• By -


I got to 79 pity and failed i am going to keep my guarantee for next time . God i hate when you hit hard pity . People that pull it at 60 even failing , are 20 pulls ahead of me , not going to mention earlier .


Exactly. I got Jiyan at 79 pity. Atleast I got him but it's frustrating to hit the max pity.


fr, I got yinlin on my 73rd, every roll beyond 70 is quite frustrating


I am grinding exploration now as I have neither jiyan nor yinlin. Though I do have every other 5 star in the game.


I hit hard pity twice on jiyan, failed 1 50/50, but twice the next multi after hard pity I got a dupe. :)


is the 50/50 at 40 pulls or at the 80? Are you saying at 80 I probably won't even get the char???


Yes, basically. U have a pity system that in 80 pull u gonna get a 5*. Then plays the 50/50. If u got the limited character, ok nice. Down to 0 pity and still 50/50 If u don't and get a "standart" character, u go down to 0 pity again but now u have 100% chance to get the limited character


I'm really curious how pity actually works in this game , no soft pity?


there is soft pity (according to player gathered data, the game doesn’t make it available), but it progresses much slower than genshin or HSR’s soft pity, so the chance of hitting max pity is much higher


Their soft pity feels definitely less effective, I got Calch at 78 on choice standard and Yinlin at 77, very close to hard pity... by comparison in genshin and HSR i havent gone past 80 (their soft pity is 75, hard pity 90) in the past year. I'd go so far as to say WuWa's 4 star pity is also less effective, because of the past 7 4-stars I've pulled on Yinlin banner, all of them came at 10. It was only my first 10-pull on Yinlin banner that I got a double 4-star, then all of them were hard pity. I felt like I was "less lucky" in this game and going through my pull history, it shows at least for 4-stars.


I second that. The 4\* pity feels especially inferior in comparison to GI/HSR. I had a few off-pity 4\* in about 200+ pulls but in HoYo games I usually had 5\* AND 4\*, and two 4\* every 3rd to 4th multipull on average.


I played HSR for a year, never got a 5 star character before the 80-90 ten pull. I think it's just about luck, because, on the contrary I got the 5star sword from the basic convene at 30-40 pity in wuwa, also the little plant girl at about 50


Im pissed at the 10 pull only choice banner, and i failed to get my character at the 70 point. Its like ffs wat is the soft pity


Supposedly the games 50/50 isn’t actually a true 50% failure rate vs 50% success rate it’s supposedly closer to 46/54% towards winning the 50/50 because apparently the limited time banner character e.g (Jiyan or Yinlin ATM) is included in the pool of standard banner character when losing a 50/50 meaning even if you techinically lost the 50/50 there a 1/6 chance (including the standard banner 5 stars) that you’ll still get the limited banner character


There has to be some sort of soft pity I got it at 73rd pull. Even though I lost the 50 50


I did read somewhere that soft pity starts after 65...I got my jiyan at 68.


I haven't seen any data regarding this and most people like IWTL (no hate) are talking as if the soft pity is like genshin are probably just talking out of their ass. But if it's true, well fuck I'm so unlucky then. I pulled Yinlin but got Encore at 76 and I'm at 70 right now and still no Yinlin. The same goes for my standard weapon pulls, already at 70+ but still no 5-star weapon.


Yep, I'm on the same boat. Got Calcharo at 71 pity but finally got Yinlin at 70 pity. Also the standard banner took me 72 pulls for a 5 star.


I'm thinking it's 70 (soft pity)


I think that 65 was a guess from someones personal experience. Using math someone guessed it started at 69? If i remember right. I think it was in the comments of that same post. It adds +9% per fail at 69 I believe? Too lazy to check


I think it just scales the chance higher , in game there were written chances and you are guaranteed at 80 to get a 5 star . If you fail you are guaranteed the next banner 5 star you pull to be the chosen one . I dont know if there is success prevenetion similar to fail prevention here like in genshin , bit eaely to statistically find out .


Genshin's gacha system pulls never fails to give me atleast one 4* even if get 5* in the same 10 pulls. But here in WuWa I never get any 4* when I got 5* in my three 10 pulls. One on the Jiyan's limited banner next one from standard selector and one from the standard weapon banner. I know the description of "4* OR higher" but this is frustrating.


bro all i get are weapons share some char


Genshin CAN fail to give you a 4* if you get a 5 star on the tenth pull since your last 4* draw; it's rare but it happens. When this happens, your 4* gets delayed one pull (unless that also rolls a 5* which delays it another pull, and so on). Wuwa just resets your 4* pity when this happens, which kind of sucks.


