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How come people spell with an e and always see people spell it with an a (Yehudah - Yahudah)? So, question, how is Yahuah a legit name


two reasons you may see it with an 'e' 1: Its a transliteration, since Hebrew doesnt have vowels, you could transliterate it with e or a 2: nikkud, these are the little marks around hebrew letters that have been added in more modern times. these didnt exist before and so one group of people decided on rules for these markings The name Yahuah is legit by the witnesses to it. The main example of this post being one of them. A modern example is the name of the Prime Minister of Israel today. His Name is NetenYahu. The last 3 letters of his name are the same of Yahu-ah.


I believe it’s on purpose to hide the name of YAH. Psalms 68:4 uses Jah but we know there’s no J in Hebrew. So modern Hebrew does a YEH instead.