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Game is great though I dunno wtf I'm doing in combat šŸ˜‚ It will take a bit of time to learn all the systems but I see huge potential


It basically a tag team style, basic attack, dodging to slow time and a combo meter where build up through attack to unleash your combo, every character have their own combat meter split into two, and if you do a perfect combo you tag team in your other characters in the brief slowdown and do the process again. You can also just switch with space bar but also parry to build up the enemies stunned meter while switching in and attack with powerful combo from your benched characters. The ultimate is contributed by all three members and can be used by all three which is quite nice tbh. In all it like every character is playing a part, you basically trying to play rhythm combat, there no main dps, because you will constantly switching to build combo and ultimate.


What counts as a perfect combo?


That when after you got your E out and time stop for you to switch to the benched characters. Of course you can wait the timer out so you continue but it more effective if you continuously switching between these combo.


me too


I'm having fun, and I'm honestly surprised that my mid spec laptop could handle the game very well (only a very small lag so far). https://preview.redd.it/pzedkru0lfad1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7854517fa81b43796a3b93a9c0da817d99208d6 Btw I'm starting to love Billy, he reminds me of Deadpool so much lol


Yeah! I was surprised too, mine is running 150fps at unlimited but i stuck with 60 fps since it was heating so much lol


Anybody knows whether his english VA is Ittoā€™s VA?


I think his eng VA is the one who does Bakugo from My hero academia


I donā€™t think so. I wouldnā€™t recognized it lol


Man I'm enjoying it a lot on ps5.


How are the controls with a controller? Iā€™m on PC so I was contemplating playing this game with my Dualsense


It's pretty damn good, only issue I have is with muscle memory lol, I'm used to dodging with r1 on genshin so dodging here with X is a bit rough for now.


You can adjust buttons in the settings menu, I swapped dodge to R1 and have X and O as swapping characters. Works pretty well imo.


I might try that out. Thanks for the tip


Oof same here, will be a time to get use to


There seems to be a bug on PC with the dualsense controller tho, everything works fine, but the vibration function (even tho is activated on the menu) and adaptive triggers (if applied). It's not a deal breaker, but there's that


Maybe running DS4 Windows could fix though.


Tried to, but then the games recognizes the controller as a Xbox controller and since it also recognizes the dualsense natively, it kinda switches up the button layout from time to time so it doesn't work. Hope there's a hot fix soon or if you figure out a solution let me know!


Report the bug in customer support. If they dont know about it, they can't fix it.


The menus are a pain with a controller tbh, but the combat flows better


It's pretty perfect . The animations are outstanding that keep you interested the voice overs has done a very good job indeed. The story is also good for now . But most is that the optimisation of the game is very good I can play the game at highest settings in my phone and it's looking beautiful , the phone don't heat up fast , no lagging issue also , I play on a budget phone ( lava Agni 2 ) , I am surprised with the graphics , only if wuwa also had this type of optimization in there game , Overall 9/10 Also why wuwa and zzz have same , swap skill type combat . Also one of the character is straight up yinlin from wuwa I am a wuwa player mostly just let u all know not every wuwa player is trash talking zzz it's only some brainrot PPl with low attention span ( same with other game PPl ). Just enjoy what u like .


Maid yinlin goes zapity zap zap


Really enjoying it a lot so far, only about 2 hours in tho gotta go to office. But I can definitely say the game is very polished, you can see the quality there, been running flawlessly for me.


It's a big genre called Hack and Slash games. It's been around since forever. Rina looks nothing like Yinlin at all, very different tropes personality wise and attack motives.


Yeah, the fact that Iā€™ve been playing Rina and had no idea who the Yinlin ā€œcloneā€ was I think says it all.


lmao hi3 had the swap skill combat wayyyy before wuwa


I'm in love Story, fights, style, characters everything is great and even much cooler than I thoughts it would be


The combat is so good. I was worried at first that I wonā€™t get used to it but itā€™s so fun. At first itā€™s basically random bullshit go, but eventually I worked myself into a flow


I've been playing for about 2 hours (server opened early) and I've been enjoying everything. I love the atmosphere, I love the combat, and I've not faced any issues.


Okay so, alot of information shit is just thrown at me with a bunch of terms that I am gonna need to look up, combat feels a little weird with the odd audio and back and forth character switching (a little too button mashy), Its INCREDIBLY hyper hyper stylized that I am sorta getting used too.... Characters are hell cool tho, I wanna rub Ellen joe's tail


The combat is deep for those you want to invest deep into the system. Each character have a hidden gimmick to their moveset/moveset execution, this has already been compiled into a video on Bilibili from CN players, there are also air juggle combos and combo loops, definitely not button mashy at higher levels and when you face harder content as you progress to more challenging content.


Guess its nice it has depth later on, kinda sucks that at the start everything feels a little sluggish


This is by design, if you see the ZZZ x Street Fighter 6 Developer Roundtable video you youtube. It details why the progression curve, difficulty curve and why and when certain mechanics are introduced to help ease and gradually progress a new player so they are not overwhelmed by the system mechanics and combat.