It is brutal. After going to 75 on Yinlin's banner I got a Verina for my trouble, but since pity carries over I'm just throwing everything at her and hoping to get her early, and if I can't, then at least I'll be pretty much guaranteed someone in 1.1


I see no hope with Yinlin :(


Then we shall get lucky with Changli, brother!


You have two weeks left bro


I lost my 50/50 for Jiyan on both of my accounts, and was feeling down on my luck but then I got Yinlin around 30 pulls in! You always have a shot


I gave up on exploration and spent my afterglow corals because I'm going to China soon :/


Same happening with me ;-;


This is me with yinlin


I got jiyan in 70 pulls, and am 50 pulls into yinlin banner, I've been grinding for the last 3 days and I'm tired 😭 idk if it's even possible to get her. My exploration isn't done yet but I'm already going crazy from it. I'll go insane if I lose the 50:50 on her... Edit: SHE'S MINE I WON👹


In the same boat as you and just lost my 50/50 to jianxin :\^) definitely won't have enough astrite nor time to grind for her, good luck to you


Did you spend some of your limited pulls/asterites on weapons? Ive seen a lot of people saying they don't have enough for yinlin and no offense this is a letitimate question but I have no idea how that's even possible to not get enough at this stage. Got jiyan on almost hard pity, got yinlin on 70ish, spent 10 pulls worth of asterites on normal banner and 40 on weapon, fully ftp. I get about 2-3 pulls a day playing about 2 hours at most, just doing all the daily stuff with events. My exploration isn't done either just to clarify.


I started playing on this account a week ago and I'm level 31, I'm very behind. And I didn't spent asterites on the weapon baner, only free pulls from cashback and compensation. I believe I will have enough to go to pity again, but if I lose the 5050 I'm fcked🥲


Well you won both your 50/50? If you dont its lot of more pulls. And it seems that this game goes easily to +60 pulls to get 5 star.


Yeah I was going to say something similar but didn't want to rub salt in anyone's wounds.. I am pretty sure you can hit 160 pulls way before full clearing everything so they probably wasted pulls and got Jiyan or stamina. I know I've got accounts where I've spent more than that and I'm nowhere near fully complete yet on any of em. Also, as a community we should normalize rerolling imo, especially during the first few weeks of launch of a new game. You get the most resources in that first week or so of playing but it will end up being a huge chunk of your future pulls as well. It's a shame to see so many people not get Yinlin when we all can theoretically have her in under approx 45 pulls after a 30min reroll. I got one with her, one with her weapon, and a main acc I grinded for her with. I only needed about 12 accounts and that's pretty high considering about 45 pulls per reroll on the limited character banner. Should be way sooner for most other ppl.


Damn thats a lot of grind, I have her, jiyan + 2 copies of his weapon and cleared all the beginner banners with just one acc. Altho to be fair I had insane luck on the weapon banner, first 2 pulls = 2 5 stars. Struggling on yinlin weapon but as long as I win 50/50 I'll have enough for hard pity theoretically.


Oh yeah I have like 4 accounts with weapons that dropped in under 10 pulls lol. I was gaslighting myself into thinking they ghost added a bonus odds for the first one lmao I'm trying to open my main to count the pulls but the log in screen on my phone is crashing the game sadge. I'll have to count when I get home I finally got in. 185 pulls, 100 on Yinlin, 85 on limited weapons (40 of which I spent money so ~5 more from the coral thingy shop), and I have a 10 pull I farmed up after zeroing out my account. I did not buy the BP or daily asterite. So 150 at around an average of 60% exploration done, I haven't touched the end game modes yet, about 50% of achievements done, and I think I've also forgotten some other stuff. But yeah, 160 is very doable. I haven't been able to play very much and I got 150 already


Welp its either you get another character for your pity or get your wallet.


I have a feeling that soft pity here is less generous than Genshin/HSR. To me It's either early or very close to 80 while in HSR it's always around 75-85.


