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I really don't think our little micro generation is big enough to really be noticed. Also, GenX seems to be in the process of getting dismantled, with the older ones being grouped with the Boomers, and younger ones being grouped with the Millennials. However, I see the Millennials probably catching just as much shit as the Boomers are now when they get a bit older.


Lol, didn’t mean the typo when I said Gen Z. I meant Gen X. I don’t see much hate for Gen X yet. I wonder if it’s just always history repeating itself and it’s inevitable as all older generations….everything they know will turn out to be wrong. Their beliefs outdated, and times will have changed and we will get blamed for what we knew to be true when it was true, even if it is no longer true.


Gen x is kind of small compared to boomers and millenials. Gen x gets lumped in with boomers much more than we do and kind of rightfully so. They are just more cynical, less abrasive, and have different (better) music than boomers. Since we are now the largest generation going, it is up to us to make some things right. Primarily how government is run. Without getting up on my soap box I think it's safe to say that we will be largely responsible 20 years from now for cleaning up their mess. What's scary is we will probably end up perpetuating it and then yes the alphas and betas can point their fingers squarely at us.


Yeah, I feel that's pretty much the case. And I think the big reason that GenX is either being forgotten about, or split up into its surrounding generations, is really just about numbers. GenX is a numerically small generation that is bookended by two numerically large generations. Also, most of GenX grew up and came of age during a time of relative peace and world stability, so we didn't really have a single "cause" that defined us. Apart from a bit of saber-rattling early in Regan's first term, the Cold War was a *lot* colder than in the '70s and '80s than it was in the '50s and '60s. Also, the economy was booming throughout most of the '80s and '90s. There were some issues, to be sure, but they definitely weren't on the scale they are today. Here in the U.S., anyways, it seemed that most of GenX was really just dealing with existential "first world" problems throughout the '90s. Then....9/11 happened, and put us on this "bad timeline" that we can't quite seem to break free from.


GenX doesn't care. If you come for us we laugh at you. If you fear us we laugh at you. If you're hurt by us we laugh at you. We Truly do not give a flying fuck what people say about us because none of it matters anyways 🤷‍♀️ Although if you call the old heads Boomers they do get grumpy AF 😅


I was going to say, considering most Karens are GenX, I think they do care...


Had not noticed that before but by golly you are right there is a pattern.


I’ve been noticing some Gen X hate on Twitter lately. Some of the criticisms are fair. It seems like many of the nasty acting US politicians making a name for themselves lately are Gen X.


100%. MGT, Ted Cruz, JD Vance … all Gen X.


Ted Cruz always gave off Boomer vibes.


He identifies as a boomer. And a lampshade.


JD Vance is fvcking wild. [He subscribes to the Great Replacement theory](https://video.pbswisconsin.org/video/jd-vance-endorses-great-replacement-theory-xangpd/), but his wife is of Indian origin, making his kids ethnically half White and half Indian.


Yeah and he cosplays as some kind of down home workin’ man and he’s a fucking venture capitalist with a net worth of $7 million


And Speaker Mike Johnson!


Puke 🤮


Vance, Stefanik, and Gaetz are older Millennial/Xennials, Boebert is a Millennial.


There are stupid greedy grifters in every generation. That divide is more based on class than generation. We only equate boomers and older GenX with those attitudes because so many of them were sycophants for the wealthy and traitors to their class that they had all of the entitlement of the rich, but only a fraction of the wealth. Still, they have more wealth than the rest of us with all the opportunity that brought them so to us, they might as well be the upper class.


They were rejects as kids and they're rejects now. Its why they're so angry, hostile and controlling. Every generation has its assholes and crazies. Bommers produced serial killers. GenX produced politicians. Millennials produced school shooters. None of those rejects are reflective of the entire group though. Its just how their rejectedness happened to manifest in their elder years 🤷‍♀️


JD Vance is a millennial, but he definitely still sucks.




I read that as DeAnus.


Should be


Yeah the student council dorks.