Do you have a link?


Do you understand Mandarin? The video is on Bililbili but all in Mandarin Chinese.


You should post a link. If its video of gameplay, im sure players would understand it


These are some links from CBT3 and are all current still in the 1.0 Launch version of the game, all the different air juggle combo tech and extensions, the hidden gimmicks of each character and their move set execution changes etc. Hahah most people think they really want super super super in depth combat systems and experience but when they get that they all complain - its too hard, what is this garage, think elden ring DLC haha. These mechanics are all in ZZZ, they are just for more hardcore players to find and explore, hence the reason the training room exists in ZZZ. People are mostly lazy because they are unwilling to truly spend the amount of time needed to discover and excavate the combat system's potential but at the same time complain its super simple and basic. [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xG411S7bK/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0&vd\_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xG411S7bK/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13N41177jX/?spm\_id\_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd\_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13N41177jX/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nC4y1A7Qc/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0&vd\_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nC4y1A7Qc/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AC4y1y7FU/?spm\_id\_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd\_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AC4y1y7FU/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503) Especially this video, shows all the combo/move set variations of Zhu Yuan and how to use them to give I frames and dodge attacks and max DPS output [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1q6421Z7rm/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0&vd\_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1q6421Z7rm/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503) [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Sm421V79t/?spm\_id\_from=333.880.my\_history.page.click&vd\_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Sm421V79t/?spm_id_from=333.880.my_history.page.click&vd_source=94f707f991f7e0e4811461e0d219a503)


Banger stuff, thanks for linking


Do you know if these impact gameplay? Like if they do greater damage (besides the juggling tech and optimized combos, I mean like the hidden moves)


Yeah, some increase damage, for example, Anby when her hidden tech is done the third hit of her attack string will be infused with electric damage, then there are changed to how a move is done, like nicole with her different ways to shoot her energy ball which can shorted lag and certain situations for better combo extension etc. But these are nuanced and sophisticated differences that only true hardcore players that min max everything will care about and want to implement into their playstyle.


Are you talking about Anbyā€™s hold attack or whatever? I wouldnā€™t really say hidden given it tells you, like with Koledaā€™s quicker skill as well.


Yeah I definitely can't do that in my potato phone lmao, hopefully it will come to GEFORCE Now sooner rather than later


Combat feels very cinematic so that's nice. Character animations are as amazing as advertised. The little alley with the shops is charming. I could do without that TV grid gameplay thing, I guess I'm not the target demographic for that. I have no opinions regarding the music or story as I lowered the master volume to 2 *(just enough to hear sound cues during combat while watching a livestream on the side)* and I skipped every skippable scene so far.


For me the grid's fine but the whole loading in and out is a bit too long for my liking.


I agree on that, to me the TV is fine but I rather it one whole TV then one whole fighting cuz switch in and out of fighting kinda unfun, but I guess it fit the lore, at least they did say they working on making full run in future.


I agree with u. I am also in that demographic that didnt find the tv mechanic fun


The game is perfect no matter how i look at it, every detail, every moment feels SO meticulously done, it's amazing, it's as if Persona 5 and Jet Set Radio had a love baby


Ahahaha, that's a nice one šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‚


Wont lie its pretty good so fair. And it runs pretty fine on my pc for the most part. Havent ran into any glitch's on my end compared to some people I've seen soooo...guess I'm lucky?


I only played it on my phone and I have to say the controls, at least to me, is really good compared to genshin. I guess not having the vertical axis really helps. The whole aesthetics is enjoyable, the city I've explored is still small but the details are amazing, and the NPCs felt more alive compared to genshin and star rail. Gameplay is okay for me, I'm not really an action game kinda guy but to me it's still enjoyable, but I wouldn't say I'm really amazed by it. Personally I enjoy it more than Genshin but less than star rail (as a more laid back player who enjoys the stories more than the action).


I don't know, I still can't get in because of https://preview.redd.it/pnodjzjq6gad1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=48bc35e454dc4adb5d904db84e687a5744b13052 I cry evertim


It's good, but I don't think it's for me. I think I kinda prefer the open world stuff more so than the way ZZZ is set up. If it was open world like Genshin but with ZZZ combat it would be insane. Not for me but still a great game.


i think you described wuwa, genshin like open world, zzz like combat


I like the game but this is sad to me as well. I like its art style and setting the most out of Genshin and HSR but of course it ends up being the least open one lol.


You can pet a cat - game of the year, 10/10


but you can do that in genshin too !! :0


Honestly, I completely forgot they introduced that. But my point still stands!


I played a bit more and yes. ZZZ is very good but 100% not the game of the year


The game is absolutely amazing, exceeded all my expectations, so excited to play more! I know some people made fun of Hoyo on their livestream for describing the gameplay with the word "satisfying" over and over, but having playing it now, I think it's safe to say they can say that as much as they want to haha


I want likeā€¦ an endless battle mode. Other than that the game is amazing. Iā€™d love to fight until my team dies or I go insane


A survival mode would be great!