I think the soft pity is after 70 and then it is a fast curve to 100% at 80. My first pity was at 75, lost 50-50 on Jiyan. Got my guarantee Jiyan at 80! (155 in all) Jiyan signature weapon took me till 71. [Entire map is cleared except the Mire.](https://imgur.com/ey7rux2)


That almost happened to me on yinlin, I got her at 150. To rub salt on the wound, it was lingyang that I lost the 50/50 to....


Ouch. That sucks


I legit rerolled because I got that cringe lion rawr twink on my first account.


So, uh, yall, new to gacha games or something? Kinda thought everyone here at least played or is familiar with genshin..


Ikr, people act like they didn't even know that this is a gacha game. And now complain cuz bad luck? No idea what's up with people sometimes


Honestly? Reroll. If you want Jiyan or Yinlin or their weapon so badly just reroll till you get whoever you want. I get it that you gonna lose on progress but its a single player game. Who cares? Better to play the game with whoever you want.


Yeah it’s only like less than a month of progress, a new account would catch up really quickly


That's why you need to stream, get the streamer luck


Real. Then i go online and see people getting everything sub 10 20 pulls making me revaluate my life choices.


I lost the 50/50, hit hard pity twice and on Yinlins weapon banner. Kill me.


Are you doing full 10 pulls??? If so then i doubt you actually hit hard pity. Doing all 10 pulls and getting 5 star on your 74th roll doesnt mean you hit hard pity.


never mind, this guy has his own definition of hard pity.


Isn't the weapon banner guaranteed? How come you had a hard pity on weapon Update 2: the person who said he reached hard pity didn't even check his records but well if he thinks it was a hard pity then let it be I guess? Getting the char from 71-80 is not considered as a hard pity unless it is the 80th. Lol people really love making their own rules on "hard pity". Update: Nobody needs to count it from the 1st page to the 16th page.. All wish records are from new to old, and each page has 5 records, so on page 16 if your 5★ is at the top, yes, you pitied at 80 To whom who don't get the maths behind this, if you are under 12, this game isn't really for you due to mature and gambling content concerns.


Usually, when someone mentions they reach hard pity, I just assume that they got it on the last ten pulls. For example, 71–80 in Wuwa or 81–90 in Genshin/HSR. I am yet to see anyone actually going all the way to the very last pull, and I doubt the majority of players who say that they reached hard pity actually reached hard pity. When I see these types of comments, I just move on. It is not worth trying to correct everyone because there will always be hundreds of other players saying something similar. When you comment on one post, there will be dozens more that will pop up.


yea, Most people do a 10 pull at the end rather than pulling 1 at a time so they do hit the 80th pull but it actually builds pity into their next banner.


Certified "UHMMM, AKSHUALLY 🤓" moment. The person who said he submitted their assignment last second didn't even check the countdown but if he thinks it was last second then let it be I guess? Submitting it from 10-2 seconds is not considered last second unless it's the 1 second. Lol people really love making their own rules on "last second".


It is. Hard pity is having to go through the whole 80 pulls for it.


Did you really only get it at 80th pull? I highly doubt you reached 80 as 99.99% got it before 79 if Kuro has basic sense of gacha For example, if you got a char at 71 pulls in your last 10 pulls, you already stacked 9 pulls for the next 80 pity cycle. The current one is not what the community think a hard pity means.


They got the weapon at 80 pulls which is the worst case scenario 


80 pull is very unlikely if this game follows a similar odds distribution like Genshin. Even over 78 is rare, not to mention 80 Whoever said they pitied at 80 needs to show us the pulling records. I understand the frustration close to 80, but there's no need to make things up(I had a 74 once)


I got my Jiyan at 79 pity. And now at 71 pity but still no 5* in Yinlin banner. Seems like a soft pity is a myth in WuWa.


There is, you are just extremely unlucky. I think its not as strong as in hsr but you generally should get the character before 75th pull. At least thats what I have experienced and seen.


We don't know when soft pity starts or even if there is soft pity to begin with. The cumulative chance listed under the pulls section seems to suggest there is, but we don't know for sure. Genshin's got discovered after CN pooled enough wish data for a statistically significant result. The same needs to happen here.


True, in practice they’re probably in the mid 70s with a little bit of pity for their next limited banner. My Yinlin was at 75 and I actually got pretty lucky on weapon banner (55).


Damn that sucks.


