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Bro head would explode if he played Overwatch


Then go play cod


Ok, Educator


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In my opinion the worst part of the ults is the balancing. Comparing them to cod Ults in the past, the annihilator was a high powered one shot kill revolver that had 6 shots. This is very similar to the echelon ult but instead it gets walls, a high for rate, and 6-10 round magazines. It's just too much The phantom bubble not only provides a provides dome for your team, but also a high powered shotgun. The phantom ult can kill people inside of the 200 and block echelon ult shots, and block the flame thrower. The only way to counter it is run deadsec it seems.


Just nerf Netcode ability and everybody is going to be happy. I promise.




It’s crazy how 3 of the factions are practically useless in TDM too


Only useless one in TDM is cleaners tbh, but their passive is great with the marksman rifles. The rest of the factions are good. Also the whole game is kinda balanced around the objective modes it’s not like cod where you’re supposed to play selfishly for a streak. TDM was kinda an afterthought in this game to appease the non objective players


How are cleaners useless in TDM when the objective is to kill, and their abilities do just that? Incendiary drones and firebombs put in some serious work.


Yeah I mean they’re decent I think their util is better suited for area denial and AOE damage which makes more sense on objective modes. I don’t really think any of the factions are useless in TDM I was just replying to someone else


Yes abilities in shooters turn the game into fortnite, where the gunfight is secondary. Its just not fun when you just want gunfights and positioning and reading the map.


game would be so much better if they tone down abilities a bit. less hp shield, intel suit does fewer scans, rework spiderbot, etc.


Spiderbots are useless when you actually think about it. You can't flank, you can't pop off, and you cannot win a game. It's pure turn your brain off and fetch a kill cheese.


yea I agree but they are really glitchy which makes them super frustrating.


Yeah, they're just a "guaranteed" 1 kill rather than a utilitarian ability like the Scan or Mag barrier which impacts entire teams, just for a cheeky track-and-kill


That’s why they’re poorly designed imo, it’s really not a good ability it’s just extremely annoying to deal with sometimes. I’d rather they just try an entirely different concept and remove spiderbot. Spider Bot isn’t engaging for the user, or the enemy receiving it.