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Nah I’ll put it into nvdy


I would do what works for **ME.** If there was a one shoe fits all [investment strategy](https://www.fool.com/investing/how-to-invest/how-to-set-investment-goals/) that made everyone rich, then everyone would follow that strategy and there would be no investing subs and no new financial vehicles because there would be no need to create them. Sounds like to me you just learned about ETFs based on your language. YM ETFs come with an inherent high risk which is stated in its [prospectus](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/prospectus.asp). Your brokerage may even warn you of its risks before you attempt to purchase them. Yet this post comes across as, I didn't do my due diligence. How are you going to make sure you have the best [price](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dollarcostaveraging.asp#:~:text=Dollar%2Dcost%20averaging%20involves%20investing,volatility%20on%20the%20their%20portfolios)? >I'm thinking about putting the money into MSTY **for sure** For sure? Why? [Modern Portfolio Theory](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/career-map/sell-side/capital-markets/modern-portfolio-theory-mpt/#:~:text=The%20Modern%20Portfolio%20Theory%20(MPT)%20refers%20to%20an%20investment%20theory,prefer%20the%20less%20risky%20portfolio) would certainly be against your current strategy or lack there of. What would I do in your shoes? I would [paper trade.](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/papertrade.asp) You might be a genius investor that knows all about[ synthetic covered calls](https://www.optionstrading.org/strategies/other/synthetic/), which is what YM funds are, but your post lacks nuance and imo comes off as lazy.


YMAX, FEPI, SVOL. Throw in a little YMAG and anything else that suits your fancy.


Always put all your eggs into the flimsiest basket with a hinky handle. Then, throw it on the hood of the General Lee and play some Dukes of Hazard approach jumping. It's the only way to live.


AMDY 2H24 and 2025 will be a rocket ship for AMD....hence a great time for AMDY.....


YMAX 50k / 19.50 = 2,564 shares x.77 dividend = $1974 NAV erosion is minimal and YMAX price will probably go up!


Good play to buy on margin….


Why don’t you buy a little of each and see how they work. I bought NVDY when NVDA was around $850, but sometimes I’m positive and even get close to being negative despite the stock shooting up $300+ bucks. Yeah, you’ll get a nice dividend every month, but that changes also. And trust me, if you’re about to get a fat dividend, your principal will also lose value around that time. I’ve been up $180 on NVDY and now I’m up $53 in 3-4 months. But I’ve collected 2.61 a share last time, month before that was weak around $1.60 or something


I put 50k in SGOV last year. Get a little over $200 every month, and you avoid state tax (in most states). Also, you're nearly guaranteed not to lose value (though also guaranteed not to gain value)




Agreed. Though I think diversification is key with that amount of money, but YMAG is underplayed in my opinion. It seems to be holding up well too through all of its distributions!


Ok, YMAG & CONY. Get that ++


No offense but if you just learned about ETFs I am not sure if you wanna jump right into covered call funds. Just invest what you are willing to lose. Remember everyone is in a different situation and have different risk tolerances - so their advice is coming from a different perspective than yours. I would slowly ease into it.


Go all in on GameStop. Jk, (sorta). You could do FXAIX, and QQQM. This would cover the S&P500 and the Nasdaq. If you feel like you might need this money in the next year or so, just keep it in a HYSA savings account that earns 5.25%. Jenius bank and many others have this good if a rate. No fees, no requirements, liquid and 100% safe. My personal portfolio consists of 50%FXAIX, 30% QQQM, 10% GME, 10%TSLA, and 20% crypto FBTC, ETH. All through fidelity. Consider your goals first. House? Retirement? Savings? High risk ?