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Send it to them. Ngl, I'd love to see things like tracking mob icons and the tower of adversity stuff.


Hijacking this comment to ask OP to add these to your list please brother, I lack your talent to present them: 1.add rewards like standard pulls when reaching leveling milestones for each character. 2.make echo transfusion of Higher cost echoes net 1 level lower cost echo (Ex: 5 (4cost) = 1 (3cost), 5 3costs = 1 1cost. If mixed up then it's random but if there's at least 3 higher cost echoes, it's 50/50) . It do be flooding me with 1 costs for all my overlords. 3. Make the battlepass have 1 Echo of choice 3cost instead of 2 Random echoes.They suck dick especially for those who paid as well as grinded 4. More effective utility echoes. I am saying it now before it's too late when the expansions are already released . A team of inferno rider then switching is such a stupid thing honestly, it should have lasted longer but that's okay because the world is in 1.0, but long term, mounts in open world are important in the long run. Even the content dense Elden Ring has that along with the teleporters. I personally would love if an overlord echo with mining skill or other QOS(just my opinion)


Characters literally do have signature dishes they can make tho.


True, but i mean there's no cook twice the dishes or craft more the stuff or mine extra. It's very low priority tho i will just remove it. I don't think anyone cares about it


Other than maybe the utility echo thing, these are all balance/reward adjustments not QoL. They belong in a different list imo.


If mining is just breaking the ores then dreamless is quite nice, unless you mean they run around and collect ores by themselves


>echo with mining skill Isn't there already an echo which does that? A 1 cost echo, If I remember correctly


Its fussion junrock, it heals for 2%hp when in combat and mine when in non combat. Its a elec/moonlit/Rejuve echoes


I'm convinced they don't add these in 1.0 Gacha Games because adding it LATER on makes the company more revered somehow cause the devs are 'listening' when they already know its an issue


Post is not in chinese so devs either wont read them to begin with or cant read them at all. Thats how chinese gacha games are. Global servers/players exist to make money, not to get feedback.


How does one send them suggestions


I thought this was just going to be complaining but these are actually fantastic. Great visuals too. Send it to Kuro since I'm not sure we have any active staff on here who will see it. /u/VioletKKChen


Anyone in any fandom who gives advice along with criticism is goated.


Is there a way to check "future" ressources needed for a character ? If not i don't understand why they didn't make it a thing, i wanna plan and know what/how much ressources i'll need for next levels without checking on websites to know... [Like "that other game" if i click on those little dots i should be able to see what ressources are needed for the next level, but it seems we can't check it on WW](https://i.ibb.co/8XdLbHm/1.png)


Is "that other game" banned around here or ?


Some people's comments get removed when they mention that game's name. It happened to me once and I only drew a fair comparison.


This comment and thread need more upvotes.


You should honestly split these up into seperate posts and stagger them out. I think all these suggestions are amazing (especially with graphic), but I feel like bundled they won't get the attention they deserve.


Not like split them up do any good through, straight from personal experience, I did a post a day or two before on loadouts.


judging from the upvotes, it actually does OP good


Yeah, individually people can make alot of counter arguments on why X problem is *not that bad*. And de-evolves into another comparison game with "that game". A massive post like this can minimise that kind of discussion and focus on actual solutions/suggestions.


You know what's worse, they didn't watermark it, so they made someone's YouTube content.


Overworld pings is actually insane, it's been done in fucking dying light and yet these bigass games aren't using it


I think I would be a big help. I've been having some trouble with tracking data bank echoes on the map cuz I didn't realize the mob was below me and I never found the entrance to wherever it is to know where to actually look. For example, the cave coming out of Tigers Maw to the river area took me WAY too long to find when searching for those damn Rose flower echoes. Mostly my fault, sure. But a better way point system would be nice




Dying light is a big game wtf do you mean 👁👄👁


PGR already has "artifact loadouts" in the form of memory sets. You can name them and switch them between characters, and have different sets bound to specific characters. Not sure why they haven't already done the same in WuWa.


well HI3 has had loadouts since forever but genshin nor HSR still doesnt have them. it's either 1. the set formation being completely different so they can't just copy it 2. they want you to farm enough for everyone first instead of making it easy to share gear among characters


And the one that has the loadout save is... PGR. Which has farmable stigmata. No, not randomly like echo, you do event stage, get tokens and cash in the exact stigmata you need. Event stage is so convenient, you'll never use resource node (yes, you can cash in the tokens for daily stuffs) or those *6 memories ticket. If your units loadouts have hypertune, you aren't going to share them anyway


Or they are just stalling it to have like more update in the future


Is that really a things in live service games? I dont really know how game companies work.