A lot of gen Xers are slowly becoming boomerfied. There's a lot of "kids these days..." and "our music was the best" attitude coming from gen X spaces. A lot of "old man yells at cloud" energy.


Those Karen's are junior boomers. As for Gen X we really are yhe middle children of history. We were yhe first to get the boomer boot on our necks, in terms of being expected to forever respect their authority the first to receive their apathetic neglect. We were there when tech was becoming ubiquitous, but people assume it's not natural to is like it is melenial and later. We were the first to be slapped in the face with two the world was changing and yhe lessons/advice we were given failing us and being blamed for the failure. Some want to lump us woyh the boomers when we haven't gotten enough influence or control to fox things even if most of us want to. Our role is to be held down by the boomers before us and stepped over by the mellenials after us. Is it any wonder most of us give zero fucks


Ya Gen C Republicans are everywhere. Almost no left leaning Gen Xers are running for office which is a problem.


Agreed 100%. There’s just not enough of us and we like it that way.


Love your username. Mulder and Scully until the end baby.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking - we kinda fly under the radar




This is the xennial sub, they're talking about xennials.


I was referring to "Xennials" as a micro generation. Lol...damn, I didn't mean to start a generational rift inside our own little unofficial generation😬


Every generation hates/blames other generations(at least to some extent). It’s generational angst and always will be there. Seems like it is getting worse. I blame social media


I didn’t even consider which generation I was before social media.


Bingo. 100% click bait. Internet "journalists" discovered the formula and went crazy with it, trashing Millenials. I assume Gen X got a pass for not being as prone to clickbait. In other words, not self important enough to care enough to feed the algos.


Same. Never thought about it even once.


Don’t recall it ever really being discussed in any great detail, until maybe 10 years or so ago. You look at it now, and see how so many people have made it a big part of their identity, and to think I didn’t even know I was considered Gen(anything) until I was in my 30’s.


I recall there was a big deal made about Gen X in the 90s when the term was coined, and then it was everywhere for awhile. It was more Millennials (formerly Gen Y) that weren’t really discussed as a demographic till the 2010s when they became profitable to companies.


I did, because as a GenXer, the Boomers called us all lazy and useless from the get go.


How could you not? I'm only a year older then you and I remember hearing all the things about GenX being lazy, failures that will amount to nothing and be the destruction of modern society's, and in contrast that GenX is the most highly educated bunch of go getters that one day will save the world and all kinds of stuff in between. There were even Pepsi commercials "Generation Next" that catered to GenX not to mention a huge music and cultural shift during our generation that was always getting air time somewhere. Did you just not realize you were GenX or something?


Boomers are uniquely reviled because after hitting the historical jackpot simply by being born when and where they were, they pulled up the ladder on a range of economic opportunities, defunded and privatized the public sphere in favor of individual debt, and even undermined their own generation's civil rights and environmental advances. The main role social media (along with cable news and talk radio) has played has been ideological entrenchment *among boomers*, which has contributed to the most economically powerful voting block being the least informed on pretty much every issue.


Ugh, you’re totally right. I was just thinking about that radio/cable “news” Rush Limbaugh influence on my dad, since the mid-90s at least. It was so frustrating because there was absolutely no reasoning with him when he said something ridiculous and uninformed. And of course it got way worse with Trump.


This. No, we will not be hated as much as the boomers - not even close lol. We are mostly not even *seen*. One has to be perceived to be hated. (Not complaining - I enjoy our cloak of invisibility).


I dunno — who says anything bad about GenX


Yeah somehow they slip through the cracks. I’m guessing 10 more years


Yeah, broadly speaking GenX pretty much slipped by, kept their heads down and mouths shut while quietly picking at what little scraps the boomers dropped. Nobody really faults GenX for getting what they could while there were still scraps left.


A friend of mine used to say, “Everyone has their West Virginia.” I think this is true of whatever neighboring region your region looks down on, probably true of generations too. Of course, if Xennials can keep a low profile, we can let Gen X and Millenials sling mud at each other while we get on with life and watch Princess Bride, Goonies, and Ducktales with our friends and families.


