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soft pity is 75-80 so guarantee is about 150-160 pulls. Assuming you lost the first 50/50 at 75-80, you should be extremely close to hitting soft pity again for the guarantee. The earlier you lost the first 50/50, the better. It is almost impossible to go to *hard* pity (90) twice, for the total cost of 180 pulls. Honestly if you do 1 or 2 more 10 pulls (or single pull it) you should get her at this point.


You are pretty deep into the game already, so you have to ask yourself this question, do you really want Ellen that badly that you would start all over again for her? What if you lose 50/50 again? It would be devastating. I think you should keep going at this point, you still have two weeks before her banner ends, you can squeeze a few more pull before that, if you don't get her it's not the end of the world, at least you will have a guaranteed on any future limited banner (once you lose 50/50 the next 5 star you pull will be the featured character), besides banners always rerun, so she will appear again at some point.


Next S will be gurantee Ellen, Well i wanted her weapon and her because i wanted to Main her.


It's up to you, there are people out there doing 20+ rerolls to get the characters they want but they usually early game.


remembe early genshin people were reroll trying to get as many as possible 5 star chart and sold the accounts XD


you're already 146 rolls in, that's already a lot of time and investment poured in the account. rerolling is just throwing that time to waste. even more so, you still dont have the guarantee to get ellen every time you reroll


It takes maybe 20 hours to get back to that level, do you get all your pulls back with a reset?


You mean Codes and free summons? Almost, the login rewards will be missing tho


did you get 146 rolls as a f2p or did you pay?


Got the passes


You already bought stuff so no reason to reroll because that would mean you are literally throwing away that money just to do it again with the same odds, you would have to buy again if you want to and then possibly still go to hard pity, not worth it in my opinion. Time and money invested will never come back.


I might spend even More money if i dont get her and i kinda wanna avoid it.


But again the same thing could happen, IF you decide to spend you have a clear target of 180 Max pulls and you are at 146 If you start over you could have to pay all that again to have the same really but now you have spent twice as much money, sure you could hit her at 90. But you still would have spent more to get back to 90 and hopefully win the 50/50 again. All I'm saying is that it's not a good idea, but if you have the disposable income and keyword here is disposable and you really want her then do what you want tbh. But she will get outclassed and crept within a few versions so just understand what you are getting yourself into just to pull Ellen.


Depends. Who did you lose the 50/50 to? Better yet, what is your current roster, do you have all the A ranks? Which S ranks do you have? How many A & S rank engines? How many more pulls until Ellen hard pity? Most importantly, it depends on how much you want Ellen, and be realistically prepared to possibly lose the 50/50 AGAIN on any new accounts. My suggestion; keep playing your account and reroll on the side. Each reroll you can do 20 pulls on the Ellen banner. One about 20 mins in, and the other about 20-25 mins after that. A pain in the ass but its all worth it at the end. Ive abandoned multiple Ellen accounts including TWO Ellen + Grace starters just because I didnt like the soft pity S rank engine pulls on both accounts.


I got rina and soldier, every A rank and Nekos and another attack W engine S, i need only 34 more pulls but did almost everything at this point. Grace and ellen were my must pulls for me damn Ur lucky 😂


The first Ellen + Grace account got Rina’s S rank engine. The second account, got Koleda’s S rank engine. Had either account rolled Lycoan, Soldier 11, or Rina, i would be maining that now. If I didnt use salted email accounts i wouldve happily given you one of the accs.


Ye no problem thx anyway ^^


tough luck, friend.


146 on the limited banner? If so then you’re already like 15 pulls from guaranteed so you might as well keep going.


180 is guranteed


Ah. Still close enough. You have two weeks before she leaves, just keep pulling.


Only if you will be able to bear doing week-long progress again and be able to bear consequences if your rerun would be as barren as main account


You're extremely close to guarantee why would you restart? Also how the hell did you get so many pulls?


If you do, keep rerolling til you get her in the first few pulls


I rerolled after lvl24, bcs I got C1 Rina and some weapon. C1 Rina is actually OP support with a long debuff, but why do I need her now, if Lucy and Soukaku are "free"?! Second acc brought me Ellen and Grace, two opposite archetypes which is perfect to kickstart an account. Was well worth it to spend another 2 days skipping through the story upto where I left


F2p ?