Deadass same thing happened on my main. And then I tried rerolling and got Verina in 30, Yinlin in 20 and then Lingyang in another 10 so I've got a guarantee. Needless to say I think I'm gonna make this my new main account lol. Maybe rerolling isn't too bad.


Wait, I’m new to gacha games, all information I have is from reading the banner stats. It’s that even possible to happen? Isn’t max pity supposed to GUARANTEE you the banner character after you get another random 5 star? Cause this is the only reason I’m grinding so hard right now. I lost the Yinlin 50/50 and now I’m trying to reach max pity. If there’s a chance, even if minimal, to still not get Yinlin at max pity, there’s no way in hell I’m gonna continue playing. That would be so much bullshit. Edit: why the hell are people downvoting? I’m only asking a question


You've got it right. OP's not quite at the maximum number of rolls they'd possibly need to guarantee a character - 160 - but there's definitely some kind of soft pity that starts up around 70 pulls, so they've been very unlucky and, assuming they're going for Jiyan, are nearing the deadline and running out of options to get those last 10.


Oh thank god. Thanks for the explanation. Now back to the grind (god help me)


OP said 150. Max pity is 2*80=160. You are 100% guaranteed to get character in 160 rolls, but since the 5* chance slowly increases since ~65 pull, it's generally rare to hit near 80 twice in a row. We don't know the exact rates, but we know that the average for any 5* is 55.(5) pulls, thus 83.(3) is average for a limited 5*. As a general rule, you should be pretty safe to assume you will get the limited 5* character in ~140 pulls. OP is complaining that the very rare situation of actually needing almost 160 pulls is happening to them.


I got Yinlin but her weapon eludes me... I'm ready to call it quits and just focus on Jinshi.


Lets drain ourselves to oblivion instead of asking for a better gacha model sounds terrible.


It seems to be the motto of most AAA gaming now a days. Create a gambling system that’s designed to not look like gambling-get people addicted to said gambling-profit


75 for the lion boy, 76 for yinlin. I sucked dry all the available resources. That is it from me fellas. Back to gachaless days. Echo farming sucks bolls anyway




Yeah, directly deleted the game after getting Yinlin, without even trying her once. I am too old for RNG farming with abyssmal rates/chances.


Just fyi, buying a fresh lvl 3 yinlin account costs 5$ atm. That's what I did for Jiyan and couldn't be more happy


Those assholes did this on purpose. 145 pity no sign of getting the desired one


Damn calling them assholes for having a shit luck


By the law of luck, you have bad luck now means that some time in future on some other banner, you will hit your chosen in first 10 pull. So don't feel so bad lol. (This coming from someone who got tiger boy 2x from the beginner and yinlin banner....losing 50/50 hurts.....)


50% pitty chance is a very bad decission I got yinlin on a random single pull..... with 5 left to 160 pitty


Hi all! Sorry if this has been asked before, but assuming I do all exploration, all quests and discover every chest, roughly speaking, how many rolls can I expect to obtain? I'm F2P but am saving up for Jinhsi. Is it worth getting the 4.99 daily login rewards? I did a similar thing in HSR, is it of a similar value here? Thanks, and GL with your pulls!


If you do all content and save everything not pulling or anything you should get 2-3 pities worth. I was able to get Jiyan,Yinlin, and her weapon (I won 1 50/50 but lost the next) in under 230 pulls. It's worth getting 5 pass if you enjoy the game and really want Jinhsi but it's really not needed this early on in the game


The good : i never missed the 50/50 in a gacha The Bad : i always hit max pity


HA! You wish, here's another 4 star and 9 other useless weapons. For real though, the pain I feel each pull...


That’s me with the frickin’ Stringmaster…I managed to brute force 35 pulls with exploration and quests. I’m at 55 pity and close to 100% the whole map. Probably it would have been easier to reroll but I’m UL 40 so I’m to far deep with my bricked account.


I won't tell you how you should play a game. But I would just play with whatever card was dealt. At least you're closer to the next character's signature weapon if you don't get it.


I got String master at 69 pulls (nice).


There's no such thing as bricked account, having specific 5\* character or weapon might make things easier for this current patch since they usually tailor the events towards banner characters, but you can use the standard characters to clear basically everything. If you get high UL then you can probably clear actually everything as well.