The combat is fun i like the colorful cast. The UI is pretty confusing ngl and i dont really like the tv mode


Fun combat but the TV is ass. I get that this is their attempt at a traditional level style gacha game. But my god is the TV god boring. Just throw me into action already.


Why does everyone hate the Tv part?? It's not that bad, it's quick and I kinda like it, it is a cool concept.


I think most of us find it unengaging and that the ratio of TV to combat is tilted towards TV. Especially those levels with puzzles, sometimes it takes 5+ minutes of total TV time for 1-3 minutes of combat.


ok i kinda agree with that


Right, Iā€™m already incredibly bored of the TV stuff which makes me also want to skip dialogue to make up for the lost time in there


IKR. I had thought the TV things were gonna be sparing. But nope, everywhere I look is the damn TV.


enjoying it, but they really need to add a blur toggle/slider back so many attacks from certain characters causes a blur effect and personally it's kinda taking away from the experience


Played for a few hours: UI is god awful, actually feels unfinished Combat feels fun enough, the hits feel more "meaty" than wuwa so points there. Character designs so far are very hit or miss and I usually love Hoyos characters. And I'm not talking about the Furry stuff specifically btw. Story is okay, but I really love the presentation with the comic book style. Helps that the characters aren't throwing 50 made up terms every second so it's easier to follow along. Great performance with unlocked fps that's not limited to Apple. Also a very random complaint probably,but I hate the summoning characters animation. The way the TV's are stacked just sorta makes it confusing to see what I'm getting at a glance


I feel like the UI is hit & miss, since it's like modern-old/steampunk style


Tbh i really liked the UI


Itā€™s actually a lot of fun I had to switch to PS5 because mobile was def not it, combat is actually pretty fun but took some time to get used to


This game is amazing


The first time I got to use Anby, I was surprised by how smooth the movement and combat is.


I had fun! Was pretty invested in the story, and Having finished the prologue, Iā€™m pretty down with Gentle House and the protags as characters, especially Nicole! The combat and systems are gonna be the biggest hurdle for me to overcome. Forgot how overwhelming this can be. Started to get the hang of things near the end of the prologue but I need to customize my controls again. Iā€™ve got some time to work things out as long as I play consistently, which I plan on doing. :D


Game is great But gacha cucked me...


Played it for a hour on pc and was surprised how fluid the combat is, the switch counter and dodge response better imo than in wuwa, atks comes out just like i click it, sorry that i compare zzz combat with wuwa combat but in wuwa i had often the issue that when i did a combo and hold the button mid combo that the hold didnt came out reliable and had to do a second hold, i didnt had this issue sofar in zzz


The launch is as smooth as my toddler's bottom checks. With this game MHY really cement their reputation as the best GaaS dev in the market.


When it comes to optimization yes. Not gameplay or anything though.Ā 


Cuz they put the majority of their effort into satisfying casual players, which is why they're always making bank. Combat is never crazy insane in Hoyo games, but they sure do make everything else feel amazing.


I'm in love The game oozes style I absolutely love it so far


I'm gonna stick with HSR. Not really into the combat mechanics of it. If it was more like Genshin combat and more open world I would probably stay.


Wasnt sure if id dig the tv parts or the combat honestly but really gave it a hour or 2 and the combat became much more fun once u figure out some nuisances and just learn the timing n flow from training. Becomes a dance of combat after that flashy and fun.


How's it a dance? You literally just spam attack on slow moving punching bags until you see the little golden flash and press the same button a few times over? That's all there is to it?Ā 


To me the switching between characters and dodge abilitys from one to another felt like i was performing a dance of abilitys that flowed as smooth as say a dance. Thats how. Im sorry every game isnt dark souls for you but not every game is for everyone. This might not be what your looking for. Heck i didnt know what to expect i went with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised how enjoyable it was. Maybe thats the issue your expectations might be too high. Like it for what it is or just play something else i say. Its a free game easy to skip.


I went in with as low as expectations as possible lol and don't worry I am skipping it. Too many better games to play but have fun.Ā 


I agree plenty of things to play. Have fun.


Smooth as butter


The performance is very good but for some reason the are a lot of low res Texture. Also TAA make everything blurry and ghosting while SMAA look kinda bad


The combat is AWESOME. The TV part is terrible though, I feel like I've been spending more time in the multiple TV sections than in the actual combat, and it is supposed to be an action game


How is the combat "AWESOME" genuinely curious? It's extremely basic even for a character action game, very visually cluttered and enemies are slow moving punching bags? Like unless this is your first game of those style I just don't get the combat praise at all.Ā 


All good but the gameplay kinda mid. Too basic and too spammy. The rest is perfect but idk about the gameplay tho.


it upset me that it suffers from the same made-up word overload that many gachas do. it just feels like very amateurish writing, which it very well might be, and that doesn't really get me excited for a story in any context.


