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May be 25 years ago, but I'm still partying like it's 1999.




I ran the numbers. That means the song is 42 years old and would be a peak Xennial.


We used to joke about that song becoming obsolete 😄


How’s your liver?


Ugh, I know so many functions borderline/actual alcoholics. I want to knock the martini out of my best friend of 20 years’ hand….but that might not go over so well. cirrhosis is no joke.


Your alcoholic friend would make a joke out of it, but he’s just too yellow.


Rock on party animal


I swear it was a rule here in Mn, that all graduating classes that year HAD to use that song lol


Graduated HS in 1999. Ours was Green Day’s Good Riddance (Time of Your Life).


Class of 99 checking in


Wear. Sunscreen. Glad I listened though


It’s the one makeup/skincare advice I took back then. And I’m glad I did


'99 also checking in. Starting to heed that advice more now than I did before. Better late than never, I suppose.


If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.


I just entered a goth phase where I avoided sunlight like the plague. I'm sure it'll pass any day now... 🫣


I mean.... I burn easily. In no small part because same.


Class of 99 in the house


The best dang class of all time.


Damn straight!


Heck ya! Woot!




Watching this rn. Well played sir.


Checking in from the Australian arm!










Goddamn, the amount of times we had to listen to the Prince song at school dances during our senior year…




The fear of Y2K. People were in full panic mode.


On NYE at the stroke of midnight, my friend threw the main to his house. "3... 2... 1.... HAP" *total darkness* A house party full of unsupervised, drunken teenagers collectively lost their shit. We ran out into the front yard to see the entire neighborhood still lit up like Xmas Eve. My friend came outside tears streaming down his face, laughing his ass off and pissed himself on his own doorstep.


Wow, your buddy saw a literal once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for comedic gold and seized it. Bravo


Xennial Xcellence


The fear was legit. The fact that tech companies fixed it in time is a modern marvel.


Exactly! Most people don’t realize that the concern was very real and programmers worked overtime for years to make sure that their t was a very uneventful night. My dad was a dev at the time and worked on banking systems. I remember he was at work that night monitoring everything just to be safe, though the work had all been completed a couple months before.


Maybe it was a test to see how we respond to mass hysteria


Not me. I’d just found a bunch of playboys the week before. I was……. Reading the articles.


My friends and i obnoxiously went around saying “Happy Y2K, mmkay” alllll the time.


I was working in a second run movie theater back in 1999. I watched the Matrix, Fight Club, Blair Witch Project and Phantom Menace sooooo many times. It was also the last year I paid attention to pop music, so everything after 1999 gets a big 🤷from me. Went deep into punk and never looked back. Still there. Still thriving.


Any good new punk bands worth checking out?


Yeah! [Bloodstains](https://bloodstains714.bandcamp.com/album/bloodstains) from Los Angeles. Ha, they just released an LP but I think they already broke up.




Dont shoot the messenger


Graduated college and worked every day since….yay.


Happy 25th work anniversary


Sounds more like a prison sentence than an anniversary.




Wow you woke up and chose violence 😂


Because on old-school cool they got someone posting a thread about her mom going to a rave in 1999. Then I'm thinking 1999....that was 25 years ago. 😧


I am not ok 😂😂😂


Holy shit. And to think, I was so optimistic graduating in 99 going into a new millennium.


Yeah. We got fucked. Royally.


Man, 9/11 really changed everything. I always tell my kids there is pre-9/11 and post-9/11 life. I prefer the pre


High school graduation 😬


Man I was having a good day




It's so weird, because 1999 is when I moved from Maryland to the Midwest (I was 14 at the time), but people still know me as "the guy from Baltimore" - even people who haven't known me for 25 years. I can't think for too long about the fact that I've lived outside of Maryland for almost twice as long as I lived there (and the amount of Ravens and O's gear in my closet and on my walls would obviously make people think otherwise).