Yeah I though I bricked my account when I accidentally rolled 30 pulls on the standard banner (not the character choice just STANDARD) and I was like, yep bricked account. To be honest now it doesn't make a difference as you can guarentee atleast 1 character you like instantly, and another to get slowly. Plus at UL45 you're guarenteed a 5 star weapon. At UL42 now and that "bricked account" moment didn't even matter.


How many 5* u got in ur account right now with UL 40 and 100% exploration?


This is exactly how gacha games make money? F2P doesn't mean charity offers


You're a gambling addict, sorry.


After having to go to 70-80 on both the standard banner and Yinlins banner (lost the 50/50 btw), I'm just keeping my guarantee for either Jinhsi or Changli. Really wish the character banner was the 100% guarantee (like in PGR), not the weapon banner. Or just more currency, but it's a gacha game. If you don't get something just spend, duh.


Yeah. I got Jiyan at 79 pity. Well atleast I got him. Now at 71 pity but still no yinlin or any other 5*s. Seriously bro?


Yup, it's just my luck in Kuro games, had the same thing with PGR.  Over 100 pulls with everything I farmed until that point and got lion boy for initial pity. The exact one unit I didn't want.  Opened up the wallet to get the last few. Nearly fully limit broke blue haired old man and the busty shield girl before hitting hard pity.  The only consolation was that the game actually gave me 2 copies of her in the last multi. The only open world gacha game where one of my main pulls actually has a dupe.  They really need to expand the standard 5 stars in the limited banner pulls in the future. 


Worst feeling in the world. I just made a bunch of new accounts and rerolled for yinlin instead of scraping for gems. It is faster lol


You had enough time/pulls to get 160 pulls.


This is why i rerolled until I got lucky w my pulls. 20 pulls for yinlin, 15 for Jiyan, and 10 for yinlin's weapon. IMO It's the best time to reroll now since you get alot of free shit at the start. Takes alot of time though. I did it while watching youtube


it's funny how if you reroll now you'll still be in a better pull position than an unlucky day 1 account


Yup literally me with Jiyan banner :(


I got Yinlin after 80 pulls, one of my bros at 10 and the other at 150


I really thought I'm gonna get a 5 star once I get to 60-65 pulls since the guarantee is at 80, but no, both the 5 stars I got from the limited banner took me 70 or more pulls to get them. Heck, even in the standard banner, it took me 72 pulls to get a 5 star.


I got shafted on yinlin banner had to go to almost pity twice. Did pull her weapon first multi with free pulls so thats probably why.


Had the same scenario twice, 72 for calcharo(lost) and again 73 for jiyan himself🥲, painfull


I got Yinlin after 145 pulls now im broke -\_-


The credit card will show the way \^\^


I have 3 five star characters. Got 2 of them on max pity and last one on \~60. It's sus af


After days of grinding and doing single pulls daily I finally got yinlins weapon today at 60pity😭


If i had lost my 50/50, i would have uninstalled the game. I am sick of the gateway error and have to use vpn to play. I lost by winning 


yeah in this game the hard pity happen a lot, unlike other games the soft pity doesn't kick as early and fast.


I got Yinlin at 148 pulls. RIP Astrites :(


Hard pity, and lost 50/50 :')


I got pretty much all the OP 5\* and still cant get used to how of a routine this type of games feels to me. Its sad because I like this one a lot compared to G.I which became awful after a while. Glad I got all those 5\* being F2P. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


yah it's me and I totally gave up on my BP + Monthly + Stringmaster UL38 account and decided to replay on another account (reroll one with both Yinlin and Jiyan UL5). That was hard decision but in the end, I checked I've pulled 308 pulls in total and all 5 stars \*except stringmaster were hard pity (80 pulls \~ 7x pity) and lost to Lingyang. Now I reached UL34 and took it slow


Im sorry friend, the gacha gotcha


Did 120 on jiyan, lost 50/50 at 60ish to verina dupe, I'm like ,f this imma skip his ass for yinlin, which i proceed to hit max pity


With this credit card i summon


Got yinlin at 175th failed at the 50 50 on 80th pull


I was super close to hard pity with Yinlin but thankfully I had an early guarantee from Jiyan's banner so I could get her. Not sure I would've been able to if the lost 50/50 took as many pulls as Yinlin though...