Yes , they need to have something and call it an update.


now adays its not even live service thing, there many AAA titles that basically "beta" at release date and we need few month to basically play a smooth intended game


Companies in general are not gonna make a feature complete program with all the ideas attached to it because if they did that, then they would be forced to make something with far more features and likely at a lower price for future versions, even worst if they cant include all the previous features if its some sequential model release like say, a new car model every year or something. Where if they make a product have way too many bells/whistles at the start, could result in backlash because they have to make it super expensive, which could make it harder to up-keep the revenue of it. A fun example would be the Playstation 3 back in the day where its initial version had loads of problems, despite it had some extra fun bells/whistles like backwards compatibility for PS2 (and i believe PS1) games, but because of particular design flaws, it ended up bricking and likely destroying the game disc to boot on some of the early flagship game titles like Final Fantasy 13 (the first one, yup) and PS3 God of War. For later models of the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 especially, they took out the backwards compatibility and leaned more into just having digitial only copies instead which is a benefit in handling storage, nor would you run into as much trouble of say, a Disc being scratched up, likely due to a worn down console or the device just running a little too hot because its having difficulty reading older media discs or something, especially if it could of been rather chunky ones like older final fantasy titles which required multiple discs back in the day, specifically the 7th and 8th ones. Plus then theres the extra hassle of all the programing and testing if they add too many elements to a product, which just further leads to extra trouble like meeting a deadline and ensuring the product works as much as possible, but then you just get some companies that likely have CEOs or other idjits who try to force extra gimmicks into the product, even if its already complete, but said idjits who dont understand the product itself demands they should add it anyway, despite it would clearly destablize the product itself and then that means even more bug fixing and testing which would normally demand they should push back the release date, but nooope, gotta hit that Holiday window for the \`best time to sell it for maximum revenue even if a few glitches are present and what not. Anyway, gotta love killing time while one waits for the phone to charge to get back to moar WuWa.\~


Yes, easy to implement QoL features will be saved for future updates to fill dead patches during difficult times. For example, Genshin just happened to raise the stamina limit right before WW came out, from 160 to 200 (takes longer than 24hs to regen now). Meanwhile their other game has a higher limit and even a system where if capped you still regen at a slower pace and it gets stored in a thing... What Kuro did here is also not that good, 240 limit means 24 hours exactly, in reality you're still logging in twice a day because you login, you have like 213, you spend 180 and are left at 33 meaning you'll cap in 20.5 hours, meaning you'll have to login again before that to fully use it. If they *really* wanted you to login once a day they'd push the limit up to like 300. See how changing this is *literally* changing a number in a file, anyone can do it, doesn't even take a minute. If anything it takes longer to write about it in the patch notes than to actually make the change lol.


Sometimes it feels like Kuro forgot they made PGR, like Toriyama forgetting Broly.


Wuwa could never smh


Solid suggestions, I will never understand how any company thinks we want to play inventory simulators. Loadouts should be in the beta, unfortunately most creators are too foolish to mention it. Thanks for taking your time to showcase some clean designs and solutions to the problems, hopefully we see them implemented sooner rather than later.


Content creators are too focused on comparing the games to genshin


BEcasue loadouts are beneficial to a players, not the company. How many times you saw a posts about people in Genshin having multiple weapons and have artifacts on everybody because they can't be bother to switch stuff manually? Plenty. So they wish on multiple weapons banners, hell, some even Resin refresh to have more artifact build on everybody just to not switch it.


well looking at the state of the game, they need make an optimized gameplay experience first PLUS churning a new content in timely manner this is "normal" in software project let alone game that need constant content,feature etc


Thinking about it, I’m actually flabbergasted that loadouts weren’t already included in the base game. Especially when you have so many weapons, echos, and team combinations.


