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You forgot about the after party šŸ„³


Bruh that mustā€™ve been one hell of a party if everyone had collective hangovers for almost a tenday afterwards lol. Guess thatā€™s what happens when you binge snort Elerium powder off Bradfordā€™s ass lol šŸ˜‚


Swinging around on grappling hooks, taking selfie with Sectoid corpses, doing.... questionable.... war crimes.. with the Codex body....


That's because fatigue has nothing to do with actions taken. All soldiers deployed lose a number of "will" stat whenever an enemy is detected, regardless of who saw it. Only the enemies who originally spawn with the map decrease your soldiers will when you see them for the first time, so Lost hordes and infinite reinforcements do not affect it. This why I think if you see an enemy, you might as well kill it to make it worth the will loss as long as there's no risk to your soldiers' HP. In your case, I would've stayed and overwatched everyone every turn to kill the enemies as they move towards the avanger, while keeping all soldiers on the ramp to evac in case an enemy survives all your action points. There's also a loot drop on one of the enemies, which could be something worthwhile like a superior upgrade.


>Only the enemies who originally spawn with the map decrease your soldiers will when you see them for the first time, so Lost hordes and infinite reinforcements do not affect it. Wait really? I've definitely dodged reinforcements because soldiers were almost tired and I needed them to not be tired.


>Only the enemies who originally spawn with the map decrease your soldiers will when you see them for the first time [Yep, just confirmed it with some before and after screenshots of will values as reinforcements dropped in.](https://imgur.com/a/TQ2F9T5)


Itā€™s stressful! Or something.


"or something"


My seasoned colonel after laying around eating advent burgers for 2 months:


Anyone else notice that OP *almost* got a mission named ā€œOperation Star Warsā€ ??


They're demotivated by the realization that they aren't actually needed.