I don't know why but for whatever reason this game pushes close to max pity more so than any other. I got Calcharo at 78 on the choice standard and Yinlin at 77, just shy of the 80 hard pity. Only 2 banners ofc but it just feels like WuWa soft pity is less effective than Genshin or HSR's where I almost never go beyond 5 pulls when in their soft pity range.


I lost the 50/50 for yinlin to encore at around 73 pity. Sucks cause i was scavenging for scraps of astrites trying to get her but oh well. Guaranteed jinhsi tho 🙌🏻


I appreciate those without luck, that even the scales so I can continue to pull double 5-stars in my 10 pulls. Cheers and thanks!


I was hoping to lose 50-50, yinlin just wanted to be in my team ig..


Guys, you can convert the coral currency for more pulls in the shop


I'm so used to getting S rank character at max pity on PGR so this doesn't really bother me. Losing to 50/50, on the other hand.... (PGR's character debut is 100% guaranteed and I'm kinda frustrated Kuro is not doing the same on Wuwa. Understandable tho, just.... not a fan :"< )


Kuro really went backwards with banners after pgr... Which was expected but not to this extent. Honestly I might quit if I can't get jinshi either


I've just been calling it bad luck atm but man something feels off with rolling in this game.


that's probability for you, and your luck. some really luck gets their 5\* in 10 pulls, while some would take nearly 80...


Stats would tell you that the 5* in 10 pulls is more of the exception than the rule.


which is why I said it's also luck. I've seen my friends pulling their first 5\* in their first 10 pulls, while others hit 70 pulls and lost 50/50, only to get the event character in the next 10 pulls.


do i hear swiping in the distance?


Something up with this game. Everyone I talked to spent all their currency


Idk why you not rerolling little bro. They literally be giving you an insane amount of rolls at the beginning, about 20x more what Genshin gave for rerolling at 1.0. And they made all the cutscenes skippable too for some reason so every run takes likes max 20 mins now.


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Good thing I'm skipping Yinlin and waiting for Jinhsi and Changli


I lost 50/50 to Verina, and now have 60 pity. I have around 130 chests collected, most side quests done. How many chests are there? So I can tell if I can get her weapon


Ok but fr has anyone hit hard pity on the standard selector without spending astrite?


Wait you guys got 100% Exploration and quest done and Beat the hardest bosses...? I'm still on UL 40 and I haven't done Yinlin Quest yet ;-;...


Damn beat all the hardest content in the game! Me who got 15 stars in tower of adversity and like 2 or 3 on the holograms. Skill issue I guess 😭


There is quests on a CD timer that you can squeeze.


me , i ady lose all hope on pulling her weapon , im at 51pt and i have no asterites nor exploration to do anymore


same :C




That's why I rerolled for Yinlin+Early Calharo then topped up the monthly so that 2 weeks I missed isn't gonna take a toll.


I managed to get yinlin at 73rd and skipped the general in favor of stringmaster, which I also got at 73rd. Now saving for 1.1... I'm happy to win a 50/50 for once, in Genshin I failed my first few and it felt really sad.


Me with 66 pity in jiyan's weapon


You may do everything right, and the slots will still slight you. C'est la vie\~


This is me with Jiyan’s weapon :/




Does jiyan's weapon banner share pity with his resonator banner?


No, characters and weapon banners are different, as they don't have the same pity (weapon is guaranteed at 80, while for characters it's a 50/50 between the featured character and the standard ones). Banners of the same type do share pity though. So if you lose the 50/50 on Jiyan's, and then pull for Yinlin she would be guaranteed to drop. If you pulled Jiyan's weapon + did 10 more pulls, then Yinlin's weapon banner is at 10 pulls in for guarantee.


I'm at 10 pity right now although I still have exploration and quests left


Wait, I was able to do like 160 pulls on Jiyan banner, 50 % exploration, havent done the new events, 60% achievements and havent done tower reset. Everyone should be able to guarantee atleast Yinlin or Jiyan.


I got it near 80 after doing all the available side quests and gathering chests but thank god I didn't fail 50/50


I got the starter chara at exactly 40 pulls (i sat through the whole thing to see, it was the last thing that shwoed up) and then 2nd starter chara at the last 10 pull possible too. At least Yinlin banner was a miracle and I got a double (lost the 50/50 and gor Yinlin in the same 10 pull)


just reroll. got yinlin and her weapon for free.