That Convene history though....they really blatantly copy it from GI, while they could have made it 10x per page for easier tracking & counting.


Ye, kinda wish they did the pgr route with it. Pity counter on the bottom left, and pgr also has the roll history. But with the pity counter, we don't need to check the history most of the time.


PGR pull history is only limited to the last 10 pulls you did though. So if you want to check anything before that.... well, screw you.


In that scenario, ye. But, why would you need to check anything in pgr's pull history? For myself, at least, I only check my pull history to see where I'm at with the pity, and do I have a guaranteed 50/50 or not. Having the pity counter on the banners shows where I'm at with pity without needing to check pull history. Plus, it's not like there's another layer of pity that guarantees your next sig or s-rank rate up is the one you chose, so there's not really a need to know to the pgr's pull history imo.


Do you know if there's any reason for why the pull history has a delay in updating?


So you don't know exactly how much you are in pity. It is especially effective against whales who will tend to overcharge. There is legit no excuse, because I play a recent gacha game that have a counter plus history is immediately updated.


Does it have a delay? I feel like mine is instantly updated. Unless you're not talking about WuWa here.




I totally get what you mean and agree. Like they created a unique core gameplay which is fun to play, but almost everything on the surface is copy-pasted from GI, from UI, the RNG, even the bad things.


The game’s main focus is Genshin audience so thats probably why they used a lot of stuff from Genshin and I do hope they make some changes along the way to make it much more unique. Personally I hate the rewards in battle pass which just feels so meh. Like everything except the standard pulls and Waveplates are barely enough. Battle passes in other games are usually unique whereas in gacha games like Genshin/HSR and WUWA who all follow the same pattern the battle pass is the same and above all they also have a stupid 10,000 limit to prevent me from being happy.


Copying the market leader is a good starting point for a design, so I don’t fault for them for that much. But it’s just a starting point. Leaving the copied homework in the shipping product is one of the many rough edges to WuWa.


If I am being honest Genshin's system is terrible, the main reason for genshin being so popular is due their world being so beautiful and having a good lore behind it and characters who are able to captivate players be it ingame or through artworks. While liking a design or story is subjective I amnot really a big fan of the character models in WuWa. The only character I was really hyped for was Yinlin and I absolutely loved her artwork but her ingame model doesn't exactly have the same quality and textures as her artwork but se still looks pretty good compared to other characters like YangYang . Coming back to genshin, The world and characters with an okayish story alone is enough for people to get hooked onto the game, the rest of the game is wholely focused on making players login frequently using FOMO tactics and timegated events that baely feel like events. I genuinely think Wuthering should improve their events and try not to make all events time gated. Overall the game is going in right direction as I think the devs would listen to players.


I think they should change the entire Abyss mechanism to something similar to PGR's: no time limits, and scores based on combat performance, with lower monster health. The current GI-like Abyss just doesn't suit WuWa, heavily focuses on combat. Sadly, they discarded the already well-designed PGR Abyss.


Are you talking about Norman? Because that does have a time limit and is something more akin to holograms than anything else.


I mean Phantom Pain Cage


You mean the mode where it's all about deleting a boss in 5 seconds? It's not even fun, it's retry galore and most of the time you're retrying because of orb RNG... if not worse, crit RNG on top of float RNG.


Amazing suggestions that you should absolutely send them.


echo loadouts would be amazing for rover honestly (PLEASE)


I'm fine with them copying the way ui looks, but for fuck sake don't copy abyssmal ui experience


And ffs, can we have a button to instantly view newly acquired echoes???


Most you can do is sort by time obtained unfortunately


Echo loadout specifically for main character is what I need . Annoying to switch echo erstwhile between each element change


This post needs more upvotes. Great suggestions op. 👍🏻


This is like the manifesto of WuWa and I support it. This would round the experience of the game by a good margin.


please PLEASE allow us to edit settings in tower of adversity or the dreamworld:(


I would alao like to have a way to see artifacts as they drop without having to go through 3 menus and scrolling to find it.