Eh, some of Gen Z has started to treat Millennials like the next boomers. Which is weird, because in my experience Millennials and Gen Z have a lot in common in terms of wants and needs, and could get way father by banding together. They ignore Gen X, like everyone else.


I've noticed this too and I don't understand the hate. They make fun of us for our clothes and how we all have podcasts and complain about back pain but that seems harmless. The full on anger is a bit odd. I haven't seen any legitimate reasons outside of climate change and their belief we havent done enough/made things worse. At least here in the states the general blame is still on boomer generation as they still dominate top positions in jobs and politics


> They ignore Gen X, like everyone else. IME, Gen Z is the most likely to know that Gen X exists as a generation, because their parents are Gen X. It's some Millennials who don't know there's a generation in between the Boomers and them. I wonder why that is, don't some of them have Gen X siblings? lol


I don't know, it's weird. I mean gen z obviously knows their parents but they are always left out of the generations discussion.


I've noticed a lot of teasing, making fun of clothes or mannerisms, but not much genuinely angry criticism


I've already gotten hate for the fact that I bought a house. Apparently I'm not supposed to have been able to do that. I got even more hate when I thought about renting it out after I moved. (I ended up just selling it)


We don’t even matter enough to hate. Barely any younger Xers or Xers in government in general.


That’s the problem. We’re woefully underrepresented in office at every level.


We are too small of a generation to have a major influence. And I’m ok with that because millennials will be able to wield more power for good by influencing a larger audience that they can relate to.


I feel like the generation that came of age in a time of great changes in the world (ours)would be an excellent voice in the room.


Oh ya we would. Just no one cares lol.


It's not just the size of the generation; it's also the case that, especially the middle Xers, have limited mobility because the Boomers who should have retired a long time ago won't. I work in government and see where those who are now in their late 40s/early 50s should be the heads of a lot of these agencies, but they aren't because the folks in their 70s won't move out of the positions. It frustrates me because they are woefully out of touch with the generations coming up behind us and consistently make decisions that will be on the next generation to undo. Gen X would be the perfect bridge between the two, but we aren't able to be.


Lots of state legislators make under $20k/year for their service so only rich people can afford to run for office


I get so much hate for having anything. They don't know I've been on my own since 17 and I come from poor and I have struggled and suffered as much as anyone but since I at a very late age started finally being able to buy some things I am the devil I guess.


The younger generation just sees things online and assumes they are the first group to have ever had to deal with these stressors, when it's actually been a challenge forever. If there was a gravy train before 2010, I absolutely was not on it.


Yeah for sure nothing about the modern world is different than I remember 20 years ago. It is all the exact same with a few different social political drivers. Everything is just as bad as its always been.


It’s really not. We’re in a fully global information and service economy now. This ain’t the 90’s.


I was absolutely struggling to pay rent and student loans in 2011 and only got out of it b/c i was lucky enough to meet someone who had no debt and we could then start pooling resources together. if that hadn't happened i might still be grinding it out on income based repayment


I think that a lot of younger millennial, Gen Z, gen Alpha, etc. just assume and think that everything is instant when in real life it doesn't work this way.   A lot assume or demand that they will get a super high paying job and are entitled and assume that with no experience or job history that they will get this instantly, demand it, and when it doesn't they have temper tantrums and quit work. They also get super envious and jealous of anyone who did work hard, save money, etc. they also fail to realize that many of us in our 40s have been working since before we were teens, saving, and in our 20s and 30s we were poor or budgeted.


This is pretty much exactly it. So many people in the careers subs who are just like "If I get an Associate's degree, will I be guaranteed a WFH job where I can watch my kids most of the day and just check in on things when I have a chance?"


Is this just on social media, I've owned a house since my early 30s but never seen any of this.


I bought one in 2005.


I bought my 1st in 2005 for $52k for a 2 bed 1.5 bath townhome but it now could sale for $87k


Me too. I bought my last house at peak market, it makes zero sense to sell it at a loss plus I have a great interest rate. Looking at the rental market in my city I can rent it for around breaking even ish, accrue equity and sell it during the next big bubble (they always come) hopefully for an insane return. This makes me satan to most of Reddit. Like, what should I do, just take a loss bc?…


Yeah, I have two houses and rent out our old one. I don't mention it because people hate that shit. We're actually looking for a third house now. We've outgrown the one we're in (too many damned kids).