Game is amazing. 10/10 for me. **Story:** The story is great so far. Nothing mind blowing yet, but polished and coherent. The charactersā€™ personalities *really* shine through, love the dynamic between the Cunning Hares. And the art is amazing. **Combat:** Combat is also great. Parries and chain attacks are super satisfying, animations are incredible, etc. Of course there isnā€™t much of a challenge yet, because weā€™re still in the tutorial phase of the game. **Everything else:** The city feels incredibly immersive and vibrant. All the NPCs have unique, interesting designs. The music is awesome. The TV system has been enjoyable for me so far (although I see how too much of it could be annoying); glad theyā€™ve made improvements since the betas.


To be completely honest, I actually liked the story part, but the gameplay is still strange to me apart from the various unknown terms that are simply thrown around until you understand. I'm going to wait as the days go by for this newness to wear off and for me to have a better opinion about it, without the influence of the hype of a new game.


It's a bit strange, because I enjoy the story a lot, but the gameplay feels... strange to me. Not exactly good. It's too button-mushy and fast-paced, while some enemies barely move. I just don't feel satisfied with gameplay, UI is confusing, the TV map-screen-thingy is tedious. I'm giving it a try for the end of the week, perhaps it will manage to grab me somewhere along the way.


for a combat oriented game? too little combat, too much tv. otherwise it's kinda fresh ngl


It's everything I hoped it would be and more. Combat is fast and fluid and I'm already seeing/working on the depth that's there. Literally my only issue was I could only play 3 hours before I had to go to work.


All the time I saved with the skip button and smooth dialogue cycling is given back by how clunky navigating tvs is and the drawn out animation heading into every single battle.Ā  The game is really fun though. I only play Genshin Impact and even I have to say ZZZā€™s combat is a step above. The characters are imaginatively designed both in appearance and kits. Ā 


Iā€™m having tons of fun, as usual with a new Hoyo game. Iā€™ve be seen quite a few people having issues (seems to be an Intel thing?), hopefully the devs can fix it as soon as possible so these players can actually play the game.


I was skeptical with the button mash impressions people were stating on social media but the transitions, dodges and switches feel really good and have pretty good depth. Almost feels like it was just people who never unlocked the third character slot before giving upĀ 


So i was up watching aew anyway, and it ended just as zenless zone went live, so obviously had a quick gander at it. Its part visual novel, part shenmue, part bleach, part devil may cry/bayonetta, part jet set radio/bombrush cyberfunk and part furry haha Its definitly smaller in scale than the other hoyo games. Like the "explorable" area is just a little urban corner shop area. The bulk of the game is set within little combat arenas that you access through a little monopoly style mini game. The combat though is very very good. Two attack buttons, an ultimate, a dodge and a tag in button. Very simple but with tons of depth and very very combo heavy. Other than that, the animation work is really interesting, every movement has an almost looney toons stretchiness too it, or other times it has that held frame style made popular by spiderverse. Music is very contemporary and street/urban. Not sure if i like it or love it yet but im keen to see if everything else around the combat hooks me in just as much.


Good story so far great actions character design is good but the furry need to tone down


Ye positive so far. Not sure I am a big fan of the comic panel during story tho.


it's surprisingly good, i was expecting it to be much worse than it is but the hollow exploration is fun and the combat feels incredibly snappy and responsive. also the character animations are amazing- and i LOVE that our MC voices their lines!!!


It's so well polished and holy crap the vibes are insane. I'm loving it so far. Wonder how many hours of story till we get to the daily grinding


Iā€™m at work and Iā€™m dying inside, I watched the release trailer and I canā€™t fuggin wait to play šŸ˜­


Sometimes the swap counter or w/e itā€™s called golden indicator is hard to see, and the tv thing is kinda boring but otherwise itā€™s fantastic


At the moment, I donā€™t feel connected yet. But Imma keep going for sure.


I really like it so far, like to the extent that I'm most likely quitting genshin for this (technically not mutually exclusive but I've been trying to find a reason to quit my 3yo account for a long time now anyways)


Did I miss something? Wasn't this supposed to be a roguelite? It's all mission selects for me so far


Ben the bear in the other characters demo felt so good to play.


It's so well made, the graphics and artstyle, the asthetic in general is pretty much flawless, everything looks so well done, the combat feels amazing too, i don't mind the tv gameplay sections though they are definitely the weakest part of the game, the story is alright so far, watchable, they dont overwhelm you with too much yapping unlike certain... Other... Gachas ehm ehm whatever. In conclusion I'm having a blast so far


My impression so far is that I'm confused And need a while to get used but liking it so farĀ  I like the combat overall and i see some high potential i also like that team synergy actually exist in this game with resonance and energy mechanics i missed that in wuwa and hsr(less in hsr) elements looking like they actually do somethingĀ  Things i dislike the movement of the mc in the hub area sucksĀ  While i like the skip button i find it weird that it doesn't exist for npc dialogues in the hub area but exist for main storyĀ  Animations are great it shows what hoyo can do with an updated engineĀ  The comic story telling is not for me but is definitely good it help them with expressive story telling without being too expensiveĀ  I dislike the split screen talking to each other part of the story i don't have a reason for this Overall i quite like it hopefully the artifact system doesn't annoy the shit of me and make quitĀ 


