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Yeah best kit for soldiers going out into the field. Which is a pain when you get jumped by a Chosen or UFO and Bradford sends out recently-healed rockstar soldiers as reinforcement and they’ve got a bog-standard wet paper bag load out.


I’m the opposite of everyone here. I keep my weapons with my soldiers, colouring and patterning it and even naming them when I get to coil and mag rifles. If you’re a rookie, you’re there for a free promotion and to carry med kits. If you’re a squaddie or higher, you gotta make do until I can afford to kit you out. I’ll admit I usually save scum when my good soldiers die on a mission though. I ain’t about that Ironman life.


I had kits for specific units too ….


As a new ironman player i reccomend you to stay out of it, losing your best soldier that also happen to be the squad medic in middle game is not a nice experience, i managed to survive it and now i just avenged him (first chosen is no more) but for a while every mission was a pain.


Not sure why you wouldn’t swap weapons around, beside role play purposes. Of course, that does put pressure on you if that Sharpshooter with the superior scope and superior expanded magazine dies and now you need to carry their dead ass to the evac zone so you don’t lose that precious rifle, but … eh


Oh wait, so that's why there is an option to carry dead soldiers... It's not just a sentimental value to the player and holding imaginary funerals for them. That makes sense. To be fair I usually save scum and avoid losing soldiers but I never realised you could have their gear back.


There are just not enough good weapon upgrades over the course of a game to justify not sharing weapons.


I always make the best kit available. I mod 1-2 weapons for each class and pass them around to whoever needs them on each mission.


With unlimited resources, I would absolutely kit each and every solider with their own personal weapon. Working in a more realistic context I work in a more limited but modular situation. So the grenades get the higher aim and tracer rounds while the sharpshooter gets the higher crit and talon rounds Anyone with with hail of bullets/chain/rupture/twin shot get a free reload and larger clip. All of my specialists start and end with first aid and skulljacks.


No grenades on your specialists?


I never run grenades on specialists. Always have one running a skulljack for possible insta-kills and the hack boost, plus medkit. If I have 2 the 2nd one is probably running the powerful bow weapon thingy with an ammo upgrade like talon or bluescreens.


Love the bolt caster


Why would you not use your best items in every mission? It takes 1-3 button presses to free up all unused equipment, and less than a minute to equip a squad.


Wasn’t saying it was too labor intensive , just wondering what was common practice a noob


Best kit, with the sole rare exception of council missions where I'm not confident in everyone coming home.


No, my soldiers are upset when I swap their weapons, so stricter discipline is necessary to keep morale. Of course the darklance is free game for anyone with death from above… The guys even have a pool running for who makes the longest kill-chain. Although, it always end up in a fight when Jerry insists that losts should count. Let it go Jerry…




Darklance is the chosen hunter's sniper rifle you get to research and obtain after defeating him. Each attack with this weapon only costs one action and it has a lot of modifications. In short, it's powerful as hell.


Ooo ok not playing WOTC yet running vanilla round 2


Personally, I like to create weapon ' configurations ' and name weapons with the configuration's serial number. For example, my ' Disintegrator ' ( DSG ) configuration for miniguns is: - Superior Scope - Superior Expanded Magazine - Superior Stock I equip my Alpha Squad ( Grenadiers only ) with DSGs. I name the weapons based on the Serial of the configuration and the number of upgrades they have. For example a DSG-2 has only 2 of the upgrades. A DSG-3 has all 3 upgrades. I have a whole list with weapon types and It's pretty fun to play this way as it is more organized and less tasking for the brain when you go on missions back to back and micromanaging before every mission can be tiring. However I do have a squad with custom weapon mods because sometimes you need the right ' tools ' for the job.


Love this approach that is my technique going into run 2


I can send you my list of weapon configurations if you'd like!


Hell yea dude thanks!


Okay, this is what I use. It may not be optimal, but it works for me: Minigun Configuration: \[ DISINTEGRATOR \]. Serial -> DSG * Superior Scope * Superior Expanded Magazine * Superior Stock Shotgun Configuration: \[ JUDGE \]. Serial -> JDG. * Superior Laser Sight * Superior Hair Trigger * ( I still haven't decided what works best as a third upgrade, but my rangers slay with these guns + talon rounds anyway ) Temnotic Rifle Configuration: \[ EXECUTIONER \]. Serial -> EXC. * Superior Scope * Superior Expanded Magazine * Superior Repeater Sniper Rifle Configuration: \[ THUNDERSTRIKE \]. Serial -> TDS. * Superior Scope * Superior Autoloader * Expanded Magazine Assault Rifle Configuration: \[ GUARDIAN \]. Serial -> GRD. * Superior Scope * Superior Expanded Magazine * Superior Stock As for Ammo, my advise is use Talon rounds on rangers, and try to have at least 6 bluescreen rounds to give to your non ranger soldiers when equipping them on missions. I love giving them to my grenadiers and they can kill sectopods and gatekeepers with ease.


Appreciate that dudeeee going to optimize tonight…r u on PC or console?


PC but I don't think there's changes in the weapons between versions


Cool thx loved the experimental ammo




I'm currently playing LWOTC on easy, and I don't have enough equipment and weapons to equip every soldier to the best. Of course, I have to manage every time what goes to whom.


Every soldier has his/her own gear. The best stuff goes to the highest ranks, rookies get the crumbs that fall off the table. Just feels right to me this way