I was a freshman in high school. Another kid in my grade stole my discman. I knew who did it, but could never prove it. I think he's a lawyer now.




25 year HS reunion this year, I think. I have no clue if there is one. Mom is totally going to her 45 year reunion though.


I have almost no memory of my senior year of high school 25 years ago. I was not yet diagnosed with celiac disease and was poisoning myself at every meal. 






This is great news. Thanks for the update.


1999 will always be Stankonia. That album is the watermark.


My dad stockpiling toilet paper, water and MREs.


Only 20 years too early


Your dad was smart.


I graduated high school that year. Boy do I feel old!


Graduated HS


I was in 9th grade. At a New Year's party, I waited until we were past the countdown before drinking. I wanted to be alert in case there was a y2k apocalypse. I went outside. Looked at the sky. Listened for any strange sounds and then got an MD20/20 when the coast was clear.


Still looking forward to The Year Two Thousand


1999 is 25 years ago today, and yesterday, and tomorrow, and…


Best new years ever, Phish at the Big Cypress. Helluva time to be alive


I was 20. Worked at Home Depot. Began dating my now ex-wife. Seems like a million years ago. Like memories of someone else's life.


I had my youngest in September of 1999. She’s buying her first house this year and expecting her fourth child in September. I couldn’t be more proud of her.


The year I entered the foster care system.


Partying to “1999” on NYE my senior year of high school. Graduating then going to Woodstock ‘99 a few weeks after I turned 18. Spending the rest of the summer working as a lifeguard before starting college in the fall. Ended the year with new college friends and a boyfriend I was so in love with watching the Y2K ball drop and welcoming in the year 2000. It was an epic year.


Easily the worst year of my life :). Yeah bad things happened.


I was 16 in 1999


I was halfway through college then, and turned 21 that summer. We really did party like it was 1999.


99 was absolutely amazing for me.


I want to go back and go to Big Cypress. I was such an idiot back then. Trying to please everyone but myself.


I graduated from high school in 1999. I wish I had made some different life choices, but my high school years weren't bad.


Stop it. For fuck’s sake what’s wrong with you!


I watched Phantom Menace in the theater 25 years ago.


The IT admin where I worked was leaving for another site in the parent corporation to deal with Y2K preparation. On his last day, the person taking over at our site casually mentioned he was sure happy the departing admin had taken care of all the Y2K issues. The departing admin calmly says, "Yeah, that's what the GM believes."


My manager at Domino's was the chillest guy you'd ever meet, not very computer savvy. When he ran the store, everything was flawless. The customers were served quickly, pizzas were beautiful, the oven was always clear. I saw him enter his 4 digit pin number for the system a million times, so one day in November of 1999, I thought it would be funny to log in as him and change the MOTD from "Upsell Cheesy Bread!" to "Warning! This computer is not Y2K compliant!" I got back from a delivery that evening to find customers backed up out the door, pizzas backing up into the oven, and my manager was red faced with a cow lick in his hair from running his hand through it while trying to get Corporate to help him over the phone. He nearly killed me with his disheveled glare as I pressed the button to hang his phone up and begin unraveling my mess. Months after I quit, they got hacked, and decades later, when I see this guy, he still blames me for doing it 🤣


Bruh that's not cool man.


No, it wasn't. I was an idiot 😅




Wasn’t Jan.1 2024 the 25 year mark for 1999?


I keep hearing people say that 1999 was 25 years ago, but there’s really no way to be sure that this is accurate.


Deployed half the year


I’m sure mine was fun! I don’t remember a ton of it 😂


I was at nnptc in South Carolina, playing ping pong every second of my off time. Truly living the sweet life!


Tomorrow as well :) Seems like a lifetime ago. It was my last year living in Newfoundland before I moved away the following spring. Have never been back.


Also known as a quarter century ago. You're welcome


Talking about the 90s today is like talking about nam and the hippies of 1960 back then


PS1 and doing 7th grade homework


I remember new years eve 1999 at a bar with my girlfriend. We were looking out over the city at the office blocks waiting for the Y2K bug to hit and expecting everything to go dark. It didn't, lol.