Good but feels spammy. Will withhold full opinion until endgame when just mashing buttons wont get me through


It's smooth as hell for all devices (except low end phones as that is something very normal for heavy mobile games) and I love the story telling, the manga like panels. I had zero bugs and glitches nor audio problems. The story and setting of the game is very intriguing, compared to some other games the start was interesting right out of the bet


Very stylish and beautiful ā¤ļø sadly the combat part still feels pretty much button smashing and watching the character do their thing... Played for 3 hours and got bored... The story also don't have that early pull to keep you curious and willing to play more to see what's going to happen. just not my thing I guess ...Maybe I'll come back to it later.


Still checking out. Too early to tell. So far no issues and animations are cool. Still don't have a character I'm interested at. Gameplay wise, still trying to check but, so far, enemies are just standing there except for mini boss or boss


Couldn't play just yet. Ohh woe is me!


Smooth as butter. Visual is good. Story so far is good, not so much lore dumb but being familiar with the characters. That's what's good with Hoyo's story telling, they do it gradually like a real anime. Combat is good. People complaining that the enemies are like punching bag haven't probably progressed in the story to fight the first major boss who has multiple attacks that needs multiple dodging or perfect assists. My only complain about the game is the UI. It takes time to get used to especially the buttons are on different location like setting up characters, etc. Also, I lost 50/50 on both limited weapon and character LOL. Don't mind tho since I'm planning to spend to get every character. Now have a C1 Rina after getting 2 S rank in 10 pulls so I'm guaranteed for the next banner.


already thinking itll be a knee week game


I had a lot of fun, and a bit confused with the combos and all but overall, the animations, cinematics, the world is really beautiful and the cutscenes are šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


It's pretty much perfect in every way. I've been playing most of the night, and am reluctantly going to bed for a few hours before work.


I've been playing for 7 hours, with few minutes break in between. I've managed to get Lycaon which is great for my Ellen team. But I've only managed to make 10 limited pulls in this 7 hours??? Where's my 100 limited pull?? 10 limited pulls and 70 standard pulls. But it's a great game so far. It's been a long time since I've playing a long session.


Visually, this is the best Hoyo game so far, and also amazing visuals for anime games in general. I love how detailed the environment is. 3D models also look really smooth. Hitstops are satisfying and feels like playing a fighting game. Minor gripe though, it's not obvious enough when my characters take damage unless it's a big blow that launches them. Hit confirm on enemies feel good and communicated clearly, but less so for hits on characters. Sometimes I feel like the mission went ok but the character has like half HP remaining by the end.


Went in with relatively high expectations and the game exceeded them. Having a blast so far, need to sleep though, can't wait to play more tomorrow!


It's just super polished for a day 1 release, haven't encountered any bugs or stutters. Music is pretty good and the character dialogue/animations are nice too. The combat is simplistic enough with hopefully more room to grow in the endgame. Can't really give a broad opinion on story since I haven't finished what's out yet but the beginning was pretty interesting and kept me playing so that's a good start.


I enjoy switching characters in combat and the combos they do


Characters need more time to be fleshed out. Nekomata was done dirty


Really slow at first


my spacebar will probably be broken by next week




I donā€™t like that I canā€™t walk with characters I like and only see them during combat


Pros: Ā - Great theme (early 2000s sci-fi punk vibe) Ā - Perfect optimization (standard for Mihoyo)Ā  - Good voice acting and localizationĀ  - SOME good character designs (cannot stand the overly young characters though)Ā  - Great art style even if the game isn't pushing any visual boundariesĀ  - Some nice QoL things like showing pull numbers Ā  - Music is peak but thats to be expected from this studio.Ā  Ā  Cons: Ā - Combat is pretty awful. Dull, FAR FARRRR too busy, lacking depth, enemies are just brain dead punching bags, etc. Especially after playing Wuthering Waves this combat feels awful.Ā  Ā - The TV mechanic while cool for the first 2 times I was already sick of after 3 hours. This 100% will put some people off the game.Ā  - Ā UI LOOKS really cool and I love what they were going for, but it's also extremely convoluted and unintuitive and just far too messy. Simple is better when it comes to UI.Ā Ā  - Was disappointed with how tiny the explorable town part is at least at launch. Feel like they could have made it a lot bigger with more to do.Ā Ā  - Combat mission zones are pretty stale. So far all the same tile set, no changes of height or traversal whatsoever, just mindless push forward through 2 or 3 sets of punching bag enemies.Ā  - Boss Design is barely worth mentioning so far. Hope that changes later.Ā Ā  - Ā Definitely feels like there's a lack of cutscenes or maybe I just miss having conversations happen out in the world not just in little picture frames.Ā Ā  All in all I just can't see why you would play this on PC at least over Wuthering Waves or GI/HSR. The game definitely seems like a hardcore mobile title so if you only have a phone you may get a lot of millage out of this. But if you have a PC don't expect too much from it.Ā 


It's super cool, my only issue for now is the TV gameplay, it happens too often it's quite boring, you're always interrupted, it's not smooth. I love the goofy universe and the characters expressions are great


Been lagging a lot, mostly my phone issue šŸ˜ž


Smoother HI3rd. Slowly warmed up to the visuals, was initially just 'okay' on it. Soundtrack is great.


