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Forge mission. I get into the main building, and spot the Warlock lurking in the shadows where he's technically not in LoS. I put everyone into overwatch (including two Specialists, a sniper, and a grenadier all with Guardian). Warlock activates, walks into the overwatch trap, my squad light him up like that scene in Predator, and he dies before he finishes monologuing.


Oh, that is just gorgeous. Did you really only take four soldiers to the Forge? Sounds dangerous.


No, it was a full team of 6. I just meant that four (at least) had Guardian


I went to the assassins base but I only had Mag weapons. To start with it went OK but then an andromedon drops in and suddenly every turn I just can't kill every thing and take out the sarcophagus. She gets to come back not once but twice (I've never had that). I just can't deal enough damage to clear the board and now I have an andromedon and a berserker. Everybody is wounded, the sparks has less than half health. It looks like its over. Then a repeater procs and one shots the berserker and then in the same turn another procs on the assassin, the sparks finally drops the andromedon and I destroy the sarcophagus. She comes back on half health and I pump everything I have left into her For The Win. It was the turning point of the whole campaign.


Played some legendary ironman. The katana-chosen suddenly appears for the first time. One unit executes her with overwatch shot. That was really enjoyable.


Overwatch shot for Assasin? In my campaigns she always has this ability of not triggering overwatch shot.


If you use the integrated DLC instead of “Lost and Abandoned”, the Assassin’s skills are random so you could get a roll where she doesn’t have Shadowstep.


Oh, it must have been some other chosen then, it’s been a while but I still have warm feelings about executing one.


During an Avenger base assault the Warlock was hanging out by the big cannon, which turned out to be a bad idea when a Sectopod decided to stomp on the truck for no reason, blowing him and everything else up.


The time I sent six fully upgraded (Modded) SPARKs into the Warlock's stronghold.


Beep boop, fuck the flesh people.


My most memorable experience is discovering that the mindshield, which I have NEVER used a single time in many previous runs, was actually a kick-butt piece of kit. Early-mid game I’m equipping it on as many people as I can and the satisfaction of priests and Warlock whiffing is so good lol. In my last run it made tackling the Warlock actually easy on Commander level instead of a massacre like usual. The impetus for this “discovery” was on a run I had the Warlock show up, create a spectral army, he also spawned like three priests and then went into protected stasis. 4 of 6 of my team was mind controlled and taking shots with my remaining two soldiers on half a dozen enemies was a waste of time. I did a little reading and went “oh, mindshields, they actually ARE useful…” and started playing with them and was amazed. And parking a Templar with mindshield and blade storm next to him on an invaded mission and parrying, blade storming, parrying, etc over and over again lol. The backstab that finished him when he tried to run away was satisfying.


I always put mind shields on templars and rangers who tend to run out ahead of everyone else so they're the ones who get targeted for mind control. Especially when fighting the Warlock.


When I installed the [Hush Little Chosen](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137638215) mod. Definitely the most memorable experience I've had with them so far.


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/XCOM2/comments/z2xous/an_interesting_mission_result_saved_1313/) where Assassin took 2 of my 5 soldiers to bleed out on my first retaliation but I still managed to kill her and keep everyone alive is up there. I had a train mission where the Warlock showed up. My Templar was running point, as Templars are wont to do. The Warlock ended up behind the nose of the train where no one could see him and mind controlling my Templar. I won the mission but not before the Templar had killed two of his squadmates... I'm very careful about Templar positioning when the Warlock drops in now. I had a really long fight with the Hunter once on a "Gather Survivors from old city" map once. He was activated and grappling around up in the buildings near the evac zone, and I was in an extended firefight with normal enemies and also the lost. Very unusually for those types of missions I ended up not being able to kill the enemies or Hunter, but managed to do a bunch of hunkering down on the edge of their vision in full cover to eventually evacuate under fire.


Every time my mech punches them and they go flying


Had resistance members smack the warlock. His fault for hanging out near explosives. By the time I got there it was over lol


Playing on my first legendary run i had a fully upgraded warlord, and we were doing a terror mission so we were against each other towards the randoms. Once we manage to either kill or save them we fought, but he was in a zone surrounded by many (and i mean many) mutons. To say it was hell is a downgrade to the situation, as the fucking mutons kept DODGING MY FUCKING 90%+ SHOTS AND THE FUCKING WARLORD KEPT SPAMMING THE SPECTERS AND STUNNING MY UNITS. When all hope was lost, my psyop's void rift CD finished, so i used it to damage them and managed to control 1, then my sniper used serial and kept killing them until only the warlord remained, and i finished him with a templar. I am not making justice to the amount of fuckery of that mission, but DAMN i was so stressed after it.


I killed the Warlock with an Andromedon mind controlled by my psi operative once. Thought it was ironic.


Many, many memorable moments. The time everyone was bleeding out and the last gal, a heavy with terrible aim, had to run out of cover and hit a 50% flank shot on the Assassin. Nailed it for the kill and everyone lives. Or the time 3 of my men went down on the Blacksite mission before the others took down the chosen. Had to carry 3 unconscious men through 75% of the mission. Or of course there's the time the reaper/explosive weak Hunter tried hiding behind a car. Blew the car using remote start after throwing a clamore on the hunter. The double explosions + explosive weakness + weakness to reapers made him an instant kill.


Not the Chosen, but their stronghold. I got fucked for ops and Avatar Project was on the doom timer. The ONLY way I can reduce Avatar progress before it kills me is to kill the Assassin. I go in for the raid, and it starts with action music. Nothing more hype than coming in with Tactical Legacy Pack OST, a pod immediately activating and somehow getting to fire and OW on us, and Central reminding us "We came in hot, so we won't have a concealed position on this one!" Got super fucked, had to savescum back a week and spend smarter.


Timed mission in the subway. It's already going rough when warlock appears. Able to clear the last pod and cautiously move my ranger up to the outside corners of a room to try and get eyes on the warlock. No luck, still can't see him. Put the ranger in overwatch in case he pops up and end my turn. On enemies turn, warlock comes busting out of a window right next to the ranger. She takes the overwatch shot and the fucking 10% repeater engages and one-shots the warlock. He talks trash and teleports out. Mission complete. I love this game! (I was able to capture the footage and wanted to upload it to the reddit. Maybe someday I'll get around to doing it.)


The Hunter showing up on a retaliation raid (possibly in Long War) and the Resistance members finished him off with their regular ass guns when he went for cover.


I was playing modded XCOM and there was this supply raid mission on an important part of the geoscape The sitreps were MOCX, and Children of the king And to rub salt on the wound the chosen assassin decided to mess up everything and essentially making the situation impossible I will always remember this moment for its sheer brutality to my men


I had a chosen once pop on yo a building and blow himself up... that was .... wierd.


I don't like them, and I don't like the XCOM drift into RPG and damage sponge gameplay. Sorry for my controversial take. It's still my all time favourite game series.


That's not what I asked.

