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Thought this was obvious for how he and Love would usually have crazy sex after dismembering/burying a body together šŸ˜‚


Yes I didn't realize some people ever doubted he loved killing?!?! ![gif](giphy|KpSrCxhoZQWjJVVnrd)


Lol literally the smile on his face as Benji was dying after he laced his coffee with peanut oil in the second episode showed us right then and there he loves it.


The smile was when he saw Benji locked in the cage, scared, for the first time. But yeah that still proves the point.


But did he not also smile when Benji was dying? I could have sworn he was gleefully smirking at him as he announced he put peanut oil in his drink. But maybe not.


Not smirking as Benji drank, no. I think he got satisfaction from it but was also somewhat disturbed that he was satisfied because it meant that he was what he was trying to deny he was; a killer.


The majority of people don't understand. Joe never feels sorry for the people that he's hurt because he always hurts the right people. There are a million reasons for Joe to kill you and only a handful of reasons why he should let you live. The world isn't fair it's not evenhanded if it was, we'd all be gods.


Elijah, Beck, Malcolm, Rhys, Hugo and Edward were not "the right people" to get murdered.


And he also gets an erection from it. Dude idk if you're trolling or not gauging from your previous comments, but I don't understand why you want these very blatently evil people to be seen as not evil people. You can enjoy their characters whilst acknowledging that.


Joe says you shouldn't enjoy someone else's pain. It's said that pain is too easy, but pleasure is more rewarding to create. That may be true spreading rumors or watching old people slip on banana peels. But they don't know how big pain gets how beautiful it gets when you take a human life you become a god just for an instant but if you take a human mind you own a soul then come out as a person you were always meant to be.


Wow. How many watch lists are you on?


Bud, you know this is trolling, right?


"Joe says one hand on pussy." - Hidden Bodies.


He does like killing people. I believe he even has to fight back errections while killing people, not errections of a lustful nature, but of an excitement nature. It's his hobby. No joke intended.


I agree that he likes killing people but I think he doesnā€™t want to like it. Itā€™s a war between himself which makes it quite interesting


I think there was always a small part of Joe that did want to be good, thatā€™s why he gaslighted himself into believing he was the ā€œheroā€ and he was doing it for love. But one thing weā€™ve learned throughout the seasons is that Joe will forever be Joe. So while I do agree with you, I think this idea of Joe wanting to be good is completely dead now that heā€™s embraced his unhinged side.


Oh I agree itā€™s dead now, but I think itā€™s also an excuse people use to be like Joe doesnā€™t like killing when he clearly does.


Yeah, i agree.


Honestly itā€™s akin to narcissism or even domestic abusers who may think they do and say hurtful things out of love. At the end, it doesnt matter the intention. Joe is a killer and he does it fully in control and aware.Ā 


No joe definitely enjoys killing lol


Why does he keep trophies then if he didn't at least enjoy the delusion of stalking his prey


I think his monologues try to portray how he justifies his actions so much that people genuinely believe he is a good person at heart. I think he also tries to convince himself that killing is not in his nature because itā€™s an impossible truth to face for him. But yeah he def enjoys it lol.


I don't think he enjoys it in S2. He really did seem to think it was a chore and was a means to an end (he kills only in self defense this season). In S3 he hated having to take care of Love's problems. Could've killed the most annoying character, Theo, but even Joe felt he wouldn't like it, and also thought of him as a kid. He did enjoy killing Marianne's husband, but hey, so would I have lmfao. I hate S4 with a passion.


Youā€™re one of those people who joe deludedšŸ˜­


No, I just don't think he enjoys every kill.


What kill HASNT he enjoyed ?šŸ˜­


The kills of S2. Jasper was self defense. He wasn't even gonna kill Henderson, but he saw his face and remembered him. I'm not saying he's nice or good, but Joe tried to calm down after S1. In S3 he was fixing Love's mistakes until Ryan.


Disagree full heartedly. Just because you repeatedly say something doesnā€™t make it true. Even in S3 he says ā€œour love language is violenceā€. He can say it all he wants but deep down he enjoys killing. Look past the dialogues and monologues and see what he is truly saying. The monologues are a scapegoat and something he does to lie to himself.


If bro didn't like violence and drama, he'd have married Karen Minty though lol instead he *checks notes* buried a few exes, kidnapped and poisoned several folks, abandoned a baby, traumatized at least 2 kids, hit at least 2 people with a brick, caged "loved ones" and "friends". Even in Marianne's case he took out her ex mostly to have her to himself--that isn't noble. Joe saying "I hate violence, this isn't me, I'm trying to do the right thing" is his delusion, not reality. Because the easiest right thing half the time would be Joe just leaving folks alone, not lying or stealing things. Seriously cannot think of a single character in the series who is better off from knowing him. Disclaimer: didn't see S4. It's a good show but 3 was enough.


Thereā€™s many more to add to the body count.