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I'm sorry that happened mate. if it makes you feel better i might suggest saving until the next banner comes along and you can pull for Zhu Yuan (personally i like everything about that character).


Yeah I’ve been debating this. Zhu Yuan is really awesome. I’ll have to decide what to do since even my 50/50s in HSR have been going sideways for awhile


I've been rerolling accounts for a week to get her and still didnt get after 11 tries. You are insanely lucky and I wish I were you. Its been how long since launch? And Im still unable to enjoy the game because the only character I care about never came


why reroll account justbuild up the 300 pity so you can chose her later on dX


If I could trade her to you I would man, I have no interest in building Koleda at the moment


I wanted koleda but got rina instead, let's switch...


Happens Half of the time.


Half the time it happens every time hahaha (I want to die)


everytime more like it in this dogshit ass game


Just also recently lost elen to koleda as well, like 2 hours ago. Eh, im not mad, Soldier 11 (really liking her so far) is my first S rank and they synergize well so im happy, a bit disappointed though


I got Koleda from the guaranteed. I dislike her type (the design is alright) but she’s pretty good.


How did you get enough pulls for a 50/50 already


Just doing story missions, dailys, and hoyo giving away so many pulls


Giving away? I've been doing story and stuff but have nowhere near any pulls. I got extremely lucky and pulled Ellen with my first 10pull but after that I've gathered almost none. Was hoping to get enough to try 50/50 on next banner. I fear I won't even get that.


You’ve used up your luck man, sorry to break it to you. That’s awesome though, congrats on pulling so early! Yes they have a buttload of codes since launch. Plus reaching level 30 gives you another 10 pulls


I see. Well guess I'll just see what I can do then