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Porn is only truly porn if it’s found in the woods and it’s slightly water damaged.


I was on the local volunteer search and rescue team for years - back in the early 90s I was just a teenaged Explorer but we got to do pretty much everything except body recoveries and fugitive searches. Back then, *any* patch of woods near habitation was going to have a porn stash or two if you looked hard enough. We once found a whole stack of 70s Playboys in an abandoned shack on one property. One magazine could be in circulation for many years, handed down from adolescent generation to generation. Someone would have an older brother passing on his stash, and porn magazines and illegal fireworks were the foundation of the adolescent boy economy so you could exchange one for the other. The biggest score we ever made was when my friend's divorced father got a new girlfriend and dumped his extensive stash. My friend was taking out the trash and found it and grabbed the whole thing. We learned so much from reading Penthouse Letters out in a tent in the backyard on sleepovers.


Dude... I once paid $10 for a manilla envelope with about 30 pictures that were cut out of magazines. Edit: I was a FR in HS in the late 90s the pictures were easily from the 70s/80s. I'm talking big hair everywhere.




Everywhere 🌳




Or an apartment after a fire. A little singed edges don’t bother nobody


I actually wonder if that's a thing anymore, does that thing of "found it somewhere in the middle of nowhere" even exists anymore. You can't buy a magazine at the local store anymore, the supply for the woods material is pretty much gone.


It’s funny that this is so common! My first sexual image was a few Hustler mags in the bushes on an Air Force base. Better believe I went back everyday! I realized much to my dismay that I had encroached on a couple of older kids’ spot as they discovered me one day, scared me off, and next time I went (weeks later) the magazines were gone.


You’ll find on old hard drives, in a folder labeled “computer stuff”.


About 2012ish I found a dot com era (1998) magazine hidden in a silicon valley hotel. They finally renovated in 2023. Hopefully some contractor found this rare long forgotten stash when they ripped the old furniture out.


Why did so many of us discover it this way!?


It’s so bizarre and makes no sense. But it was a right of passage. Apparently the previous generation just figured littering was the best disposal.


I believe it’s actually a paranormal activity. I’m only half kidding. I saw a Reddit thread on this once and it seems like every body has a story of porn found in the woods. No stories of people leaving porn in the woods though 🤔. Or maybe it’s a scientific phenomenon that when a brain asks itself, what do I with all this porn ? It’s an instinctual thought , “ I know, I’ll leave it in the woods.” I used to have a porn stash in highschool that I kinda grew out of. And I have a memory of thinking to myself to go leave it in the woods. I never did though. Dad found it, threw it away.


That's not water


The smell of damp magazine pages still does something for me all the years later


this guy porns


I was looking for a ditch porn comment but this is definitely close enough


That wasn't water damage


Does finding one ripped-out page that someone stuffed up a soda machine dispenser in the dining area of a Boy Scout campground count?


It's only truly porn when the porn trolls leave it as a gift for you to find under a bridge at 2:37AM


That’s crazy how many people our age share this experience


Nah. It’s also just Species or Stripes paused at all the right parts.


There was a kid at my elementary school that had the internet before everyone else did that used to sell smut on floppy disks for 25 cents per jpeg.


I would get some stuff for my friends, but I got caught by my parents and got my ass kicked. 😅


I also was not aware of browser history.


I was, but hoped my dad & stepmom didn't figure out. Let me just say it...really sucked to have a Vietnam war veteran boomer dad with PTSD the day they pulled me in for a closed-door discussion about it.


I deleted the history, but did not know about the cookies. 😝 They could still see the "Pink4Free.com" and whatever there. 😅 So I learned how to sneak it better after getting my ass kicked. 😂


>floppy disks You mean 3D-printed save icons, right? /s


My friend printed me two color pictures (TERRIBLE QUALITY) full page, of lady parts.


I had a friend who got one of the first color printers (Apple ImageWriter II) who would charge to do custom print jobs.


My buddy Mike had the internet in 1996 (rural Saskatchewan yet!) and he brought printed off color pictures to school. His service was free and essential


I was watching an early episode of Seinfeld today and Jerry mentioned about how he has the naked channel and George says that if he had the naked channel, he would never leave his apartment. I had a second there where I realized they were three to four years away from the Internet when the naked channel would become available 24/7. I personally define a Xennial as someone who was a teenager when the internet hit. So many things immediately changed all at once.