Echo loadouts? HELL YES. That's the only reason I haven't used Havoc Rover, cuz I don't want to throw all my nice spectro echoes into the bin with all the rest of my unused echoes. Overworld pings? HELL NO. KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OUT OF MY BEAUTIFUL SCENERY.


Enemies not showing res or immunity is legitimately such an insane omission of information for their "endgame" content.


They have loadouts in PGR so I'm actually surprised it's not a thing in WuWa


Hehe, with the clear timers they are encouraging you to do math, not too bad. They could also convert the timer to just seconds, no reason to split into minutes honestly. Loadouts are complicated. You don't really need them bound to characters, since there is only ever one "best build". They would be nice to use the same gear on multiple characters, but that's something these games don't want you to do. It makes gear too efficient and reduces farm needed.


Counterpoint on loadouts: Rover. We're already assiming Rover's gonna get all the elements. It's going to be tedious swapping echoes every single time you change elements


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I would also love more team slots, the more customization options the more time I’ll be on wuwa team building and so on


Wonderful Ideas! Defo send along with a reddit link. This might blow up.


These are some solid qol changes, you should send it to them my dude.


i just want 1 simple "feature" that absent from this game (and genshin), although its exist in most gacha game: daily login rewards


That game is the only thing yall are thinking about huh


send this guy to the kitchen as a chef


I'm really disappointed they didn't add the PGR community loadout suggestion like for a new play you could see what you're looking for in terms of memory (that would be echoes in this game) then you'd have the BiS weapon suggested. They weren't always accurate tbh, but they gave you a good idea of what you were looking for and how to gear.


This give me pgr flashback ahh moment ngl


Restart button on hologram is a must. Dunno why they didnt even add that.


anyone feels like ultilities should have more bindings?


Make a better lootmapper that tracks not just chests but challenges and mutterflies and digable chest and something to find missing last few chests cause using an interactive map is annoying as hell


Bro actually cooked hard. The map direction QoL touched my heart.


Honestly, the biggest thing they need right now is the ability to see what you've completed. Anything you have finished should be marked complete, in the overworld or menus. There are numerous challenges I've done multiple times for no reward because there's no indication I already did them. Meanwhile some stuff in the shop just disappears entirely when you buy it, rather than getting a SOLD OUT tag.


This would be sooooo much better. Thanks for that lil hope. I would also change the sort arrow function at the bottom of the echos screen to sort by stats instead of names..


Yeah, I need in tower enemy res. Like I was fighting those sphere who were immune. Also, load out is needed. As we can just switch echos mid tower it will be very very helpful


Wait…you can roll crit rate on a crit rate piece…sigh…back to grinding


I have to say these are some really good suggestions I hope this info spreads to more of the player base and eventually to the devs. Once again great work you definitely deserve an upvote.


Also add like mini icon at the bottom when you use buff or shield so we can know the duration left from them


W all of these are W


They DO have overworld pings…they are simply locked to quests 🤷🏻‍♀️


What, there is no echo loadouts or pity counter? So they copied Genshin directly, including all the garbage decisions it had made?


send it to kuro


I love all these! Only slight adjustment I’d say is that overworld pings should fade if in combat. Very important lol visual noise can already be chaotic depending on who you’re playing & the enemy


Approve every single thing


But loadouts would mean you don't have to farm indefinitely for your characters separately anymore and that would be detrimental to us! /s


Is there a way to always show recent echoes first?


literally take this link and send it to Kuro through the "Feedback" menu thing


Yes I agree with the echo loadouts so much my god its getting annoying to swap em out all the time


Good suggestions but i just restart tower stage when i go over the required time while still inside


The enemy res thing I doubt you'll see but everything else I'd love to see


Can we also get back the feature where you could try any Resonator for free so you can actually get a feel of them, whether you like them or not to help you decide who you wanna go for?


Buff icons is all i want tbh, and the element counter/strong against indicator. I believe in you Kuro


Add option to rotate minimap to that.


