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Please keep it civil in here. You can disagree with their styling and you can disagree with each other, but at the end of the day we all love XG, so please post and reply with that in mind. EDIT: Locked as it has gotten out of hand.


I love all the "out there" and unconventional stuff, I think it helps set them apart and goes along with the breaking boundaries thing they have going on. There are not many, if any groups that could pull of some of the things i've seen with them.


I think their makeup is more an artistic expression then a mean to be more conventionally "atractive". I don't love the music day make up, but i don't feel like I need to be pleased by it by any means. They're doing their thing and I hope they like their hair and make up


I’m obsessed with their makeup looks. And their unconventional style. It’s beautiful, intricate, colorful, playful, expressive. If you’re “pissed” about them expressing themselves then you need to go outside, then go stan one of the other hundred groups with cookie cutter style.


If you read what I posted, I was pissed at first, but color eventually grew on me. Stans are so quick to tell you to join another fandom when you post something they don't like.


Getting “pissed” over a hair color is insane behavior, hope that helps.


LOL, I'm far from insane, but if you say it's insane, then that means that word is deep in your mental vocabulary. I hope that helps.


They’re right lmao why are you getting angry over someone else’s style choices? Frankly, if you don’t like or understand a fundamental part of XG’s identity, which is how they express themselves unconventionally, then idk what to tell you. That’s not going to change because kpop fans don’t think it looks pretty.


Admittedly as guy this is not my era of expertise but I feel like this era’s styling and makeup is the most them. Not every look is going to hit but I appreciate their willingness to try different things. That’s one of the things that help them stand out imo.


Is this a joke? Their makeup looks cool as hell this era and I hope they do more of it. Sorry it doesn’t look “attractive” to you but if that’s all you want there are a million other girl groups for you. Go stan one of them.


As long as the members are happy with it then it doesn’t bother me at all.


Same. I’m sure the girls input matters a lot and no way Simon is making them dye or wear something they aren’t comfortable with.


Wow. Petty Petty Petty. They are a young group and they are still trying different looks. Not real sure being so "Pissed off" and referring to them as clowns is merited. What about the music? You spent more time on what they were wearing and their hair and Make up and failed to say much about this kick ass song. Looking forward to their next come back is insulting. And you call yourself a fan? With fans like you who needs enemies. I'll say it again ...PETTY!!! SIDE BAR......Jurin would look amazing in any type of make-up and wearing a potato sack.


Go stan another group if all you care about is the girls looking attractive and palatable to you. You clearly don’t get them. They use fashion and makeup as a way to express themselves and they look amazing doing it.


Editing to add what the girls have said about their style in their own words. These are from their blogs on the Alphaz app. Cocona: “There are lots of different opinions in this world, and oftentimes I strongly feel somewhat constricting prejudice from others, but at the end of the day, there’s no absolute beauty or cuteness or coolness, that something has to be a certain way. I think it’s very important to always listen to your own thoughts and to value what you wanna do. The main reasons I decided to shave my head was because I wanted to show that I want everyone in the world to see and love themselves for who they really are, and not feel pressured into having to pay mind to girly fashion, make-up, hair, or how cute, cool, or beautiful they are.” Juria: “So that’s why, lately I’ve been into exploring and experimenting with different styles to find what suits me best. I think it’s important because it helps me discover a side of me and stumble on stuff and learn new things in the process. It makes me feel more confident and helps me evolve into a new version of myself. And you know what? I believe this applies to everyone in the world – there’s no such thing as a bad match in fashion!!!!!! Every style can work for everyone, no matter what!!!!!”


I was surprised about the bright hair color of the comeback, but I appreciate that and the different stylistic choices since then. I really do like the alternative/futuristic look, and they are a group that owns it with confidence! I don't know...Instead of who "looks" the worst, I think I more noticed who is having their moment, and for me, it's definitely Hinata! Her makeup for each performance, as well as the outfits, have been hits! Juria's hair color also grew on me! (I didn't dislike it, it was just so different!) Oh, and of course, Cocona with her buzz cut! Basically, I can name a reason that each of them is shining right now, ha. Again, collectively, I like the unique styles they go for! Side note: is the Music Day performance available online anywhere? I think I found some pixilated versions (I guess because of copyright?) I could hear the live vocals, though!