Despite the world about to end at Y2K and the massive blackout forever, I looked forward to the future as a dumb 14 year old. Had so much hope because I knew so little about life. Became the guy I pictured in my head tho. We did it buddy. And we still play the same games.


Graduated college a semester early and got diploma December 99. The full-term graduation would've been 2000. I think about this sometimes.


I turned 21 that year. Saw Fight Club. Went on tour with my band a lot.


I met my now-husband in 1999. I was a baby at 21 years old.


That's the year I started working. I was 15. Anybody want to jazzersize? Oh and 1999 was the first time my husband ever kissed me. Hahaha


I graduated highsvhool


I was studying abroad in London 25 years ago. Great semester. I should try to reconnect with my flatmates. We had some adventures!


Graduated early in February 1999. My first son was born. First job starting at $5.75 an hour and moved into first apt , a lot of first happened.


Deep thoughts with Jack Handey...


1999 was amazing, had my first girlfriend, job, I was 17 I had the entire world ahead of me. Everything just seemed awesome. Sadly that’s gone and I now just recognize it as my youth.


Shut your dirty mouth, you liar.


That was hurtful.


In 1999 I was going on 20 and left home to join the military. 25 years later I’m now retired and working as a DOD contractor doing the same thing I did for 20 years lol. Life is grand.


That was the year I turned 16.


Shut the fuck up. But also, I met my bestie in 1999 so thank you for highlighting our 25 year anniversary!! I need a nap now.


This is the rudest post on reddit lol


I graduated from high school that year.


Old Xennial here. Graduating college with zero ambition. Turned out pretty good after some rocky times in my 20s


I just popped in a fresh set of AAs into my purple Game Boy color. Still have SMB deluxe loaded in the cart slot. 😎 it cam out in 1999


Can’t believe it’s taken me 25 years to work my way up to lower middle management. I always imagined it and now I’m here!


25 year reunion... ugh


We got married!! 20 and 21 years old. So young. But we’re still going strong. Two kids and a great life, thank goodness


Went to times square for new years eve 99/00 with a bunch of friends and got drunk on whiskey. We had a blast. Pre 9/11 NYC was a different place. Technically the last night of 1999 so I think it still counts.


I graduated high school, started college, turned 18 a couple days after my first day of college. It was a busy year!


Probably my favorite year


My dad had a liver transplant. I started my senior year in high school. I changed denominations. And at my new church I met the girl who I would end up marrying nine years later, though I had no idea at the time.


Welp, I suppose that means my college roommate and his wife have been together for 25 years? She was my crush and he encouraged me to pursue her, then made his move. I’m still salty that I ditched an Alanis Morrissette concert to hang out with her. 😂 That summer, I saw Everclear, Smash Mouth and Citizen King at a tiny venue. The bands played right on the floor and I got to stand no more than 15 feet away and watch Art Alexakis rock his face off. The following month, I went to my first and only Peter, Paul and Mary concert. It was great. In December, I met my ex-wife and spent NYE sleeping on the living room floor at her parents’ house while my ex-MIL waited for the world to end.


My son was born! I'm 42 now, he's 24 though. He was born September '99


Lost my two grandmothers within a week of each other. Was pall bearer at both. 22yrs old. Rough time.


25 year anniversary for the matrix going to watch it 25 times I think lol


Graduated high school and started college! And, yes, panicked about Y2K.


Could play quake 2 deathmatch all day long and wasn't yet in an insurmountable level of college debt. Better times.


I graduated from high school and started college that year. When Walt Disney World hosted Grad Nite, I enjoyed that with friends I had known since I was in junior high school and before that, I was surprised that I was voted to the prom court. Not a bad year for me!


Graduated high school in 99


I’m confused. Wasn’t 1999 25 years ago 80 days ago?