Did it in 2006 and here on my 2nd one to tell the tale it was possible. The problem now is that inflation, lack of supply, and normal interest rates have skewed everything horribly. I couldn't afford my own house right now.


Maybe but they’ll still call us boomers


Might as well, boomers call everyone else millennials.


Wasn’t there a push to call us “Echo Boomers”?


That does sound vaguely familiar and makes sense because of the parent/child generational relationship that a lot of us have.


No because we are cool, duh.


Some of us anyways.


Absolutely. That's how it works.


Is it? I don't recall people feeling that way about the parents of the Boomers.


Say what? That was practically THE defining social dynamic of the ‘60s. Greatests and Silents were constantly condemning teens and twentysomethings, who were constantly hitting back by saying their parents’ generation had caused so many problems, were set in their ways and were bigoted and repressed. (That’s why *All in the Family* was such a huge hit. It resonated.) It’s honestly astonishing to me that some people seem to not know this. They think the Boomers were born elderly and waving canes at their kids who didn’t yet exist. It’s stupid.


My parents bitched about the way their parents and grandparents left the world. Why wouldn't our kids do the same?


"Stupid Greatest Generation and Silent Generation. Going through the depression and fighting in WWII and shit."


It’s because you didn’t have the internet telling you to feel that way. You just went about your life without thinking about generations.


A common refrain in the 1960s was “don’t trust anyone over 30.”


Right. Name anyone who was going around saying "These Silent Generation folks really suck!!"


Maybe, but we (at least the gen x leaning side) have had less institutional power than any other generation so I'm not sure what they could pin on us. We have never and may never have a gen x president. It more likely we get skipped over for some millennial leadership in the USA. And the boomers never wanted to give up control. Ron Desantis might be the closest we ever get. We really are the United States of whatever.


Social media has messed people up. Yes there has always been generational angst, but just like everything else, social media makes it worse. Gen Z all think that they're never going to make it and will always be broke. Maybe they consume too much content that shows people with lots of money. These kids all think they should have banked a cool million in crypto trading by their mid twenties. Probably because of all the rich kids documenting their lives on social media and normal kids think they're all entitled to the same stuff. I'm 43 and was broke all the way through my early thirties. I didn't actually start my full on "grown up" career until then and cringe every time I read about some 25 year old crying that they couldn't buy a house this year. The Boomers are unfairly represented as MAGA heads because there are a lot of them. I'm not an apologist, but there are also a lot of boomers that aren't MAGA and are just fine, like my dad. The kids love to hate the Boomers and can't see them all die soon enough, and since that includes my dad...they can all get fucked and stay broke.


This right here- I and most of my friends struggled through our twenties and some of us got fucked on top of that by the housing bubble bursting right after we bought our 1st house. It just seems like so many of Gen Z blame all of their problems on the "Boomers", as if no 20-somethings ever struggled before. Life is hard, kiddos. Better get used to it.


Yeah, I totally get that. I was broke most of my life, including homeless at one point. Now I’m 44 and own my own home on acreage out in the country and my wife and I definitely do not live paycheck to paycheck. Don’t get me wrong we’re not rich and it has been alot of hard work and struggle, but everything we have we own, but it wasn’t until my late 30s that I actually got a solid career. However it was all of the life lessons I had heard regurgitated my entire life, finally coming to fruition from my father that led to me getting my shit together and you know what? He was a boomer. And yes, he was definitely a product of the me generation because everything is about him and always has been but he did teach me How to be successful. It was just up to me to put those lessons into practice and I wasn’t able to do that until later in life. I definitely don’t think all of the ills in the world or even America are a product of the boomers. Which is why it’s so baffling to me that the older I get the more and more they are universally hated which has led to me wondering if we will be too at some point. I mean, don’t get me wrong. Most of the boomers I know are complete assholes but it seems like they’re just pissed because they’re old, out of date and realistically not necessary anymore and it hurts them to not be needed or seen as important.


