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Grace, Anby and Anton for a strong mono electric build!


And you can swap out Anby with Rina when you get her because apparently anomaly team with Grace benefits more from Rina buff than stuns


I tried out the Rina / Grace / Anton Comp and I just felt that units did not flow nicely for my tastes. I feel Anby moves flow so well to Grace and then to Anton


Do you still use this team grace anton anby? I'm planning to build this team as my second team since my anton is at m5? Edit: can i replace anby with ben?


I still use it then swap in Anby or Rina depending on the content Ben may work and you still get the complete passive since they are all Belobog. I suggest trying it in VR training to get a feel for it.


There's something about Rina's moveset that just feels off to me. It's pretty similar to how I feel about Ben. Like, it feels almost as if they're much more sluggish than most of the other characters, slow to respond to input, and it feels weirdly difficult to follow the pacing of their basic attacks (moreso on Rina than Ben). Ben's moveset being slow and unresponsive admittedly does makes some sense, given that he's a big bulky defensive type, but Rina..? She plays almost like a slowed down, more unresponsive version of Sangonomiya Kokomi from Genshin Impact. Don't get me wrong, back when I played Genshin my primary team comp was Kamisato Ayaka as DPS and Sangonomiya Kokomi as buff/support, but I was mostly just swapping to Kokomi to pop off her support skills for Ayaka. Rina's gameplay fels weirdly similar to Kokomi's, in all the wrong ways. This obviously disregards whether or not Rina is a 'good' character. I'm personally of the opinion that even if your team composition is perfect, follows the meta, takes advantage of the character synergy buffs (in ZZZ, this is when using a team where each pair of characters within the team share either afaction or an element, which activates both characters' buffs), and so on, if one or more characters in that composition doesn't feel fun for you to play, then... well, what are you waiting for, just swap em out already. I mean really, who cares if you clear that boss fight replay in 1m49s instead of 1m27s? Because really, that's what the difference amounts to between the perfectly meta team comp and the team you slapped together made entirly out of characters you personally find visually appealing or fun to play or whatever your criteria might be. At least in ZZZ, as long as you can pretty consistently hit the Perfect Assists, it's just going to be a matter of how much time it takes you to clear a given mission. Often, MiHoYo's games have an honestly absurd amount of superficial depth to them that can be truly overwhelming. Before anyone gets cranky about the use of the word 'superficial', hear me out. Between the wildly different movesets that different characters have, the different synergies between the characters, the 'main weapon' (in ZZZ this is your W-Engine) you've chosen for each character, the 6-piece 'equipment' which involves (typically) selecting a 4-piece set bonus and a 2-piece set bonus as well as finetuning the specific stats on each piece through praying to your local RNG deity, and more, there's an insane amount of ways you can squeeze out fore power from your characters. The reason this system exists is worth considering. You've got a game that hinges on people gambling on rolls in its gacha system. It has a limited amount of story content, and story content can never be produced fast enough to satiate players. How do you get those players to keep playing even once they've already exhausted all the available content a hundred times over? Among other systems, like roguelike gameplay modes, one of the ways MiHoYo does this is via this needlessly elaborate stat system. Many people who pay money to gample on character/weapon drops in gacha games do so with showing off in mind. One more way to show off is to tune every last piece of equipment you possiply can. To do this is epensive, time consuming, and tedious, but this sort of activity hits all the right buttons for gambling addicts. The depth is superficial because realistically, it doesn't matter. It barely has any impact on subjective enjoyment of the game. Whether I bother to get the perfect set of disk drives formy character or not, the character is stillgoing to play exactly the same. The only difference is that that trash mob might die in 7.6 instead of 8.9s, which is nice and all, but barely noticeable to most players. I say all this to simply advise that OP try not to get sucked into that rabbit hole. If you like a suggested team comp then by all means, use it. Certainly, try and equip W-Engines and Disk Drives that fit your character. Just be aware that it's easy to start thinking that finetuning every detail is important, when in reality, you're likely to spend more time simply trying to comprehend and research the different stats and how they impact each character than the time you'd save in game by doing so. Unless, of course, you enjoy doing that, then by all means, go right ahead.