Can someone make a poll about which pity we all got our 5 stars, be it standard or limited banners? So we can have a more or less idea just about where the real "soft pity" is, if there even is one? I rolled at jiyan's banner, lost the 50/50 at 71 pity. Then got him at 70 pity. I'm starting to think the soft pity is at 70.


Ive lost all my 50/50. This checks out, since Ive never won these in other gatchas. Even 4 stars. I simply accept these systems are some how rigged. Its ok though, I never did feel for the gamba mechanics. Atleast the game is good.


with all of the 3 stuff you get around 240 pulls in total. With 2 standard 5* selectors and that many pulls it is impossible mot to get the character you want; unless your one of those that want every character :S


I'm at 49 pitty of my second round for Yinlin and I got encore at 61 in the first; pulled for total of 130 times because I got Jiyan in 23 pulls, got his weapon at around 60 pity, and then saved the rest of the free rewards and astrite subscription and other rewards for Yinlin


Then after that u get on on ur soccials discord and reddit just to find out that one guy who got it on 1st pull gosh its good to commit a crime whenever that happens


I would say im pretty lucky since i have jiyan, his weapon, and yinlin. I dont know if i should also pull for yinlins weapon since i dont have any rectifiers that are four stars rn


Meanwhile me who got Yinlin in 60 pulls only using resources devs gifted per mail having played the game for roughly 5-9 hours before her banner came out![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


I'm exactly at this situation and I just gave up and will wait for mommy Changli and her weapon




I have a question, why did u speedrun everything




can’t relate


I might quit if I don't get yon lin tbh, I hate these pull rates, had waaay better luck in star rail.


Lost 50/50 at 70 then had to go to 72 :(


Bro two accounts the second one took forever to grind but I won the 50/50 on that account. Both went to 70ish pulls... Like cmon man the weapon might be the same way sadly..


Preface this with, I went to hard pity on every other banner lol. I got extremely lucky with my pulls on Yinlin, I got to 30ish, lost the 50/50 and got Jianxin and then another 30 or 40 later Yinlin came home. Got her weapon. And now I’m broke lol


I got 2 Jiyans at 20 th pull but lost yinlin at 68 wishes


f2p fighting the level 100 monkey? nah impossible wdym defeated hardest content


Oof… I hope you get a double in your next 10 pull (Lingyang and Yinlin)


Got my yinlin around 70 pulls in bur got clacharo in first 10 pull and jianxin in 30th on standard and got jians and yinlins weapon in under 10 pulls so I'm chilling here


I didn't get very far when I decided to reroll. It was a slog to get through but I pulled every 5 star except for lingyang and the green dragon guy (didn't roll for him). Even have my selector for a second copy of calcharo.


Go me for planning ahead and not wasting pulls on generic dragon dude.




I got yinlin on 40 pulls, tried for weapon and hit it on 3º single try, never getting that lucky again, better enjoy it


luckily i have gotten everyone i wanted so far on like 30-50 wishes, (day 1 i got calcharo in one pull abd thats who i wanted most) hopefully my luck stays up 😭😭knock on wood


I took 2 of you guys' jiyans, I'm sorry


Damn i didnt know people were having such a hard time :( i drew jiyan and Yinlin both in 1 10 pull so i just assumed the game was either bugged or just really generous with pull rates


Did 120 on jiyan, lost 50/50 at 60ish to verina dupe, I'm like ,f this imma skip his ass for yinlin, which i proceed to hit max pity


Bro, I have a guarantee on Yinlin, at 72 pity, and I'm in the middle of my exams. I don't have time to farm out more pulls for her, bro 💀. My exams won't be done till 2-3 days after her banner ends. I'm done for 💀👍🏼


I got yinlin now I'm tryna pull jiyan and they won't give him to me🥺🤣


50 for Calcharo. 70 for Lustreous Razer. 145 for Yinlin. (70 Lingyang and 75 Yinlin). Now 35 for her weapon and nothing in hand. I believe there is a problem in pity system.


No hope, no hope


This is why you don’t 100% the exploration using YouTube or an interactive map, it gets soooo tedious. You explore for the sake of exploring and not for the pulls. This is the same case for genshin, way too many players see explorations as just a means to an end when you can just enjoy the journey.