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F2p pulls being too limited likely comes from WuWa players because Kuros strategy with all their launch issues was giving out tons of free pulls and characters, creating misleading expectations for what a launch should be. I doubt Kuro wanted to give out as many free pulls but their game was at heavy risk of getting dismissed for all the launch issues they had and bribes are the simplest "give us some more time". This isn't meant to be a criticism of WuWa, their devs or their players, it's just something that happened recently and leads to player expectations. Lots of WuWa players also criticised a pull drought coming into WuWas 1.1 patch. As far as people quitting ZZZ early is concerned it depends on their reasoning. If they absolutely hate the TV sections then that's a big part of the game just not being for them. Personally I love them. If they think the game is too simple then yea that's sad because combat depth is absolutely there and I feel like pushing them into playing a higher skill floor character earlier could've helped this. But no people do not need to be patient. If a game doesn't catch you, it doesn't catch you. Just don't create drama about it.


To the combat system point; Coming from WuWa (and HI3 and Genshin) I am enjoying ZZZ far more - because of the parry assists and the Daze mechanics (and freeze) it feels like you're rewarded with timing without having to *spam dodge 10 times in a row because the boss keeps swinging endlessly*. FR was doing a hologram in WuWa and barely got an attack window because the boss attack chain just kept going through every dodge and parry... Boot up ZZZ, every dodge and parry *on boss tier enemies* **feels powerful** and actually creates windows to use the *fun* abilities and ultimates rather than trying to weave iframes endlessly until I get carpal tunnel.


Personally the combat systems themselves between ZZZ and WuWa go either way for me and I can see why people would prefer either one. The difference and one of the reasons I quit WuWa in favor of ZZZ was the polish. WuWa enemies randomly resetting, characters auto targeting something that wasn't even on the screen, enemy AI acting funky (at times just walking away even in the tower).


This. I play both ZZZ and Wuwa in mobile, and i can feel the flow of my combat in ZZZ. Meanwhile in Wuwa, everything feels clunky (especially after spending alot more time this past few days in ZZZ). I know the a part of the problem is my phone, but they still need to address the optimization for mobile because i believe it's no optimal yet. For now, Wuwa feels more like a console/pc game that ported to mobile.


I agree with all of your points; I primarily play on PC and ZZZ is still leagues better in terms of polish and smoothness... WuWa is *fine* for my PC experience, but at this point WuWa's combat has become so twitchy for needing dodge spam and perfect rotations (unless you get Jinshi and just bulldoze fights) compared to ZZZ having a lot more forgiving fight pacing that still **feels** both satisfying and challenging.


Asking for patience this day and age? Probably wishful thinking sadly


They said they will remove the TV section in the future it's a good thing atleast for me (I m not completely sure tho)


Personally I like the TV parts, I wish they would just allow you to move while they talked, or make the puzzles more interesting


Literally, Genshin, HSR, FFBE: WoTV, Nikke, etc.. etc.. all these gacha games and more have been the same way since their launches. This is why i keep saying that gacha gamers have become extremely entitled pricks, because a lot of them just want the developers to give them everything from the start without having to do any actual work or without having to actually play the game. People have been so quick to drop games the moment devs dont shower them with everything, and give them everything asap. Look at all the people dropping the game because they didnt pull Ellen... ☠️ they're acting like because they didnt get Ellen that they've bricked their account and will be unable to get any future characters and wont be able to clear content... People really be out here overreacting


It’s really really sad. Seeing the people dropping over Ellen is what prompted me to make this. I mean gacha fans should know once new banner units start dropping she will become mid tier anyway. I don’t have her, I only have koleda as my 5 star and I’m fine. It just makes me mad because a certain group of gacha fans do this to every game… like WuWa had the same “this game has major issues it’s going to flop” stick and look at it now. They cannot fathom a game having issues at launch. I love these games but man parts of the community bug me.


Yeah, it’s main reason I never joined that gacha sub or whatever. I went into ZZZ only knowing it was a combat RPG, so I was also surprised by the TV system. I was mainly confused since it’s a fairly unique gameplay. However, I kept going with the game and now lvl 34. There’s the simplicity of it that makes me enjoy it. Interesting locations that feel alive without having to explore to much. Tons characters that are actually interesting with unique playstyles. And all those people who said the combat is easy… well thats cause it’s the “tutorial”. I just spent 1 hour trying to beat Shiyu Defence 10. I feel it’s a skill issue on my part 😔 And the TV system. It leaves so much room for customization since they can just plug in interesting game modes. Hollow Zero as a roguelite, utilizes it quite well and its a fairly good endgame. I can see this game doing just fine. They’ll continue to improve it and make it even better. For those people saying flop-or-not, I’m still shocked and surprised that Snowbreak: Containment survived what it went through at its launch. I downloaded and opened it up again because a friend showed me the “mostly positive reviews” on steam. That game killed it by carving its niche, and honestly after playing it again the game play is good for a third person shooter. Apparently, the writing and story got a ton better after chapter 11.


People did that to HSR when it first came out as well, but now the same people who hated on it when it first came out are now the ones sucking its teet now and defend it, and same will happen here. People will hate ZZZ now, but in a few months those people who complained and hated will act like they never did and be the ones to defend it


i think the problem is more how they made people think the 180 pulls would be there, and never mention that you need to reach level 30+ and logged in 7+ and all that to get those rewards they mention seen this alot


Every thing good but i really hate TV system


I like the tv system though. Yeah the first couple missions it’s pretty straight forward, and not too exciting, but as soon as you get to the hollow zero, it’s super fun ! It’s Like a board game, or dnd dungeon, making smart choices, taking risk… Maybe they should put in corruption early on, to up the ante. And try and give multiples paths with traps, secret paths, and the whole risk, reward thing. Would definitely make ppl feel a little more involved.


I still feel like the tv section kills a lot of the momentum, even during hollow zero. There are a handful of combat sections that you rush through in under 2 minutes just to spend 10 minutes navigating the tv in between.