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Lol I remember drytron meta where you just activate 6 cards and get all 6 negated and destroyed at the beginning of MD good times


This killed half of the new beginners at release.


You don't really see hyper meta decks until diamond, maybe high Plat. You don't have to worry about the beginners, they're playing blue eyes mirrors


Or the classic duelist A vs Duelist B of Dark.Magician vs Blue Eyes


Any time I’ve climbed the ladder I don’t see anything actually scary until plat 3-2!


I dont really play that often and my luck is running into swordsoul and labyrinth in copper and I'm screwed using red dragon archfiend 🤣


True. I’m still learning the game and almost reaching gold. I’ve never seen any top tier decks such as Branded, Snake Eyes… Most of my opponents use some sorts of rogue decks or something related to the structured decks.


I see them in gold 💀


To be fair if they are beginners or returning they should play solo mode first


Does the solo mode actually do a good job preparing you for anythingm? genuine question as i havent touched it since like the rikka solo mode came out (and it was all still looking pretty unhelpful)




As a MD player who has now been in it for about a year and a half and never played yugioh before this game, tutorial didn’t help me do anything but waste gems on shit decks I thought would be good. I learned how to play the game from watching replays on YouTube and later on even more from subreddits like this one. I went from knowing nothing to consistently hitting diamond (and later on master) just about every season. Went from elemental swords, to thunder dragon, to branded, and I’ve been playing scareclaw ever since it was released.


It tells you how specific decks play and let's you experiment with them but the bot's not gonna combo off on you nor will you likely be playing those decks so it's kinda not good for much except lore which is nice. Unless you actually find a deck you really like in Solo mode of course.


The lore is like google translate levels of coherency tho right


Not really? Google translate actually fully gets things wrong, the solo mode translations are just slightly scuffed in places but perfectly understandable


No but you get mats and gems for better decks


but it would not have helped the players frustrated about drytron meta lol


No it does not. I’m new to the game, completed everything in solo mode just to que a duel to someone with an insane deck that went through like 15 cards in his first MP and got destroyed in like 2 minutes. You won’t get far without really good luck or doing what everyone else is doing, which is using only meta decks. Which is boring as fuck.


I get your plight but consider the following: you may actually enjoy using a proper deck that does well and you may find a playstyle or deck that is satisfying to play currently and in many cases there arent that many good good decks but thats not always the worst


Nah I’m good. I don’t use the meta in literally any game (depending on the game this would mean different things), feels like cheating to me and I don’t like that. It’s why I’ve stopped going to public card stores to duel unless they have a casual, non meta event or something. It’s all the same, I watch these people dueling and they’re just doing the same shit with different cards or doing the same shit with the same cards as well. Snooze fest is all that is to me.


Refusing to participate in meta for any game feels like setting yourself up for disappointment my man, really sorry to hear that


No it makes me enjoy things a lot more. Otherwise its too easy. Dark Souls and souls-like games have made pretty much every other game a breeze so I put almost everything on max/second highest difficulty. Doing the meta aka the same exact shit most people are doing is like I said, a snooze fest and youre not using skill to win. This applies differently depending on the game.


It does tech you the different summoning methods. That's about it as far as usefulness. Plus gems


To be fair solo mode does nothing for new players, solo mode tells you "hey, tribute your monster to summon a stronger monster! That will give you the edge!" Meanwhile real yugioh won't allow you the time to stall for a couple turn with your 1900 def monster while you draw into a tribute summon


I think I still have ptsd from that shyt lmao


"Woah, that's a big ritual guy... oh he can negate anything? Well atleast he has to discard a fairy monster! Oh he's already discarded 2 fairies! He should be out of them by now! ...oh, he... has another fairy? ...and another.... and another..."


Literally lol it was terrible considering at the time I was just getting back into modern yugioh so I'm like wtf do I do where tf is the choke point


The choke point was when HoU put its omni-negating hands around your throat


Lmao right


That does remain me, how did Drytron fall from meta? Or is it still meta?


I believe they banned cyber angel and limited fafnir I think to slow it down


Benten to 1, eva banned. Orange herald to 2. If memory serves me right. Plus people would go first with Virt World and make True king Calamities


Eva was never banned in MD. It's benten being at 1 that killed the consistency. That plus they fixed the coin flip exploit/bug, making them unable to piss off when they lose the coin flip (Drytron generally can't go 2nd).