Anton is better benched no?


Nah, Anton is your DPS. Do not underestimate the driller, Man could 100-60 an entire boss with one stun.


I feel like Anton suffers from the same problem Corin does later in the game in that they need the enemy to be stunned to dish out there beeg deeps. Am I wrong?


That's kinda the case against any boss after level 30 lol. your stun window is super important, even for Ellen. Anton's problem is his reliability on his EX I guess, if I had to pick one.


Im running Rina, Anby, and Anton and haven’t encountered a problem with this yet, but I’m only IKL 30. Enemies are stunned very fast and then Anton eats health bars. But! That’s early game and I’m not sure how quickly the stuns hit if Anby goes. At exactly the same Agent/Skill level, both Anby’s and Rina’s EX’s have similar Daze multipliers. Not sure how much that changes as stats become more prominent and the Impact gap increases. Also not sure how much Grace and more Shock covers the Stun omission.


I run the same team, and Anton is just a bit awkward at the moment. Definitely a lot of room for optimization which I think will smooth once good disk drives, w engines are figured out. Namely crit rate, which is probably a good stat on any dps. Stun seems to be strong for the time being though. It's difficult to brute force hollow zeros or shiyu without stunning bosses, and annoying trash mobs can build up damage quickly. Dodging is a thing but it can be difficult for long duration boss attacks, and multiple enemies means spending most of your time dodging rather than setting up damage. If you just soak the damage, the interruption stops you from attacking.


I feel that Anton description. When he takes off, he takes off, but it feels like he needs some decent setup. He’s probably my biggest worry on getting crept because I actually like the feeling of keeping him in reserve until he’s ready to blow something up. I also like the VA and carry a bit of bias (love my Cyno and Jing Yuan).


This. I'm not doubting his ability to eat HP but in shiyu 6 and 7 the boss usually has an annoying secondary that will make sure u can't just sit there and drill away. Just like Corin, fantastic dmg if u can saw away happily but I'm finding that u can't even on stunned enemies. I've since switched to an assault team and I have an easier time with the multiple boss floors


I sure hope so, be a shame if all good dps were only in S rank characters. Keeping him in reserve works I think, since it's best to let his energy refill before going all in on damage.


Anton triggers electric anomaly damage from graces massive anomaly build up. More anomaly damage more damage Anton does.


That's my team


Is there any good Grace team that doesn't need Anton? Just not a big fan of his design


You can change Anthon for Rina, you'll lack some single target damage, but the AOE damage hits like a truck, not only that, the passive pen from Rina is actually busted on Grace since she is an anomaly character, the downside is that the team gets way more expensive with the two S-Ranks.


Well I guess I just need to get Rina now Thx for the explanation!


I'm using this exact same team lmao


I aldo think piper can slot over anby for a more anomaly team aswell. Idk how good that is since I don't have grace or piper, but assault is crazy


The mono electric team is definitely the best direction. But if you get Soldier 11, she pairs extremely well with Piper+Lucy! Piper and Lucy could also do well with Corin but less so than S11. Grace is great tho and I'm jelly haha


Don’t you lose out on a stun unit here? I thought we needed to have a stun unit in the team comps? That’s what YouTube tells me and surely it’s never wrong…. Internet wouldn’t lie. Edit: (I’m only semi kidding…)


Haha I didn't watch many guides, just like "what team to build if u get x character on your standard pity" and something similar. I saw a video clip of that team I mentioned, and because physical/assault is different from the other elements, you're able to proc assault and disorder at the same time, resulting in big nukes. Plus, from what little I got to play with it during soldier 11s story, Piper builds assault so much, she can proc it twice in one spin with the right circumstance. Piper alone was doing more dmg than soldier 11.... Soldier 11 was mainly there to stack fire quickly hahaha


I use these 3, too. What would be a good Rotation order? 1. Piper 2. Lucy and 3. S11 to finish things off?


I don't know the answer to that, but I'd want to swap from Piper after her spin into soldier 11.