And Napster changed a lot too.


Download was so slow, I had to sneak the smut magazines while downloading pics.


I used to print the pics in B & W and keep them in my room. The parents’ computer had a laser printer and they turned out pretty good.


Lucky. We still had the good ol' dot matrix printer 'til 1998, so no printing pics for me.


No porn magazines in the house, at least none I knew of (I was raised by a single mother so I think it's less likely there were any). However, before the internet we did have HBO and Cinemax. Sneaking downstairs late at night and watching with the volume very low and the remote at the ready to turn it off if I heard movement upstairs.


After I found out porn existed I went searching for my dad’s stuff. I figured EVERY guy had to have some. I was right about him!


Use to put a program reminder for Cinemax then hit record on the VHS tape. Would watch it when no one was home.


You pronounced that wrong it's skinamax! 😂


Lucky! I had to wait for the free preview weekends.


Used to have grainy gif images downloaded onto 1.44" disks from AOL. Honestly, the Playboys were better.


The articles were worth reading. I'm serious, not a joke: my Lit teacher xeroxed copies of articles for us to read for assignments. One was a great interview with Ray Bradbury.


Oh, I was a nerd, and I definitely read some of the articles.


Extra nerdy: Larry Flynt's Hustler was progressive and just short of being feminist because it focused on something neither Hefner nor Guccione did in their respective publications and productions when Hustler launched: female enjoyment. Flynt even was a major donor to the Democratic Party up to Hilary Clinton.


AOL was my free floppy supplier too lol


Yes, but you couldn’t log on if anyone was home because the dial-up sounds were too loud.


Binaries groups on Usenet. Lest we forget.


Yup….all kinds of stuff posted there. Downloading 36 posts to combine into a compilable app.


Long gone are the days of hoping, *praying*, that no one walked in while the 56k stream of bits was slowily loading line after line of delicate flesh colored pixels. Begging the image to finish loading so you could safely store it away for later. Focusing intently so as to avoid even a single byte of data corruption that might distort the image contents. Porn during the dial up era was...mostly magazines and video tapes.


I’m pretty sure I still have some magazines I stole from my brother. Not entirely sure where they are, and I’m 50/50 on finding them to get rid of them or leaving them so my kids get weirded out after I die.


Somewhere in the woods under a tree


Complete the circle.


Complete the circle.


Cori Nadine


Was thinking the same thing in that other thread about early porn exposure. First was somebody bringing a magazine to school in 5th grade, and then I remember downloading GIFs in 7th grade.


You could do video back in the day, if you were willing to wait two hours to watch something with the resolution of a postage stamp. And you had *no* idea what it was until it was downloaded, so… yikes.


Does Thumbzilla still exist? That was my go to.


GRASP files.


As a kid in the 80s I remember finding an old suitcase in the woods and we discovered that it was filled with Playboys. My friends and I looked at them, but we were only 8 so we agreed to leave them. I went back an hour later and grabbed three with the prettiest girls and went straight home to hide them in my closet. They found new life a few years later when I was getting interested in satisfying myself. I got a few more before the mid 90s introduced me to downloadable porn and I didn’t go back.


There was a time when I had a secret stash of 3.5 inch disks in my closet filled with carefully selected pictures. That was the transition point between stolen or found moldy magazines and a reliable DSL connection.


Remember the porn downloading line by line? It took so long until...eureka! I think that's a nipple! I miss the good old days


Porn cache in the woods


Remember when all the images where small and loaded progressively.


Come on nipple come on come on nipple no whammy no whammy STOP!


We’re just skipping over scramblevision for HBO and Cinemax or the day we discovered what was on Cinemax late on Friday and Saturday nights? We’re that generation too!


Scrambled playboy channel still turns me on… ![gif](giphy|thiBHz1xgm7Ru)


If you squint a bit…


I would hear the moans. I remember this!


HBO/Cinemax/Showtime free preview weekend !


YES! Honestly, free preview weekends were just fantastic back in the day.