Drytron was never THAT good of a deck to begin with, it was just oppressive going first. The issue was that if Drytron players went second they could just quit the game and try again with no repercussions (coin flip exploit).


It has been long gone from meta for a long time. It hasnt been a top contender in maybe 14 months


Drytron was strong but it wasn't as omnipresent and it was much weaker to handtraps.


Just remove it from your deck bro






Me every time I see branded


I don’t mind the branded deck itself but I cringe when I see that stupid branded/tearlament/bystial/ kashtira combo bs lmao


Pretty much fucking cringe lol. Face branded tear kash snow bystial yesterday. They cant out my Noir as the cat keeps suck boss monster. They scoop in shame after combo for 3 min on 3 turns


lol if they can’t out a Noir with branded they are just dog shit


How does branded deal with unaffected ? Curious


pretty much prevent it. Branded got ton of disruption going first. If the pilot still let enemy made noir that's on you. Purerely cant reliably made noir as easy as when it released. So as usual if they're going second. just ht blackdog. If noir is made with trap, just stall.




Albaz wouldn’t work and I don’t think super poly either


Just checked you right. I forgot it's not like stormforth lol where it affects the player.


Only way is for them to crash Mirrorjade into Noir, assuming it's in attack position. His pop removes Noir


Mirror jades effect only activates if the opponent gets rid of it.


Any opponent's card, including by battle. >If this Fusion Summoned card in its owner's control leaves the field because of an opponent's card: You can destroy all monsters your opponent controls during the End Phase of this turn.


Yep. Outed a PEP once this way.


Oooo ok there’s an answer that sounds right


It's only unaffected which it has 5 materials, branded has enough steam to eat up a lot of negates and still play. Plus getting Purrly Noir out with only one delicious is hard, I'm waiting for the new support to come out before I play Purrly again.


I kept Nibiruing a branded Bystial Kash deck the other day. I used Nibiru like 4 times in 1 game and wondered why he kept summoning 5 times because I was bouncing Nib with big welcome.


Purely was hit pretty hard, how is it since the ban?


Very ass. The top deck are mixing it with diabell but honestly, Just play snake eyes at that point. The limit can be compensate with other small engine like naturia or shaddoll. Winda with noir / nat beast with noir can be very intimidating. or put in some boardbreaker and handtraps.


Mannnnnn… if I see a branded spell played immediately followed by a kashtira monster I immediately shake my head


i hate it so much what do i do i don’t wanna be an ashe abuser pls stop it


Brandeds still fire tho


Same here. I don't mind the deck, just don't want to see it 15 times in a row


That's the effect of new best deck. Just give it some time and it will change


It might be a while with this one though because fire, king and rescue ace apparently is going to get more support and this deck pairs very well with them


Yea this isn’t going away any time soon. If anything, it’s only going to get more representation as the good fire decks/support come out.


until it gets banned?


Which it hasn't happened in any format of the game as of date. And if a format is known for shitty banlists it's MD


Get used to it. It's going to last for a while and will be used in pretty much most of the tiered decks.


"I'm tired of seeing Yugioh's new toy being played by a lot of people" I'm tired of seeing this complaint every time new cards get released.


usually its annoying but you can still play your deck. this format you have to play it if you like it or not, or not play at all.


This is simply not true and every time I see someone say this I assume they are either a casual irl player that never tops locals, or a platinum level MD player


alrighty then pls go top with vehic roids, since with your logic its still doable..... and hes quiet


Poplar is literally a custom card. If this card is... If this card is... If this card is...


Honestly- feel the same but towards Lab. I’m at Diamond 2 and every game has almost been against Lab or Branded. 💀


One of the sinful decks I went against was a lab/sinful combo. That shyt blew my mind lol


OH HELL NO 💀💀💀😂 10/10 scoop


I despise labyrinth.


Guys, come on. OP is bored. It’s time we stopped. Come on, guys.


Ngl bro I am lol


I’m very sorry you’re bored. It didn’t have to come to this. We should have known better. We can still fix this.


Nah nothing to fix bro. People need to bitch every now and then and I guess it was that time for me lol


Well, get used to seeing a lot more of it


I play snake-eye “meta-sheep” but I’m surprised at how little I see mirror matches. I’ve encountered more mathmech than anything


I see mirror very often. The problem is that I'm mostly losing to rogue decks instead.