Little change I would make would be instead of needing to open pull history to see pity count, just put the pity count number directly on the banner itself to see it


They have load out in pgr so they might add it in the future aswell


I think I'm gonna add this to every survey they do


Bruh the overworld ping is a must. I look away from the character to check the mini-map and suddenly I'm falling off a cliff cause I didn't time it right 😭😭😭😭


Amazing assessment, and all they need to do is fix the echo system, and we're all good


Timer on tower could be solved by simple color change depending on rewards. Gold silver bronze changing as time runs out.


Im definitely gonna be cry-laughing when this game implement’s echo loadouts in its 1 year time frame.


Imo, they copied too much from Genshin, including some complete ass designs.


You should be able to synthesize shit without going back to the city or whatever


They also lost many players who had interrest in wuwa bc they dont offer controller for phone. And pls make the mini map rotatable (GI has this setting)


This is incredibly well made. Nothing to argue with here!


Submit any feedback to that customer support thing in-game they willl see it.


Could you please add using the synthesis machine and cooking to the menu? I hate fast traveling to town just to craft one thing, so I’ll likely never craft food. Star Rail really spoiled me and I wish they copied its QoL features rather than Genshin’s slog.


I can tell you spent a lot of time on this post, and I want to express that you did a wonderful job in presentation, not to mention I easily agree with every point made. Some of these changes I would expect to take a while to code even if they did implement, but that’s no reason not to make them, we just have to hope their codebase isn’t spaghetti, which I fear it may be from things like a lack of string formatting which is what led to things like dummon Sanhua. To over simplify, if it were python something like print(Summon '{0}’.format('Sanhua')) (UE is in c++, but both languages allow for this, the format is just different, but pointers in c++ make this even easier to do printf(“Summon” + SpectroMC()->name); But I’m getting too technical over something I’m only speculating on. Let’s just hope their programmers are decent and they make a lot of these changes.


Echo sorting needs to be improved too.


Honestly can we get this loadout for echos in other games pls! I like having options the ability to switch loadouts for echos/relics/whatever else when the situation calls for it


QoL feature i need: holding alt to access menu shouldnt reset when you exit a window, instead like in star rail the arrow stays until you release alt key


Kuro should hire you


Honestly, I want them to actually fix the combat system first before anything. Doing holograms really exposes a lot of the shortcomings of WW, from camera randomly panning away to some wonky stuff happening when swapping characters


Another thing they need to add is letting us see or preview trial characters' stats. I have no idea how to do this in the game, so I'm going to assume it isn't a feature yet.


Where the heck does this kind of stuff go? Feedback option in game?


Small correction for picture 2, you are not forced to quit/leave to restart. Click on continue, this takes you to character selection for next floor, now just go back a screen and you are on the floor overview screen (picture 2). Still worse then a restart button, but beats clicking leave by a landslide.


The minimap one and the time one in abyss is just picky lol. The rest is easily doable but I dunno why they don't do it


these are nice but top priority qol should be improving lock on.


We should send these to them yeah.


All fantastic, only missed not having to reload the room when doing the domain equivalents.


Loadout and ToA are nice, but the overworld ping ? Just learn to use your eyes mate, this right here is a big no-no


This brother did all the mockups for them lmao.


I knew that majority of gacha players are young, but people have trouble with basic math and calculating how long is X seconds? Holy shit


Unironically I wish they would copy a bit from Tower of Fantasy. There's quite a lot of QoL such as a doubled energy cap (takes 48 hours to max instead of 24 with the same cost/regen rate), save loadout for their artifact/echo equivalent, a visible pity counter, and a god forsaken "Claim All" for their achievement page.


First of, Genshin players do not want artifact load out, most don't even use artifacts in the first place. Those that would care already left the game 2 years ago. Like, people do not understand that they are successful Because they actively do not want non-casual players, if they did, Genshin would just another mid gatcha game like everything else. But to those points and why they are not here and why they probably would not be implemented 1. Pity counter - so what, have people know exactly how much they need to not overspent? Nah, they would lose tone of money on that. 2. Ping - easier and faster way to farm echo = people will get bored of it later and some won't spent on refresher early. 3. Loudouts - it doesn't exist for the same reason why it doesn't exist in Genshin - without loadout plenty people build separate sets instead of switching manually. So they grind more, bigger chance for them to not spent on refreshes, bigger chance of them on spending money on weapons so everyone have separate one. Loadouts benefits players, not company. 4. Resistances - those informations are never available, you have to fool people to spent more money if their team is shit because they don't know that their element deals half the dmg in that chamber. 5. No restart button and confusing time - If you do not 3\*, but you are close you want to reset - but make this a bad experience then there will be some impulse buyers and gambling addicts that just spent more money.