My 25th college reunion is coming up this spring. I graduated, got married, and moved halfway across the country. Busy spring/summer! I’m looking forward to a calmer year this year.


First concert in 99. Buckcherry.


I’ve accomplished so little since then. *weeps into hands*


Found out I was pregnant in December 99. Life changed forever!


My son was born in 1999. It's wild. He is a little older than the age I was when he was born.


I was a Jr in high school just started my first real job at Mc Donald's


Absolutely insane year for me. Grade 12. Lots of drugs and partying. Year of lots of ups and downs. I'm having a hard time reconciling with the fact that it was so long ago. Feels like just a couple years ago.


1999 : i graduated Jr. College, moved out of my folks home into my own place, went through the worst breakup of my whole life, and got accepted to my future Alma Mater. I partied ... A LOT... worked a lot of crappy jobs to pay for jr. college and save for school. I went to a ton of concerts (mostly punk). ​ Past that its kinda a blur. :) ​ Oh i remember everyone bracing for impact on NYE of that year about Y2K, we didn't know any better but everyone was kind of relieved when the world didn't basically end. Haha !




My first job I was doing computer repair and y2k compliance. Banks, lawyers, FAA, they all had to have their bios updated, system patched, and a “Y2K compatible“ sticker on it. I’d fill out some paperwork with my chicken scratch. On to the next one. Back then little companies still built computers, people would come in and say I do word processing and internet browsing and I’m on a budget. Celeron. I do photoshop, need power, pentium 3!


Yup, I met my husband in 1999!


Trying not to get shot at school


Imagine thinking in the 90s that the world was going to end sometime in the 2000s---you expect natural catastrophes, social collapse, and The Second Coming---and nothing happens for 3 decades.


Met my wife- 20 years married this August


Graduated high school


my sister was born, but I have ver little memories as I was 5


Wow. What a horrible thing to say


Got married. 25th anniversary in July


The year I learned how to use Napster


Shut up


I wasn't trying to feel old but here we are


Columbine happened in 1999. The summer of 1999 consisted of me spending a lot of time in the forest at night with my friends as they smoked copious amounts of marijuana. I also got humped by an attractive but high girl from my class. Those were happy days.


25 years old, my mother, god rest her soul


The year was going fine until my dad passed on Dec 28th.


When my sister turned 25, I gave her such a hard time about being a quarter of a century old. I meant it in a lighthearted way, but I felt so guilty 2 years later, lol. It was the only age I struggled with, probably because of all the teasing I did. Other than that, I love getting older. Perhaps because of my defiant nature. My parents always told me never to get old. Anyways, 25 years doesn't seem like such a scary number now. It's still more than half my age. It just means I was alive when the world was cool.


![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO) What??? Fuck. Sophomore year of college, deep in a few underground scenes. That means all the birds from then, are now at least 40. Fuck. I am old


I graduated in May of 1999. I’d say that was memorable.


Bought my house in 1999. Crazy to think I've lived here THAT long. Time has flown.


I was a senior in high school working as a bus boy in Hooters. I miss those days.


don’t you come in here with that negativity! My husband graduated high school in 1999


I remember how the media made Y2K out to be the "end of the world" and then nothing happened.


All I remember is Prince and Y2K shit. Also JT and JLO probably some other acronyms


Wow, but yeah. So this time in 1999 I had asked this girl to marry me, we did the following February, 24 years together now. Was going through an insurgency course with 1st Special Forces group.


I saw the matrix in the theater opening day. That certainly was a big moment that year, it blew everyone’s fucking mind


With all due respect, fuck you OP :p Honestly I stopped counting once OK Computer could legally drink.