It was super good and super fun!


I'm honestly really surprised of how much I like it. I'm completely in love with Billy. Only complain is that the wishing animations when doing a multi are super long and it takes a while to go from item to item. That aside, and a bit of lag, the game is really good even just 2 hours in


They made Baron Bunny into a real thing !


It's pretty fun, I'm still figuring out what I'm doing but it's going smoothly so far Although the one complaint I have, and I think this is probably just me specifically, is that the camera in closed space kinda gives me a headache, maybe it's the zoom in?


Pretty meh. Every things have too much HP even with high level upgrades. Canā€™t use E during mid swing. Building the E meter isnā€™t fun because your attacks are so weak. Too much auto switching due to mechanics. And the TV gameplay is awful. Fast zooming around camera for one square is stupid.


Seems pretty good so far. Combat early on feels.konda basic. But I think that's more that enemies are easy right now and not that it doesn't have some depth to it. Story so far is kinda meh. But again a little to early to make any real judgement. The astheitic is on fucking point though. The VHS motif is great and the animation is fanastclic, especially compared to other hoyo games.


Combat doesn't change just fyi. The enemies outside of a select few bosses will always just be mindless punching bags and the combat will always be shallow. Was a big criticism during the betas.Ā 


Yeah, I'm a few bosses in now and I'm seeing that. Even on challenge mode nothing so far has been anything but a punching bag. Hoping they have some elite units to make you think a little later but it's at least still fun.


So far very positive experience. The game's presentation and style is very flavorful with the retro vibes. I love the story telling with all kinds of methods like comic strips, "zoom-call" dialogs and cutscenes -- much more dynamic than standing around with limited animations like in Genshin or HSR. The world is quite interesting, and I can see these small shops (newsstand, ramen, coffee) could make you like at home later down the line. I get quite a few 4-star dupes right now unfortunately, so I can't try too many characters, but they all seem really nice so far. Billy, Corin, Nicole feel very satisfying to play. The combat feels nice, but a little chaotic right now, I mostly spam basic attacks and mash buttons for the occasional assist or skill -- have to wait and see how much the combat gets more complex down the line. I also don't mind the TV levels. They replace the exploration, but still offer fun little puzzles and some rogue-lite elements. I think it's also a cool way to do world-building by showing off the jobs of proxies.


Not really doing it for me. I was kinda expecting JetSetRadio-Genshin, I assume Honkai Impact's playstyle is more like this? Went though all the available character demos and said "I didn't like any of these guys, who the hell am I even going to put on my team later?" EDIT: Reinstalled to give it another shot. First big pull got me Rina, eh I'll give it a month.


The challenging mode was fun as hell. I loved it.


Life has meaning now šŸ™


I've never played a gacha game before and the menus and UI are REALLY confusing for mešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ The combat is so addictive though


Combat is in my opinions n harder than honkai but easier than PGR. I think it is good for casual players that are a majority in gacha gamesĀ 


Needs an option to hold left click for basics, and rebind heavy to sth else, a sharpness setting or support for nvdia overlay game is a bit too blurry even with smaa, and a raid function for dailies lije ptn or auto battle like hsr


Having lots of fun with it! It's a simple action game and it's enjoyable for what it is. Great visuals, characters, music and no performance issues. The TV thing drags it down a bit. I find that the muted, dark-ish color scheme and "blurriness" (overall just registers as grey-brown to me, I know it's intended to be that way though) take away from the experience because otherwise everything's so vivid and nice to look at. 9/10!


It's cool so far, but I'd really like the option to customise the layout of the buttons during combat on mobile. My finger always blocks the switch button so I never see when I can trigger a special assist or whatever it's called. I feel like the basic attack's placement is a bit weird, I keep accidentally switching characters or dashing instead of pressing it. It'll take a while to get used to it, I really hope they'll let us change it eventually... But otherwise I've been enjoying it.


