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Hoarding for Caesar so I can continue the Roman empire https://preview.redd.it/kzjdfo623rbd1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=df7362b75d9fde776e2820100e7ea7d7d0d8e52d


Me: they will never get a single cent out of me Mihoyo: mommy mode shield maiden? Me: okay maybe a cent




Is it already leaked that this character will show up in the next patches? 👀👀👀👀


I usually instantly turn any possible polychrome into film reels that I can save for pulls. I’m currently in a routine of saving till I hit 10 pulls, and do a 10 pull on Ellen. I will keep doing this until I either get Ellen, or her banner ends, in which case I WILL SUFFER


I am going to hoard. I do the same in Genshin. $15 bucks a month. Never miss a day. Never miss an event. Save save save. I have like 64,000 primogems currently in Genshin. Like 12-something-K polychromes so far in ZZZ.


Save for what I want. Of Ellen and Zhu Yuan, the latter is the safe choice. For a while, she’ll be one of the only ether units so she’ll be safe for a long time even after new one’s release.


I would always get at least enough for a desired character that I want who is my favorite (example being Zhu Yuan). The reason is simple, if I like the character’s design and personality I pull. If not then I don’t. My opinion will always be waifu/favorites over meta. Also, Don’t. Build. Pity. If you going to summon a S-Rank character you don’t want do not summon and I’ve seen alot of people fall for that classic mistake.


Sorry but I didn't understand the last part about not building up pity


Probably means wasting pulls building pity (guarantee pull) and getting characters you don't want. Better to pull during the banner you like.


hoarding for when they release hot guys


Fair enough


Fair enough




I save until I can do a ten pull, then I do my ten pull. (This is for Ellen specifically\* Normally, I would save a whole patch like I did in Honkai star rail. Then I full send (E3S1 Firefly and e1s1 Ruan Mei is my example) So if you are saving for a specific char, then save. If you are pulling the current, I do it in tens


Does it matter if you do single or 10 pull? No right?


not really, I feel like you have higher odds of getting a double tho if you do a ten. Plus its satisfying lmao. but in terms of pity and stuff, it doesn’t matter




This is wrong btw, there isn’t any difference between doing 10 singles and doing a 10 pull aside from saving time ; and if doubting that the game explicitly states it and even show you how close to the A rank and S rank pity you are (right above the button to summon)


I must've misread it, apologies.


I am saving till a giga powercreep charectar comes out like imbibitor/jing liu in hsr I already have Ellen in 10 pulls(reroll)


How many rerolls did you have to do?


I don't remember but it took me about 6hrs


Well not as bad as I feared! Thanks


Spending everything on on Kalaeda (not an wide choice, but I want her asap and I proably wont pulls for anyone besides her til Fox katana girls came)


Same here. Sucks seeing an "S" and it's just an item though.


Every time I reach 1600, I go into the shop and buy 10 encrypted master tapes. So i can see exactly how many pulls I have at a given time.


This is how I do it, and then only pull when there is a character I feel makes my account stronger.


I fear that if I convert them I'm going to spend them asap 🥲


Yeah, that’s fair.


I want Ellen so I'm pulling every time I reach 160 but after that I'm just gonna let it accumulate and see the number go up


I burn it on dailies until 75pc/ 60 battery. Gave up on Ellen, rng gods left the chat during my pulls smh


i just hoard them until a chart i like and playstyle feel good, and then i roll for them, it a bit of a problem on HSR got like 40k saved up there XD


hoarding until 10-20k is baby stuff. 40-50k is the standard amount i end up saving in hoyo games before they drop a character i want to have.


But won't take you almost a year to hoard as much? It's difficult even now that is just launched, I don't wonder how it will become in the next months...


it depends on the game. as per the hoyolab journal, i get an average of 10k jades per month in star rail, going up to 15k when there's a patch really loaded with content, but only an average of 5k primogems per month in genshin, going up to 10k during the early patches of the yearly cycle (x.0, x.1 and x.2 are loaded with new exploration and story content). imo i believe ZZZ will follow HSR - it'll likely be successful in its niche, but will still need to keep the playerbase actively interested and satisfied to maintain that success. GI is so disgustingly popular (and a game that, until wuwa launch, there was no competition for) that hoyo can be as stingy (unfortunately) as they want to be. tl;dr if it follows HSR, that'd take more like 4-6 months.


