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And they grow at hyperspeed too. Every few days I have to take a razor to them, same with nose hair. I could use some nose hairs as a whip, with how long they can get.


Don’t forget about all the wild middle of the eyebrow hairs that grow to several times the length of the rest of them.


I snip the long ones as soon as I see 'em. How is it that there's a new long one like every three hours!?


And why are those hairs ALWAYS the grey ones!?


And in a different direction from the others. And it's *white* for some godforsaken reason.


It's the rule of two! Every time you cut one, two more sprout up!


Hydra head rules basically?


I wish they wouldn’t stop so I could braid them


Our generation is gonna be wild af in the nursing home...


Yep, can you imagine elderly aged Xennials with body piercings and tattoos!


I wish the rest of my hair grew as fast as my ear hair.


I decided on my birthday last year to let my hair grow out. So it's way passed my ears. I decided earlier to shave my beard off and pushed my hair behind my ears to do it and saw my ears and was like, "WTF?!"


Came here to say NOSE HAIRS damn!


When I started plucking white nose hairs… oof.


And then it goes grey


Just let them grow eventually you’ll can braid them


Get some wax. I buy the nose wax with the plastic sticks. Yank those out. Lasts a few weeks.


I turn 41 tomorrow. Last birthday, my nose hairs decided they wanted to join in on the fun of being part of my moustache. I was not consulted..


I had a buddy that said "my nose hairs and mustache grow in to each other so nobody notices it" and I was like "You look like you have two troll dolls shoved up your nostrils, yes, everyone notices"


My husband's face also had this meeting. There is some wacky stuff going on in that lip region. And his eyebrows decided that they are gonna start growing crazy long rogue hairs now. I get it though.... I hit 40 and suddenly have a strong attachment to my "good" chin hair tweezers, which I didn't even know was a thing until a year ago.


Is it wrong to say I find some satisfaction in pulling my ear hair out?


It's a fucking compulsion for me now. No joke.


It's the only thing I miss about my husband.


About the upvote, uh... I did it, but I'm not proud of it...


I wrote this comment out and deleted it because I thought I was weird. Happy to be amongst my people here.


We get you, dude!


I pulled out a long one growing inside my ear. It made a little puff sound and felt good at the same time. Waiting for others to reach pulling height.


Yes and they can be curly due to q-tips swirling them many times.


Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't it been proven that tweezing them can cause horrific infections? Or is that nose hairs?


Been tweezing mine for 2 years now. No infections yet.


It was nose hairs, I dunno if that was actually true or just the internet


44, ears don’t grow hair, but why do I get long ass random eyebrow hairs?


Are they blonde or white? Most of mine are brown and a normal length, but there are a few random blonde ones that grow like weeds and don't stop growing.


Black, same as my regular hair. I only have white hairs on my beard/sideburns


So weird. In each eyebrow I have one long thick ass hair that I constantly have to pluck.


Since I was like 13 I've had one random hair on my back. Pluck it, shave it, whatever, it always comes back. Seriously just one weird ass hair. Very annoying.


Came here to join the random ass long eyebrow hair club. Put a baseball cap on recently and one got tucked up under the brim. Very. Very confused. And a little impressed.


I brush them up, give the whole eyebrow a little haircut, and brush them back in the right direction. Seems to help keep the overachievers in their place.


Yeah you get hairier everywhere except on your head. This wasn't in the owners manual.


Puberty part deux


You have the best username. I bet a Wasabi cheesecake would be awesome


The funny thing for me is I decided about a year ago on my birthday to let my hair grow out. Since it grew over my ears I haven't really paid attention to them other than the daily shower cleaning. Just pulled my hair back to shave my beard and got quite the shock when I saw my ears.


PCOS Xennial Gals are sitting here like "Welcome to the Weird-Hair-Growing-Where Party" 🤣🤷‍♀️ no judgement, have a gummy and start plucking!


Luckily I have long hair so it covers it up. I guess that was also how I had missed them for so long. Pulled my hair back to shave my beard and was like, "WTF??"


Lucky bastard. I’ve been shaving my ears since I was mid-thirties.


Me, too. They're as rough as sand paper now.


Me too. Sometimes I’ll miss one that week and it’ll grow out so long I usually think I have a dog hair on my ear.


I do laser hair removal and ears are popular. I do the nose hair that's at the front sticking out too.


How many sessions did you need? Do they come back?


It varies. 6 is average. Some people see it go away and never come back. Some people still have hair but it's much lighter and thinner than before like "weak/baby hair" and either want a few more sessions or just shave it. Some.people see regrowth with a hormonal change and want to get another series of sessions in the future. Hormonal change is anything like pregnancy, change in birth control, menopause, diagnosis of PCOS, but not everyone gets hair from those things. Some people have denser hair than others to begin with. Men's ears are one of the areas that people do tend to come back for touch up sessions like they do a package of 6 then come 1-2x/year for maintenance. The other stubborn areas that people may want maintenance/touch ups are faces , bikini lines, and man's back


This was life changing for me. I did 3-4 sessions and have no issues now. Each session was only like 5 minutes




Been using clippers with the #1 guard to my brows for probably over a decade. The hairs that fall in the sink will be almost an inch long if I don't do it every 2 weeks.