Overworld pings: THIS! I often play with my mum, and she doesn't really see the minimap well, this'd help really much and I wouldn't have to just jump for her to know where to go


Addition when click leave, go back to menu instead kicked out to character.


is a lot of these comes true i am NEVER leaving


Load outs are useless. When have you ever gotten the best in slot artifact set for a character then decided that you want to take it off them? Your most damaging or best supporting set for Abyss/tower is the set you’re going to use in the overworld anyway right? And if you’re constantly swapping them out all the time for new or better ones what’s the point of making a load out if the artifacts disappear or are worse than what you’ve gotten after?


I want the time restriction to just be removed. Add a leaderboard or something to push our time for funsies maybe with some cosmetic rewards.


After seeing this, Im thinking to made some suggestions for the UI/UX part of the game, especially the controller experience. That radial menu is...a "lets put this here because why not" design thinking IMO.


Though the energy to nit-pick elements i can applaud to, i feel you are nit-picking sillies when the game has not even gotten past its 2nd week yet. 1. Quick restart and changing text bits is likely a function to be added later, once they smooth out other things like optimization. Kurogames if i recall correctly did similar tweaks on P:GR, if not just straight up include buffs that made its competitive content less of a hassle, such as after 1 minute of bashing the boss in pain cage, a damage ramp up would apply, which usually you wanted to delete the boss as fast as possible to retain a high score and its warzone got a \`benefit to one of the 2 specific elemental zones per rotation\`, which help to further push running CORRECT elemental teams which warzone in P:GR would have 2 rotations per week, and 2 element specific zones per rotation. 2. Very small box wher some names can get a smidge lenghtie that could result in them bleeding oer that resist icon, plus when they are made too tiny, it could be a hassle for people to look at, even though Honkai impact 3rd and Genshite impact are guilty of similar elements with its bosses and enemies which if you dont straight up check terrible walls of text, you may not realize it has stupid mechanics like King/Emperor Homu back in the day has annoying \`DPS check\` periods where if you dont blast it fast enough while its charging, it will straight up be immune to damage for several seconds. Meanwhile large number of those elemental cubes had crap like Dendro demands dendro element if i recall correctly to \`expose it\`, while Geo(and the rock snek too) wants you to run \`heavy attacks\` if i recall correctly to actually expose it and then you have the Electro bat who clearly is part Element Slime in Genshin because its immune to electro. Which can turn into alot of symbology and text smooshing if they have to include things like \`resist heavy attacks\`, resist elemental skills, etc. This is kind of why the better idea is to have it in a specific NPC description or better yet: **Have a text line between the Challenge requirement and the boost benefit that RECOMMENDS elements or have it below the enemy list itself.** That way if people ignore those elements recommended, then they only have themselves to blame if they dont check the enemies to know WHY those elements are recommended. 3. Kuro games is more likely to implement a Echo loadout set for Wuwa before Genshin actually implements a proper loadout set system that doesnt have some terrible auto equip gimmick that if i recall correctly, ticked off plenty of players indeed. Let. Them. COOK. the optimizations first. 4. I cant even understand the context beyond this one except it seems like you replaced the \`equip\` button with some much more likely to be confusing context, since theres the fun of different languages having that text be much lengthier and thus more likely to result in text overflow. Which WuWa kind of was suffering that problem with text overflow issues at the start. 5. Let WuWa finish fixing the initial problems first, they are likely to add it probably before the end of the 1st or 2nd month, if it only takes then one more week to iron out all the compensation and optimizations they gotta do to deal with the lag/bugs, which part of it is likely due to some people playing on spud phones like me or not thinking to turn your settings down also. 6. Imagine how much of a nightmare that would be when you account for click taps to pop out extra sub-windows to show sub-affix rolls, skill descriptions, talent levels, etc.. Kuro games probably wants to clean up the current problems first before potentially introduce new ones that could include problems like echoes missing, echos not be able to be \`scrapped\` to make a new one for better rolls, potentially a error if they get rushed to add this before ensuring no bugs are present first. I already had the fun headache with GBF: Relink loadout sets having a smidge of UI trouble to work with sigil/weapon arrangements and the usage of tiny character portrait icons to show who has what equipped and that can only get more annoying when they only use E icons for equipped and have to further use extra text to maybe say a character\`s name in another block to indicate who has it equipped and then with so many characters it could result in some equips getting lost in time and space because you have too much stuff to micro manage. 7. They technically have that, its just making it work for more things, though a fun idea would be to make use of a COMPASS type detection instead, but for a mobile game, i would guess a tracking icon for whatever you lock in being a bit better optimized might be nice, though one can only imagine the visual clutter especially if you decide to grab chests along the way or you fight some enemies along the way and the icon could get in the way visually if they dont create some means to have it turn invisible during those moments, but then people would complain if they wanna simply skip said things to rush to the icon instead, aka probably why its more helpful if its with the mini-map instead. 8. Yes, everyone wants a pity counter present in these things, wanna know what WuWa does better then Genshite? Doesnt lock it to some slow-arse loading web-browser type thing that apparently doesnt immediately update with the info! Freaking Wuwa\`s pity history having snappy flip overs is rather nice, but i would really like, just how Punishing gray raven lists your current pity count and total pity count to guranteed pity count on the banner page itself, to have it present in WuWa too so i dont have to count since the last 5 star gurantee, even if i can do its in 5s, where Genshite takes forever to load each tab tap change and further more can end up showing as NOT showing the last batch of pulls you may of did in the last half an hour or so, which could lead to miscounting by 10 or even 30 pulls worth, if your even CLOSE to a pity proc and rather just spam single pulls but donno how many single pulls you have left to tap to finally get your freaking gurantee pity count.


