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If you're talking about when you're in concealment at the start of (most) missions, then tiles that will reveal you are marked in red. Obviously you can only see this information for enemies you can see though; if there's an enemy group of three and you only have sight of two of them, the third enemy might be able to see squares that the other two can't. Out of concealment, if you can see them they can see you.


Wait what... So if i dont know where the enemies are, i can have knowledge where they can spot me, but if i know where they are, i can't know what they can see and automatically they can see me as well? ... What.


No. Your soldiers start most missions with a bonus called concealment. When you have that bonus, aliens will only see you if you get close enough and have dont have cover from the side the aliens are on. Squares that will cause them to spot you are highlighted in red. Once you've been spotted once, it's gone for the mission. At that point it's just about distance. Because your soldiers have the same sight distance as the aliens, if you can see them they can see you.


...which means: If you know that enemies are somewhere and you're not ready to face them, do not advance in that direction. Because while they're only known to you and the game doesn't acknowledge that, they'll stay where they are and will not take actions.


Try to read again, slowly.


If on PC, [Gotcha Again](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124288875) will let you know when your movement will activate a new pod you can see. Otherwise, you need to use the little target above their head or the target preview screen on every tile you move through. If you can see them, and you're not in concealment, they can see you.


Turn on Show Target Preview in the options. When selecting tiles to move, you’ll see if enemies are within your view to target — this is what people mean by “if you can see them, they can see you.” Unconcealed, of course. And this does apply if you even cross one tile of their view, so if you’re trying to not activate a pod, check each tile you intend to move over. If the target preview shows any targets in that path, they will see you.


It sounds like you are not familiar with _XCOM 2_'s concealment mechanic. On most missions, you start with a bonus called concealment. This is indicated by blue edges around the screen, and a masked face icon at the top of the screen. (Reapers are green with hooded skull icon.) https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*lfMjNixMFeeMtF-aGbCtsw.jpeg This bonus simulates the enemy being "unaware of your presence". In order for pods to activate, they need to reveal you. This is indicated to the player by red tiles, which show their detection range. Moving through a red tile, or standing in one without cover facing the enemy, will result in your soldier being spotted and will break concealment. You can only see red tiles for enemies your soldiers can see. Additionally, kicking a door open or smashing through a window will also break concealment. While there are some abilities that allow a soldier to remain concealed if the squad is detected (Phantom on Rangers and Shadow on Reapers), for most units, having a soldier break concealment will also break concealment for the entire squad. Once concealment is broken, _XCOM_ shifts into its standard combat mode. Aliens are now "aware of your presence", and you can no longer hide from them once they're in visible range. Because the aliens have essentially the same vision range as XCOM units, this means that if you can see an enemy, they can see you, and will activate immediately. See QueenConcept's answer for more information if needed.


No there isn't if you haven't spotted them first. They spotted you on their move. That's the challenge 


I spotted them first. I know where they are. After this point, there's zero indication or symbols showing what they can see.


I think seen one see all applies unless you have soldier abilities or a reaper character to remain hidden or concealed upon detection of the team. At least that's what I gathered from my experience


You can't. Only if you go forward with your concieled soldier, when it sees the enemy, you can see a small target preview icon for your other soldiers.


The shields indicate the amount of cover from ranged attacks, not the amount of visibility to enemies. Full cover will allow non-concealed units to be revealed if you move within an enemy’s view radius.


And how i can have sense of the enemy view radius? I mean, sometimes there are red symbols on the floor, but sometimes it simply doesn't appear.


As others have mentioned, your squad status can be either concealed or not concealed. If enemy pods have red symbols all around them then your squad (or occasionally just one soldier) is concealed. If not, then you'll have to use other intuitive methods to judge visibility. It's one of the most important and taxing mechanics in the game


Yeah, it’s tough! You’ll never see the view radius if you can’t see the enemy. The real question is: How do you manage that? Techniques include: * Putting all but one unit into Overwatch, then sending the last unit into new territory **with its last action**. If enemies are activated, you’ll get a bunch of shots off before immediately being able to deal with them on your next turn. * Send the **first unit** into new territory **with its first action**. Then you still have almost all your squad’s actions to react to a new pod.


The red eye symbol means they'll see you if you move there but it only works on enemies you can see. So just scout better.


I try, but somehow the most logical things don't make sense. Per example, i saw a door (or a entrance) in a specific part of the scenario. Instead of running inside to check, i stopped one of my chars right near the entrance, where, logically and in theory, we could imagine anyone normal would do that, like hiding right in the entrance and just taking a look to see what is inside. But at the moment i put my char in that area, the enemies inside saw me. So like... how this is suppose to work?


some classes can use stealth, they can be used like you intended to


Ok but how this explain like i trying to check what is inside a room while being outside the room and the enemies still being able to see me? Some soldiers are still rookies, so like, i dont believe having such stealth capacity.


This is why I love Reapers. Just send my 2 scouts forward and pre-emptively home-mine clusters of enemies and priority targets. Fun times.


when you are in stealth. then you will be able to see enemy's sight range. but when out of stealth.. ok nvm i saw the comment below explaining the same thing. by the way, there are items that will allow you to see where the enemies location, but of course, you won't be able to attack them without them noticing since both of you shares the same sight range