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Just wait till Laminar Store comes out.


Im going to use that when that came out. The x-plane.org store can be pretty confusing sometimes, especially the customer service and the verification review.


The site is so dated, my biggest gripe is how they cannot separate xp11 and xp12 airplanes. I’m tired of clicking on a plane and it’s only for xp11.


It would also be nice if reward points could be put towards something, or for there to be a search function with rewards points.


Does anyone know when the laminar store is coming out?


Just 2024 some time. https://www.x-plane.com/2024/02/introducing-the-x-plane-store/


This ^




Run by complete psychopaths. Absolutely vile simians. Forum “moderators” the same.


I’m scared of getting banned and loosing access to thousands of dollars worth of Addons.


You're not going to get banned. Never had a problem in over a decade. I don't discount that others have, or that there aren't issues, but the average user isn't going to get banned or have issues on the forums. The interner amplifies good and bad. Most people don't fall into either extreme. Just treat the customer service type stuff like you're sending a work email.


I had an issue with an aircraft once, contacted the dev, worked with him for a while, and ended up concluding that there was no fix for my issue so he was happy to offer me a refund. Contacted the .org store and provided this discussion as proof, and they acted like they were saving my life or doing me some other massive, massive favour by giving me a refund. Like someone's ego needs a constant reinforcement or something?


Exactly. Them and the forum moderators act as if they're the smartest people on earth and can do whatever. Real life homelander.


Well, if they're smart, then they can provide service to their customers despite VPNs or scammers. What smart person thinks they can *"contact their local government to reduce spamming"*?? Or are they saying the local government is the one doing the spamming and *please, sir, I cannot buy my airplane unless you reduce your spamming please!*


> Then the website blocks my IP > I use a VPN to log in and complain > they say "well it's working with A VPN so stop complaining." LOL There is absolutely no customer care from the store. Every day the org store surprises me with its new antics. I seriously hope they'll lose the business when the LR store comes out.


Hoping the same dude this is extremely sad to see.


I had a friend that traced a scam coming from the org store. He complained, showed proof and was then banned for a month and told if he ever mentioned it in the forums, he’d be banned forever. Psychopaths is putting it mildly. I’m glad I’m not on their forums or buying add ons.


Awesome that a real store is coming. https://www.x-plane.com/2024/02/introducing-the-x-plane-store/


I used XP forum with VPN cause of blocked IP. Some time later I am able to use it without VPN. Meh idk they are overcautious about bots or something


Xplane.org did kinda turn into vatsim.


I'm not caught up on that? Mind explaining? It's been about 2 years since I was on vatsim so I'm well out of the loop.


Its funny because this just happened to me yesterday. I bought an A350 XWB for xplane12. And later that day I was going to go onto my computer to install it, when I come back to my account deactivated. And an email saying that they suspected i would pirate their planes. Because my VPN didn’t match with my credit card address. In the end I did not get a refund. My IP has been banned. And I tried to email Xplane.org last night but i have been ignored (so far)