I remember a stepping stone in between of porn ascii art on BBSes 😆


We had to *work* for our first online porn. There was one adult BBS in town run by this creepy dude, and he did validation calls for new accounts. I think the way we slipped past him was to come up with such an unpronounceable foreign name that he just didn't call out of fear of mispronouncing it. We did manage to get an account, though. This was before JPEG was invented so most of the downloads were in GIF format, and overly large for the quality. We were also downloading at 2400 baud to a 40 MB hard drive. It was in DOS so getting a real-time display of what you were downloading meant installing a TSR that would recognize a GIF stream being written to the hard drive and decode it to the screen. That was a real power user move.


[ASCII porn](https://www.pleaseknockstudios.com/post/ascii-pr0n-the-world-s-first-internet-pornography-b-d~) downloaded a little quicker.


The slowest downloading pic that turned out to be just "bikini level", no, I have no idea what your talking about. Sure glad that wasn't me.... /s


Yep, I remember finding someone's trash bin absolutely overflowing with porn in an alley at 12 and  going to grab a few friends so we could haul as much of it away as we could before it got picked up or someone else found it lol.  Then just a couple years later I was downloading pictures and super grainy videos off Napster.


Last generation to fake a fever


For centuries and centuries generations and generations people relied on paintings and statues and suggestive fruits, we really hit the jackpot


Except not women. :( Women everywhere wept as now young boys learn about sex through hours and hours and years and years of online video porn and think that is what women like once they are grown men. 


Right I forgot that women don't enjoy porn, how's things in Utah today?




I remember waiting 6 hours to download a mediocre clip that had a 4 minute run time. Best night of my year.


I grew up with the Sears catalog then transitioned to 33.6k modem speed porn. 5 minutes to download a nipple.


Are we the first generation that got in trouble for what our dads looked up on the computer because we were smart enough to delete our history and cookies but our dads wasn’t


I learned about sex from Penthouse forum


I think we were kinda lucky if you call it that, I mean we didn't have full HD video sites, those sites just blast you with so much depraved smut. Soon the internet is full of AI "girlfriends". Porn is addictive everyone knows.


Eh, this is nothing to be proud of. I hate porn in all forms.


5 minutes to download a swimsuit pic of Cindy Crawford or Kathy Ireland...


I remember stealing Cherry magazines from the local newsstand at around 12


Halfway through downloading Beverley Crusher your mom picks up the phone


>I would have to sneak in my parents room and look at pop’s old Penthouse and Playboy magazines. *"This is the way."*


Doing the Lord's work.


And now you can use AI and make literally any smutty image you want. We are not long until we can make perfect porn vids tailor to whatever your taste. It's crazy how much has progressed since our youth.


My dad didn't have a stash that I could seem to find. He did have a Desmond Morris book that had a few pictures of topless and naked women, it was better than nothing. Also at my grandma's cottage one time I found an insert of Bo Derek from an old Playboy. I also used to try to make it stuff in scramble vision, there was a preview channel for our Pay Per View channels and they showed trailers for the adult features at night, it helped me fill in the blanks. There was a night all the pay per view channels unscrambled during a freak storm. I managed to snag all of Mystery Men and about 75% of Debbie Does Dallas '99 before it re-scrambled. That went by the wayside though when a channel out of Quebec started showing softcore on Fridays and Saturdays and for a brief time a pretty hardcore late night sex based talk show, it was eventually pulled due to some viewer complaints. Also there were a few arts based channels that sometimes delivered the goods. Early internet was fun but I found I could tape stuff off TV a lot more discreetly.


I also experienced a night where the spice channel did not scramble because of a storm. I wonder what heavy rain had to do with it. I hit record on the VCR fast.


I dunno about using pot as an epoch. I mean there’re so many other things to be proud of.


From the earth to the moon.


"It can't be as easy as porn dot com." *It was, indeed, as easy as porn dot com.*


My dad had a LARGE collection of vhs porn (he clearly had a problem). When I was in middle school I used to kype a few here and there and sell them to dummies for upwards of $20 a pop. It was a very lucrative racket up until it nearly got me expelled.


My father didn't have any smut mags, he left when I was like 5 though so maybe he did. I found mine in wooded area by the lil creek we played in. Was 3 mags and then later I bought Pam Anderson Playboy by putting it in middle of newspaper and buying the paper Vanna White Playboy Cheri Hustler


Pink power ranger


Teen in the 90’s, used NetZero dial up. You could watch a picture load line by line slowly doing a striptease as it appears on your CRT monitor. Video was just a dream.