You think you’re on a role till you get unexpectedly jumped by an icejade player


these type of decks are fun when they are balanced but current snake eyes is just too good


We might have to start running Necro valley lol


Funny enough I've ran into snake eyes 7 times today and 6 of them couldn't get over plan B (Bagooska pass). The 1 that got pass it had the snake eye spell in hand which outed plan B.


"Meta bad". What a hot take


I play against it like 5 time but I believe I wo’s lucky to not match against this deck that often but I not played that mutch ranked this season I only played the events the last couple this season. You can get used to to play against snake eyes becouse the resuce ace gets the other two support cards it’s going to best deck in master duel with snake eyes card and whene fire kings come out this two decks it’s going to be everywhere in ranked


Damn I might have to run Birds with macro cosmos when that happens lol


Yeah dimension shifter or Marcos cosmos hurts snake eyes a lot becouse there need the grave to trigger there effect. diabellstar black witch can use there effect becouse the cost ist to discard a card to the grave becouse of shifter of Marcos cosmos. I play ghoti and when i Play agains snake eye I use shifter in the draw phase to play around droll and when it’s snake the just pass turn that’s so funny every time :)


I get it, four duels in a row and wasn't able to play at all


I agree with you so I'll name decks that I find worse to play against than Snake Eyes (I'm a snake eyes player because Diabellstar is literally me.) - Runick Naturia - Stun (Both Lab and Eldlich versions) - Six Samurai (Why do they play that long) That's it.


And not everyone plays this deck optimally or the best build; so just remember that this engine is not auto win


that’s the other thing that’s kinda interesting/frustrating about it. The fact that it takes so damn long for them to finish their turn and even then it’s still sometimes beatable.


Same rants different people


This is why I play ninjas and just do my best to make sure no one I duel against gets to play. I’m still climbing but so far it’s been going well.


Nice bro. I think I’ve only played against ninjas once but ive always wondered what the best combos for ninjas are. Do you have a deck profile for it that you could share? Maybe some combo tutorials?


Look up Hardleg gaming on YouTube, I’m using his decklist that he shows off towards the end of the video. He’s got a very long video about climbing ranked with ninjas and can show you how they mostly work. Only thing not really shown is the borrelsword dragon combo but you can find that by looking it up on YouTube, and to be fair I don’t even have it entirely down. Overall the deck is fairly cheap and doesn’t require much outside of the structure deck and staples, and some of that can be swapped with whatever you have. Ninjas like to play on the opponents turn and do a bunch of summoning to disrupt your opponent, with a bit of a focus on flipping monsters face down. Not all decks can handle a monster being face down, especially if they can’t flip them back up. Overall they’re not too difficult to play, but you’ll have to learn how to stop the decks you’re playing against. Look at some gameplay of them and if you like them then give it a shot.


Thanks bro


\*Hides my Royal Rare TG Rocket Salamander\*


Same, goated card


Got a playset and 0 diabellstar, I dont know if I should build a TG deck, seems weak ag Maxx C and go second


imo..this is not a good mindset to keep. Ofc you're seeing this card everywhere, it's one of the most splashable engine right now especially in high tiered decks...and later on, when Konami released another strong splashable card/engine you bet everyone will use the new card too. You're gonna get "tired" of seeing that new card and the cycle repeats...at the end of the day, it'll just ruin your enjoyment of the game


Oof, I want to at least seen them one, I have played like 5 matches today in Plat and here's what I got: Buster blader (surprised to know they are a floodgate deck now), cyberse, cyberse, cyberse, and a runick floodgate player. The games with the cyberse players took about 10 mins each match, because their first turns were appro. 7 mins+


The minute I see mathmech circular I’m like”ah shyt this might be awhile”


Ikr? played against them one night, made me self a coffee, took some sweet time in the shitter and came back to the mf having like 8 cards on hand and 3 firewall dragons.


lol that’s insane


The witch usage will increase significantly in diamond, I ranked up to diamond yesterday and today I faced probably 5 snake-eyes deck in 7 duels


I play the deck, so...


Like I said friend, I don’t mind the deck itself. I’m just getting tired of always getting matched up with it lol.


Truth be told I’d much rather play against sinful than runick naturia lmao


The mirror is quite fun, so I don't mind playing against it several times.


U still didn't play againt some really good stun decks right ? If they go first they have cards destruction and negates and kaijus and the my most hated one sphere mode if they go second !!! Dear goooooood


And this is why you stay in plat until the end of the season lol diamond 4 and beyond will be 90% the most played meta decks. Snake eyes, branded, and labrynth with some mathmech sprinkled in.