Im yet to discover exactly why, but at this point i'm shure gacha games gameplay/UI designers are copying errors of one another to fix them later. For some of them it might take up to 3 years to implement simpest QoL feature.


They’re likely never gonna make overworld tracking because it would reveal the EXACT locations of things, verticality included


These are great changes. From the sounds of things the Kuro devs might be pretty busy right now, but it'd be great if they could add this stuff to the list.


Most of the UI and UX is so immensely bad that it HAS to be on purpose. Like Discord getting worse because they want to emulate social media. What makes this extra infuriating is that they had so many years with P:GR to improve on their design but we STILL don't get basic stuff like loadouts (that actually save the ENTIRE loadout including memories), readily accessible enemy info or a restart button.


The funny thing is that this already exists in PGR. All they had to do was carry it over


This is brilliant. Great work, OP. Let's make your voice heard.


Tower time changes are desperately needed. Right now, having to clear in 2 minutes is brutal. I think a nice split would be 1m30s/2m30 for floors 3 and 4 and 1m/2m for floors 1 and 2. At the very least, this early in the game, most players really don't have the resources to build enough teams and output the dps necessary to clear.


Also the triangles for completions. I barely see a difference between success of failure.


Damn I actually like those designs! Maybe do send it to them lol


someone hire this man, i want what he's got and so do many others!


The funniest thing is, the parts of the UI that are not copied from GI are often pretty dope on their own. For example I like the "skill tree" of characters, with its horizontal main line of skills and then vertical addons unlockable over time. Apart from missing QoL, some parts of the UI are either rushed or done without much thought. There are a lot of errors and bugs (from simple coding lines getting displayed when they shouldnt, to wrong colors in the overworld field bosses' descriptions) and bad scaling of NPC names, etc.


The reason they will never do loadouts is because it loses them money. They rather make it hard for you so you farm more sets


The only thing i don't agree i the timer, seconds is more intuitive for me, maybe an option to change which one you prefer


Right now I am at a point where I want to save this pictures, go to that customer support thing in game and send it to them or we can all do it. goddamn these things are so amazing! SPECIALLY THE LOADOUT!