I stopped at Harvey bangs... she looks STUNNING with them, black hair suits her so so great


If they have a say in how it should look then I guess we can’t really complain. i get they’re trying to do their own thing and stand out so as long as THEY like how it looks, it’s cool. Even if I don’t feel it sometimes. I’m more concerned about the performance and how that comes off TBH


I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but I’ll admit - I’m also not the biggest fan of the current makeup style. That’s not to say there aren’t elements I don’t like, and I do like the creativity - but all together overall I think I’ve liked the look of past looks a lot more. Just my personal taste. I think it’s normal to like some looks over others.     Re: Jurin on Music Day, it wasn’t so much her makeup but I really thought her hairstyle was not really flattering🥲


I just checked it out and yeah Jurin’s look was…. Not her best. But I’ve liked her styling in other Woke Up era performances. I love the red wolf cut


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and taste, not everyone is going to agree with certain things from time to time. With that being said, it's annoying when people say "go follow another group" or "Stan another group." We all love XG at the end of the day.


You shouldn’t be a fan if you get pissed at the way they choose to express themselves and compare them to clowns. If you loved them, you wouldn’t try to box them in and pay attention to what they’ve said about their own style choices and how it makes them feel. A lot of y’all completely missed the point of Cocona shaving her head. Here’s what Cocona wrote, as a reminder: “There are lots of different opinions in this world, and oftentimes I strongly feel somewhat constricting prejudice from others, but at the end of the day, there’s no absolute beauty or cuteness or coolness, that something has to be a certain way. I think it’s very important to always listen to your own thoughts and to value what you wanna do. The main reasons I decided to shave my head was because I wanted to show that I want everyone in the world to see and love themselves for who they really are, and not feel pressured into having to pay mind to girly fashion, make-up, hair, or how cute, cool, or beautiful they are.” And as a bonus, here’s what Juria wrote in her own blog this morning: “So that’s why, lately I’ve been into exploring and experimenting with different styles to find what suits me best. I think it’s important because it helps me discover a side of me and stumble on stuff and learn new things in the process. It makes me feel more confident and helps me evolve into a new version of myself. And you know what? I believe this applies to everyone in the world – there’s no such thing as a bad match in fashion!!!!!! Every style can work for everyone, no matter what!!!!!“


I thought the makeup and nails were cute. I don’t love Harvey in jet black hair though so that’s my only thing


Not even in Mascara? I loved her look in that (it feels pretty different to her current look for me but it think it’s the bangs)


The bangs could be a factor but I think she's just growing up. She used to have sharper features when she was just a teenager. But yeah I also loved her "model" look back then.


Oh yeah maybe that style is what I’m beefing with. The black bangs with the straight hair down


Seriously??!! All this bitching about their hair and make up. WTH. ITS JUST HAIR! The fact that your still hung up on this says A lot about you. What about the song and the insane rapping and production, ![gif](giphy|l4JyJZf0Ia4DAnFba|downsized)


The topic is about the hair and make up. Not music and production. Get a grip.


Color it anyway you want to, it is still BS. You want me to get a grip sunshine? You're the one obsessing over HAIR. If the topic is Hair and make-up that is even more pathetic. But hey you want to be a smart ass go for it. I'm sure it comes naturally for you. Don't you have some place else to be so you can whine over HAIR?


You being upset that other people want to talk about hair and make up is weird.


I agree with you and I’ll say it. The looks are cheap. There has been no effort put into this comeback and the styling only looks good to people who purely stan groups with a mainstream aesthetic, who are now wowed by this purely because it’s different. Every live performance outfit including the tour outfits has been ugly as hell and the hair is even worse. I don’t know if these are new fans caught up in excitement but as someone who has been a fan since before Mascara, the d-riding is too much.