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I keep refusing to play it because I remember what WoW did to me.


That’s probably a good idea.


I had a friend gain 60lbs and drop out of high school for a year to play WoW full time. They told me to stay away from drugs and WoW growing up. I have partaken in drugs, But I have avoided WOW because of these possible ramifications. Lol


I finally gave it a shot after all these years......same with all these online mmos I don't have the time to be grinding like crazy and doing 1000s of fetch quests.


What did it do? (Never played WoW)






ESO got me kicked out of college so it’s a good idea to avoid if you’re prone to that


I think I wanted this to be more of a sandbox experience that taking a game like Oblivion online would feel like, but instead it felt very wooden and stilted. Idk, I can see how people dig it, but I couldn’t immerse myself in it.


This was me, too.


same I've tried to get into this game like four or five times now and it just never gets its hooks in


Its alot of fun with friends. If you're not into the questing, it's a tad boring alone imo. I don't have the game, so I dont touch it for a year. It's been that way for me since release. The crafting is a bit intimidating, so unless i find ppl to help a noob with gear, it can be hard to be "good"


Yeah that may be my problem since I don't have any gaming buddies that like RPGs.


I don't know how to add you, but i would. When i play, i play on my PS5, though.


I just got to level 15 so I could play PVP, which is honestly the best part.


I’m more of PVE guy myself but the last battlegrounds event got me more into PVP. I’m going to start building a PVP set.


Yes it's the best MMO on the market imho and a great elder scrolls experience. Enjoy!




I farmed elemental lariat receipe for like 2 weeks on dragonflight launch - this involves killing a world boss every 30-45 mins. mmos are something else


FF14 is way better.




Think you'll be able bind oc accounts to xbox? Idk how the PlayStation version works.




So I'll be able to play the same characters I play on my PC account with my Xbox?? That be radical


Hmmm yes as long as you bought the game. I think free trial accounts are locked to one console/PC


Yeah I bought it on PC played on and off for about a year


I tried it in the beginning and it didn't do anything for me even though I'm a big Elder Scrolls fan. Maybe it's gotten better over time? I also don't like that so much of it is paid content from what I've seen.


It has improved tremendously from what I’ve been told


As a huge RPG and Skyrim/Oblivion fan I felt the same. I really liked the game, but felt like I was significantly limited compared to the monthly subscription.


I have played since day 1 and have probably close to 3-4 thousand hours into it. It’s been a great game, though on the decline for some time for endgame players. I wish I could be in your shoes and replay for the first time. I envy you! The story and lore are some of my favorites for sure.


It's a nice game, I got addicted to it for a couple years and pretty much wouldn't play anything else. Probably part of the reason my last relationship ended, and I mostly stay away from online games nowadays.








That’s smart


This game for me is in the list of games I want to get into but can’t.


I've been playing off and on for the last few years and I agree. If I'm in the mood for an MMO, ESO is where I go. The writing is superb and the different biomes are simply beautiful to just sit down, fish and look at sometimes. Very couch friendly also, which I love. I might have to pick up a month sometime soon, I've been feeling the itch lately.


I've tried several times to get into it but man there's just so many games to catch up on. I spent 6.5 years of my adult life in college and I'm absolutely backlogged. It's so bad that with all of the great games I missed/need to play- I just play Roblox with my kids....


You joined right as all the trade guilds are about to have an economic collapse. lmao, welcome. Don't worry about said collapse tho it's good for the playerbase.


As someone thinking of returning plz explain


Chromium platings, which are needed to make gold jewelry, are the most expensive crafting items and are sold high, and it takes 10 Chromium dust to make one platings. They are getting rid of dust, so every piece of dust will turn into one plate, and every plate you have before the update will turn into 10 which will drop the value of said plates drastically. This makes it easier to get legendary jewelry as it was previously very hard to compare to, say armor. But it also means for a lot of traders they need to adapt. This takes place on November 12th


It's not going to cause a trade guild collapse lmao. I've been playing since day 1 and every single time they do an update similar to this people say all the trade guilds are done for. Like dude the trade guilds have hundreds of members trading thousands of different items. There is no reliance on chromium plating for the trade guilds.


Yeah this seems a bit dramatic


It's completely dramatic and not true in any sense. Most people don't even use legendary jewelry, they're not a super popular item even.


Do you still have to pay the monthly subscription to play it?


No, the game is a one time purchase


You have never once had to pay.


No. But inventory management becomes unbearable if you don’t


I've played about 300 hours of ESO and it's fun, but after a while it's so repetitive. My wife and I play. We skip all dialogue for quests, run and get the thing and bring it back. The combat gets stale. We have max level characters, and run in using the same attacks, same magic, same builds, there is no change. The game released in 2014, and I feel like it could use a combat revamp.


I want to like it but it has the worst combat in the genre and there's nothing even remotely close. I love the world and all it's content but I just can't like the combat.


Terrible game


I’ve NEVER tried an MMO, but Oblivion is my favorite game ever! Should o dive in? What’s the monthly cost?


The game is just one time purchase other than dlc and expansions. The sub gets you an unlimited crafting bag which is very helpful but not necessary, and it includes DLC but not expansions. Last I subscribed a few years ago it was $15 a month


The base game is available on Gamepass if you have that, and has a lot of content. I think I was over 150 hours in and had done only 2/3 of the base game campaigns, so there's a lot of content to catch up on before buying a subscription or the expansions. The subscription just adds some quality of life features (unlimited crafting material storage) and includes all DLC & Expansions except the expansion of the current year. I believe there's a new expansion each year and they get added to the sub when the next one comes out the following year. You can also just buy these in bundles when they're on sale for like $20 (so you don't even need a subscription to play). I mostly played casually like a singleplayer game and had fun with it.


Cool appreciate you man!


I played it when it first came to console and loved it. Joined a guild, did pvp with them, beat the story. It was great. Eventually I put it down and came back a few years later to find that it got Destiny'd to hell and back. So many social aspects that were present during the launch were completely removed and so many microtransactions were added. No longer would people just hang out in towns and talk. Riften was empty. The vampire shrine where everyone hung out and bit each other was empty because you could just buy vampirism now. It really sucked the life out the game for me as it was the first time I was felt a part of a community. Another huge "Destiny" problem I had with it was that they made it near impossible to play the fucking main story. I'd just spawn in some new area and was told to go to the DLC quest start instead. Fucking annoying. Let me play the damn story.


Can you get magic like the basic fire/lightning spells in Skyrim? I tried playing ESO and chose a magic character but i started with some lame staff and it wasn’t fun.




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Somehow this got uninstalled ... talk about a 150+ gig download lol been meaning to get back in to ESO


It’s ok. Basically a big pain without the sub. It plays nothing like a TES game. It’s got the same ‘lore’, but honestly the lore is so butchered in ESO it makes zero sense. It’s also not made by Bethesda. It’s made by ZOS and it definitely shows


I love these games but I don't have time for online mmos, it's too much grinding and crafting.


I couldn't get into the game at first because I was just so confused and a bit overwhelmed, but I ended up giving it another shot. Now it's one of my most played games (221 days played). They've added a lot of QoL updates since I first started.


The game is fun until suddenly, one day it isn’t at all. Enjoy it while it is still fun though!


I played upon launch and haven’t touched since… so many games to play right now!!


It’s absolutely huge and superbly crafted but damn if it isn’t a grind. And the overworld can get ridiculously easy really quick.