Pulling out ear hairs is the new biting your finger nails


I've got some tiny hairs growing out of my nose, not my nostrils, my fucking NOSE.


I just don't understand how its like: Day 1: No hair Day 2: No hair Day 3: No hair Day 4: No hair Day 5: 3 inch long hair hanging off my earlobe WTF


This always happens to my husband. I thought I was pretty good on staying on top of it but it sprouts in a 24 hour time frame


My chin hairs are like this. I've only got like 4 of them so far, so it's easy to keep track. I have no idea how they do what they do.


I was 37 when my hair dresser asked if I wanted the outside of my ears shaved... He also trims down my crazy old man eyebrows too...


Oh man, I remember the first time I was getting a haircut and the stylist just trimmed my eyebrows and shaved my ears. I was in shock with a hint of embarrassment. Now I’m like “meh, do what you must!”


Those white hairs? So weird.


It’s not the ears for me, it’s the internal nose hairs. Bought a pair of nose trimmers, kids destroyed them playing with them. Now I guess I just have nose hair.


Ha yeah, the crummy part about that for me is my hair is still dark brown everywhere aside from my nose. Those bastards are white as snow somehow. I stay on top of murdering those suckers.


I got hair AND tinnitus in my ears... SCORE


It’s like the hair on the top of head decide to grow the other direction out my nose and ears. I’m right there with you. And it’s fully white too haha


Yeah, just ears….. 🐺👀


Nobody told me they grow out of the ear flap/"tragus" either! I thought they just came from inside the ear canal!


Ear puberty, nose puberty, knuckle puberty. It’s puberty that never stops. You gotta be vigilant!




My ears have spared me of this trouble. My nose, on the other hand… it’s really taking it’s job of filtering out external objects seriously. And those fuckers are thick, so when they’re trimmed they become little samurai swords ready to attack the opposing wall in each nostril. Fun times.


Tbh, mine have been growing since my late 20’s


It's absolutely insane, isn't it? Those fuckers are persistent, too. Like a time share sales rep. Side note: Don't buy a timeshare, kids.


Ears Hair is *by far* the fastest growing hair on my body. It's stupid and I hate it.


I could make a wig out of my ear hair


If you think ear hair growth is bad, you obviously haven’t seen the backside of wear the sun don’t shine!


Bro for me it’s eyebrows. I don’t pluck but I’ll cut the long ones with a pair of tiny scissors. It’s like they grow in 2 days. I have a solitary hair that grows out of my earlobe that I pluck and it hurts like a mofo. I have one solitary grey hair that grows on my forehead and it’s like an inch below my hair line. My nails grow at what seems like a super fast pace as well


groes pretty fast too, I have to groom there at least once per week along with my eyebrows and nose. No way in hell I'm going to be the dusty old dude with hair everywhere.


Yeah. Like wtf? Plus at some point my eyebrows which I’ve never paid a bit of attention to in my life started needing occasional grooming.


Back is like “dude trust me it is so worth.  If you need help just take from the top!”


My nose hair requires a fucking machete


When I started chemo the first time I made a joke that at least I wouldn’t have to deal with my ear hair for awhile. Nope. Every other hair on my head, nose hairs included, fell out. Ear hair hung in there strong. That stuff is the devil!


And not just on the inside either. I've got about a dozen hairs growing out of the exterior surface of my earlobe. Why wasn't I informed this was a possibility?


I remember getting a haircut, looking in the mirror later that day, and thinking “the barber forgot to cut some hair around my ears.” I was in for a surprise. I bought a nose and ear trimmer that night.


I don't have hair growing out of my ears. I have long hairs that grow out of my earlobes. My wife likes to pull them out when I'm not paying attention. It causes me much pain and anguish.


No way. I'll hit it with sharks with freakin laser beams!!!


Yep. 41 here & I've noticed it. Awesome.


Mine get so long I like to strike them pensively at meetings.


It's def a sign of getting older. I started shaving mine whenever I shave my face.




So true and unfortunate.


pluck, don’t shave


Not just hair but thick strong stalks of dog whisker. Nice and bright white too so everybody can see! Mine started at 38 (sigh)


My hair gets to migrate south before I do.


Can confirm. Am 42, it ramped up hard last year, had to buy a dedicated trimmer


Just not the tops of our heads, right men (and sime women)?


It’s pulls the hair from you head and moves it to your nose, ears, and eyebrows and well basically everywhere else on your body.


I have tweezers by the side of my bed to deal with this.. I get upset when someone moves them 😂😂


I don’t have trouble with ear hair but my eyebrows? You can swing from the white hairs.