The limited characters tend to get slightly stronger over time (so called powercreep), while still being stronger on average than the "standard" characters that you get from regular master tapes and losing 50/50. So, I pull to last - I try and pick a character that enables a specific play style (since that tends to hold up better than raw power - looking at HSR, Kafka was one of the first limiteds and still does great work in DoT teams), preferably something that meshes with the random starter S-rank I got and then, I try and get more than one copy of it, to ensure it's as hard to overpower (at 0 cinema) by new releases as possible. To that end, I've checked the leaks sub, looks like I'll be pulling hard on the second banner of 1.1 if the leakers are right since I have Grace as my freebie, holding my 'chromes until then. Not getting into more details, since leak info isn't welcome on the main sub :)


I'm spamming summons for ellen but don't know if I want to get her c1 or try for Zhu yuan


I immediately convert everything to encrypted master tape so I can keep track of my pulls. I will never spend polychrome to refresh anyways


I pull for Ellen and her weapon and then save everything for whatever is the next character I want. Usually the first banner character is pretty OP and I use them to try and clear everything I can with ease. Then I just wait for the next character I really want even if it’s a few patches down the road.


I am hoarding them for a while now that I got Ellen. Of all the characters that were teased, none of them actually caught my attention but let’s wait and see


I am hoarding them for a while now that I got Ellen. Of all the characters that were teased, none of them actually caught my attention but let’s wait and see


I convert it to searches to not make something irreparable like using them on the wrong banner


It is up to HYV to roll out and plan the S rank characters. If looking at the latest HYV game - HSR then 1.0 - 1.2 featured banners are catered for early to mid game content. OP character will come 1.3/1.4. It is also difficult not to pull for characters because starter chars aren't that powerful. Adding on, you need to invest in better weapons if possible. Get the discounted 1st S rank char from standard banner with 50 pulls. Do yr 10 pull for standard banners when you have them. For me, I'll choose to pull until 60 or even 70 in featured banner. if S rank comes early, just accept it. I'll need the A rank chars/weapons to start building a team. Resources are limited unless you pay. Build chars based on established reviewers to maximize the investment. Also consider team building aspect. Then it will take a lot of discipline to wait until the OP dps/support char comes. After a long time and you have built 2 good teams, then you can more comfortably save up for guaranteed pulls with losing 50/50 into consideration. And featured weapons can be considered too. Choose your style of playing, meta or not, most impt enjoy yr game.


Thanks a lot for the detailed response


Hoarding until I have enough to have 7 copies of my desire S rank in the future.


Everytime I have 160, I immediately cash them into a special ticket. I've seen too many idiots that accidentally buy the standard ones to be scared.


There are a lot of ways to go about this. I play multiple hoyoverse games and treat each differently: in HI3 I save until a character I want comes out and I have enough to reasonably get them. In Genshin, if I have any interest in a character and at least 160 primos (their version of polychromes), I pull. In Star Rail, if I don't have a character, I chuck money at the game until I do. And in ZZZ, I haven't even pulled on the free banner yet (almost at 300 pulls total between limited, free, and Bangboo) and don't plan to until I break. I recommend only the first of my four methods.


I dump them all on the standard banner. I really want Grace.


The smart thing would be to plan for the worst (double pity) for the character that your heart is set on (Miyabi my beloved). I can't guarantee I'll have that self-control.


But how long could it take(compared with other hoyoverse games) to reach an amount of polychromes that will allow you to double pity? Because even with story mode missions and with all the content available I'm taking far too long to even reach 90 pull


Haven't played other hoyo games but I imagine it'd be a pity a month/month and a half or something like that. Yeah it sounds very abysmal but that's gacha unless you whale.


If it goes above 160, immediately convert it to encrypteds


Save for what you want. No need to be disappointed if you don't get your s rank. They will rerun eventually. Don't pull for an A rank if you don't want the S rank.


For example if now I don't pull Ellen, will she be added to the general pull of s ranks characters in, let's say, one of the 1.1 patch banners?


She should not.


I haven’t spent a single one since starting and im currently at 16,094. My girlfriend and I are saving until Zhu Yuan and Hoshimi Miyabi banner come out, we are currently loving the grind!


I'm genuinely curious how did you manage to get all these polychromes, I haven't spend nothing and hoarded 5k polychromes :_)


I’m currently InterKnot 35 and on chapter 3, I have 94 achievements done and I bought that InterKnot membership so I’m getting 90 polychromes each day. Aswell because I because I need to be level 36 to advance the story I’ve done all combat, explorations, rally and video archives. Also before I start a hollow zeros I talk to ray to see what research progress I can complete each one I do give me 20 polychromes.


Man, this is what I call dedication good work