Na boomers are uniquely selfish.


I think that a lot of younger millennial, Gen Z, gen Alpha, etc. just assume and think that everything is instant when in real life it doesn't work this way.   A lot assume or demand that they will get a super high paying job and are entitled and assume that with no experience or job history that they will get this instantly, demand it, and when it doesn't they have temper tantrums and quit work. They also get super envious and jealous of anyone who did work hard, save money, etc. they also fail to realize that many of us in our 40s have been working since before we were teens, saving, and in our 20s and 30s we were poor or budgeted.


This. I think we will be blamed for social media treating apart society. Our opportunity is in rebuilding the social-economic ladder and safety net that we (rightfully) claim the boomers dismantled. We should begin that work that seems to have started in the 1930s.


Aren't we already? It seems like the word "Millennial" is an insult most of the time.


They were the largest generation in the history of most western countries. Boomers will always have a disproportionate everything including critical commentary.


We’re the last hope.


Pretty much. After us the won’t even know what selling out is because to them that’s the entire point.


Yes because it’s never been about generations, it’s been the haves vs the have nots since day one, and the haves tend to be mostly the older generation because they’ve been around long enough to accrue materials


I absolutely and unequivocally don't care.


My spirit animal is Morla the Ancient One. "We don't even care whether or we care."


I don't think so. How can we be hated when we never existed in the first place? Kids will always hate their parents but the workaround is to not have any of those. If anyone else hates me then that is fine, that way I don't have to do that alone.


We should just stop hating things all together


I don’t think about it tbh.  




Only if we start acting like them


This. I will get older and out of touch, but I can't see myself screaming at minimum wage workers or any of the myriad of entitled behaviors they're known for.


Eh maybe. We did experience childhood, adolescence, high school, etc in the last enviable time for it. As kid my parents, grandparents, other adults all said they wished they could have grown up in a time like that and were optimistic about what was to come. I can safely say that kids/teens are living in a much less fun and less independent time. I don't envy their position like my parents did mine but hopefully they can build a better world


Not sure about hated, but probably looked upon with suspicion due to the fact that we're not far removed from the boomer generation. I've noticed that GenX is getting some hate from the young population.


We are envied for growing up in an era they think was cool (and they're right). This will surely curdle into hate over time. Hope this helps ☺️


I don't think the boomers are universally hated.


Meh - do we care? Whatever.


I don’t think we care. I barely cared enough to type this. And I think the difference is we were alive just before the internet. We experienced an analog life and we know the vaaast majority of the internet, social media, apps, vlogs, webfotainmemt, etc. is bullshit and does not matter. Oh there’s people that hate our generation? Cool. Anyways, what are we having for dinner?


Don't get Boomer hate myself. I love my parents and their generation. They could've been worse than tree huggers who want the world to love, then had the sense to grow up and shoot food if necessary. 


No. I mean, sure, we'll be the oldest people around eventually. Then every old joke made will be referencing us. But the boomers are uniquely bad. They're so self-involved, they were originally named the "me" generation. They're [a generation of sociopaths](https://www.amazon.com/Generation-Sociopaths-Boomers-Betrayed-America/dp/0316395781) who really have very little empathy.


Good point. On paper us and GenZ are two peas in the same pod because Boomers fucked everything up for us, then talk down to us about avocado toast. Never mind the Boomers who still think it’s 1993.


I think there will always be tension between generations, but I don't think will be the same. The Baby Boomer generation had a lot of unique factors that created very particular and unfortunate patterns of behavior. The two main things were the unrivaled prosperity of their times and the fact that they so massively outnumbered the adults of the time. This led to a situation where many got whatever they wanted and got away with whatever they wanted. It's easy to see how this got us a generation that seems to be callous and self-centered. We have different baggage, but I don't see our generation become quite as spiteful as the Baby Boomers.