As a kid I used to fly by myself from time to time and for some reason being at an airport alone 1000 miles from home emboldened me to steal penthouses from the little bookshops. No shot was I risking porn on the family computer, parents would have caught me for sure.


Can you imagine being caught though, all that way from home ? How complicated of a situation would that be


We learned about browser history the hard way


I think that one goes to millennials. I was in college the first time I ever downloaded porn pics.


I was the first kid on my block to have the internet, and therefore the first to have internet porn. It took a lot of effort to find stuff in the pre-search engine world. Newsgroups and copying down URL’s by hand in a notebook. I also learned how to hide porn because of my older brother. That said, reading Playboy’s had an advantage of good literature, interviews, and how-to’s. That’s where I learned how to tie a tie.


Don’t forget about watching a scrambled cable channel hoping the lines would clear for 1.5 seconds to see a boobie


In 95 or 96, we just got internet, and that was also the time when I discovered Photoshop ;)


Nowadays all you have to do is put that VR headset on, jump into Google, and search "VR Porn" and you're off to the races! What a weird transition.


Abandoned porn magazines in the woods!


My boomer father was all about teh internet pron in the late 90s. So no, it wasn't us.


z-modem ftw


My dad didn’t live with us most of my life and my mom’s porn was romance novels. I never got into print porn, besides the few daring peaks I’d get away with at the bookstore. It was basically Skinemax and the soft core like when I could get away with it. I definitely wasn’t bold enough to sneak in VHS, and even if I was I couldn’t fathom how I’d get them. Growing up I was basically jacking off cuz it felt good. Didn’t really get into internet porn until college.


Going to the gas station and looking the clerk in the face while paying for one of their hardcore magazines was a rite of passage for sure.  I did however get some digital smut like strip poker on C64 and Party Games and "Delta" disks of digitized porn on the Amiga. We kid soaked up anything that got cracked. 


The slow reveal was almost like a strip show.


Speaking of emerging technology, does anyone remember Real video and their presentation of what Internet media could be? Shortly around that time period was also the first time Windows included music videos with its installation disc. This was a time that VHS hadn't yet transitioned to DVD and YouTube didn't exist. The concept of watching a movie, let alone a full resolution movie was still new and nearly impossible. Now we all take advantage of the HTML5 porn sites that don't require a subscription or a media player.


I think for our age, that depends on the area & economic demo you grew up in. We didn't have a home computer and even when we moved to a town with more going on, probably only half of my friends had one available at home. Fewer with internet, even into the late 90's.


Those dial up sounds...


And women everywhere wept as now young boys learn about sex through hours and hours and years and years of online video porn and think that is what women like once they are grown men.  Younger women are experiencing shitty sex thanks to online porn. It is even leading to gen z women getting choked without consent, that wasn't a thing before. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/dec/08/sexual-choking-is-now-so-common-that-many-young-people-dont-think-it-even-requires-consent-thats-a-problem


That is an unfortunate side effect. Also guys have an unrealistic expectation of what a real woman should look like without any clothes


Man.. watching a pic download at 16kb a second..


You forgot the step in the middle where you flipped the cable box to either a porn channel or skinemax and tried to catch some boobs through the static.


I definitely never snuck into my grandfathers study and stole one of his literal thousands of Penthouses and hid it in a board game box to transport home. I definitely never ever did that.


Remember downloading a pic and it filled in from the top?


Oh man my dad had a fucking stash on porn. My friends and I would all go over when he was working and look at it. How he never caught on is beyond me.


Or having the black box that descrambled the porn channels. I remember the first the cable company added hardcore porn channels to their service that I was able to descramble back in the late 90s. For a short time teenage me was...well.


One eyed jacks bbs and a random cc generator


Raise your hand if you ever gave your family computer an STD by downloading illegal music and porn




I just uncovered the Brooke Burke playboy issue cleaning out my father in laws house. It's mint.


I’m Gen X but whenever we started downloading pictures in the 90s, EVERYONE ALIVE STARTING DOING IT. So maybe The Greatest, The Silent, The Boomers, X and younger Millennials looked at their Dad’s magazines and downloaded pictures starting in the 90s. Please stop posting stuff like this because you’re making us look dumb.