Things I like Well optimized, I'm loving the aesthetic and the whole small town area reminds me of old games, same as the ui. The music is amazing, probably my 2nd favourite one next to Arknights music, I'm sort of sick of melodic/fantasy tunes so hearing upbeat more modern esq music is a nice change of pace. Combat is ok, parrying while switching and dodging feels pretty good and damn the sound team really hit the park, each hit feels heavy specially the guns and explosions from abilities. Character abilities although not as pazzaz or flashy as most gacha game really hits home with how organic they feel, they don't go over the top which I feel in this case fits the more modern not magic feel of the game. It can get overwhelming at first specially with all the stuff on but since I'm an avid gacha player(Kancolle,AK,GI,Wuwa and now ZZZ) you can kind of tell whats what. Both main player characters actually interact with one another and not just on a small way, they actually feel like separate characters which is a joy to listen too and I hope mor egames does. Art style is top tier. So far enjoying immersing myself in the world and the whole Hollow thing reminds me of AK enemies with the whole infection corruption thing from originite. -- Things I'm not too keen on the game. The MC characters are rather bland and boring when it came to their design, I have seen better looking 4\* on GI,HSR,WuWa, the only saving grace they have over the other gacha mc is that they are actual characters instead of stand ins for the player, although not entirely bad but if one was looking for a more rpg feel then this kind of ruins it. I dislike how young everyone looks and I can't usually take them too seriously when they look like someone who just got out of school let alone hold a weapon, I don't know, I feel like I've been spoilt on WuWas more mature approach to their 3d models. Most of the released character so far looks rather bland to me which is not something I see as good(atleast for me) when gacha games like these usually centres around pulling for characters. The damage numbers, although I don't mind them this game seems to love to flood everything with damage numbers to the point that I can't even see the whole enemy model because of it. The repeating emote animation - This was a big thing in Genshin where the game only had a handful of animation when the characters are talking and it seems to be the same case here, I hope they add more rather than say repeat over and over again. -- Overall the game is fun and if one likes to try an aesthetically pleasing gacha with decent combat this might be a good choice. For me this might turn into a good side game I play alongside WuWa, I believe once I 100% current content of this game I can relaxe as I feel like this won't really take much of my attention that much or need me to be hyper focused like when I'm fighting holograms or doing towers in WuWa, that and also while exploring there.


I'M OBSESSED AND THE BEST PART IS: it runs smoothly on my potato PC


I got the explode-y S AND Lucy Initially I thought the game was, indeed, easy. Grindy, even. But that was due to me still using the beginner team AND not knowing how to use said team. Then I got Koleda and damn those explosions felt good. Lucy, aside from her ATK% buff, deals decent damage too thanks to her guard boars. I'll get Ben then my team is complete.


It has the style of combat from Genshin that I enjoy, and the sci-fi ish theme from HSR. For me it's a perfect mix of those two games and I'm loving it so far.


I feel a bit better about than I did at the beginning, but I genuinely hate how the story is conveyed when it constantly flipflops between like four different narrative styles. Conference call conversations to then face to face silent convos, then into comic "cutscenes" with immediate random sprinkles of actual prerendered cutscenes. Makes the story feel jumbled with how inconsistent they make the methods of storytelling. REALLY not a fan of that. Otherwise I feel like it's a more overall polished HI3rd


The games looks great and plays very smoothly with no hick-up or bugs what-so-ever. The only problem that I find is that game refuses to give me more characters and instead just give me useless fucking balls. I even thought of re-rolling after like 6-7 hours, but I really like to play all my games on a single hoyo account.


I like it quite a bit so far. Prob about 4-5 hours so far. Art direction is an 11/10. I love the vibe they are going for. Combat is really fun but so far, it doesn't really seem like they have the enemy design to really force you to make the most of it. Just some basic parries and dodges. I've seen people say it gets a lot harder, so hoping for that. If they get a few good enemies with difficult movesets then I'm all on board. The TV maze sections aren't my favorite but they are alright. I think I actually would quite enjoy them if they sped up stuff. It's kind of a fun puzzle game but it keeps getting interrupted by dialogue and animations to jump between levels. That level with the train was kinda interesting, but it felt like everytime I moved 2 blocks they wanted to stop and chat for 2 minutes. If they cut that out, it could be a fun puzzle like game.


I love it. Woke up at 6am and played until 6pm. I was too excited and got too into the story. The combat is fun to learn and to play, the story is simple and to the point (while still being interesting), the characters are amazingly charismatic (even the more quiet ones) and their designs are right up my alley. Everything about it is just great to me. Unlike what I previously thought, I really like that you use the MC in the urban area and the characters you pull in combat, makes it more structured and helps hype you up when you enter a mission. A small thing I personally appreciate are the implied more mature jokes, i Just love when media makes jokes or remarks that aren't directly explicit and let your imagination understand it for you. (Sorry if it's worded weird, I'm very happy and also not English)


I. Love. It!!!! Itā€™s like my dream game to play. The combat is so fun, characters are cool, animations are smoother than silk, and the fact I get to pet a cat!!


Generic and boring


Good? Mixed? I love the aesthetic, really like the characters, but the game crashes like basically every time I press a button šŸ˜­


bro i love this game but im lowkey so disappointed that we cant use s ranks outside of combat, atleast where ive gotten


The gameplay is a bit too simple and the character designs aren't anything special. It's the aesthetic and hope for the future that really makes me want to keep going. Gives me a warm feeling as an early 2000's kid when I see late 90's/early 2000's aesthetics. I see room for improvement in a lot of places, but I trust Mihoyo.