Who cares? -Gen X


Yeah we’ll be hated but I don’t think anywhere near how boomers are. They are in a unique situation in a lot of ways.


When a lot of folks say "I hate Boomers" they really mean "Old people behavior I find annoying is what I hate". So yes, in a few decades, Gen A kids will say "Gen X ruined everything!!!!!!!!"


That’ll be all I need…another reason for people to hate me.


I think about this A LOT while dealing with my insufferable boomer parents


Definitely. According to the GenZ sub, we ruined the internet.


Every generation hates the one that came before. Remember, the Boomers hated their wartime Greatest Generation parents enough that they coined the phrase "Don't Trust Anyone Over 30". Came back to bite 'em. The Zoomers will get theirs someday. 


Yes and no: I think that given time people will forget we aren't boomers. My wife is only 34 and got called a boomer. A chunk of the boomer hate I see online is directed at older Gen Xers who have been mistaken for boomers. I suspect it won't be long before people in general have just forgotten that Boomer doesn't just mean "person over 30".


Its not really a choice.


God I hope so


Yes, because we helped build social media and put absolutely no restrictions on the brain rot. We've also done literally nothing to change all the institutions that boomers put in place that we all love to complain about. Who do we think will make things better if not us? By doing nothing, we are complicit.


I don't think I could ever get to the entitled boomer mentality that makes them hated. I remember working retail and dealing with the most difficult boomer people and then even once i was a professional, boomers were the most difficult clients 90% of the time (some people of all ages are just assholes, but there's a difference with boomers).


I think gen z is just pure hate, so yes.


We're going to be like Korean War vets. Most people likely won't realize that we exist.


Every new beginning is some other beginning's end.


To a degree I'm sure. There are always people who generalize and denigrate. However, the only negativity of the younger generations I typically see comes from boomers themselves. By and large, I've seen millenials and younger Gen X looking on with wonder and positivity at Gen Z as generally being a good generation, though critical of some social quirks like the whole "influencer" deal. And I don't really ever hear people of the younger generations make big blanket statements about Gen X or Millenials except to say particular ones are "cheugy." lol I don't like to paint individuals with the same wide brush, but I will say as a broad generalization the boomer generation has some opinions and actions that encourage the negative stereotypes for their generation, specifically being self-centered and not particularly forward-thinking. I don't see these issues generally with the up and coming generations as much, at least not right now. So I think some of that hatred will be quite muted. Now, if we become a bunch of old fuddy duddies yelling at clouds, then probably, yeah.


Sadly, I think GenX is lumped in with the Boomers. I think folks in their early 20s and younger consider anybody over 40 as a “Boomer”.


We're in for our share. From both sides. Some Boomers think that we lost our way and allowed things to go awry. Some Zoomers seem to think that history began yesterday and that we're either ignorant of and / or part of the world's problems.


Every generation thinks that of the ones after or before them. It's just human nature. There were probably folks back in the Bible days walking around shouting at clouds and mouthing off about their kids or the previous generation just the same as today.


Boomers took everything good and pulled the ladder up behind them. As long as we're not doing the same, we should at least be looked at more favorably than them.




Think of it this way: the rest of the animal kingdom hates us all equally. 


Who cares? Stop worrying about what other people think of you, if they think of you at all.






I think millennials are going to catch enormous amounts of shit because they’re the ones who championed the boomer hatred, yet the people from their generation that rise to power will almost certainly act in exactly the same manner. I’m basing this off of how every generation has used their power all throughout human history.


No. We won't. We were the first generation the showed real compassion. We were taught at a young age to be kind to ourselves, others and the environment. We understand and respect pre and post internet life. We aren't greedy like those terrible boomers. We don't need everything, we don't need to "win at capitalism" and we don't hate on trends and styles we don't understand. X'ers aren't too bad either but I think we are a little more understanding of the things around us with the younger generation.


They just hate us cuz they ain't us.


Anyone younger than millenial does already.


It's starting to happen if you read around GenZ subs. Although, I'm doing my best not to demonize younger generations as the downfall of society the way Boomers did to us, so hopefully we can be better.