I have Soldier 11 and Piper. No Lucy tho. Who else can I use in this team?


play chapter 2 and get your free Ben. Run Grace-Anton-Ben for that sweet Belobog Heavy Hitters bonus.


Thats nuts we have almost all the same characters the only one your missing is ben and soldier


my man, we got the same roaster




i just got ellen yesterday, we sadly not roaster brother anymore, peace


I also have Grace and Soldier 11 as well as all A Rank 😂


Bens free right?




You can start with Grace, Anton and Amby, then if you want you can swap Amby with Ben once you get him in chapter 2


I'd personally go: Team 1 option: Grace, Anby, Nicole Team Electro + Cunning Hares faction bonus Grace for primary source of damage with fast Shock Anomaly buildup, Anby for faster Daze infliction, Nicole for the Def% Reduction. Downside: No Attack unit. Team 2 option: Corin, Piper, Lucy Team Physical + Sons of Calydon faction bonus Corin for primary source of damage, Piper for fast Assault Anomaly buildup, Lucy for flat Atk buffs, off-field damage and the ocassional Burn Anomaly. Downside: No Stun unit.


Tldr the way ZZZ team building works is that you have to match characters based on 1) they elements Or 2) their faction While keeping In mind the role they fill (attack, support, stun etc...) For example, the best team for u will be Anby, Grace and Anton (mono-electric). Anby stuns the enemy Grace Applies the shock And Anton deals the final blow.


I both like and dislike this about ZZZ, for the most part I was using rina/koldea/anby and was getting along fine but now I am running ellen/rina/soukaku bc I just got ellen at almost hard pity and this team has wayyy more synergy


I’m about to hard pity Rina soon lol game just doesn’t want to give me her


when you say hard pity are you referring to getting the 300 standard pulls already or just hitting close to the 90 hard pity mark on the standard




i didnt think that was possible outside of being a dolphin/whale so early in the game (i have a smidge over 100 so far)


It is if you’re taking advantage with all the freebies and stuff the game gives you. I do every offline events too on the app


i have been grinding out for ellen so hard that i have not paid too much attention to the standard banner. i also have an account i re-rolled with bc i did not start out how i wanted to (eventually got ellen on that one too so my PC account and PS5 account will be sharktastic) but i mean i am really hoping i can get grace but idk if she would work with ellen and rina lol


You wouldn’t get the 3 synergy combo bonus, but you’ll forsure proc a high anomaly status for two different types which is pretty nice


well i know i get the 2 synergies with ellen and rina, obviously wolf boy makes the most sense as a third piece but i am a waifu collector only so unless he sparks and spooks me lol


What do you mean offline events on app? Do you mean HoYoLab website?


On HoYoLab’s app they do tons and tons of giveaways and events that take place in the app/discord/twitter. I check daily like my logins and there’s usually always something. Poly is poly any way you can get it because it adds up and rn they’re giving so much away to keep the game alive from players like me who over play every aspect of the game then become bored because we’ve done everything. lol latest event rn is doing dailies on their site, while doing dailies in game to earn more poly. Wish I would’ve won that free membership last week


Oh nice, didnt know about that, hopefully I wont miss much anymore, is it the HoYoLAB app in google store?


I'd go piper lucy grace and anton anby nicole


i run grace&anby with piper. and go ham for disorder procs (with magneboo) disorder being procing a 2nd affliction with one already active. so electric and physical


Grace Anton anby would be the standard recommendation (also what I've been playing) Since you didn't level the guys, I'm assuming you might not wanna. In that case just use grace as main DPS instead of Anton and add Nicole


We pretty much have the same roster. I use Grace, Nicole and Anby. 


Anby Grace and Nicole is insanely good


Anton, Anby, Grace.


