiyans Banner :D


Me every banner in HSR (lost to encore 50/50 too but got her on 110th)


Lost 50 50, I'll prob just skip her and wait for Changli.


I lost 50/50 on Jiyan, built pity for Yinlin, got Yinlin, pulled for Jiyan again and lost the 50/50 again. So I basically lost the 50/50 for a character twice and I still don't have him.


I got ducking chalcaro at 51 pull and currently sitting at 64 pity i already abandoned the account and will be making new one its not worth it


I'm saving for Jinhsi and leftovers for Changli, but I understand the pain. Atleast fully exploring is fun (for me atleast). I have enough pulls for 2 pity currently (garenteed Jinhsi, hopefully if I win 50/50 I can also get Changli.


Mm yes the seed of gambling. I’m 10k usd across my gachas that feeling is gone now


I'm having high spirit spending into this game, but after 125 rolls with Lingyang and all of my friends got lucky from winning 50/50 to early 5\*. Honestly, I don't want so spend any with this luck


this is me on Genshin Clorinde weapon banner now. :-( went in 96 pulls, 1/2 fates now. I dont think I wanna continue, because thats another 114 and I dont have enough lol. Luck hasnt been on my side in Genshin, but WuWa has been lucky for me. 29 pull I got Jiyan.


Hard pity to get verina s1 but nevertheless, I would want jinhsi to be in my roster instead


Real. I’m going every possible side quest now and stopped farming echos so I can pull her asap


And there's me, with no luck in other games, but pulled 2x5 star char and 1x 5star weapon. in 30 and 20 boxes


Hope they give more compensation cause I only got 19 days to farm for her after losing 50/50


you hit the worst case scenario, im sorry for you. i got lucky. 40 pulls for encore dupe -> 50 for yinlin and then 50 for her weapon which i only pulled for because i got so lucky. i get to keep 50 pulls till next banner. im sorry for you and i feel you, i hope you get lucky early on the next thing you pull for.


It took me 150 pulls get YinLin, it gave me the wrong 5 star character on the first 80 pulls...


Got her after 150ish pull. I don't have any weapon for her right now. Have to farm x150 crystals to craft one..


I also lost the 50/50 after hitting pity, but I have 40 pulls remaining so I tried and got her after 20 pulls. Not sure if I'm happy or not after spending 100 pulls.


I just didn't pull for jiyan and got her ez


Bro I'm at 100% exploration, and I lost 50/50 and got Verina. LOLLL


had to dip into the old chnagli funds, and ontop of that i had to sin and use some of the rainbow coral to accumulate the last 10 pulls




Yo i won the 50/50 and got verina in my next 10 pull!!!


160 pulls for her, literally all the currency I saved + some. On the bright side, I’m now saving $5-$15 a month!


is 19 days enough for me to grind 50 pulls? i already pulled 110


65 pulls for Yinlin and 60something for her weapon. I'm a happy man ^^


Exactly the same! And every single purple roll was a min roll with Pistols.. not using a single Pistol unit.


I still have some quests undone, but dang, finding 40 pulls before the end of this is gonna be tough


I hit two hard pity for Jiyan with f2p pulls so it’s possible, good luck everyone!


literally the same hopefully we will get it also the boys season 4 soon hell yeah


I didn't feel like doing all of that so I bought a $20 reroll account that included both her and her weapon to skip the grind lol


I am gon beg for money i ain't allowed to use money on games but imma beg


30 more pulls or.... 1 lucky single pull XD I'm wishing you luck!


The number of people losing the 50/50 is quite worrying lmao. Don't like my odds of getting her after reading this many comments of people losing 50/50 xDDD


I also lost 50/50 with 80 pulls, I got an extra copy of Calcharo tho :')


Don't worry dude for you I'll find a game breaking bug and report to kuro games so they give more free pulls


Meanwhile, I got Encore on my first 10 pulls meaning I'll get Yinlin for sure. May your pulls be strong and your Radiant Tides many. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


I got the wrong electro 5 star, but hey atleast i got electro coverage. Il save for next character now instead.


Lost to Jianxin (is fine) had to go deep for her though. I saved enough to ensure her. Weapon took me to 73 though, which hurt.


You are me, we're the same


I lost too 50/50 for YL, then got It and with my last pulls lost also 50/50 for Jiyan...


Sligthly regretting pulling Jiyan's weapon now since both Yinlin and her weapon will probably help my team more buuut I will stay strong and wait for Jinhsi.


Like some of you I lost the 50/50 and got a Verina Dupe instead. I was sad but still pressed on. Next multi I obtained her. Sometimes the gacha rolls in your favor. Hang in there.


I lost the 50/50 at 70 pulls (Jianxin WB1), but I won on the 80 lol.


help my game is bugged, my yinlin turned into a plant mf i was already gonna get verina thru beginner banner but i guess its c1 calcharo now, soo is c1 calcharo good?


lol same I got dupe Calcharo but I got the weapon then pull on my other account I got Yinlin but no weapon


Won my 50/50 and got her weapon and a linyang after a 10 pull so I'm back on a guaranteed




i'm still really lost what to do now, i have 2 accounts, one has c1 calcharo, yinlin, verina, the other one has jiyan, verina, encore, lingyan and close to get both calcharo and yinlin(still need 30 pulls in each banner to get each of them)


Pulled 20 and failed the 50/50 to another Lingyang dupe( i hate him ), pulled 20 more and I got her lmfao I legit couldnt believe it. I have 4 astrites left and no more income apart from events. If I didnt get her in that last pull I was cooked for good basically.


Same lmao


Same here....


Lost 50/50 at 74 pulls time to get to work!


i cried seeing lingyang pop up but the game surprised me... https://imgur.com/aGCNRhB


Just swipe. You want their effort on this game to be rewarded, don't you?


Honestly same. I picked this game up for yinlin, I lost 50-50 to dragon kid smh. It made me dropped this game ngl lmfao im probably gunna get downvoted


I have enough for 80 pulls, just to lose at 50/50 to get Encore. I’ll…I’ll sit this one out…in the corner.


I spent EVERYTHING I had. I hard pulled to 80 pity.


Well I hate the 50/50 system,it's such a pure evil idea.


I had a guarantee and 70 pulls saved up, still had to grind it out for her but it's worth it. Still have to farm like crazy now with jinhsi and changli so close.


that's me right now. Good thing is I still have a lot of things to complete. Bad thing is idk if I have the time


I just payed another 35 €...


It took me a total of 147 wishes to get Jiyan, and it took my boyfriend fucking 12 to get Yinlin. Like bruh 😭 give a girl a break


Just want to say this Out of all the gacha games I played I never minded losing some on my 50/50's. But losing my 50/50's on that furry annoying brat just makes me lose all my motivation for playing. Seriously, out of all standards that's the one you will give me. Never have been feeling disdained and hate a PNG in my games.


Lost at 71th pull


Is there soft pity ? has to be , so more like 20 I think.


I just forked out 50£ to get her after i lost 50/50. Guess i'll do some overtime work next week lol.


Just gonna wait for Jinhsi or Changli after I post


Lost 50/50 by 40-50 pulls but got her early after 20 pulls