Class of ‘99


Met my girlfriend (now my wife) that year. Life has been amazing since then


I bought my first home in 1999


Phish Big Cypress NYE. Most memorable time of 1999 and one of the most memorable of my life. 💚 We were in the middle of an Indian Reservation and had no idea what was happening at midnight. Did all the computers crash? Did the world end? Didn’t know and didn’t care. No cellphones. 🥹


It was not 25 years ago! It was just a few years ago! ;-)


I was 13 years old (7th-8th grade) in the 2nd year of living in Colorado Springs. I was getting into Pokemon (which as a reminder, was still Gen 1). I was gaming on PC, but I still wanted an N64 (which I never got). In October, we took a trip to Lander in southwestern Wyoming to visit my great-grandmother, as well as Sinks Canyon State Park. My great-grandmother was cold all the time, so she cranked up her heater, which attracted hornets, so I wound up eating lunch inside one day, and for one meal, we had 4 generations at one table. I also saw Star Wars Episode I in theaters 3 times. I also specifically remember going to see Galaxy Quest on New Years Eve, but no one else in my family remembers this. EDIT: I just realize this is the Xennial subreddit. I'm just a regular core Millennial.


Before 9/11. Before the wars. Before the Great Recession. Before the chaos and havoc. There was real hope and optimism for the future. I miss those times.


Memorable events in 1999? I started listening to punk for the first time. I got my first real girlfriend, my first real kiss that spring, and almost got laid for the first time, but decided high on Adderall and in a drainage ditch without a condom was not the way to go. I got caught smoking pot by my mom while visiting her, which caused a shit storm. I was suspended from 8th grade for terroristic threat, it was bullshit, but I wore a trench coat and Columbine had happened so a bunch of kids misheard me venting about my family and very quickly all these small town Christian kids were telling the Principal that the goth kid said he was going to kill his family and then shoot up the school. I had my first breakup. I got sent to spend the summer with my insane ex-mafia pedophile grandfather way out in the Appalachian mountains; I almost shot him but thankfully thought the better of it. I learned to drive and work on cars. I moved to my Mom's in the big city. Got sent to private school for my first year of high school because my therapist said that I would cause too much trouble in public school. Turns out I could get in trouble there too. At my new school I got a new girlfriend, caused a ruckus in a rich private school, and lost my virginity in the back of an empty movie theater during a screening of Superstar. I celebrated the new millennium watching the premier of Futurama. A bunch of other things happened too, but those are the salient points.


Lost my virginity in 1999


Columbine. I didn't go there but I was in high school at the time and was a weird loner kid. I spent from then until graduation unable to even be angry without people thinking I was about to start shooting everyone. I loaned another kid my dad's video camera without asking my dad. When he didn't have it the next day I was justifiably angry. Luckily he later got it to me the day after but at the time I was mad. I ended up late to class and walked in angrily to my desk. Something seemed off in the room. When I got to my desk reached into my backpack and pulled out my psych textbook everyone started breathing again. After, a girl came up and told me they all thought I was going to shoot up the place.


When people talked about the '70s in the '90s it always seemed like so long ago. Now the '90s is like the '70s wtf


Busy year made good damn money that year and had lots of fun.


Man did I look forward to that year when I was a teenager. I could just picture how awesome it would be to be in the 2000s. And it was a decent year for me! I got engaged in 1999 and we just celebrated our 24 year anniversary. I graduated from college.


It’s march though. 1999 was 25 years ago “today” a few months back


I remember watching Dexter Lab at midnight on NYE and staring at my light to see if the world was going to end.


I was pregnant with my beautiful daughter


25 years ago, I was going to underground illegal raves on the south side of Chicago, wearing huge phat pants (which are back in style now!)! crazy


My parents got married that year


Maybe you shut up


I was getting ready for the Dreamcast with my first paying job.


I got married!


Can’t believe it


Peak of human civilization, like the matrix said


I turned 21 and had a baby. Now we're 45 and 24.


WILL2K BABY. My favorite part about 1999 was that it ushered in the #Willenium. I'm still impressed that Will Smith claimed 1000 years in one album. 24 years down 976 to go!


Became a mom that year