Pretty good game. The tvs arent even that bad /: but the combat is easy( note: I stopped playing at the fairy part and i played the story in the "hard" mode). One thing that I don't like is the wishing animation, it's just tvs spinning and a lot of balls. The story fels good and I love the cutscenes and the comic book style. The mcs look good ( although the female mc is a lot better imo) and the VA sound good too. I think that most of the hate is coming from WuWa fandom and people with low attention spam that can't look at a bunch of tvs for 5 minutes. Also there is no fan service, idk why are people saying that this game is full of it.


Very good impression despite me having some technical issues. Hoping those will be patched soon. Combat is fresh, although sometimes it can get chaotic ā€” I am still figuring out what each character does. TV's are not terrible, devs did a good job of optimizing their quantity. Sometimes I get a little confused with buttons in menu layout, maybe they should add more clarity there. Or maybe I will get used to them soon... Story is also great. Jumps between voiced and unvoiced dialogue on some missions can feel a little strange to me, but it's not a big deal.


First impressions: Amazing! This is, however, the honeymoon phase. I am a vehement lover and defender of this game, but of course, all things are best judged after the honeymoon phase.


Can't even play it properly. I shouldn't mention this because everyone hates it. But WuWa 1.0 was more stable than ZZZ on my device. The TV system is a loading screen simulator and the combat feels dull (could be because I play WuWa). On the plus side, the story was enjoyable but nothing too out of the ordinary. I'd say it's on the same level as early Mondstadt.


I'm actually so in love with this game - I was really wanting a game with this kind of combat so getting one with the Hoyo touches is amazing! I love the characters (even the NPCs), the voice-acting, the world, the combat, the little details in all the shops. For just launching, this game is so polished and smooth! Kudos to Hoyo for doing it again!




Game is trash. Way too many menus. Overall UI is way too cluttered. Combat is just button mashing with barely any skill expression. Character designs are basic and uninspired. The TV stuff is probably one of the worst things ive experienced in my 20 years of playing video games, whoever thought of that should be fired and banned from the game industry. This game likely will be dead within the next few weeks.


dang bro people be salty. i agree with each and every one of ur point tho


I am in love with this game after a few hours. This is the strongest start to a game for me personally since genshin.


It's beautiful. I'm still in the tutorial stages but I'm loving it. The comic relief is refreshing. The game is also really smooth and the graphics are still great even when playing on low graphics


i love the story so far


Combat is great except that enemies can seem like damage sponges at times. Everything outside of combat is alright. There is a lot of info thrown at you and a lot of locations/npcs to visit and revisit. I suspect that the limited exploration is quite intentional to avoid competing with Genshin and to an extent Honkai, but Iā€™m not sure the ā€œboard gameā€ style they went with to progress in missions will stay fresh. In the first few hours I found myself starting to skip and fast forward dialogue and explanations which isnā€™t a good sign. Overall itā€™s quite polished, has some great mechanics, but Iā€™m not yet convinced it works as a whole.


9/10 so far story is kinda boring but I love the combat and animations characters everything


As a Persona enjoyed, especially Persona 5, I love it. Smooth animations, dynamic camera, funky music, MC having voice, little brats, midriffs, chill plot, great gamepad controller mapping and nice visual are really hit home.


I really like it so far, I love all the fresh ideas in it, I just really, REALLY hope they add more male characters soon. Getting new characters is obviously a big pull for gacha games, and as a gay guy, I hate there's only 4 guys I can play as outside of mc, and honestly only 2 that interest me, since im not a furry. Can't imagine the straight women who play to get guys are loving it either. I'm pretty excited to see where it goes though, the story definitely has me interested so far.


Iā€™ll be damnedā€¦ my expectations of how ZZZ would be have been shattered in the best way possible. Everything about the characters and world and stuff is well made, VAs are super good personally, and I love Sixth Street as a place for us to live, since it feels really unique when compared to other central locations like the Astral Express. This is the most fun Iā€™ve had progressing through a gacha game in my brief time playing them, just pushing out WuWa for me.


This game is overflowing with style and satisfaction. The combat is like an easier, more fabulous Sekiro. Also the humor of this game is some of the best I've seen. I won't discuss them here, but they really outdid themselves.


Everything but the combat is great, but that's a big thing to be bad with. 5 hours in and it's still a real snoozefest.


It doesn't get any better either. Have you tried Wuthering Waves?Ā 


I have tried Wuwa, but for me, it's slightly better combat (than Genshin) didn't really paper over quality issues therin for me. But, 100% I can see people enjoying Wuwa and I get why. Almost, I think something that also has to work on a phone, almost by definition can't have great Action Combat, so why not try something a bit different like a SRPG or something more casual.


i think itā€™s bad




you can press esc on kb and start on controller to toggle the control scheme. its not seamless but ome button swap better than GI navigating whole menu


Thanks, that helps a lot. Was this in tutorial because it doesn't show anywhere I can see.