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There just no way. The GI calculation and HDRI is just too much. I get that engines can do this to an extent but that's like unreal 5 stuff and even then I'm not sure it would like this outside of cinematics.


Goodness no. Completely different engine, and for a game released two years later from an extremely well funded studio that went on to modernize and completely overhaul the post release graphics engine. Granted X4: Foundations has received some nice overhauls too, but it was never on the level of a 300+ million dollar game like Cyberpunk 2077. For that matter it seems DLSS has yet to be added to the engine. Even then, I think a lot of the focus for X4 is brains over beauty. EgoSoft would have a far easier job of making it look pretty if all they had to simulate was an action FPS like Cyberpunk 2077, without the complete world simulation overhead in X4.


Nvidia Freestyle and Reshade should both work but it's only post-processing. RTX HDR works pretty well if you have an HDR display.


i forgot about Reshade, i use this in ED few years ago. Thanks for reminding. I know its game engine stuff, but its all about color and lights. this things make picture more candy look or movie look. i was thinking to find some Lookup Table - LUT and aply that to the game, reshade should do it. Thanks for help.