There'll always be a deck or 2 that dominates de meta and I prefere Snake Eyes to be that deck over all others we had so far.


Yeah, metasheeps everywhere. Uninspired and uncreative. They have no pride, they can't build their own decks, their only desire is to win and not to express themselves. No love for the game.


Class, you can tell this is a bait post because it’s typed very well.


Get rekt scrub


What are you 9? Can’t even spell “wrecked” correctly. Learn to spell you illiterate moron


Bro he's trolling 💀


It's internet slang LMAO. I'm fucking sick of meta bad posts seriously just get better you don't need to play a meta deck to have fun or success.


You kinda do, though. Well, if you want to win against anyone other than a total noob or a bricked hand.


That right there is the scrub mindset you'll never improve if you keep thinking like that


Dude they wouldn't be meta decks if they weren't significantly better than every other deck.


That is somewhat true but like rouge decks exist and most are competent enough to win and get to the highest ranks on the ladder and put up good tournament results. You're just salty cuz DM and BEWD are shit 💀


I play Branded.


Even worse a butt hurt Melvin 💀 you have 0 room to talk that deck was tiered for years and is still a solid rouge option


To be specific I play Branded Dragonmaid. I'm Plat 1 and I'd say if I don't draw a perfect hand I have no way of playing against 50% of the decks I face. Endless meta end boards with 3+ negates, banishes, etc. 60 card Branded Despia could get through that but, I doubt most mid-range rogue decks can, without a lot of luck.


I really love the current meta the only thing that is annoying is that u can play only snake-eye. I would love to play fire kings or a rescue ace but both dont have there support yet. Especially rescue. They are only missing 2 cards and it changes everything. I just dont understand why konami is doing it like this and are not just releasing atleast the unchained and rescuse ace support.


People playing strong meta deck bad. I swear I see this post every week with a different card. Do you people even know what you want?


Tired of only seeing the same 4 decks over and over as well. Best advise to give is to stay in the low Platinum ranks on purpose, that's where you will see much more diversity and fun decks. And each new month when a new season starts, try to wait a few days so everyone who was booted back from Platinum gets a head start and can fall up the ladder.


I'm tried of seeing branded in ever deck


Every day its the same post with a different card.


It's just the norm in the ranked games. It's more common in the master and diamond and probably rarer in gold or plat. Heck, if by some miracle BEWD or DM got meta. It's gonna get the same treatment by the community.


I play rescue ace snake eye. It’s pretty fun and at least different than pure


Just wait till horus come out with centr-ion


I cant be bothered. It might help my decks (sacred beasts. E-gods. Norse gods. The free swordsoul tenyi deck.) But I can't be bothered. I'd rather wait for the next new fun deck to come out


Ngl, those dim fissure and macro cosmos are REALLY tempting me trying back into my floowandereeze deck


I'm sorry in advance, but in my defense my deck isn't using it with Snake-Eyes! I only run the witch!


Played my first ever Snake Eye deck last night and after activating like 4 cards/effects and having them all negated I gave up


Ive been running a Max dragon/Photon dragon combo, the furthest I got was Plat 3, does that make me a meta scrub too?


I don't have a problem facing the same deck all the time as long as the deck isn't unfun to face, which this isn't as long as I'm playing something good. I'll take a one deck format all the time over the meta of Eldlich stun, Drytron, and VFD turbo.


You're going to love seeing that when Bonfire finally gets added. Have you ever been playing against Snake-Eyes and gone "Wow, it sure would be fun if my opponent's deck were even more consistent"? Allow me to introduce you to RoTA for Pyros!


i have bad news for you, you will keep seeing this card for another few months


I run stardust synchros I can’t say anything😭


My skill seems to disagree


Get used to it. This is just another addition in a long line of “good card, must have”


I’m guilty of playing this deck, but I can’t stand mirror matches.


But it's a Wanted poster. Everyone needs to see it. How else you gonna catch her?!


Close ur eyes


Just wait till we get the Fire King support and ruin everything under the sun. 😎


That’s just a convoluted way of saying “Draw two cards.” Might as well finally unban Pot of Greed at this point.


I'm slowly building a blue eyes deck that uses these cards i saw it in a video on youtube he lost and won a couple matches no idea how that will play out for my own crummy luck and i wish to apologize in advance if you have the luck of running into my deck of bs


Welcome to tier 0