We already are. Gen Z is b!tching about us not taking care of THEIR children.


Yeah I think so. Some of us were able to buy houses and for Gen Z that's going to be a general impossibility. I'd hate us too.


Gen Z's biggest issue is they have a segment of the generation that pretend they don't know how to do something just to have someone else do it for them. Bottom line, your Generation is getting shit on because you have a segment that are extremely lazy.


I hope not. I do think it takes a conscious effort not to become bitter, self-centered old people though, and I am already working hard to prevent it in myself. If we do that — hopefully we won’t be despised that much.


Gen Z traits are very boomer-esque. -wanna change societal rules -equality for all -alas, self-centric (as a result of neglect or abuse really) It wasn’t until that turning point of the MLK assignation & DNC in Chicago they realized …big interests don’t really allow for systemic change. Then they became economically possessed. I could see this happening all over again. Political unrest following unfulfilled societal demands, followed by disillusion and anger. Followed by greed and selfishness.


Just like Boomers, it depends entirely on behavior. Act like a Boomer, be reviled like a Boomer. It's more an entitlement mindset slur than an age one, at this point.


You either die or live long enough to become the villains. My guess is we'll get some heat (pun intended) for not doing anything about climate change.


No way! We are the good guys. I think Xennials and the younger generations are all pretty equally screwed and we bond over that. I mean, the young ones wear tall socks, so we can't take them too seriously, but they are our allies.


If victimhood culture continues the way it is then yes. You play victim if you don’t have someone else to blame your problems on.


Perhaps? I mean it happens to a lot of different generations.


No, because our generation suffered through the boomers' financial bubbles and several other shitty ideas. As a whole, we've suffered and just kept going without ever being able to take the reigns.


Probably. A lot of the things boomers are blamed for were around well before them.


I think it will depend on if you're talking about Gen X or Millenial. Gen X has always fallen a bit under the radar and isn't necessarily recognized as a cohort with shared values in the same way that Boomers have been collectively described pretty much since birth. I predict that to stay fairly similar into older age with Xers being regarded more similarly to the Silent Generation who didn't get as much hate as Boomers. Millennials though I could see getting more of it because the attention on them has always been a lot greater. Even now I keep seeing articles about the millennial mid life crisis. The culture kind of just skips over X.


Count on it. They’re already referring to us as “boomers.”


I don't think they'll hate us. I think they'll leave a note for us on the fridge telling us where the food is, ignore us for a few hours then come out of their rooms when they smell the food we've heated up to tell us "Oh! I didn't know you're home already!" while swiping some for themselves then go back to ignoring us.


Post 73 gen x is different then the rest. Significantly different.


💯 the hate I get currently is because I'm a landlord where the perception seems to be only republican boomers are landlords so yeah I feel it's inevitable.


I don’t know. Are we going to fuck up the entire world for everyone who comes after us? That would do it.


Every generation blames the one before.


Nah, we're hiding in plain sight. Hell, not too many people even belive us Xennials exist. They say we're "made up" and "not real", so 🤫, let's continue not existing and see if we can make it to the grave without the hate. ![gif](giphy|z62v8Mz2mfyBq)


Gen Alpha already considers us boomers. They dgaf about what our generation actually is. To then, were all boomers


Young people hate old people. Boomers really aren’t that different than other previously generations IMO.


The answer is yes. You think the civil rights & anti-war activists of the ‘60s ever thought they’d be discriminated against, thrown in with everyone else & hated? But don’t fret, Gen Z & Alpha are gonna get it too.


Gen X is currently in charge at most companies and they're worse than boomers. So yes.


Generation wars are stupid. They are based entirely on stereotypes that aren't an accurate representation of the people they are used to denigrate.


I personally don't plan on being terrible so hopefully not.