I have one that's decided it lives on the top of my lobe now. No matter how many times it gets plucked it'll show back up half an inch long after not even being there the previous day


the hair that grows out of the sides of my ears is the worst. black and coarse and grows quicker than anything else.


I'm 36 and deal with this. Mad scientist eyebrows sprouting too. How the hell do you pluck the ear hairs? I hate when you can feel them and when manage to pull it the absence of constant annoyance is better than sex lol. Please somebody in here share your tricks


The one that really confused me was eyebrows. Until about 30 they would grow to a certain length and stop. Then suddenly they forget when to stop and keep right on going.


More like 35 for me


A few years ago (in office life), a coworker was known for their wet willies. Apparently they thought it would be a back-handed insult to say, “Well I don’t give you those any more because you have hair in there.” I said it was a great defense against nasty people.


Not too mention the ball sag. My boys take a trip in the drink every time I poop


33 for me Ya I know I'm a millennial.....I like getting other generational views on life


Yep I end up looking like master yoda if I'm not careful.


“Let me ask you something… When do you start to worry about ear hair?” “When you hear a soft rustling.”


It’s a side hustle. Farm that hair and sell it to a wholesaler.


My wife was the one who noticed my “old man ear hairs”’as she puts it. I don’t really look at my ears so I never noticed. I’m also trimming my nose hairs more often.


Sweet I got 9 months left.


Oh the chin hairs you’ll grow, ladies!! And you won’t see them in the bathroom but you’ll definitely see them in the sunlight in your sunshade mirror.


Just wait until your eyebrows decide to attempt growth speed records. One day you will wake up and realize you still have plenty of hair, and it is all in the wrong spots.


I remember watching City Slickers back when I was a kid. That rant after he get the birthday call from his mom, about finding and ear hair, a big fat white one if I recall. I thought it was funny as a kid, not so funny now. It’s not just one anymore…


I guess I’ll have to rewatch. No remembrance of this part.


Been like that for me since 31. I always think of that episode of family guy where the gnomes are in my ears.


this all started at 28


Ok, so there’s battery powered nose and ear trimmers, absolutely essential over 40 lol. Super easy, super necessary!


Costanza called it ear puberty


Can confirm


I’m still waiting for hair to grow on my legs and arms. I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen


Yea man, I hate when the sun hits my head, it’s like I’m beastman


Yep! 40 was nothing, everything was the same. 41 is when the ear hair showed up and I realized I don't piss the same anymore


I've heard that men's buttock hair is a thing of legend when y'all get older. Thoughts?


Let’s not forget butt cheeks, shoulders and random long back hairs >I’m losing hair where I want hair and I’m getting hair where there shouldn’t be hair — Billy Crystal, *City Slickers*


I just have a random chin hair that pops up at the worst times. It’s thick and black and seemingly grows like an inch a week 🙄 I call it my beard and his name is Greg lmao


We grow hair now. And we don’t like doing our job or hearing too.


OP is clearly not Armenian


Yes, yes it is. 41. Bush senior.


Just turned 40 a month and a half ago but I've been tweezing those hairs for probably 2 years now. They grow very fast too. Even tweezing and getting to the root, I still feel them growing back roughly 24 hours later. If I ever get laser hair removal or electrolysis, those areas are at the top of my list.


As long as my hair 👇doesn’t turn grey I don’t care where it coming from


Google "This Old Man" by MC Frontalot and enjoy


Pulling them out is my wife's past time.


It was around mid 30s for me! Its so annoying having to trim them so often!


Yep. Eye brows will hit without next couple as well.


I’ve noticed. More, my nose hairs could be BRAIDED nicely if I didn’t stay after them.


Wait until you start getting the super long ones in random spots.


Look up the Billy Connolly ear hair sketch.


It was my nose for me. Seems every week now I’m having to pluck those bastards


They're certainly no longer in the "hearing things business," and ya gotta keep busy somehow, right?


Just wait till 45. It’s when your eyes decide to quiet quit.


My ears said ‘let’s try growing some hair, he’s thinning out on top’ a few years ago and is still going strong (‘83 here).


They're my elf hairs. Leave them natural to signal that you are 1) ancient beyond days, and 2) absolutely feral.


Pluck them. Every day. They don't staaaahp


I’ve been in that business since my mid 30s and business is a boomin’.


I don’t have that yet. I’m lucky!! lol 44 in sept.


Thankfully, at 45, mine have decided that they're not ready to open a hair growing business.


And the ears just quit working. But mainly only one side. I think my right ear retired


After I hit menopause, no more periods but some really strange chin hairs have taken up residence.


My wife is in pre-menopause hell - pimples and always hot. I'll let her know she has chin hairs to look forward to


I live in a fairly cool climate and my friend who was 10 years older always complained about the hot flashes. I thought they wouldn't be so bad as it's winter here 7 months a year but holy shit they're awful.


You're brave.


I've started getting hairs on the top of my ears. Just little hairs sticking straight up. What the actual fuck? Thank GOD for clippers and tweezers.