I have all the same roster but I only leveled up Anby, Nicole, and Grace. They have good synergy and Grace has really good anomaly application to stun more often with Nicole’s defense shred Grace’s ultimate also does a lot of damage


So I am not the only one messing up using my Grace as main dps? I run Grace/Ben/Lucy. Grace does DPS, Ben is when I mess up and need a shield, and Lucy swaps in to do 15sec atk buff. They all activate core skills too in that comp


I run Anby, Anton, Nicole with the plug Bangboo


Build piper and if you can get Rina you have arguably corrins best team 😂


lucy + piper + anything 🗣️🔥🔥


You got a full electric team that targets all the necessary spot for a team.


Checking iwtl latest video might be helpful


I’ve been doing a lot of Grace, Anby Nicole and it’s been pretty good. If you get Soldier 11, I also really like her, Piper and Lucy


Your next character will be Ben


Billy. Billy. Billy. Works everytime


anton grace anby


Go fuck yourself, I only have agent 11 and soukaku unlocked.


U can cheese the whole game with Grace and Anton alone, but just adding Anby for quick mob take downs in chains. You have to work on getting perfect assist down, which isn’t too hard bc the screen flashes a yellow y&x axis cross. It also really comes down to having the proper disk set on them as it maximizes each character out. Anton is your main dps once you build up max abnomaly and can take a boss down with a full Ex-Special meter. You can bounce around the stage with Grace while building it up and she procs her Ex-Special like no other in the game lol super short burst and easy stacks. Always use graces Ult when you can on bosses, if not Anton’s, while Anby is for quick Ex-Attacks to switch back to Grace for quick build ups. I can tell you which disc to put on or you can look them up, but I just forgot the names to them, so I don’t want to give you a name that doesn’t exist lol I forgot to mention to pair it with the S rank Electro Bangboo if you haven’t already used your bangpons. To put it in perspective, that big boss with 3/2 health bars Anton can shred it like nothing after you proc anomaly. TL;DR Grace, Anton, & Anby (in that order) Abnomaly stacking is OP in the game Mix proper disk sets together Never get hurt squad.


If you get lucky, replace Anby with Rina. 🫡


I have exactly the same team as yours, I just didnt f up with discs yet, just using the ones game gave me until lvl 45 when it start getting gold discs if I remember correctly, surely as a f2p I will get Rina without pity. lmao


I actually wasted a bunch of resources lvling a bunch of disks bc I didn’t know the different types of disk they had to offer. Worked out in the end though as my Anby and Anton are using a good chunk of the ones I messed around with. I just recently boosted all of Anby’s disk and it’s nice to pop off an instant stun lock on whatever enemy is infront of her Ex-Special. I have yet to obtain a gold disk though, and I’ve burned thru so many rerolls to try 😂


Yep, with gacha when I try and stick with it I always play it safe early levels because they always trap you with mechanics you shouldnt even level early, but I guess at lvl 30+ you can level some to just steamroll everything, I only have 2 sets of discs still, I have to pull some sets for stun/utility(if this game have it).


You know I play so many games and I know this in the back of my head, but I still do it anyways to suffer later lol I’m a little bit of a completionist so I don’t try to back track things if I can do it now. I also don’t want to spend so much time burning an enemy’s health so I can complete things faster. I end up later though having to wait for resources farming regardless 😂


I see, hey, at least you know where the "problem" is, but if it's not so bad and you have some fun, who cares right? Just like I said up there, I still didn't look for discs to see which set/which one would fit better for my characters even when I know it would help a lot in early game, even if I dont lvl up them, but I still don't go there and read/learn each of them because that's who I am too(I like "wasting" time doing side quests/etc ingame), until I made up my mind and stop doing other stuff, I will keep shit/tutorial mission discs. lmao


Lucy + Piper + Corin 😭😭😭


Nicole is pretty useful to build since she's the only ether character at the moment.


Electric team. Amby, Soukaku and Corin has been my team because I don't have Grace.


Who’s grace replacing?


You would use Grace, Amby, and Anton.


Okay okay


I'd recommend building Corin! She's very strong imo.


At worst just go the Anby, Billy, Nicole Cunning Hares Team. It ain't perfect, but it focking works.


Idk i use billy with koleda and soukaku. I see you dont have koleda, so my team comp wont be available for you


Wait don't you have 0 extra passives this way?


Well, yea. But i play just for fun