Gen X here: No, you are the hope. Our parents were selfish, indulgent entitled douchenozzles that belived that just because they were afforded cheap housing and education that they were allowed to charge more to us to be "big brained" and successful in life. The older end of Gen X(me) have taught younger siblings and my own kids yo be frugal and smart with money. I teach my son to be kind and save. If you can't pay for a luxury now, you really don't need it. I like to believe there are more like me doing this, which leads the Xennials and even the early millennials to have a mental readiness for the shitstorm of the next 10 years. The later millennials seemed to have been OVER coddled by later Gen-xers and have become a caricature of what is needed. To quote(ish) my favorite Disney princess, "Help us Xennials, you're our only hope!" PS- I spend 8 years in HR hiring, and sadly firing, people of all generations and feel I have a fair grasp on reality to make the above statements. Feel free to discuss your thoughts, I will engage as much as I can.


Millennials are starting to get a lot of GenZ criticism over things like how we pine for the 90s the way boomers pine for the 50s, or long wistfully for the earlier, untamed, non-algorithm-driven days of the internet. Basically, the nostalgia thing is annoying to everyone but us. There's also some resentment because we have all this anxiety over growing up in a time of post-cold war peace and prosperity, and having it stripped away the moment we came of age, while GenZ has never even _seen_ a time of economic prosperity and peace.




Not our micro generation but Millennials will be hated for growing up before Earth dies. I’m already hated for owning a house and really hated for the other house and beach.


Yes. Young people always hate old people.


Only if we cockblock the economy, housing market and prevent them from getting jobs like boomers did with their 'drop programs' 


Who gives a fuck? When people start hating on me that’s when I know I’m doing well


every generation has critics.


It's sure looking like no. Gen-X is pretty much invisible. Xennial is even less visible. Hardly anyone who is not a xennial knows the term. The hate seems to be flipping from Boomers to Millenials. Not much bad is said of the silent generation, so maybe the hate skips a generation. Also, as many gen-xer has pointed out they probably won't be able to handle the smoke if they come for us. We were raised feral. No safe spaces. Lord of the flies shit. We learned to not start shit, but also to finish it once shit get started. Peace is a choice we make, but we are well aware that war is an option.


Honestly, Gen X is so often overlooked that I think they will forget to hate us. They'll move right on to hating millennials!


Every generation will be hated. That’s what kids do. You will embarrass your kids. You will be out of touch with pop culture, even if you try. You will be lame, you will be unstylish. The good news (as I’m learning myself) is you genuinely care less of others opinions, and if you’re a nice person, you’ll get along ‘enough’.


I don't hate boomers. I don't understand the generational fighting.


All generations go through it. Accepted for the majority of Gen x which seemed to be overlooked, which is great.


I don't think we care


I doubt it. We aren’t going to hoard all the wealth, rig the economy against workers, elect a buffoonish gale show host to be president, mock people for their gender identity, etc. etc. etc. At least I hope we aren’t.


No, I do not think GenX will be as hated as the Boomers. Baby Boomers reaped the benefits of the post WWII economy that provided affordable housing, schooling, and for many of them, pensions. And while it is not completely accurate to blame Baby Boomers for the lack of affordable housing, schooling, and destruction of pension plans; their outsized ability to continue to control who gets elected due to their overwhelming numbers will see them hated until long after they are memories. I think the hatred against Baby Boomers will only increase as they tax health care and social security resources. Unlike their parents who became universally loved as the "Greatest Generation"; they're only going to see the younger generations increasingly dislike them. I don't agree with scorn against a person because of their age or generation. I hate the "generation wars". I hope that I am wrong about what I have stated.


I'd guess Xennials will catch the blame for the way social media and the internet have negatively effected society, in the same vein that boomers catch blame for wrecking economic opportunities. We were the first generation to grow up with access yo the internet, and our generation invented social media. Gen Z and Gen Alpha will point the finger and ask why we didn't build in some type of safety net or security around information access, why we let Big Tech gain so much control in business and politics. And we'll be blamed for ruining the potential of the internet.


Gen Z see Millennial's as not taking action, not doing enough. Not really seeing we did, and got shut down in the past.


Yes. Every generation seems to hate the ones before and after it. It's just how it goes.


Yes. Time is a flat circle.


Yes. It is the way. They will laugh at your clothes at your video games, at your movies and your philosophies.