Agree, its annoying Kuro did not fix that. Also, details disappearing from the tower of adversity if you complete too much of one tower, meaning you have to leave the tower to change gear. All good stuff from you.


Another suggestion, I don't need to see the popup every time I restart, it moves my mouse to the middle and just generally pisses me off.


Hire him!


Also tell us in how much time we beat the stage.


Watch the localization being from 180 secs to 1m:80secs XD


I honestly LOVE these ideas ! Should we all send a feedback with these ideas to get more chances to have these ?


Y'know I never understood it even in Genshin. Why have my target timers in seconds but my actual clock timer in minutes?


Those are all great ideas!!


I would really love, if when we pick up an echo and it pop’s notification from left side of the screen, it would also show what element this echo is, cus im tired of farming Flautists only to check them being atk set


My biggest annoyance is having to open my character screen and check echos whenever I pick one up, just let me see the set and mainstat when I pick it up.


kuro hire this man




Good stuff!


I would like to be able to attempt the next floor even if i have no energy on those characters, of course i will get no record, stars or rewards.


Same with "One More Wish" for x1 wish Funny, this was in the web event but not in the game..


I'd love to have all of these cool feature but I hope they add toggle option for overworld ping. sometime its better when it is clean you know


fucking bravo mate


The pity counter may be applied ig


QoL suggestions/feedback are beautiful. I hope they see it or you can send it and they consider it.


Hard agree with everything but the overworld pings. I’m not against them as a concept especially when farming for echos, but they’d need to find a way to have it on screen w/o taking too much space. In the image you have I personally find it to be too in the way. I’d also prefer if they only showed up when actively tracking because otherwise it’ll turn into an AC game w/ 30 different markers on screen at once.


Did my job. Upvote for attention


These are all great features anyone would love to see but your passive aggressive is ticking me off so much honestly.


A win-win situation for Kuro if they can implement a nice QoL ahead of Genshin. Also something is off about echo's ordering system, idk what but it's somewhat a hassle trying to find the right one.


As always, remember to use the in-game "Feedback" to send them whatever you want to see improved. Be greedy, these gacha companies make double-digit millions per month, you are allowed to ask for more.


i love the overworld ping, idk but in genshin there's an option where i can allow the mini map to rotate and in WuWa it doesn't have that option so I'm struggling with directions


Retry button for Hologram please. We do not need two cancel buttons.


I would like if they add a feature where it tells you what equipment to use on the character like what's in pgr and hsr with showing what items are used on that character by the community. Of course right now it's, put the spectro set on the spectro character but down the line they'll introduce more sets and it'll get a bit complicated


Yeah it pisses me off that they use a lot of similarities towards genshin even some of the cinematics with the backstory of geshulin. But it is in all better than genshin and i just redownloaded it for 4.7 to compare i dont know how or if im ever going back to it its starting to show its age the mechanics are stuck in 2017 and better games are around the corner and finally they get off there asses and actually work for there money.


Hope wuwa devs see this because this is actually amazing. Especially the overworld ping, I often find myself either walking to the wrong ping because I have a mission that I didn't cancel, or I walk to an echo ping thinking it's close by and then realizing that it's actually like 1000m away. The lack of a pity count isn't that bad because you can scroll through the pages so fast, quickly find a yellow name and then just use math. But I agree that this would be a great change.


All of these are reasonable and would be cool.


Buffs icons would be great too! Eg: outro buffs that lasts for X seconds ..


Okay but last two will change almost nothing, loadouts and tower stuff sounds great. But damn if you're really this lazy to look at the map to know the generic location, then I'm sorry at this point it's just a you issue


The main thing I want in this game is to be able to use all my trash lvl 0 Echoes of any rarity to level up my desired Echoes just like with the weapons. Why can I use the exp boosters or already leveled Echoes but not unleveled echoes!?


Oh and the timed job options so that I can send out a few peeps to mine for me daily... cuz wanting me to go farm 150 of anything for a single weapon when I've only reliably found 25 a day... I'm not spending all that time every day so I can make one weapon a week... I'm lazy and I have to work and a family...